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Corporate image marketing

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At present, the dissemination of the most significant attributes of a company, in the public opinion plane (institutional image), become as important as the management of commercial variables in the consumption plane (brand image).

Thus, each time that companies acquire a position in the market, they begin to orient actions towards the community in order to gain acceptance from current and potential clients. This current trend allows the consumer to associate the products they buy with the prestige and reputation of the company, that is, these variables become significant in the purchase decision.

When a company is open and participatory in its actions in front of the media, clients and the community, it is indirectly projecting an image. Therefore, the management of the institutional image and the brand image become mutual and interdependent complements in the development of a company.

Corporate Image ……… The Concept.

For most of the people talking about "Image" implies something dreamlike, unreal, fantastic, chimerical. But the truth is that the most precise definition can be given by a dictionary: “a mental representation of anything that is not actually found in the senses; reliving or imitating a sensitive experience along with collateral feelings; the reproduction of memory or imagination of sensations of sight, touch, hearing, etc…, such as visual, tactile or auditory images; a vision product of fantasy; in general a concept an idea. "

The word " Corporate " refers to the group to which the image belongs, in this case the company, which has its own identity with a culture of standards, values ​​and visual signs of external recognition.

The core concept of corporate identity is about a personality built by the company. In other words, identity is not a dimension or quality that the company possesses, but rather the result of an effort that consists of discovering its potential through self-evaluation and definition of business uniqueness. In this sense, identity requires a visual or physical manifestation, which is the most visible external feature of the company in the differentiation process when entering the market competition. Visual identity is, along with behavior, the personality of a company.

The speed with which the news spreads today; the competitiveness of the markets; The growing similarity between products, the “new economy” of information, as communication scientists call it, makes companies increasingly use new ways to channel their messages and make themselves identifiable according to the image they want to project. Therefore, in the formulation of a communication plan, in the marketing strategy, there must be, previously, a knowledge of the real and / or potential characteristics or attributes of the image, both inside and in its relationship with the external environment.

The image of a company is not only composed of the visual aspects of the brand, consisting of a logo (way of writing the name of a brand or company, either with its initials or all its letters), of the symbol (visual element, constituted by the figure that represents the brand without advertising it), of the color; typographic style; Product design; advertising (all visual media), promotion; internal symbology; company stationery, etc. It is also composed of the dynamics of interpersonal relationships; history and products. Every company has a corporate image in the minds of the people who know it, however, each person sees the company differently.

Role of Communication

Communication has been from the beginning one of the most important faculties in the development of individuals. Today, it allows organizations to grow efficiently, to coordinate their internal operations, and thus adapt to changes in the environment in which it operates.

The concept of communication has been defined by various authors, who have been concerned with its study and systematization. The North American C. Holand defines communication as "the process by which an individual (the communicator) transmits verbal or written stimuli to modify the behavior of other individuals (the recipients of communication)." The Wevsner New Collegiate Dictionary defines it as: "the process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a system of signals, signs or behavior."

Companies assign more and more importance to communication, since it allows them to maintain the course of activity where a group of people work, create knowledge and value for brands, or correct errors that have occurred. It also constitutes the basis of interaction with the environment, which allows its development and growth. For this reason it is of vital importance that the company is not alien to the social system in which it operates, but must try to combine all its efforts to be able to positively and favorably influence the environment, in order to successfully achieve commercial objectives. projected and the uniqueness sought.

In this sense, the responsibility of communication falls on the communicator (company-organization), since it is he who must be clear about what he wants to transmit, how and to whom. For this reason, it is important that the messages constructed and issued by the company require an adequate transmission of the identity that it wishes to project to the different audiences that surround it.

The communication issued by the company on aspects of its identity is called corporate communication, which must be previously planned in order to avoid incongruous messages that distort the image of the company.

The Public Relations, as a marketing tool, whose objective is to establish and maintain a mutual understanding between the organization and its audiences, constitutes a fundamental element in the image communication process, since its actions are also directed, directly, to increase the profitability of the organization. Although PR is not characterized by presenting a commercial orientation, which does not mean that it does not maintain contact with the supplier-distributor-customer audiences. It makes the communication treatment planned differently. There are aspects of the external communication of the company that does not consist of the daily commercial regulation with the clients, nor in the advertising. It has to do with non-commercial communication, outside the circle of purchases and sales, that is,presents a relationship with audiences as subjects of opinion and not as subjects of consumption.

Approaching communication from this perspective helps to identify a company and its products and seek a new position. Therefore, those who are responsible for the image of a company must have a vision for the new times, times in which the image is already a fundamental asset in any company. In that search is the ingenuity and creativity of those who do marketers today.

Contributed by: José Ignacio Domínguez

Corporate image marketing