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Political marketing, vital mechanism in the success of the parties


We are experiencing new situations with constant political, economic and social technological changes that require changing the traditional ways of using marketing in politics.

Today, society is changing, it is aware of and interested in the country's politics, social problems and economy, it is informed and with more criteria than ever to vote reasonably for a political party, social group, leader or candidate.

In the last century there has been an expansion of the use of traditional marketing, which goes from focusing exclusively on activities of private companies to covering land owned by government organizations, non-profit institutions, political parties, social groups such as unions, schools of professionals, business chambers, making room for marketing in politics.

A change of vision in proselytizing strategies where one stops looking inside to look outside and detect the needs and desires of citizens and forecast the real opportunities to get followers.

The younger generations, who are the majority of current and potential voters, are increasingly demanding and have a continuous and rapid change of interests, they have more education and access to more information through the internet, email and social networks Like Facebook and Twitter, they watch more television, listen to the radio and the news more, travel more than previous generations, have more social relationships and are therefore more demanding and analyze more deeply political proposals and government programs.

For the same reason that every day voters have more information, they demand political proposals and government programs designed specifically to meet the specific needs of their community.

Society wants candidates to be clear and consider concrete strategies and actions in their political platform to improve the quality of life of the citizens of a population.

This undeniable circumstance poses a real and constant challenge for the parties that requires greater capacity, creativity and better technological tools to provide possible alternative solutions in their proposals to the problems of the community in question.

The knowledge of marketing in politics and the skills to apply it will be those that distinguish political parties or social groups from others.

Marketing in politics seeks to facilitate the understanding of government or direction proposals made by candidates or leaders of society. You should not seek to manipulate the electorate or come up with unattainable ideas just to win votes and elections.

Marketing in politics is a fundamental tool to achieve an electoral victory for any political party or social group.

  • It is focused on communicating with simplicity and clarity proposals that are easy to understand and that convince citizens due to their content. It concentrates above all on analyzing the tastes of voters, intends to know their needs and desires and influence their behavior so that they accept the proposal of a party or social group and vote in its favor Determines the lines of action establishing the possible scenarios and integrates and harmonizes all the needs that are required for effective political operation Facilitates the processing of political information, developing persuasion strategies and developing tools It is used to analyze information, carry out studies, prepare position papers, design content and develop instruments for political and media action.

" The primary function of marketing in politics is to turn proposals into opportunities to improve the quality of life of society."

The important thing is to have an easy way to communicate the messages so that citizens can understand the proposal and vote because they are convinced that it is the best option.

Social groups hold elections to choose leaders or representatives in groups such as unions, business chambers, political parties, trade unions, civil or student societies, legislative chambers, governors, mayors, president of the country, as well as internal elections of each group or party.

In most groups the processes in the elections are similar, but the application of marketing in politics must be adapted to each particular election.

It is essential to carry out opinion surveys and market studies to have relevant information to know the needs of the different types of voters in each geographical area.

Some parties or social groups believe that a marketing strategy and market research are expensive and unnecessary and are wrong as they face increasingly aggressive, dynamic and intelligent competition.

Successful political actors use marketing in politics, as it enables them to develop efficient communication tools to have a greater impact on society.

Currently, political action is required to be based on solid and well-founded communication strategies that allow anticipating the actions of other political actors to position the political proposal among the citizens and have a greater reach.

It is also required to have relationships with opinion leaders, journalists, media commentators, experts in media political communication, professionals, updated databases and an active and dynamic participation on the Internet and especially on social networks.

The activities that the personnel in charge of the marketing area of ​​a party or social group must carry out are:

Comprehensive evaluation of the party or group and candidate

  • Have a comprehensive diagnosis of the party or social group and candidate to develop and foresee appropriate strategies and actions Carry out a study of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and limitations of the party and candidate Make a comparison of government programs and political platforms of the diverse actors in general Perform a competitiveness analysis comparing government programs and political platforms in the same region.

Comprehensive internal and external evaluation

  • Have a comprehensive diagnosis and an analysis of the internal situations of the party or social and external group that should be considered Know the internal capacities of the party or group in relation to the competition Know the internal actors that may have some effect on the achievement of the objectives of citizens' presence, acceptance, preferences and vote. Define the best hierarchical and organizational structure. Perform the analysis of the competition to know its strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and risks.

Political strategy

  • Carry out a short-term and prospective political analysis Prepare the strategy and lines of action Design lobbying, negotiation and public relations strategies Identify and evaluate key actors and opinion leaders Have the ability to identify the real power factors that need to be controlled to influence political events Have reliable methodologies to help structure, process, analyze and use pertinent information to achieve strategic objectives Integrate a wide range of communication and image services aimed at strengthening political communication strategies Have speed in the decisions and actions to be taken Take actions in the right place and time Plan strategies for specific situations that may arise Have a plan for possible contingencies,depending on the strategies and movements of the competition Have staff to monitor strategies and movements of the competition PredictFuture possibilities of electorate behavior, detecting risks, opportunities and limitations. Efficiently use the available resources in the comprehensive strategy.

Media strategy and operation

  • Develop political communication strategies appropriate to the objectives of the campaign, government and the political context Define who should communicate, where to communicate, how to communicate and to whom to communicate Integrate public opinion research Conduct comparative analysis of questionnaires and surveys and monitor that Information is balanced Implement strategies that are based on knowledge of citizens' behavior Design strategies to participate in social networks Update the website of the party or social group daily.

Messages in the media operation

  • Design the strategy and characteristics of the messages Design communication messages based on the mix of the population by sex, age and origin Manage messages and information Define the central message to be delivered Define the message that should be sent to each segment of society Define the message of support from members of the government or party Have temporary or permanent messages of citizen interest Have clear, concrete, credible and appropriate messages for the segment to be Want to impact Measure the acceptance of messages Decide the type of messages to be had on the internet Generate campaign phrases with impact and remembrance.

Message content

  • Support a cause in society Carry out thematic campaigns for proposals on a specific topic Make constructive criticism of any problem Give opinion on events that attract the attention of the population Offer some type of support or advocacy Promote the image of the party or social group and the candidate Promote national values ​​Make solution proposals for specific problems Present the electoral proposal in terms of interest and impact for citizens.

Dissemination campaigns

  • Develop communication, media, propaganda and messaging strategies Disseminate the proposals and opportunities offered by candidates Disseminate the capabilities, knowledge and charisma of the candidates Develop strategies regarding the geographic and thematic campaign sequence Establish dates for communications.Highlight advantages and differentiation of the proposal with respect to the other options.


  • Define the current and intended positioning. Carry out actions to create and develop the candidate's image. Carry out actions to improve the positioning of the party or social group Establish how the candidate and his offer will attract attention Define a strategy to approach the voter in successive communications and not saturate him Prepare a list of topics, their content, the tone in which they should be discussed and who are the authorized spokespersons. Define campaign actions to position the party and the candidate in each segment.

Media plan strategy

  • Define how to have a presence in the different media so that the public knows the profile and proposal of the candidate. Develop the media strategy. Define the mix of media that allow achieving the different objectives. Know the preferences and penetration of the media. Select appropriately to the media according to the needs of the party and candidate Define what topics to address and in what order Define what messages to use in each medium, times, frequencies, schedules, communicators or commentators Define which is the best design of Advertising and propaganda Analyze competitor strategies Establish geographically where it is required to give more support Supervise media providers to ensure that they comply with the contract Interpret the results of media analysisHave a method to interpret final results Define the best way to impact each segment of the citizenry Establish the factors that will be used in the image to be projected of the party, social group or candidate Decide on the style and tone of communication in the different stages of the campaign Establish how and in what media the negative comments of the opponents will be denied and clarified.

Media selection

  • Analyze the historical advertising activity and results obtained Establish the target group you want to reach Know the availability and alternatives of the media in spaces and dates Know the characteristics of each media Decide the media to hire to achieve presence, penetration and coverage Establish the cost of each medium and the form of payment with suppliers Calculate the amount of advertising impacts it can produce Establish the budget available for media Define which media should be used for each segment Define the use of a website, email and social networks such as Facebook and twitter.

Hiring the media plan

  • Establish the necessary budget for the comprehensive communication strategy Define how to use the budget to have greater reach and penetration Hire the media and review the contracts Define with suppliers the production costs, ad sizes, design and type of materials, Ad positions, production times Define the scope of the media to be used, national, regional and local Negotiate attractive media plans Have professional staff to select, hire and follow up on the media plan.

Interviews with the media

  • Prepare a program of the candidate's presentations and interviews in the media and press conferences Prepare the directory with the profile of the journalists with whom contact will be made Select the place, time and duration for the press conferences Define the reason for the press conferences and prepare a specific press release Define the number of press conferences to be held during the campaign Consider balancing the time spent with the media Have the best possible relationships with the different media. Establish with the candidate that he should focus on specific issues, with a positive and professional attitude.

Control of possible damages

  • Develop alliance, defense and attack strategies with respect to each of the opponents. Have damage repair strategies planned.

Creation of impact news

  • Formulate strategies to spread the news at key moments of the campaign Look for key moments to spread the achievements of the party or social group and the candidate Define what to do when there is a new event to communicate the candidate's position to society Influence positively in the behavior of citizens, so that they choose candidates who meet their expectations.

Speeches of the candidate and party leaders

  • Support in the preparation of the candidates' speeches. Know the needs of the community to raise alternative solutions in the speeches.

Candidate agenda

  • Advise the candidate on the management of the agenda Prepare the work program considering the activities of the competition, holidays, vacations, scheduled demonstrations, etc. Periodically carry out concrete impact activities.

Training of the candidate in image development

Train candidates in:

  • Voice management Body movements Eye contact Negotiation and leadership of groups and reporters Image strengths and weaknesses Development of skills In specific topics Diction Discourse and debate Develop strategies for creating image development Develop the biography, career and achievements of the candidate.

Evaluation of results

  • Establish and develop measurement criteria Carry out objective and permanent measurements of the results obtained during the campaign Evaluate the operation of the Strategic Information system Evaluate the information provided by the control board Propose changes and improvements.

There are parties that have the necessary infrastructure and do not require hiring companies specialized in marketing in politics or media communication to support them in the implementation of the comprehensive strategy, but generally specialists in the field work for consulting companies or advertising agencies that have specialized areas on the subject.

Basic principles for the use of marketing in politics

  • Today more than ever, if elections are to be won, it is essential to select the best candidate of the party or group for each election. Present to the voters an objective, realistic, easy-to-understand, credible and attractive postponement of government. Have the ability to foresee scenarios to increase the speed of response. Each action of a party or candidate will correspond to a reaction from the adversaries. We must avoid, as far as possible, reactions of circumstance and conjuncture and act based on the planned strategy. It is necessary to define desirable scenarios in the short term, medium and long term with clear and defined programs and strategies. It is necessary to consider that there are controllable circumstances and there are other uncontrollable ones that are related to the environment.It is necessary to have a permanent attitude open to change to generate alliances and consensus and to be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances. It is necessary to have a permanent presence to achieve the participation of society. It is necessary to consider in the design of the strategies of a political campaign, that the candidates has different characteristics, profile and character. It is required to have a commitment to truthfulness in the information that instills trust and credibility in the proposals and programs of the parties or social groups and their proposals. When the party is in government, objective measurements must be made and permanent positive results and disseminate them considering the times set by the electoral law.It is necessary to consider in the design of the strategies of a political campaign, that the candidates have different characteristics, profile and character It is necessary to have a commitment to truthfulness in the information that instills trust and credibility in the proposals and programs of the parties or social groups and its proposals. When the party is in government, objective and permanent measurements of positive results must be made and disseminated considering the times established by the electoral law.It is necessary to consider in the design of the strategies of a political campaign, that the candidates have different characteristics, profile and character It is necessary to have a commitment to truthfulness in the information that instills trust and credibility in the proposals and programs of the parties or social groups and its proposals. When the party is in government, objective and permanent measurements of positive results must be made and disseminated considering the times established by the electoral law.When the party is in government, objective and permanent measurements of positive results should be made and disseminated considering the times established by the electoral law.When the party is in government, objective and permanent measurements of positive results should be made and disseminated considering the times established by the electoral law.

Other rules to be successful in using marketing

  • Know and use e-mail, the Internet, social networks and new materials that can impact the public Make empathy and be flexible with what citizens want Know what the voters do not like about the political proposal and correct it.Understand that all proposals and strategies have a life cycle. Highlight the image of the candidate with what society expects. Be updated on the actions and movements of the competition. Know the strengths, weaknesses and strategies of the competition. alliances and pacts with the competition. Survival and growth depend on the skill to design strategies to defend and win voters from competitors.Survival and growth depend on the skill to design strategies to defend and win voters over competitors Establish strategies and procedures to avoid some type of electoral fraud Enter into continuous improvement processes.

"Well-conceived and directed marketing doesn't require big budgets, but it does require a lot of creativity."

Advantages of the application of marketing in politics

  • Win followers and elections Improve electoral results with a reasonable investment of resources and time according to the circumstances of each election Disseminate in a planned and strategic way the proposals and opportunities offered by the candidates and their capacities, knowledge and charisma Know and analyze the needs of the community to make proposals to improve the quality of life of the community Positively influence the behavior of citizens, so that they elect representatives and proposals that meet their expectations Convince voters that their Proposals are those that contemplate the best strategies to direct or govern a group or a community and fulfill their offers.

"A good application of marketing in politics achieves the sum of wills through the vote."

Ideal Profile of the Marketing Professional

Those responsible for the marketing area of ​​a political party or social group must meet the following requirements and knowledge:

  • Knowledge of the political, economic and social situation of the country and specifically of the geographical place where there are elections Ability to observe and analyze the electoral market Ability to analyze and detect the strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities of the different actors.Knowledge of the needs and tendencies of citizens from various socioeconomic segments. Ability to develop objective strategies to persuade potential voters regarding the advantages of joining a party or supporting a certain proposal. Knowledge of communication processes, oral and visual. Knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages, forms of hiring and the best schedules of the different mass media. Knowledge of the proper use of colors, images and texts.Ethical behavior regarding the use of information Permanent updating in the use of marketing in politics Ease of adapting to changes in technology and mass media Creativity and imagination to develop advertising campaigns Knowledge of marketing in general and in politics Knowledge of online marketing and use of social networks Training and permanent updating.Training and permanent updating.Training and permanent updating.

The responsibility of the marketing area in a party or group is extremely complex and almost always requires the intervention of specialists. New, different things must be done, with new technologies and with a new way of communicating.

A marketing plan in politics contains the same stages as a commercial marketing plan.

It can be said that it has similarity with commercial marketing since companies are focused on designing, producing and marketing consumer goods that meet the needs of customers and parties or social groups in candidates and proposals that convince voters, the difference it is that it is about selling the image and personality of one or more individuals who have their own characteristics, who think and feel, that can be changeable and not a consumer product that is or is not accepted for its characteristics and competitive advantages.

Marketing in politics is becoming an increasingly complex and transcendental activity for the success of parties, groups and candidates, so it needs professional and specialized personnel to take advantage of the benefits and benefits of its application.


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


Political marketing, vital mechanism in the success of the parties