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Goal: unleash your potential


There are two groups of people.

Tell me which of these two groups you belong to, or which one you want to belong to.

Let's talk about group number one.

This is the group of people who are constantly complaining that they have no money, or that it is too cold, or too hot.

They complain that the government is bad or indecent, that there are many crimes. They don't like the job they have.

That the company is exploiting them, that they are not happy with their partner and other regrets that are too long to list.

Now let's talk about group number two.

This is the group that, when it's hot, go on vacation to a less warm place in the mountains; that when it's cold they go to have fun somewhere on the coast.

That no matter which government is in power, they control their own destiny.

They have no problems at work because they are the bosses.

They play an important role in the decisions of the company they work for, that's why they have no reason to complain, they live in a nice house and in the best neighborhood in the city, away from crime and dirt.

The reason people in group two enjoy these benefits is simple:

They decided not to belong to group number one.

They decided to be happy. They decided to have more money and energy.

In other words they set a goal.

In hundreds of studies carried out, it has been determined that to get out of poor, the individual made this decision in his mind long before it became a reality.

The first step to achieving your goals and objectives is to unleash your potential.

It is to put aside the negative thoughts that are limiting you and focus on the immense potential that lives within you.

You can be a genius and you haven't realized it. There are 7 kinds of genius. And you can have one of them but you have never let it bloom.

You may have the ability to speak or express yourself effectively and elicit emotional responses in other people. Your genius is linguistic and you must unleash that ability.

Numbers may be your thing and if you like to organize things into categories or are always playing with numerical things, you may be a genius with numbers. Unleash your logical or mathematical intelligence.

If you are good at sports or have skills with your hands doing things, building things including arts and crafts then you have a bodily or kinetic intelligence.

If you like things like architecture or appreciate shapes and colors and have a clear perception of distances and physical relationships, you may be a genius with spatial intelligence.

If music fascinates you in a special way and you have the facility to perceive tones and notes and variations in sound, then you may be one step away from standing out musically.

If everyone tells you that you have a "gift of people" and you are able to identify with other people's emotions and understand their feelings, it could very well be that a great future awaits you using your interpersonal intelligence.

If you have always been a thinker and you are able to observe yourself and modify your way of thinking and habits based on your new knowledge then you can stand out for your intra-personal intelligence.

We all have one, two and even many abilities at the same time. There is always one that is more powerful.

Your duty is to identify it and exploit it to the best of your abilities.

Some call this process self-improvement.

You cannot improve your position in life until you decide that you want something better. And to have something better you must be better. You must improve

You cannot achieve your goals by operating at the same level you are at right now. It is impossible.

Your goals represent a position in the future that is superior to what you enjoy today.

To achieve these goals you have to unleash your potential.

You have great possibilities, as long as you free your talents from the chains that bind and restrict them.

This is when you can create specific goals, in specific areas.

Specific goals have the power to align your financial, emotional, and intellectual resources to get what you want.

Do you want to unleash your potential?

Create a goal. It must be specific and unambiguous and very soon you will see how the potential to achieve it will come from within you.

Always remember that your true potential is unlimited.

No matter what you have achieved so far in life, it is just a preparation for the wonderful things you can achieve in the future.

Nothing would make me happier.

Goal: unleash your potential