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Training methodology for professors in legal studies at a university in venezuela

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The purpose of this work is to put into practice a strategy that makes it possible to meet the objectives proposed for the training and development of teaching staff. To take on this challenge, teachers are required with a qualification and preparation in values ​​that facilitate and raise educational teaching results according to the demands of the current revolutionary process in Venezuela, which implies a teaching style that promotes unity of action and both individual and collective commitment to achieve the expected change in the Nueva Esparta State.

Weaknesses related to the lack of training in theory and practice in the implementation of values ​​in the different programs, inadequate knowledge of their responsibilities and limitations and with it, being willing to learn continuously and permanently to achieve their development and acquire a broad culture, which allows you to project into the future, justify the need to design a strategy that allows establishing a systemic plan for methodological teacher training of teachers from the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV), Bolivarian State of Nueva Esparta.This work constitutes a valuable tool to develop new competencies in the personnel working in the Sucre Mission and creates the path of continuous improvement in the individual and collective development of the teachers of said mission.


Human Capital is considered the fundamental factor of success, the strategic resource of today's organizations. Taking into account the contribution or not of their knowledge and skills to create, the limitations to which organizations are subjected in today's world can be eliminated. That is why managing them properly is a necessity.

To guarantee the adequate performance of the teachers of the new Bolivarian university manifested in the Sucre Mission, the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, the Alma Mater Mission and to ensure the achievement of high efficiency, it is essential to know the fundamental limitations that are present in They, and in this sense, determine the most appropriate ways to gradually eliminate the gap between the current situation and the desired state that they are required to achieve.

It is necessary that the professors who participate in the Degree Training Program in Legal Studies (PFGEJ) at the UBV have adequate knowledge and convictions about values, their importance and are aware of their application and teaching.

A greater degree of attention to the teacher must be generated and thus contribute to their having a more complete training, extensive and updated information. For this reason, it is necessary to work so that the modern school management, together with its teachers and in general the entire school, becomes the institution where the necessary and appropriate values ​​for the new Bolivarian project are practiced and lived together.

Although work has been done on training issues, the work has focused on the development of professional competencies of another type and not the competencies in values ​​so necessary to contribute to the quality education that is required and constitutes a mandate of the new project of homeland.

The objective of applying a strategy for training in values ​​of the teaching staff of the PFGEJ of the UBV-NE, is to provide an instrument that enables the subjects of training to develop activities in a logical and congruent way, through a program that allows to improve the educational results through training activities, among them the methodological ones and the improvement of the teaching staff. The system that has been implemented for its execution is adaptable to the conditions of the PFGEJ of the UBV in Nueva Esparta due to its logical sequence and the way it manages the training.

The objective of the strategy is to systematize the training activities of the teaching staff of the PFGEJ of the UBV, Nueva Esparta.

For this, the following specific objectives were defined:

  1. Have an instrument with scientific bases to search for training needs Achieve systematization in the training plans of teachers Obtain better results in the educational teaching work of the teachers of the PFGEJ of the UBV, Nueva Esparta.

The methodology used for the implementation of the strategy had eight stages, of which the results are described below.

Stage No. 1: Sensitization of the people involved in the process

The completion of this stage is carried out in three moments. Firstly, with the objective that the teachers internalize the change that is proposed based on the training needs and their importance, a plenary session is held with all the teachers. At this time, an emotionally favorable position regarding the process will be awakened from the cognitive elements, the existing experiences until now and the techniques that will be applied are considered. A last moment of participation is one in which those involved are already prepared and willing to participate actively and consciously in the process.

It begins by establishing the nexus between the determination of learning needs as a premise for action plans for teacher training and development. To carry out this stage it will be necessary to apply the group dynamics technique; It is suggested to apply brainstorming in any of its modalities, although taking into account the objectives proposed by the stage, freewheel brainstorming should be used with good results, for this it will be necessary to follow the following instructions:

  • Statement of the problem and discussion. Participants are offered a minimum amount of information on the subject, which helps them understand the problem and not too much information that can influence their ideas to solve it. This period is short, approximately 10 minutes Warm-up session. Its objective is to create in the group an atmosphere of freedom necessary to eliminate the rigidity and worry of the participants and to raise the emotional state of the group. At this time, the rules for group work and good listening are made known. The facilitator and recorder are chosen making clear the functions of each one. Brainstorming itself. The facilitator reads the reformulation that is written on a banner, asks for ideas and begins the flow of them.The registrars write them down as quickly as possible and list them in the order of exposure. Maintaining a constant flow of ideas is an important aspect of the facilitator's work until individual and collective enlightenment is exhausted. Evaluation. It consists of identifying the small part of good ideas from the large number of inappropriate ideas. Wait a day or two before taking the assessment. It is never evaluated with all the participants together in the group, since a behavior of defense of their ideas can arise, so it is suggested that groups of 5 or 9 be created and that each group reduce the list of ideas, which later It is submitted for the consideration of all and in this way the needs for improvement are collectively prepared and approved.Maintaining a constant flow of ideas is an important aspect of the facilitator's work until individual and collective enlightenment is exhausted. Evaluation. It consists of identifying the small part of good ideas from the large number of inappropriate ideas. Wait a day or two before taking the assessment. It is never evaluated with all the participants together in the group, since a behavior of defense of their ideas can arise, so it is suggested that groups of 5 or 9 be created and that each group reduce the list of ideas, which later It is submitted for the consideration of all and in this way the needs for improvement are collectively prepared and approved.Maintaining a constant flow of ideas is an important aspect of the facilitator's work until individual and collective enlightenment is exhausted. Evaluation. It consists of identifying the small part of good ideas from the large number of inappropriate ideas. Wait a day or two before taking the assessment. It is never evaluated with all the participants together in the group, since a behavior of defense of their ideas can arise, so it is suggested that groups of 5 or 9 be created and that each group reduce the list of ideas, which later It is submitted for the consideration of all and in this way the needs for improvement are collectively prepared and approved.It consists of identifying the small part of good ideas from the large number of inappropriate ideas. Wait a day or two before taking the assessment. It is never evaluated with all the participants together in the group, since a behavior of defense of their ideas can arise, so it is suggested that groups of 5 or 9 be created and that each group reduce the list of ideas, which later It is submitted for the consideration of all and in this way the needs for improvement are collectively prepared and approved.It consists of identifying the small part of good ideas from the large number of inappropriate ideas. Wait a day or two before taking the assessment. It is never evaluated with all the participants together in the group, since a behavior of defense of their ideas can arise, so it is suggested that groups of 5 or 9 be created and that each group reduce the list of ideas, which later It is submitted for the consideration of all and in this way the needs for improvement are collectively prepared and approved.Therefore, it is suggested that groups of 5 or 9 be created and that each group reduce the list of ideas, which is subsequently submitted to everyone's consideration and in this way the needs for improvement are collectively drawn up and approved.Therefore, it is suggested that groups of 5 or 9 be created and that each group reduce the list of ideas, which is subsequently submitted to everyone's consideration and in this way the needs for improvement are collectively drawn up and approved.

Stage No. 2: Characterization of the organization and its environment

To determine the potential of teachers and their performance in the organization, it is necessary to start from the general knowledge of it. This is essential because it helps the researcher to obtain an overview of the organization's operation and the status of its main results. From this, the individual result of the teacher's performance in function of properly exercising their work can be assumed.

Therefore characterizing the organization becomes an imperative of the process because it offers the specific conditions in which it is found. The characterization allows establishing the needs that must be satisfied to fulfill its strategic development, the fulfillment of its corporate purpose and the potentialities for the internal development of its members.

The characterization of the organization must include its corporate purpose, mission, vision, work objectives, elements of the organizational culture such as shared values, and predominant leadership style. The organizational structure, main results obtained and development of human resources will also be used in the characterization.

To develop this process, the researcher will be assisted by an experienced group, will study documents, observations, interviews and other techniques that are possible to present to the group of managers and teachers the information to be debated in plenary, which consists of the following: corporate purpose, mission-vision, objectives, most significant elements of the organizational culture, values ​​that are shared in the organization and which should be shared.

Submit each of these elements to the plenary for consideration. This activity, like the others, should have its initial preparation so that it flows as smoothly as possible. In this stage, in addition to identifying strengths and weaknesses, the Distinctive Competencies of the Organization are identified and the organizational culture is improved, which allows knowing and interrelating with the individual results expected in the next stages. To facilitate the development of this stage, the key processes of the PFGEJ of the UBV, Nueva Esparta, are available.

Stage No. 3. Determination of strata to investigate

The teaching skills that they must possess depending on the level they occupy in the organizational structure and the roles to play are used as grouping criteria; Two strata within the same range will be defined, which are teacher trainers and teachers. This will allow discerning between the different areas of knowledge and skills with training needs.

For this, the researcher, using the list of skills, groups them according to the roles that correspond to him according to the groups previously defined.

Stage No. 4. Design of the method

The researcher will be assisted by someone with experience to carry out the following tasks:

  • Identification of the areas of knowledge: it investigates the subjects in which managers and teachers must be trained, taking as a basis the subjects proposed in the strategy for the preparation and improvement of teachers, if it exists, otherwise the information acquired will be used in the first and second step Identification of information sources by area of ​​knowledge: refers to the consultation and search for evidence such as performance evaluation, minutes of board of directors, consulting the participants in the process and previous research, if there is.

All of the above will make it possible to know in what and which areas didactic and methodological activities will be developed that allow the creation of skills in teachers.

Stage No.5. Design of techniques to be used for each source of information

In this stage, the design of the techniques that will be applied for each research source to be used will be carried out. It will be defined for what purpose it will be used and in which group it will be applied.

  • Interview with the coordinator of the PFGEJ of the UBV. It is a technique to obtain data that consists of a dialogue between two people: the "investigative" interviewer and the interviewee; It is carried out with the purpose of obtaining information in relation to the training needs of their own or of the remaining teachers. It is a technique to be applied preferably individually. Observation of teachers also using visits to classes. The researcher carries out a careful examination of a certain fact, situation or behavior in which one or more teachers are involved.

Depending on the source to consult and its specific characteristics, the technique that favors revealing the greatest amount of useful information will be selected and you will see, for example: documentary review in the case of program design, class evaluations and other skills inventory documents and the interview for coordinators.

Stage No. 6. Collection, processing of information and analysis of the results

At this stage, the methodological guidelines for the application of these instruments should be given in order to replicate the experience. The essence is in how to apply them and process the information they provide, so it will focus on four fundamental moments: Apply, specify, analyze and report the result of the determination of training needs.

When applying the research techniques described in the previous stage, to collect the information, the steps described below for each of the techniques will be followed.

Interview with the coordinator of the PFGEJ

Required material: Interview guide.

Aspects to consider for the development of the interview:

  1. Create a favorable climate for the interview to flow in the desired direction, identifying the purpose of the interview and the estimated time it will last. Ask the questions one by one and take notes, focusing on the most relevant elements of the answers. Reframe the questions if necessary. Make a brief summary of what was discussed in the interview if relevant. Thank the interviewee and leave open the possibility of turning to him again.

Observation of the coordinator to the teachers.

Required material: Observation guide and visits to classes.

Aspects to consider to carry out the observation:

  1. Carefully record the most salient events using your synthesis ability and the results of class visits. Thank before leaving if pertinent. Review your notes immediately or; no later than the next day to write the observation report.

Skills Inventory:

Required Material: Skill Inventory Box.

Aspects to take into account for its use:

  1. Carefully fill in the box to have all the skills described, to which subject it corresponds and what percentage of selection from the initial selection Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the work you will do, the characteristics of the technique and the use that it will give at the information.

Information processing and analysis of results:

The information resulting from the interview is used to cross-check the information obtained from the application of the techniques used individually for each case, this serves to confirm or contribute new elements in determining the training needs of the members of the second stratum fundamentally.

The Skills Inventory is an easy-to-process technique, since since the training needs are explicitly reflected by the teacher, the information presented by him is used directly to make the final summary of the revealed training needs.

The information obtained during the observation will be processed by summarizing the elements that stand out the most in the teacher's behavior.

Stage No. 7. Systematization of the process

It is the stage in which the results and experiences lived by all those involved in the research process to determine the needs for training in values ​​are returned. Moment in which feedback is given on the first step of the procedure and the report on the determination of training needs is refined if necessary, as well as possible actions for its solution are discussed and proposed.

Stage No. 8. System of actions that contributes to the training and development of the coordinators-teachers of the PFGEJ-UBV

A good training needs assessment leads to the determination of training objectives and these refer to the desired results of a training program. The clear statement of training objectives provides a solid basis for selecting methods and materials and for choosing the means to determine whether the program will be successful.

Here, taking as a premise the summary of the determination of the training needs that illustrates the needs that must be met through training in a systematic way, the concrete actions to be undertaken that contribute to the training and development of teachers are proposed, including places and deadlines. in which the action must be fulfilled. For the best orientation to the share system.

In order to define the objectives, it is necessary that when designing a training action, the level of competencies to be proposed in this training must be very clearly and precisely defined and that the path to achieve said level of competencies be traced.

At the time of defining the objectives, one is facing a very important task, because the scope and meaning that are given will mark the type of result that the trained people will achieve, in addition, defining objectives helps to clarify the direction of the training process in many aspects: clarifying where are you going and what are the new knowledge, behaviors and procedures that the participants will acquire at the end of the training in values ​​action?

According to the type of objectives, the most appropriate facilitation process can be better chosen. Objectives help future participants prepare for the training and formulate their expectations regarding the scope of the training. As well as readjust the training process on the way or at the end of the training, if it must be repeated and verify if it has been possible to get where it was wanted, because efficient training is the one that reaches its objectives.

The objectives facilitate the evaluation process, because the actual results of the training can be measured through the objectives.

Action plan January - August





With whom

With what

Awareness conference

Wednesday 21 January 2015



Featured and specialists on the subject

UBV teachers

Audiovisual Resources, pictures, markers, sounds among others

Values ​​Workshop

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Specialist in the area

UBV teachers

Audiovisual Resources, pictures, markers, sounds among others

Master Conference

Wednesday March 18, 2015


Regional Deputy

UBV teachers

Audiovisual Resources, pictures, markers, sounds among others

Video about the Bolivarian Revolution Chávez the Efficacy and Efficiency and the moral value patriotism

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Bolivarian Mayors

UBV teachers

Audiovisual Resources, pictures, markers, sounds among others

Round table

Wednesday 20 May 2015


Local Leaders, UBV Coordinators and Sucre Mission

UBV teachers

Audiovisual Resources, pictures, markers, sounds among others

Teamwork «Consolidating the Values»

Wednesday 17 June 2015



UBV teachers

Audiovisual Resources, sheets, markers, sounds.

Final Workshop to create a Document of Commitment (Plenary)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Personalities of the UBV, Sucre Mission and Political Leaders

UBV teachers

Audiovisual Resources, pictures, markers, sounds among others.

Analysis of the Commitment Document

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Car, Cubagua, Los Roques, Witnesses and Los Frailes

Specialists in the Area

UBV teachers

Audiovisual Resources, pictures, markers, sounds among others


The proposed methodology constitutes an instrument of vital importance for the improvement and acquisition of behavioral skills in the teachers of the PFGEJ-UBV, thereby achieving the objectives for which it was created. It is easy to apply and due to its structure it can be implemented in other programs and organizations in the State of Nueva Esparta. After implementation, the experience can be extended to other territories of the country.


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Training methodology for professors in legal studies at a university in venezuela