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Methodology for teacher preparation in a Cuban educational entity


The present research has as an essential element the formulation of a methodological strategy for the preparation of the teachers of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" in the strengthening of the methodological teaching work, actions that will contribute directly to improve the results in the teaching process educational.

It is proposed as a response to the insufficiencies observed in teachers who are linked to the universalization process and is specified in a system of activities that address the essential elements in teaching and methodology, tempered by the current transformations of higher education. It is based from the philosophical point of view on the dialectical and historical method, on the conceptions of Martí and Fidel about education, on Vigosky's sociocultural theory and on theoretical methods such as synthesis analysis, induction - deduction, historical - logical, genetic, the system approach and the transition from the abstract to the concrete.

There is an indissoluble relationship between the chapters where the theoretical references on which the research is based are addressed, the results of the diagnosis and the modeling that allow its implementation in the real conditions of the municipal university headquarters of Yaguajay.



Education is a social phenomenon that has accompanied man throughout history. It manifests itself from the very moment it evolves as a species. Its essence consists in the transmission, preservation and development of all the culture accumulated by humanity, assimilating it and transforming it by the new generations according to their context.

At the same time it tends to maintain, enrich and even change the traditions, beliefs, moral concepts, values ​​and knowledge of each society as a whole and in a particular way, it models the behavior and modes of action of each of its members.

In its broadest sense, it means preparing man for life, in such a way that he can carry out his activity and solve the problems that arise in his environment in the personal and social order.

Every social process has an antecedent, universalization too. In this regard, Fidel Castro stated (2):

“I believe that we can turn the entire nation into a university. We had one, then two more, now dozens and they are already everywhere, and I simply seem to see the possibility of a nation converted into a university… "

Yaguajay, a municipality that emerged with the last administrative political division, has a rich tradition in this field and has achieved the challenge of consolidating this process, imposing a new dynamic that, due to its impact and relevance, is positively transforming the culture of the population settlements located in the territory.

2 Castro Ruz, Fidel. Speech at the Closing of the fourth Congress of Higher Education. Havana, February 6, 2004.

New forms of teaching associated with the figure of the tutor as an active agent and driver of the student must be nurtured by the most indigenous knowledge of the locality in order to interpret and adapt universal culture to the context.

These challenges determine the need to strengthen the methodological teaching work with the teachers who participate in the universalization process, trying to make the most of the wealth of pedagogical knowledge that the municipality treasures.

Some teachers when carrying out their work ignore the dialectical relationship that exists between the concepts of educating from instruction and optimize in the process, only knowledge, ignoring the maxim that each instructional moment must be accompanied by education and vice versa.

The problem becomes visible as there is no work unit in the careers that allows teachers with their master's degree, to work in a coordinated way on specific objectives in professional training. It is not about each of the teachers saying the same thing or doing things the same, it is getting students to transform and act in such a way that they demonstrate a high humanism and are competent in their profession.

The teacher is responsible for ensuring that the subject he teaches has the required quality, ensuring that the student's education materializes from the instructional process itself. For this, they must have adequate preparation and master the objectives and contents, carry out a correct orientation of the teaching task, control and evaluate students in correspondence with the general objectives of the discipline, thus contributing to their comprehensive training.

The fundamental function of the methodological work is the planning, organization, regulation and control of the educational teaching process, so that the adequate performance of these functions, which have the didactic as essential support, guarantees the efficient development of the process itself.

The preparation of teachers from Didactics can contribute to raising the methodological teaching level of the SUM faculty under CUM conditions and strengthen educational work and its impact on the community through its own transformation.

This acquires its expression in the modes of action of teachers that have to correspond inextricably to an adequate interpretation of the foundations and principles of Didactics and of the priorities and strategies established by the MES and the state for a given period. It means guaranteeing in each subject, in each class the political intentionality of the same from the content itself, that is, harmonizing knowledge, skills and values ​​in a single unit of action.

Theoretical framework:

History of the problem:

Educators representing the most advanced pedagogical thinking of their time, José de la Luz y Caballero, Félix Varela, Enrique José Varona and others, have made multiple efforts in the traditions of struggles of the Cuban people throughout history. in the struggle for a Cuban pedagogy that would respond to national needs in the scientific and cultural field on the basis of its own identity.

From 1902 to 1923, education in Cuba was characterized by the evils of a dependent republic. The public school, in precarious conditions, did not become, not even in ideas, what José Martí aspired for the nation in educational matters.

There were many educators who in this sense stood out like Arturo

Montori (1878-1932), Carolina Ponce (1879-1969), Manuel Valdés Rodríguez (1896-1971) and others, who during the first twenty years of the last century continued with the progressive tradition.

From the triumph of the Cuban revolution, a process of profound social transformations begins, which in the educational field has as a distinctive element having developed a literacy campaign with the participation of young people, which led to the country being the first in Latin America to declare itself free. of this scourge.

Three decades passed and the ideas of universalization took shape. In this sense, Fidel Castro stated (3):

“You know my concept about universities because I have said it publicly: I have said and defended the concept of universalization of education, I support it and I believe in it. I not only believe, but we have started to practice it as much as possible ”.

However, universalizing university education brings with it new challenges in which its own mission is redesigned. In this regard Pedro

Horruitinier raised (4):

"Preserve, develop and promote, through its substantive processes and in close connection with society, the culture of humanity."

  • Castro Ruz, Fidel. Speech at the closing of the Fourth Congress of Higher Education. Publications Office of the Council of State, Havana, 2004. Horruitinier Silva, Pedro. The Cuban University: the training model. Editorial "Félix Varela", City of Havana, 2006.

To fulfill the proposed mission, the university must guarantee that the training process, based on the available human capital, material resources and shared management, is carried out efficiently. In this sense, the methodological teaching preparation acquires a transcendent function.

Theoretical design

The applied diagnosis showed that these professionals have inadequacies in the knowledge of Didactics, which creates a conceptual and practical problem to meet the requirements of the graduate model that is required in our universities, capable of making the most of the potentialities that society offers. and at the same time positively influence, based on their example, the rest of the people who share their environment.

In the same way, the theoretical references of the model, the forms established for these types of courses, communication with the headquarters, the actions aimed at improving the teachers and others constitute weaknesses to be solved and are part of the systematic preparation of the faculty.

Problem Statement:

How to contribute to the preparation of the teachers of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" in the strengthening of the methodological teaching work?

Overall objective

Model a methodological strategy that contributes to the preparation of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" teachers in strengthening the methodological teaching work

Specific objectives

  • - Determine the Didactic needs presented by the teachers who influence the methodological teaching work. - Determine the methodological theoretical foundations related to the preparation of the teacher to assume the teaching activity. - Diagnose the level of preparation of the selected teachers to face the methodological teaching work in the process of universalization. - Design a methodological strategy that allows the implementation of actions aimed at preparing the teachers of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" in the strengthening of the methodological teaching work.


The preparation of the university cloister of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" of Yaguajay.


The teaching-methodological preparation of the teachers of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" of Yaguajay

Scientific questions

  • - What are the theoretical and methodological foundations that support teacher preparation in higher education in the context of universalization? - What is the real level of preparation achieved by teachers of the SUM "Simón Bolívar". - What characteristics Should have the methodological strategy to contribute to the preparation of the teachers of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" in the methodological teaching work? - What will be the results of the application of the methodological strategy for the preparation of the teachers of the SUM " Simon Bolivar".

Independent variable

Methodological strategy for the preparation of the teachers of the SUM "Simón Bolívar"

Dependent variable

Preparation of SUM teachers in methodological teaching work

Methodological design


SUM teachers who participate in the universalization process in the municipality of Yaguajay.


A sample of 60 teachers from the SUM "Simón Bolívar" of Yaguajay was taken in a directed manner, taking into account that all careers were represented and that there was diversity in the accumulated experience as teachers.

Applied methods:

Dialectical materialism was taken as a fundamental method, as a general methodological basis.

The theoretical methods applied fulfill an important gnoseological function, since they allow the conceptual interpretation of the empirical data that appear in the work. When used in the construction and development of theory, they create the conditions to go beyond the phenomenological and superficial characteristics of reality.

Among the applied theoretical methods are: analysis - synthesis, induction - deduction, the historical - logical, genetic, the system approach and the transition from the abstract to the concrete.

From the empirical level appear: observation, surveys, interviews and the sentence completion test.

Scientific contribution is in the elaboration of a methodological strategy to strengthen the teaching work SUM "Simón Bolívar"

The novelty is made explicit in the theoretical model that supports the methodological strategy.


Methodological strategy for the preparation of the teachers of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" in the strengthening of the methodological teaching work

3.1- Foundation of the strategy.

Consolidate the results obtained in the universalization process and move towards higher forms of precise quality of the managers of each instance who develop and apply improvement strategies that have as a distinctive element, the knowledge of Didactics by the teachers involved.

A class is not transcendent, it sets guidelines in the students' modes of action, if they do not have teachers who contribute with the education of their personality and therefore with their self-realization.

Preparing teachers requires multiple actions that move between the formal and the informal, between the material and the spiritual, between interests and opportunities, between regulations and the possibilities of managers and above all, that each one is convinced that you really need it.

Faced with the educational challenges of higher education, the methodological, psychological and self-preparation of the teacher are decisive in the realization of the proposed objectives. The challenges are not few, knowing the model of the professional, the psychoeducational elements that govern the activity, the recognition by the students that their example is possible to achieve are some of the most transcendent.

The diversity of genders present in the universalization process, the roles that are assumed inside and outside of the classroom activities, the needs and motivations of each subject in the teaching-learning process make this a complex system of influences, where the responses, behaviors and ways of seeing and interpreting reality are diverse. These and other contradictions will be resolved as each teacher acquires knowledge of the causes that produce them.

The strategy focuses on actions that allow the personal growth of each of those involved, fostering the exchange of experiences on pedagogical practice. Appropriate methods and techniques are proposed to guarantee conscious participation, reflection, confrontation and the search for solutions to methodological teaching problems.

The success of the strategy is based on the commitment that is achieved with each of the participants. It is not about imposing, but about convincing the need to solve teaching and methodological problems through the improvement and knowledge of Didactics, as a possible and practical way in the face of its shortcomings.

Four closely related stages were measured at work:

  • The identification of the problem and the object of study as well as the diagnosis of this reality in the SUM. The hierarchization of the problems identified and the establishment of The planning of the strategy. Control and evaluation by expert criteria.

The strategy encourages the development of criticism and reflection in relation to the fulfillment of the proposed objectives and guarantees adequate communication between teachers and students, in addition, it favors the improvement of affective relationships.

In the design of the strategy, the dimensions, categories, laws and components of the educational teaching process, the structural systemic approach and the holistic configurational have been taken into account.

The methodological strategies are the result of the intellectual activity of man, therefore, they are expressed in actions that must respond to solve or minimize the problem under investigation. It has its conceptual support in:

  • The relationships of the educational teaching process with the social context and

the internal relationships between the process components.

  • The differentiated treatment of individual activities: The principle that alludes to the indissoluble unity between the affective and the cognitive in the process of personality formation. The principle of linking theory with practice.

3.2 - Presentation of the methodological strategy for the preparation of the SUM "Simón Bolívar" teachers.

3.2.1- Objectives:

  1. Prepare teachers who teach classes in the process of universalization with elements of Didactics that allow them to develop a methodological teaching work that responds to institutional requirements.Foster the understanding of the dynamics of the educational teaching process aimed at achieving the educational orientation of students. students towards the integral development of their personality

3.2.2.-Diagnosis stage

The results of the diagnosis applied in the SUM "Simón Bolívar" of Yaguajay allow to highlight as strengths:

  • The SUM managers are mostly experienced teachers with a clear understanding of the transformations that are being carried out. Part-time teachers show a willingness to improve themselves and feel committed to the social project. Actions are designed at headquarters to strengthen the improvement and training of teachers.

They are manifested as needs to conduct this process:

  • Lack of knowledge of the elements necessary to develop an adequate diagnosis that allows them to obtain the necessary information from their students Lack of essential knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, without which the work they do does not have all the scientific rigor that It requires. Little mastery of the dynamics of the educational teaching process, its relationships, categories, dimensions, principles and laws. Lack of knowledge of how to take advantage of the spaces that the process provides to integrate all the factors that participate in the educational activity.

From the above, it could be established as a trend, the lack of preparation that teachers have in Didactics, which limits the understanding of the methodological teaching elements that govern the teaching-learning process.

3.2.3.-Strategic planning:

To fulfill the proposed objectives, a group of seminars - workshops were designed aimed at:

  • Determine the main concepts, dimensions, categories, relationships and laws of the educational teaching process Analyze on the basis of self-preparation the main teaching and methodological instruments that regulate the process Encourage debates, reflections, self-analysis in such a way that it is conducive and stimulate motivation, flexibility and cognitive independence in the participating subjects. Contribute to consolidate the knowledge that teachers have on methodological and psychological teaching aspects. Encourage research activity by presenting works related to the research object.

The realization of the seminars - workshops will have as a premise group work and the characteristics of this type of learning, as a way that guarantees the construction of knowledge collectively and where participation is regulated by the diversity of opinions on the subjects object of analysis.

In carrying out these actions, the following premises are kept in mind:

  • Conception of the class as a learning group, subjects of their own formation. Group learning is the elaboration, construction of knowledge, based on the needs, interests and objectives of the members, through their participation in the organization of the educational teaching process with the teacher's guidance as the facilitator of the process. In the group there are three processes: the learning of each participant, the collective learning and the teaching process. The facilitator is required to master educational communication, an affordable technical language and possibility that the activities stimulate learning. In group learning, not only what is learned is taken into account, but also how it is learned, combining cognitive and affective aspects in the acquisition of knowledge.

Workshop seminars must adopt the following structure:

  1. Title.ObjectivesContentsMethodological guidelines.Bibliography.

Workshop 1

Title: The Cuban university, a model in training. Your main challenges.


Explain the main transformations of the current Cuban University taking as a precedent its historical development.


Historical development of the university. Main transformations that have occurred since the revolutionary triumph. A look at the universalization process. Your main challenges. Indications for the final work.

Methodological guidelines for its development:

For the opening of the course, the participation of the SUM management, the president of the popular council and as many people as deemed necessary and involved in the preparation of the teachers and some leaders of OACES representing the territory is proposed.

The meeting will first begin with the presentation of the teacher and the course participants. For this initial activity, the application of the participatory technique “the chain” is proposed (see annex 5), which seeks to guarantee a climate of communication and understanding from the beginning.

In a second moment, the students will be invited to observe the documentary "A safer passage through life", prepared by the author, which due to its high human content will serve as an introduction and as a starting point for the topic and the rest.

Next, the director of the SUM will be invited to carry out an analysis of the development that the headquarters have had and where the general community development strategy and the participation of the teachers linked to the headquarters are heading. The exchange will be promoted based on the elements made explicit in the exhibition with an emphasis on the weaknesses that the cloister presents today.

At another time, the professor will state the objectives that are required to be fulfilled in this postgraduate course:

  • Contribute to updating the methodological, didactic and psychological knowledge of the participating teachers. Perfect the educational teaching process of the headquarters based on the development of pedagogical research that responds to the insufficiencies on which the course is based.

The following research topics are proposed for the conclusion of the course: (see annex 6)

The themes to be developed by the participating teachers will be defined by teams and the bases for the preparation of the works will be delivered (see Annex 7)

The teacher will explain the following:

  • The different topics that will be addressed during the course will be grouped into 10 work sessions, that is, 10 meetings lasting 4 hours each. Each meeting implies independent study activity that will not be developed in person and generally by work teams The evaluation is proposed in a qualitative way according to the systematic participation in the meetings and the defense of the final report. The final report will be discussed in a plenary session where the directors of the SUM and invited professors from the different careers.

Martí stated in 1894:


“… What do those who search the earth know, what do those who live content with insufficient and crude life know; with the brutal and tyrannical life, of the sublime abandonment of the spirit that asks the chords of nature for friendship and fulfillment that it will not find in the world? " ("At home", Homeland, New York, September 8, 1894, vol. 5, p. 438.)

Once the maxim of our national hero has been analyzed, we will proceed to the orientation of the new workshop.


  • Castro Ruz, Fidel. The ideas created and tested by our people cannot be destroyed. Publications Office of the Council of State. Havana, 2004 Horruitiner Silva, Pedro. The Cuban university: the training model. Editorial Felix Varela, Havana City, Cuba, 2006.Valdés Galárraga, Ramiro. Dictionary of Martian Thought. Editorial of Social Sciences, City of Havana, 2007.

Workshop 2

Title: The education of the student's personality. Characterization and diagnosis. Comprehensive educational and life work projects.


Explain some elements related to the education of the personality of the students necessary in the characterization and diagnosis that are decisive in the conception of the integral projects of educational work and life in the conception of the new university


Personality concept. Characterization and diagnosis. Comprehensive educational and life work projects.

Methodological guidelines for its development:

An analysis of the essential elements discussed in the previous meeting will be carried out and it will be asked:

How are individuals in general? Is the personality of individuals educable? Can you have more than one personality? What elements compose it?

From an initial exchange, the group can be divided into three teams that will work individually on the solution of the following activities. (See annex 8)

After the team activity, the results will be shared and the next meeting related to the role of the university professor will be oriented.


  • Alonso Tapia, Jesús and Ignacio García. Of the psychological and educational. Psychology of the education. Editorial Félix Varela, Havana, 2002.______________________________. Psychology of the education. Editorial Félix Varela, City of Havana, 2003 Bello Dávila, Zoe and Julio C Casal. General psychology. Editorial Félix Varela, City of Havana, 2003, Cuba. Education Magazine No 97. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, Havana, 1997.

Workshop 3

Title: The role of the university professor in the conditions of the new university. Shared management and graduate school.


Assess the role of the university professor in a university where management is carried out in a shared way and the postgraduate program becomes a dynamic element of the rest of the processes


The role of the university professor in the new university. Shared management.

The postgraduate, dynamic element of the rest of the processes.

Methodological guidelines for its development:

In the previous workshop some elements related to the education of the students' personality were discussed, however, it is necessary to define the role that corresponds to the university professor in the current conditions where the management of processes is shared and the postgraduate degree becomes in an element to consider for what it represents in the preparation of the cloister.

The author suggests the formation of teams in which the proposed activity guides will be resolved. (See annex 9)

Once the activity is finished, the professor will insist on the need for the personal example of the university professor as an indispensable element to specify his actions in correspondence with social demands. The following Martian maxim will be shared:

“… With the examples it happens that it is easier to censor them than to follow them”.

(Notebooks, 1882, t.21, p. 269.) The orientation of the next meeting will proceed.


Collective of authors. The role of the university professor. In digital format. UNISS, 2007.

Horruitiner Silva, Pedro. The Cuban university: the training model. Editorial Félix Varela, City of Havana, Cuba, 2006.

Valdés Galárraga, Ramiro. Dictionary of Martian Thought. Editorial of Social Sciences, City of Havana, 2007.

Workshop 4

Title: Didactics as a science of the educational teaching process.


Explain the importance of the study of Didactics from the knowledge of its object of study, its dimensions and laws.


The Didactics. Its object of study. The dimensions and categories. Its laws.

Methodological guidelines for its development.

It should be noted that in addition to the aspects discussed, a teacher is limited in his actions, if he does not know the necessary elements of Didactics as a science, in this sense the following statements by Martí will be shared:

“The teaching, who does not know? It is above all a work of infinite love ”. ("Letters from Martí", La Nación, Buenos Aires, November 14, 18886, t, 11, p.82)

"… learn to teach, which is the most beautiful and honorable thing in the world, and nurtures the soul of a father, loving and august." (Manuel Barranco ”, Patria, New York, January 2, 1895, t.4, p.481.)

We will proceed to explain that in Cuba there is a single school of Didactics that has two approaches, one the structural systemic and the other, the holistic configurational, in accordance with the above, the activities guide will be discussed in two teams: (See annex 10)

Once the presentation of the aspects consigned in the workshops has been concluded, the following conclusion will be reached.

Regardless of the approach used, Didactics is a science of vital importance for the teacher's work. Teaching class without knowing its existence is to skew the process and condemn the development of individuals in its fullness.

The next workshop will be oriented.


  • Álvarez de Zayas, Carlos. Didactics. The school in life. Editorial Pueblo yEducación, La Habana, 1999. Third edition corrected and augmented. Authors' Collective. Basic Pedagogy Course Electronic format CEPES - UH, 2002. Fuentes, Homero, Silvia Cruz and Ilsa B. Álvarez. Holistic configurational model of didactics. Center for Higher Education Studies "Manuel F. Gran". Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, 1998 Horruitiner Silva, Pedro. The Cuban University: the training model. Editorial Félix Varela. Havana, 2006.Labarrere, Guillermina and Gladis E. Valdivia. Pedagogy. Editorial Pueblo y Educación. Havana, 1998. Ministry of Education. Pedagogy. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, La Habana, 1984.Silvestre, Margarita and José Zilberstein. Towards a developer Didactics. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, Havana, 2002.

Workshop 5

Title: The components of the educational teaching process.


Explain what are the components of the educational teaching process from the dialectical relationships that are established between its components.


The state and operational components of the educational teaching process. Your relationships.

Methodological guidelines for its development:

Once some control questions related to the previous meeting have been asked, some maxims of our national Hero will be socialized. (See annex 11)

Next, the activities planned in the workshop related to the components of the educational teaching process and the relationships established between them will be answered. (See annex 12)


  • Álvarez de Zayas, Carlos. Didactics. The school in life. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, La Habana, 1999. Third edition corrected and augmented. Authors' Collective. Basic Pedagogy Course Electronic format CEPES - UH, 2002. Fuentes, Homero, Silvia Cruz and Ilsa B. Álvarez. Holistic configurational model of didactics. Center for Higher Education Studies "Manuel F. Gran". Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, 1998

Workshop 6

Title: The process of formation of values.


Explain the didactic and methodological foundations of the process of formation of values ​​in the educational teaching process by conducting a workshop seminar.


Nature of values. Main historical responses to the problem of human values. Value concept. Characteristics of the value. Elements that help conceptualize values. Conditions to educate in values. Results that are achieved when working to achieve an education in values. Education in values.

Methodological guidelines for its development:

After counting the most significant aspects studied in the previous workshop, the question will be asked:

What are values? Why are they so carried away and brought in education? Are the values ​​taught in the same way as the rest of the teaching content?

In the same way as in the previous workshops, work will be carried out in groups where the selected activities will be solved and later they will be socialized (See annex 13)


  • Álvarez de Zayas, Carlos (1999): Didactics. The school in life. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, Havana. Third edition corrected and enlarged. Authors' Collective (2007). Education values. In digital format. University Center of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba. Ministry of Education (1984): Pedagogy. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, Havana.Isla Vilachá, Idania Irene. The formation of values ​​from university teaching. In digital format. Holguín University, 1998. Zilberstein Toruncha, José and others. Comprehensive Pedagogical Preparation for Comprehensive Teachers. Editorial Pueblo y Revolución, Havana, 2006.

Workshop 7

Title: The fundamental organizational forms of the educational teaching process. Objective:

Argue the importance of class as an element that energizes and

where the rest of the processes that are developed in educational institutions are specified.


The class as fundamental of the educational teaching process. Other organizational forms in higher education.

Methodological guidelines for its development.

It will be argued that due to the importance of the organizational forms of the educational teaching process in higher education, it has been preferred to divide it into two moments: one for the class and another for the rest. (See annex 14)


  • Álvarez de Zayas, Carlos (1999): Didactics. The school in life. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, Havana. Third edition corrected and enlarged. Cuba. Ministry of Education (1984): Pedagogy. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, Havana, Cuba, Ministry of Higher Education (2007). Regulation of Teaching and Methodological Work

Workshop 8

Title: Education from instruction


To value the meaning that it has for teaching to properly apply the principle of educating from instruction as a distinctive element of Cuban Pedagogy. Content:

The principle of instruction and education. Their dialectical relationships. The class as a dynamic element of the teaching-learning process.

Methodological guidelines for its development

For the development of this workshop, the background elements studied will be retaken, such as the concepts of instruction and education, the categories and laws, as well as the practical application of the same from the classes. (See annex 15)


  • Álvarez de Zayas, C. The school in life. Havana: People and Education, 1999 Collaso, Basilia and others. Orientation in pedagogical activity. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, La Habana, 1992. García Ramis, Lisardo. The challenges of educational change. Editorial Pueblo and Education. La Habana, 1996. Herrera Rodríguez, José I. Education from instruction. UNISS, in digital format, 2010.

Workshop 9 and 10

Title: The methodological teaching work Objective:

Explain the main variants and characteristics of the methodological teaching work as part of the preparation of teachers Content:

Methodological work. Concept. Carrying out the methodological work. Of the forms and types of methodological work. The `planning and organization of educational teaching work. Control of the educational teaching process.

Teaching work. Learning assessment

Methodological guidelines for its development.

Due to the importance of this topic, object of the research, the topics are divided into two meetings where, from theory and practice, key concepts of methodological teaching work will be strengthened. (See annex 16)

The analysis in these workshops of the Teaching and Methodological Work Regulations is essential for the preparation of teachers, taking into account that it addresses essential elements of the teachers' work with an updated focus on these issues.

The facilitator will also address other elements not explicit in the subject, such as the conception of educational and life work projects in the different types of courses as essential elements in the conception of an efficient educational work that responds to the objectives of the project.

Workshop 11

Discussion of the final works

Methodological guidelines for its development.

For this workshop, the participation of the directors of the SUM and of other municipal headquarters belonging to other OACES as well as leaders of the territory related to the universalization process is proposed, which will allow enriching and socializing the results of the investigations.

Students will have 15 minutes to make their presentations which can be accompanied by the elements they consider pertinent and that allow to illustrate and give a clear idea of ​​the research carried out.

At the end of the evaluation, an analysis of the course will be carried out that allows in a new version to adjust the elements that they consider necessary to vary.

3.3 - Instrumentation of the strategy

Taking into account the possibilities offered by the methodological preparation sessions of the SUM, it is proposed to introduce the different themes of the strategy as part of the general improvement of the cloister.

In this process, it is possible to verify the effectiveness of the instruments applied in the diagnosis and to delve into the proposed contents, which presupposes the adjustment of the adopted structure.

  • - Stage of evaluation and evaluation of the results:

In this stage, the results achieved are evaluated after the experimental phase of the application of the strategy has been completed. It is important to establish critical assessments that allow an objective assessment.

It should be taken into account as a work style to listen to all the possible suggestions of the teachers involved as well as to stimulate, as far as possible, their adequate participation in the topics under discussion.

3.5 - Validation by specialists' criteria of the improvement strategy.

To validate the overcoming strategy, the criteria of specialists was used (See annex 17)

In the analysis of the assessments made by the specialists, the following conclusions are reached. (See annex18)


As part of the comprehensive preparation of teachers to face the changes that are made in higher education, this research has tried to enter into a comprehensive form of improvement that includes various and necessary elements for the general work of the teachers who participate in the universalization process.

It has allowed among other things:

  • Diagnose the needs for improvement of the professors at the headquarters from the applied instruments Propose a system of workshops that allow the improvement of teachers supported by Didactics Formulate a strategy that contributes to improving the quality of teaching in an integral way that is concrete in educating from instruction.


The preparation of teachers in the methodological teaching aspects allows the headquarters managers to have greater security of the teachers' knowledge to face the transformations that are developed in higher education. In this sense it is recommended:

  • Apply the proposed strategy with a margin of criticism and adequacy that allows modeling as it is progressing. Socialize the results achieved and the strategy with the adjustments that are most beneficial in achieving the proposed objective.


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Methodology for teacher preparation in a Cuban educational entity