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Mobbing: concept, types, phases and consequences

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The issue of Mobbing is of the utmost importance, it is necessary to be informed about this type of behavior to avoid being a victim of this type of harassment, in the supposed case of working in a company. But also as a manager of an organization it is of great importance to know him in order to prevent these behaviors within the company, since it is a problem that causes large monetary losses, a bad image of the company and problems among employees.

The present work consists of the conceptualization of Mobbing and the actions in which the harasser incurs. Later, the types of Mobbing are explained according to one of the existing classifications, the profile of the harasser and the profile of the victim are described; then they talk about the mobbing process and its consequences.

To continue, factors that help prevent mobbing, both personal and organizational, are exposed and finally a brief review of data on Mobbing in Mexico is made.


Mobbing is also known as workplace harassment or moral harassment.

For it to occur, there must be two parties, the first made up of one or more stalkers and the second made up of the victim. This practice makes use of abusive, conscious, repetitive and premeditated behavior that threatens human dignity, physical and psychological integrity (Valle, 2015).


The stalker performs different actions in order to get rid of his victim, these can be (Piñuel, Mobbing: how to survive psychological harassment at work, 2001):

Attacks on the victim with organizational measures:

  • Refusal to acknowledge your work Overload of work Stealing your work Denying you the necessary training to perform your job Continually changing your goals Being subject to disciplinary proceedings for fabricated causes.

Attacks on the victim through social isolation:

  • Being separated or marginalized from their peers Being humiliated or criticized Distorting their words or behavior.

Attacks on privacy:

  • Denying leave or vacations Getting teased about your private life.

Physical and / or sexual violence

  • On objects (throwing things, slamming doors) On the victim himself (blows) Sexual harassment.


According to the classification presented below, there are three types of mobbing (EM, 2014):

  1. Descending: this is the most common type since the victim is more vulnerable, it is given from a boss to his subordinate.Horizontal: this type of mobbing occurs between colleagues of the same level, sometimes the harasser has relationships and influences that They make them have power over the victim. Ascending: although it is less common, there are times when the subordinate harasses his boss.


The stalker is also known as Mobby. This person regularly has psychological disorders or problematic personalities such as needs for control, destruction and paranoid traits

Mobby feels insecure, believes that the victim is a threat to his professional career.

Some of its characteristics are:

  • Lack of empathy Inability to interpersonal relationships Lack of guilt Compulsive lying Megalomania Seduction skills Envy Parasitic lifestyle Premeditation


Anyone is susceptible to end up suffering workplace harassment, so there is no clear psychological profile of the victim. Some features or characteristics that may attract the attention of the Mobby are:

  • Physical, psychological or social characteristics High ethical values ​​High capacity for empathy Work capacity

It has been proven that there are groups that are more vulnerable than others, for example a young person is more vulnerable than an adult, a temporary worker than a permanent one, an immigrant than a person from the place, women than men. The mistake the victim makes is to keep quiet and not report the abuse.


Although no one studies to be a Mobby, researchers agree that bullies apply four phases until they achieve their goal or are stopped. These phases are:

  1. False seduction

This is the first phase, in it the stalker becomes a "friend" of his next victim, with the purpose of knowing him more and obtaining valuable, such as his interests, abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Handling

In this phase the stalker begins with his abuses, he does them carefully, seeking to analyze the reaction of the victim. He also tries to turn others against the bullied.

Here the harassed should stop the harasser, otherwise the Mobby will continue.

  1. Confrontation

The attacks are increasing considerably, they are systematic and more violent.

  1. Total violence

The Mobby can incur physical and even sexual attacks, this process can last until the harassed allows it or until someone else stops. What happens most often is that the victim quits his job.


Mobbing affects the life of the victim as well as the people around him.

Consequences of Mobbing. Source: Elmobbing.com

Consequences of Mobbing. Source: Elmobbing.com


The characteristics mentioned below are those that people who have not been prone to mobbing usually have, but there are exceptions.

  • Self-confidence Positive consideration of the environment Social support Stable financial conditions Problem-solving ability Emotional intelligence

Many of the previous characteristics can be summarized in Emotional Intelligence, as Daniel Goleman defines it as: “Knowing one's own emotions, controlling them, motivating oneself, recognizing the emotions of others and establishing relationships” (Goleman, 1996).

In the organization, some actions to prevent it are:

  • Supervision Leadership style Proper conflict management Relationships with bosses, subordinates and colleagues Communication Work environment Definition of roles and responsibilities


In our country at least 50% of workers have suffered from Mobbing, others think that it is something "normal". 75% of the population that neither studies nor works are women victims of mobbing (Senado, Comunicación Social, 2014).

To this end, the Senate of the Republic approved modifications in 2014 to the Federal Criminal Code in order to sanction the workplace harasser with 40 days of minimum salary.

It was determined that if the harasser was a hierarchical superior and uses his command to cause physical or psychological violence, the offender will be punished and removed from his position (Senado, COFEPRIS, 2014).


Mobbing goes beyond misunderstandings with another employee or the bad character of a boss, Mobbing can become a depressive situation that causes the victim to commit suicide.

Although we talk about factors or characteristics that help prevent it, I believe that the only one who can stop this problem is oneself.

At the first sign of abuse, we must take action on the matter, communicate it to the appropriate person and not allow it to happen again. It's a matter of integrity and problem management.

People who suffered Mobbing are recommended to assist with an expert on the subject with a psychologist who can help them forget that trauma.

Mobbing is not a game, it must be taken seriously and pay attention to the first signs that appear.


  • De la Serna, J. (2014). Retrieved on September 19, 2015, from Web consultations: http://www.webconsultas.com/(2014). Retrieved on September 19, 2015, from El Mobbing: http://www.elmobbing.com/Goleman, D. (1996). Emotional intelligence Kairos. Piñuel, I. (2000). Retrieved on September 20, 2015, from Psychological harassment: http://acosopsicologico.blogspot.com.es/Piñuel, I. (2001). Mobbing: how to survive mobbing at work. SAL TERRAE. Senado. (March 11, 2014). Retrieved on September 19, 2015, from Social Communication: http://comunicacion.senado.gob.mx/index.php/periodo-ordinario/boletines/11341-boletin-307-aprbate-senado-sanciones-al-acoso- labor-and-sexual.html Senate. (July 14, 2014). Retrieved on September 19, 2015, from COFEPRIS: www.cofepris.gob.mxValle, T. (2015). I do not want to work.Retrieved on September 19, 2015, from Mobbing:
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Mobbing: concept, types, phases and consequences