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Mobbing in the company


Like everyone else, you know the seriousness of the word “mobbing”.

He hopes that he will never encounter a claim from his workers based on this situation. But do you know everything you should know about her? Could you detect that mobbing is taking place in your company? Do you think you would be able to avoid this situation if it occurs?

I encourage you to read this article, and I encourage you to share it with your workers.

Having everyone reading the article may not prevent it from occurring, but it will provide a starting point for everyone to know what not to do (for the bully) and what they should do (for the bullied).

The first thing we must do is know that mobbing is a form of intimidation and / or moral harassment in the workplace carried out by colleagues or superiors (including the employer) who, through repeated aggressive and humiliating behaviors, they marginalize the harassed in order to leave the company voluntarily.

This persecution can lead to serious damage to the worker's personal health (physical and mental level) as well as negative consequences in their social, family and future work life. We must remember that the aggressive action that gives rise to the mobbing must be deliberate and intentional.

For this reason, it is important to differentiate mobbing from situations of stress and conflict that can be generated at different times throughout the working day of every worker. That is, we should not be alert when there are discussions with some workers at a certain time, when we see friction between different employees, when someone rumors something about someone who provides services in the organization. However, these outbreaks should be controlled to prevent them from worsening.

The mobbing manifests itself in a gradual way; Tense and / or hostile environments are first noticed that later turn into insults and threats, humiliation and mistreatment that destabilize the victim who suffers them. Some of the behaviors that are carried out against the victim are:

Ignore their presence exclusively addressing third parties.

Verbal threats.

Shouts and insults in a loud voice.

Criticisms of his private life.

He is assigned isolated positions and his colleagues are forbidden to speak to him.

Gossip and rumors are spread.

An attempt is made to force a psychiatric examination to make the victim feel guilty.

You are not given work, or it is humiliating or well below your ability.

He is given an excessive job, difficult to take on, or that requires a capacity greater than that of the victim.

Damages are caused in your workplace.

You are physically and / or sexually harassed.

These behaviors respond, as it has been possible to analyze through various studies, to a stalker who, like a robot portrait, responds to the following characteristics: he usually has the appearance and image of an energetic and positive person, but his personality traits are narcissistic and egocentric.

They are people who envy the capacity and socio-labor and professional life of the victim so, by means of harassment, they try to get the victim to leave the company voluntarily, thus eliminating what the harasser considers "a stone in his path." They are usually lying people, without a sense of guilt and with a great (but hidden) sense of inferiority.

On the contrary, the worker who has suffered mobbing does not respond to specific characteristics. It is a person who has "crossed" the path of the aggressor, who feels he or she is a threat. However, we can carry out an analysis of the personality of a person who suffers, is suffering or has suffered a case of mobbing: they are people who feel misunderstood in the face of a crisis that overcomes them. They do not know how they have reached such a situation but they see that there is no way out, no escape. For this reason, they are people who, despite the fact that they are usually intelligent and hardworking, question whether they are efficient in their position, feel insecure and hypersensitive to criticism. They isolate themselves from the rest of their classmates and suffer severe mood swings with aggressive and depressive episodes.

Starting from these basic notes, which logically can occur in different ways and intensity, you can know if a situation of harassment is occurring in your company. It is therefore advisable to have a regular interview with your employees, in which you should let them know that they can count on your support in these cases. In addition, it is advisable to follow some guidelines to prevent a worker from suffering these “attacks” on his person:

  • Incorporate the detection of mobbing into the psychosocial risk assessment. It must agree on a methodology to be followed by the workers in case they feel they are victims of mobbing. Inform your workers of the channels they should follow to report these incidents. Give your full attention to workers who inform you that they are being mobbed. Possibly the way for a worker to confess that he is in this situation is through the regular interview that we recommended earlier. Train senior managers on how labor disputes should be resolved. They must have the ability to work in a team and the ability to work in a group assuming command. Make all company workers participate in prevention. Are of a lower or higher level,All witnesses to a mobbing situation must know that they must communicate the facts as soon as possible to their hierarchical superior, to the union or employee representative of the company and to give their full support to the victim. Bear in mind that mobbing is caused by one person (harasser) but fueled by indifferent witnesses. Write a code of conduct and hand it out to all workers in the company. Let them know that this code is mandatory and sanction in an exemplary way any worker who has been shown to be a harasser. If necessary, you must change jobs to ensure that the victim will not continue to suffer in the future.to the union or employee representative of the company and give their full support to the victim. Bear in mind that mobbing is caused by one person (harasser) but fueled by indifferent witnesses. Write a code of conduct and hand it out to all workers in the company. Let them know that this code is mandatory and sanction in an exemplary way any worker who has been shown to be a harasser. If necessary, you must change jobs to ensure that the victim will not continue to suffer in the future.to the union or employee representative of the company and give their full support to the victim. Bear in mind that mobbing is caused by one person (harasser) but fueled by indifferent witnesses. Write a code of conduct and hand it out to all workers in the company. Let them know that this code is mandatory and sanction in an exemplary way any worker who has been shown to be a harasser. If necessary, you must change jobs to ensure that the victim will not continue to suffer in the future.Let them know that this code is mandatory and sanction in an exemplary way any worker who has been shown to be a harasser. If necessary, you must change jobs to ensure that the victim will not continue to suffer in the future.Let them know that this code is mandatory and sanction in an exemplary way any worker who has been shown to be a harasser. If necessary, you must change jobs to ensure that the victim will not continue to suffer in the future.

Despite all these measures, it is sometimes difficult to discover that a worker is being mobbed. Therefore, it is necessary that you implement all those actions that you consider can avoid a risky situation. If despite all your attempts, you receive communication from an employee who is mobbed, recommend the following:

  • Keep calm whatever happens. You must try to admit that what is happening is beyond your control: you are being attacked. So you should not feel guilty or apologize for something you have not done. Try to act cold and do not get emotionally involved in a situation that can only harm you. Ask your aggressor for explanations when he accuses you. Some error before third parties. That they try to accumulate all the means of proof of the harassment that they are suffering. You must remind him that, sometimes it is difficult to prove that one is suffering from this situation, so in case of a legal claim, all documents proving the assaults will be very useful (e-mails received, medical reports on injuries, witnesses… That, prior to judicial proceedings,File a claim with the Labor Inspectorate.

Finally, I must say that mobbing does not always occur because a middle or higher command feels envy / jealous of the victim. Sometimes a subtype of mobbing occurs that is known as bossing in which the employer is the one who takes the role of aggressor in order for an employee to leave the company to avoid having to make a dismissal that, otherwise, would be More expensive.

In this case, you should think that, despite being your boss the harasser, a colleague of yours is suffering from an attitude that has to be completely eradicated, and that today he is your colleague but tomorrow it may be you. Report the facts when you know them. Don't become a passive aggressor.

Mobbing in the company