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Mobbing or workplace harassment

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The concept of mobbing or workplace harassment is covered by Professor Iñaki Piñuel:

"Mobbing consists of the deliberate and continuous modal and verbal abuse that a worker receives, until then valid, adequate or even excellent in his performance, by one or more co-workers, who thereby seek to destabilize and undermine him emotionally with a view to to deteriorate and reduce their work capacity or employability and thus be able to eliminate them more easily from the place and work they occupy in the organization "

What types of mobbing or workplace harassment are there?

Harassment from other co-workers

Following Leymann, the reasons are:

  • A group of workers tries to force another recent worker to conform to the implicit norms set by the majority Personal enmity or anger from one or more colleagues A group of workers <> with a colleague, due to a mere lack of work or boredom A weak, sick, handicapped or physically defective person is attacked to give rise to latent aggressiveness or frustration The attack is triggered by differences with respect to the victim (foreigners, opposite sex, another race, different physical appearance).

Harassment of a superior by his subordinates

Following Leymann, there are two types of harassment:

  • A group of subordinates rebels against the appointment of a manager or boss with whom they disagree. A group of subordinates rebels against the boss's own bias, arrogance or authoritarianism, triggering harassment. These cases are not many and the boss himself usually wins.

Harassment of a superior to a subordinate

When this type of harassment appears, it is usually with the aim of the boss to reduce the social influence of his subordinate, or so that he leaves his job voluntarily.

This type of harassment appears after the decision of dismissal or termination of the contract that has already been made and has not been communicated to the victim. To justify this dismissal, the victim will begin to be socially isolated little by little until they deteriorate psychologically. In this way, previous personality problems can be attributed to him… that justify and make the dismissal situation logical.

In this type of mobbing the person does not know what really happens.

Although the subject would require a more in-depth analysis, I would like to end by presenting the characteristics (Iñaki Piñuel) on the one hand of the victims of mobbing and on the other those of the stalker in this comparative table of own elaboration:

Victims Stalker
People with high ethics, honesty, and righteousness, as well as a high sense of justice People with superficial capacity for charm: with a lot of loquacity and self-confidence.
Autonomous, independent and initiative people People with a parasitic lifestyle: they make others do their job
People highly trained for their intelligence and skills, who stand out for their professional brilliance People with a great sense of their own merits: they think that others “owe them everything
Popular people, informal leaders among their peers or with charisma to lead groups People who lie systematically and compulsively: thanks to which they will have come so far professionally
People with a high sense of cooperative and teamwork People without remorse or a sense of guilt: they are unable to have them
People with high empathic capacity, sensitivity, understanding of the suffering of others and interest in the development of others Manipulative people: with the aim of climbing hierarchically at the expense of <> or <>.
People with highly satisfactory or positive personal or family situations People who are not empathetic: they do not care about the feelings of others
Mobbing or workplace harassment