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Mobbing and labor abuse in Puerto Rico

Table of contents:


Puerto Rico is an island, which has the beautiful and spectacular Atlantic Ocean to the North and the Caribbean Sea to the South. Its history has very contradictory nuances, on the one hand an Indian influence, which makes us a hospitable people, full of beliefs and myths inherited from our ancestors.

Or the most beautiful of the Taino race in my opinion was its nobility and its sense of solidarity and love among its indigenous tribes.

This is why when the Spanish arrived they were treated like gods, and that is why they were given the opportunity to share all the greatness and riches of the island.

Already when the African Negro arrives, even when the colonizers' intentions were discovered late, we accepted the Negro culture and acquired its values, beliefs, dances and traditions.

This being a way of integrating the Indian, the Spanish, the black with what we went until the Americans arrived and once again changed our idiosyncrasy as a town. From each culture, we inherit the best, the not so good and the bad is also in our roots… However, in the historical struggle for the “identity and defense of this country” we had not mentioned “labor psychoterrorism”.

And, what is that so apparently unknown and highly exalted by many races and cultures, which gave way to what we are as a people, as a country, as a "nation"?

“Mobbing or psychological harassment at work is presented as a new social epidemic of our century.- As devastating as it is stealth, it can cause physical and mental annihilation and even the suicide of the working person.

And in many cases without realizing it, since 81% of the victims do not know that they suffer from this disorder, attributing their situation and suffering to other causes.

To avoid it, nothing better than information and foresight.

By applying both criteria, subjects at risk of mobbing can be classified into three large groups:

The enviable, bright and attractive people, considered as dangerous or competitive by the implicit leaders of the group, who feel questioned by their mere presence.

The vulnerable, individuals with some peculiarity or defect, or simply depressed in need of affection and approval, who give the impression of being harmless and defenseless.

The menacing, active, efficient and hard-working, who expose the established and seek to impose reforms or a new culture, «generally this pathology occurs in highly regulated, homogeneous, conservative, relatively closed institutions, whose internal culture considers power and control as priority values ​​over productivity and efficiency, and in which there is little tolerance for diversity and strong ties and shared identities among its members ”.

Lidia Guevara Ramírez, Secretary of the Cuban Society of Labor Law and Social Security, - National Union of Jurists of Cuba, states that: «The last decade of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century are characterized by the notable influence of violence psychological and the damage caused to emotional health and the enjoyment of a healthy and healthy environment in society, the community and in places of study and work ”.

For this reason, some articles from the psychosocial point of view express that two more elements are necessary to complete the circumstances in which the syndrome develops:

1-The person who assumes the role of main persecutor invested with enough authority or charisma to mobilize the group dynamics of harassment.- His personality presents a peculiar combination of narcissistic and paranoid traits, which allow him to convince himself of the reason and justice of its destructive activity.

Different authors define the mobbing personality differently:

Hirigoyen considers it to be an asexual form of perversion.

  • Field classifies it as a form of aggressive sociopathy, calls them "bullyng", and refers that within the health system, it is possible to distinguish between those who possess empathic personality traits, such as sensitivity, understanding of the suffering of others, and interest in development and well-being of others, and on the contrary, those who are characterized by the controlling traits, predominant in bureaucrats and management personnel, who cannot interpret the feelings, of those who establish relationships based on solidarity, and experience it as a challenge or threat against its institutional power It is, under such conditions, the author refers, that the relationship of management, control and optimization, can easily be perverted towards harassment behaviors.

González de Rivera describes it as "Active Inoperative Mediocrity", a personality disorder characterized by appropriation of the external signs of creativity and merit, a desire for notoriety that can reach the point of imposture and, above all, intense envy towards excellence alien, which seeks to destroy by all means at its disposal:

The main maneuvers that the active inoperative mediocre uses to psychologically harass his victim are the following:

a) Subjecting him to malicious accusations and insinuations, without allowing him to defend himself or express himself.

b) Isolate him from his colleagues, deprive him of information, interrupt or block his lines of communication.

c) Disregard and invalidate their work, distort or misrepresent their activities and comments, attribute spurious or shameful motivations.

d) Discredit their performance, hinder the exercise of their functions, hide their achievements and successes, exaggerate and disseminate out of context, all their failures, both real and apparent.

e) Compromising their physical and mental health, through constant stressful pressure, which favors depressive and psychosomatic disorders and acts of flight that can lead to abrupt resignation from the job or suicide.

2- The collaboration and permissiveness of the rest of the organization's staff.- The psychological persecution develops in the midst of a surprising silence and inhibition of the observers, who although fully aware of the abuse and injustice of the situation, refrain from intervening, be it by implicit complicity, with the plan to eliminate the harassed, be it to avoid becoming the object of retaliation themselves.

  • It is not entirely uncommon for ambitious individuals of low professional value to consciously take advantage of the situation, which favors them by hindering or eliminating a more qualified competitor.

The TXT magazine (Textual Magazine) in its article on "Mobbing", cites some reflections of Héctor Pedro Recalde, professor of Labor Law at UBA, and labor lawyer and says: in a society like ours, with 21% of formal open unemployment, 19% underemployment, 29% over-employment, and 60% of the wage bill in the black, the result could not be other than the submission of the worker.

After living these ten long days of "unpaid leave" 95,000 public employees in Puerto Rico were unemployed, and drifted into the tidal wave or "Tsunami" of Labor Psychoterrorism "to which all Puerto Ricans were subjected.

And not only the workers, but also the relatives, friends and even the spirits trembled in the mystery and enigma of what would happen on this island between the Executive and Legislative Power.

The truth is that it was possible to think of a civil war, a war of powers, and there was no mention of a war of "psychological and mental terror" between people, who were anguished, cried, had insomnia every day, short and long-range depressions and even despair for an end of fright and stupor.

The most recent studies on this subject in Puerto Rico, even if they are descriptive or qualitative for the moment, reflect that this “Emotional Crime”, this “Labor Crime”, and the worst this “Spiritual Crime” arrived in Puerto Rico a long time ago. And it is not possible to listen to people speak and speak and say, What is that of Psychoterrorism? Why a law?

How important would a legislation on this psychosocial misconduct be without penalty and freedom of action for anyone who wants to do it? I will answer, that a lot. Very important. If you were one of those who felt, lived, suffered, suffered and still suffers these ravages, let me tell you that "You have to stand up." "You have to say enough is enough."

"We have to reflect and react looking for reason to dominate our work scene." We know the impressive increase of this evil or social plague in the world. Only here, on this beautiful island of Enchantment, we had not felt it as massively as we do now.

The results of the latest studies by Soto (2005) show the following findings in relation to the Symptoms and Diseases of Mobbing or Psychological Harassment in the workplace in PR.

Includes 32 responses.

1-All the participants indicated feeling uncontrolled anxiety. 100% said that this is the first symptom of Mobbing.

1- 80% have felt restless and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

2- 40% have felt irritability, 20% have not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

3- 20% have felt nervous, 40% have not, and 20 5 sometimes or in doubt.

4- 30% in Mobbing suffer from Depression, 20% do not, and 50% sometimes or in doubt.

5- 20% have been impulsive in their work under the effects of Mobbing, 40% No, and 40% sometimes or in doubt.

6- 90% have felt self-absorption or withdrawal under Mobbing, 10% have not

7- 10% have been irresponsible, 60% have not, and 30% sometimes or in doubt when they have suffered Mobbing.

8- 40% are slower with psychological abuse, 20% not, and 40% sometimes or in doubt.

9- 80% under the effects of Mobbing want to escape from work, 0% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

10-30% of those affected suffer from hypertension, 14% do not, and 56% sometimes or in doubt.

11-30% suffer from pain and headaches, 14% do not, and 56% sometimes or in doubt.

12- 80% have felt chest pain, or% not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

13-10% have lost emotional control, 60% have not, and 30% sometimes or in doubt.

14- 60% suffer under Mobbing of excessive sensitivity, 20% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

15- 40% feel a sense of revenge with the bully (s), 40% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

16-10% suffer from hypervigilance, 60% No, and 30% sometimes or in doubt.

17-20% verbally lash out at their harasser, 40% No, and 40% sometimes or in doubt.

18-10% become authoritarian, 40% no, and 50% sometimes or in doubt.

19- 80% suffer from insomnia during Mobbing, 20,% do not.

20- 80% feel compulsion or malnutrition due to excess or lack of appetite, 20% do not.

21-60% lower productivity at work during the Mobbing time, 20% not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

22-20% suffer from gastritis, 40% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

23-10% suffer from dermatitis, 80% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

24-20% feel helpless, 80% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

26. 20% suffer from defenselessness, 40% No, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

27. 40% suffer hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia during Mobbing, 20% No, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

28. 80% feel unmotivated when experiencing Mobbing, 20 & no.

29. 10% believe more in myths superstitions, 60% do not, 20% sometimes or in doubt.

25-60% low productivity at work during the Mobbing time, 20% does not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

26-20% suffer from gastritis, 40% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

27-10% suffer from dermatitis, 80% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

28-20% feel helpless, 80% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

30. 20% suffer from defenselessness, 40% No, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

31. 40% suffer hyperglycemia or Hypoglycemia during Mobbing, 20% No, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

32. 80% feel unmotivated when they experience Mobbing, 20 & no.

33. 10% believe more in myths superstitions, 60% do not, 20% sometimes or in doubt.

34. 10% have dysfunctional ability to resolve conflicts, 60% do not, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

35. 80% feel a lot of anger and rebellion during Mobbing, 20% do not.

36. 80% have interpersonal crises during episodes of mobbing at work. 20% no.

Labor abuse

Related to the causes and conditions that produce the hostile environment at work. these could be reasons to get to mobbing.

1- 100% indicates excess complaints or frivolous complaints.

2- 80% indicated provocations and lack of authority, 20% did not.

3- 60% who suffer from Psychological Abuse have a hostile environment, 20% No, and 20% sometimes and in doubt.

4- 60% answered that perjury, lies and grievances are labor abuse, 10% no, 30% sometimes and in doubt.

5- 60% indicated solitary confinement at work is abuse, 60% No.

6-80% indicated conspiracy and conspiracy are causes or symptoms of Labor Abuse. 20% No.

7- 90% said workplace harassment is a type of mistreatment at work. 10% No.

8- 80% answered that threats are the cause of abuse, 20% No.

9- 40% answered stigmatization is abuse, 40% No, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

10- 80% indicated isolation is labor abuse, 11-10% No, and 10% sometimes or in doubt.

12- 80% feel that the war labor climate is undoubtedly labor abuse, 10% No, and 10% sometimes or in doubt.

Institutional abuse- Related to the government agency

1- 80% under psychological or work abuse receives legal accusations. 10% No, 10% sometimes or in doubt.

2- 20% receive or are a candidate for personal demands from the agency, 60% No, and 20% sometimes or in doubt.

3- 30% indicated there are no guidelines or public policies against abuse. 40% No, and 30% sometimes or in doubt.

4- 70% of the participants indicated receiving disciplinary actions under abuse, 20% No, and 10% sometimes or in doubt.

5- 70% indicated there is a disability of the agency in mental health programs, 10% No, 10% sometimes or in doubt.

6- 60% indicated the agencies practice moral discrimination. 20% No, 20% sometimes or in doubt.

7- 80% indicated the agencies have ethical and moral prejudices, 20% No.

8- 80% indicated the agencies do not have effective conflict resolution programs, 20% No.

9-24% commented that agencies violate state and federal laws, 20% No, and 56% sometimes or in doubt.

10- 80% indicated there are no crisis management programs within the agencies, 20, No.

11- 80% answered that the agencies do have antagonistic and political bureaucracy, 20% No.

Relevant conclusions from the pilot:

1- The physical and mental illnesses most related to Mobbing or Psychological Abuse are: Depression, Hypertension, gastritis, dermatitis, insomnia, hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, sexual dysfunction, and malnutrition that could degenerate into other physical conditions.

Episodes of panic, hypervigilance, irritability and nervous or mental disorders could degenerate into Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and heart attacks or strokes. This according to the studies of Pinuel and Zavala, Mari France Hirigoyen, 2000)

2- In the area of ​​labor abuse, vicious and frivolous complaints from authorities, subordinates and other employees of the agency affect the mental health of the employee.

3- Likewise, the challenge to authority, the hostile environment, lies and grievances create an environment of labor abuse in the workplace.

4- Factors such as isolation, stigmatization, threats, and conspiracy and collusion are workplace harassment.

5- The Labor Climate of war is undoubtedly the reason why it degenerates into labor abuse and psychological harassment in a company.

Institutional mistreatment of company or corporation leadership

1- The legal accusations of the victims of Mobbing come as a result of labor abuse and received by the agency who makes them a reality.

2- Uninvestigated or biased disciplinary actions come from the agency against the harassed and not the harasser.

3- There are no good Mental Health programs.

4- Ethical and moral prejudices and discrimination are practiced in public and private agencies and corporations.

5- There are no effective programs for conflict resolution and crisis management.

6- There is an antagonistic and political bureaucracy sponsored by the agency and the government.

Broadly speaking, these were the results and findings of this first pilot of the Second Study of Mobbing or Psychological Abuse. By completing and enlarging it is expected to support or discard some of these results for the benefit of Puerto Rico.


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Mobbing and labor abuse in Puerto Rico