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Model questionnaire for measuring the work environment


Next we are going to present a simple model of a questionnaire to measure the work environment in a company.

We must warn that depending on the degree or intensity of knowledge that you want to have about the work environment of the company in question, it will be necessary to construct more or less comprehensive questionnaires in your questions and objectives.

Below we expose the battery of questions that can integrate this questionnaire that we show.

Each question must be answered with one of the following scores:

  • 1: YES without any doubt 2: YES with any doubt or nuances 3: YES / NO both are valid 4: NO with any doubt or nuances 5: NO without a doubt
  1. Is your job totally physical? Is your work totally intellectual? Are you satisfied with your trajectory in the company? If you had known how things were going to be in your company, would you have joined it? Do you like your company? Are you proud to belong to the current company? Do you feel integrated into the company? Do you consider it a little "like yours", as your own? Do you know well what your work contributes to the company as a whole? If you could leave the company for another job, with equal pay, would you leave? Is your workplace (table, machine, vehicle, counter, etc.) pleasant and familiar to you? Is your workplace comfortable? Are you ending the day tired as a result of your job? Does your chair, armchair, armchair, the place where you sit, if your position requires it,is it comfortable for you? His back hurts? Does your eyesight get tired? Do you have enough space at your workplace? Would you like to have a better designed, larger and more comfortable workplace? Is that possible because of your environment and the space available where you work? Has any of your bosses or middle managers ever taken care of the design of their job? Do you have enough light in your position or workplace? Is there enough ambient light where you,is working? Is it usually or often hot? Is it usually cold or often cold? Are there drafts in your workplace? Are the services and toilets clean? Are the services and toilets sufficient for the company staff? Are the changing rooms clean? Is there an annoying noise level in your workplace? Is there background music or piped music? Do you work permanently in front of a computer screen? Do you have a protection filter? Do you have many incidents in the operation of the computer equipment that worry you and interrupt your work? His back hurts? Is your chair or armchair adequate in your opinion? Is your computer very slow and you are continually getting impatient by this circumstance? Is your computer very fast and of the latest generation? Do you have reflections on your computer screen from lights,windows or others? Is your screen too high or low for you? Is your printer too far from you, forcing you to get up all the time to pick up what you print? Do you consider that you have enough autonomy in your work? Do you consider that you have enough initiative in your work? Do you usually depend entirely on what your boss or bosses tell you to do to do your job? Do you prefer to always follow orders to take initiatives and responsibilities? Would you rather have initiatives, with their attendant responsibilities, than always obey instructions.Do you feel fulfilled in your work? Do you feel like a "machine" or a "robot" at work? Are you more attracted to the work done by the colleagues around you? Do you think they give you the worst jobs or the hardest or most routine? Do you consider that your work is very routine? Do you get along with your co-workers? Do you have problems with any or some of them? Do you think that there is a "struggle" or "struggle" between your colleagues, to move up or improve, at the expense of that companionship? Do you think that you and your colleagues get along and form a "pineapple"? If you left the company to go to another, would you feel for your colleagues? When you entered the company, did one or more of your colleagues help you in your early days? Have your colleagues ever discouraged you in relation to your company, your remuneration,to your professional future? Do you consider that you have a friendly environment among your co-workers? Do you sometimes have arguments between your coworkers? Is there a lot of mobility and job changes in your colleagues in the company? Do your boss or bosses usually treat you well, with kindness? Are your boss or bosses too demanding, in your opinion, with you in your work? Do you feel that there is a lack of understanding towards you by your boss or bosses? Do you consider your boss authoritarian? Do you consider your boss participative? Do you work with your boss and colleagues, in your opinion,in real team? Do you consider yourself to be continuously watched by your boss or bosses? Do you think that your boss usually heeds rumors or information that some transmit with interest about you or your colleagues? Do you consider that you have an equanimous boss with personality? Do you think that you have a distant boss with whom you have no communication? Is the position you occupy in the company related, if any, to the academic qualification that you have? Is the position you occupy in the company related, if any, to the previous experience that you had when you joined it? Do you consider yourself undervalued because of the position you occupy in your company? Do you think that the better or more important positions than yours are filled by people of less level, capacity and experience than you? Do you consider that your work,In the position you currently occupy, are you sufficiently recognized and considered by your boss or bosses? Would you like to change jobs, even without a change in pay? Do you think that you do, in your workplace, more things or have more functions than colleagues in your environment, earning the same? Would you like to change jobs within your current company? Do you think that this change is possible, that there are mobility possibilities in your company? Would you like to move to another workplace in your company, in the same city or in another? Do you consider that your work is well paid? According to the salaries that exist in your company,do you think I should earn more? Do you consider that between your colleagues and you there is no proportionality between work performed and remuneration received? If you receive incentives in your compensation, do they motivate you to work more? Do you consider that your remuneration is above average in your social environment, outside the company? Do you think that because of your work experience or training and academic qualifications you could earn more in another company? Does the difficulty that you think exists of finding a job holds you back in your search for better remuneration, outside your company.Do you think that it would not be difficult to improve your current salary conditions in another company? Do you think that compensation is not everything and that there are other factors in your current company or job that compensate you? Do you think that your salary level and that of your colleagues is in line with the situation and economic performance of the company? Do you consider that there is equality, when it comes to occupying jobs in your company, between men and women? Do you consider that there is equality, in the remuneration received in similar jobs within your company, between men and women? Do you think there is good communication from top to bottom, in your company, between bosses and subordinates? Do you think there is good communication from the bottom up, in your company,between bosses and subordinates? Do you think that in your company your boss or bosses listen to the suggestions of the employees and take their personal initiatives into consideration? Do you consider that you do useful work in the company, do you feel that way? Do you consider that you have a certain level of security in your workplace, for the future? Do you consider that your company only works with temporary contracts continuously, regardless of other considerations at work? Because of this insecurity towards your future in the company, do you feel without motivation or ties of union with your company? Do you consider that promotion in jobs in your company is possible, based solely on the work performed, identification with the company, job performance, experience and value contributed?experience and value contributed?experience and value contributed?that you have a certain level of security in your job, for the future? Do you consider that your company only works with temporary contracts continuously, regardless of other considerations at work? Because of this insecurity towards your future in the company, do you feel without motivation or ties of union with your company? Do you consider that promotion in jobs in your company is possible, based solely on the work performed, identification with the company, job performance, experience and value contributed?that you have a certain level of security in your job, for the future? Do you consider that your company only works with temporary contracts continuously, regardless of other considerations at work? Because of this insecurity towards your future in the company, do you feel without motivation or ties of union with your company? Do you consider that promotion in jobs in your company is possible, based solely on the work performed, identification with the company, job performance, experience and value contributed?Do you feel without motivation or ties of any union with your company? Do you consider that promotion in jobs in your company is possible, based solely on the work performed, identification with the company, job performance, experience and value contributed?Do you feel without motivation or ties of any union with your company? Do you consider that promotion in jobs in your company is possible, based solely on the work performed, identification with the company, job performance, experience and value contributed?

Note: The previous hundred questions make a sweep through the fundamental aspects of the life of a worker in any company. As previously indicated, it is possible to broaden these questions either towards other aspects of working life or by going deeper into them.

These questions, answered from 1 to 5 as indicated at the beginning, must be properly assessed.

This assessment depends on the criteria that are adopted as a basis. In this questionnaire, which we show as an example of work, prepared by our Consulting firm, we use certain valuation techniques

Model questionnaire for measuring the work environment