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Intellectual capital management model for a university in Cuba


The objective of this work is to present a management model for Intellectual Capital at the University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences (UCCFD) from the conception of Management based on Knowledge, which promotes the development of competitive advantages in the research area. The study carried out is within the feasible project modality and is supported by a descriptive and explanatory field study. The stages of the methodology applied in the development of the model, start from the analysis of the research situation at the UCCFD and culminate with its design.The analysis of the situation determined that the processes of creation, transfer and application of knowledge are strongly structured and driven by motivating mechanisms, rooted mainly in personal requirements of an academic career; on the other hand, the dissemination processes are highly limited in both goals and scope, and finally, the science and technology infrastructure is still scarce, therefore, the dissemination effort is not significant. The application of the results of the study will allow the strengthening of services to support research. The recommendations also point to overcoming certain obstacles that limit the full development of the activity and the potential of research at the UCCFD.


This word has as objective, present a model for the develop to the intellectual capital in the Science University of Physical Culture and Sport (UCCFD) since the gestation in function of the knowledge conception, that have to promote the development of competitive advantage in the investigations areas. The Study realized is localized inside the project modality and its support in a camp study that have descriptive and explanatory characters. In the development of this model bee different stage of the apply methodology, beginning in the situation analyze to the investigation in the UCCFD and finishing with the designer of them. The analyze of the situation determine that the creations process, transfer and knowledge apply are structured strangely and pushed for motives mechanism, principally rooting by personal requirements to academic career,in other order, the diffusions process are highest limited as metes as reach, and finally, the infrastructure of science and technology still be poor, that means the effort of diffusion isn't significant. The study results applies, permits the services strangles for the investigations support. The recommendations too join in investigations potentialities.


Organizations today are in a time of rapid and profound change. Changes produced by the explosion of information technologies and telecommunications, which are increasingly of fundamental importance in shaping the society of our time, to the point that the expression information society has become popular. However, information technologies are not more than a means of transmitting content and effectively managing data, information and knowledge.

Likewise, knowledge becomes the fundamental factor for creating value, therefore, it is the main source of generating competitive advantages for any organization, as well as the ability to learn new things. In this way and according to the relevance of the term knowledge, the concept of the knowledge society or learning society appears, which reflects the dynamism of the process of generation and application of knowledge.

Knowledge, in order to provide the maximum benefits, must be properly managed, as a discipline that has successfully entered all those areas in which knowledge is an essential part of the behavior of activities that concern the operation of companies, generation of knowledge regarding research and its use, in general, to any process and innovation. The primary purpose of knowledge management resides in adding value based on organizational knowledge, therefore it is necessary to take advantage of the new information generated and the experience of the institutions and their components, to obtain new knowledge for later use and therefore, sustainable strategic advantages. In this context,The essential mission is to involve a culture of collaboration and shared institutional knowledge, since knowledge management is the effort to capture and take advantage of the collective experience of the organization, making it accessible to any member of the organization.

General Objective: Design a management model for Intellectual Capital, from the approach of Management based on Knowledge at the Manuel Fajardo University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences.

Research methods used: Historical - logical, Analysis of bibliographic and documentary sources, Analysis - synthesis, Modeling, Observation, Surveys-Interviews and Mathematical - statistics.


It is evident that in this new era of knowledge, universities and research organizations are essential for the creation of knowledge, due to the fact that their main functions are the training of highly qualified personnel through teaching, research and extension., but so should its social dissemination, since the university of the future is seen as an institution that generates knowledge at the service of the training needs and technological development of the environment, within the model of knowledge societies.

Although universities have always managed knowledge, employing researchers and professors to create, disseminate and apply knowledge, and have trained their students in these subjects, today the very nature of knowledge has changed, which makes it necessary to address these problems from new perspectives, which implies an integration.

In the case of the University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences (UCCFD), the knowledge generated through research projects is not disseminated to the academic body, so individual intellectual capital grows in a greater proportion than collective intellectual capital, and taking into account the context of the debate that is taking place around the reality about the future of the university within the new transformation process, it is essential to develop university knowledge management projects, which provide innovative references to it, and incorporate concepts and tools that allow the development of models and definition of design and implementation criteria.

According to the dynamics of knowledge in the UCCFD around the research processes and transfer of their results, a knowledge management model is necessary that allows increasing the effectiveness of the effort in the research area in order to take advantage of its results in the innovation processes that take place in its socioeconomic environment and the generation of competitive advantages in the country's university sector.

Once knowledge is identified in the organization, it grows and multiplies as it is used. This requires organizations, which are in a constant process of transformation, to work hard to renew their knowledge

For knowledge management to be effective, specific processes and methods of operation are required. In the Cuban Higher Education sector, this process of change and search for new organizational forms has matured. A management style has been developed that under a strategic approach allows the formulation and agreement of objectives throughout the organization.

The most valuable resources of universities are their researchers and students with their relationships as well as their organizational routines. These resources are part of the intellectual capital

It is worth noting that the changes introduced in the management methods and styles, as well as the implementation of appropriate strategies in the area of ​​Science and Technological Innovation as part of the national strategies contributed to a gradual increase in the number of students linked to scientific research and the scientific-technical potential in the country's HEIs, which guaranteed the execution of national and international research projects. However, it is recognized that there are still deficiencies in the planning, organization and control of the objectives and inadequacies in the generalization of research results and in the transfer of products and services.

In the case at hand, it is generally evident that there is insufficient knowledge about the current situation of the elements that characterize the Intellectual Capital of the UCCFD, as an area of ​​Science and Technology, since there are not a significant number of studies carried out at the same time. respect.

From the accumulated experience in establishing Management by Objectives, it has been deduced the need to develop horizontal communication systems between bosses and subordinates, increase measurements and their accuracy based on the availability of information, to strengthen control and to develop feedback mechanisms where each actor receives the information, in the appropriate form and frequency in accordance with their decision or management level, taking advantage of the possibilities of information and communication technologies (ICT) to contribute to the elimination, modification or replacement of superfluous activities through the redesign or reengineering of processes that take place in the execution of training, research and innovation projects. In this sense,Castro Díaz-Balart (2000, p.304) states that the «management of research and innovation projects constitutes an organizational system used for the efficient execution of multidisciplinary tasks in a time frame of fixed duration and with an always limited allocation of human resources, material and financial ”which implies an integrative approach to achieve the commitment of the actors involved in the specific processes associated with the creation, development and transfer of products and services that cross different organizational boundaries.material and financial "which implies an integrative approach to achieve the commitment of the actors involved in the specific processes associated with the creation, development and transfer of products and services that cross different organizational boundaries.material and financial "which implies an integrative approach to achieve the commitment of the actors involved in the specific processes associated with the creation, development and transfer of products and services that cross different organizational boundaries.

Hence, management systems are considered as vertical systems that act interdependently in the search for greater efficiency in the generation and use of resources and capacities.

Edvisson and Malone (1988) affirm that human resources are the most important for any organization. Inadequate management of them can lead to the decapitalization of the organization due to the flight of its best talents with the consequent loss of knowledge. In this way, the Human Resource Management (HRM) and the Knowledge Management (GIC) system share the responsibility of preparing human resources in the shared use of knowledge for the purpose of its conservation and problem solving. Hence, the GIC is considered as a process within the continuous learning of the organization where individual and group knowledge is deliberately integrated to transform them into systemic, collective and explicit knowledge.

The UCCFD is inserted within this general situation in which it has made an effort and actions that have not managed to become a coherent and harmonious system that allows the fulfillment of the purpose and objective to be achieved in knowledge management, where a systemic thinking and action in a continuous and perishable way over time. On the other, we start from the lack of knowledge about the current situation of the elements that characterize its intellectual capital.

Once knowledge is identified in the organization, it grows and multiplies as it is used. This requires organizations, which are in a constant process of transformation, to work hard to renew their knowledge

Organizations currently develop in an environment that is expanding at an increasingly accelerated, interdependent, unpredictable, dynamic and complex level; where the state of change is permanent.

For this reason, organizations must be agile, capable and oriented towards the development of learning capacities and organizational knowledge. On this basis, knowledge as a single resource, difficult to transfer, imitate or replace, is a source of competitive advantages for organizations.

For knowledge management to be effective, specific processes and methods of operation are required.

Knowledge Characteristics. For Andreu and Sieber (2000), what is fundamental are basically three characteristics:

• Knowledge is personal, in the sense that it originates and resides in people, who assimilate it as a result of their own experience (that is, of their own "doing", whether physical or intellectual) and incorporate it into their personal heritage being "convinced" of its meaning and implications, articulating it as an organized whole that gives structure and meaning to its different "pieces";

• Its use, which can be repeated without the knowledge being “consumed” as occurs with other physical goods, allows “understanding” the phenomena that people perceive (each one “in their own way”, according precisely to what their knowledge implies at a given time), and also "evaluate" them, in the sense of judging their goodness or convenience for each one at any time; and

• It serves as a guide for people's action, in the sense of deciding what to do at each moment because that action is generally aimed at improving the consequences, for each individual, of the perceived phenomena (even changing them if possible).

Knowledge Society

Contemporary societies face the challenge of projecting and adapting to a process of change that has been advancing very rapidly towards the construction of Knowledge Societies. This process is essentially energized by the development of new trends in the generation, dissemination and use of knowledge, and is demanding the revision and adaptation of many of the companies and social organizations and the creation of new ones with the capacity to assume and guide change. A Knowledge Society is a society with the capacity to generate, appropriate, and use knowledge to meet the needs of its development and thus build its own future, turning the creation and transfer of knowledge into a tool for society for its own benefit.

Intellectual Capital and Knowledge

To understand the context that the term "intellectual capital" encompasses, some definitions and descriptions made by specialists on the subject are considered:

Thomas A. Stewart (1999) points out that "It is the sum of everything that everyone in a company knows, which generates a line of competitiveness for it."

Andrew Mayo (2000) states that intellectual capital “They are non-financial resources that allow generating responses to market needs and help to exploit them. These resources are divided into three categories: human capital, structural capital, and relational capital. Where human capital is the capabilities of individuals in an organization that are required to provide solutions to clients. Structural capital is the organizational capabilities necessary to respond to market requirements. The relational capital is the depth, coverage and profitability of the organizational rights ”(Page 88)

Once the value of intellectual capital within organizations has been understood, it is necessary to determine the meaning of the word knowledge from a practical perspective. It is based on the assumption that knowledge can be explicit and tacit.

Sánchez Vegas (1998) understands by explicit the structured knowledge, expressed in publications, presentations, patents, technical reports, products, services, processes.

Sánchez Vegas defines knowledge management essentially as an organizational management paradigm, which comes from a new techno-economic paradigm that is based on what is called the teleinformatics revolution of the last two decades, expressed in organizational revolutions, that is, in new organizational management modes and models.

Intellectual capital

The concept of Intellectual Capital has been incorporated in recent years to both the academic and business worlds to define the set of non-material contributions that in the information age are understood as the main asset of companies of the third millennium (Brooking, 1997).

According to Brooking (1997), intellectual capital is nothing new, but has been present from the moment the first salesperson established a good relationship with a customer. Later it was called commerce fund. What has happened over the past two decades is an explosion in certain key technical areas, including the media, information technology and communications, which have provided us with new tools with which we have built a global economy.. Many of these tools provide immaterial benefits that are now taken for granted, but did not exist before, to the point that the organization cannot function without them. Ownership of such tools provides competitive advantages and therefore constitutes an asset.

Management based on Knowledge

For some time, organizations realized that their physical and financial assets do not have the capacity to generate sustainable competitive advantages over time, and they discovered that intangible assets are the ones that provide true value to organizations. But what do we mean when we talk about intangible assets?

Intangible assets are a series of resources that belong to the organization, but that are not valued from an accounting point of view. Intangible assets are also the capabilities that are generated in the organization when resources begin to work in groups, many people instead of capabilities speak of processes, or organizational routines. In short, an intangible asset is everything that an organization uses to create value, but does not account for it.

Taking into consideration the previous elements, it is justified that the investigation and characterization of Intellectual Capital in the UCCFD be oriented as a central element in terms of determining the weak points for the corresponding corrective actions and establishing the strengths to carry out their work in the form of a system.

Intellectual capital is composed of the knowledge of the organization and represents the intangible assets of an organization.

Methodology for the Construction of the Model

The review of various methodologies and models led us to propose the integration of the most relevant aspects of each of them with the aim of developing the Intellectual Capital management system applicable to the UCCFD.

Because the concept of Knowledge Management is complex; which implies its operationalization in variables of a high level of abstraction, which contain a series of dimensions and indicators supported by the Intelect model of Euroforum, we have chosen those that are the elements that are evaluated in one way or another by CITMA, Management of Science and Technology of INDER and the Ministry of Control in the visits and controls that are carried out.

Methodology for the implementation of the Model.

The following phased methodology is proposed:

1. Preparation stage.

Conditions are prepared to implement the system for the management of intellectual capital.

• Clearly define, endorsed by the highest Institutional Directorate, the Vision, Mission and Objectives of the project.

• Prepare the University for change, socializing what concerns the subject, through courses, exchanges, debates and workshops, where they can express their considerations in this regard, taking into account the observations that are made, reconciling them with those in charge of executing the project. "The conviction of the usefulness of managing intellectual capital as a key to success and not as a way of being in tune with the academic and business discourse on administration issues must be achieved." (Kaplan, 2000)

• Have defined the actions of training, improvement and development of those involved in the process of installation of structural supports, information processing and use of associated technologies, as well as the review of job qualifiers, supported by a previous diagnosis that allows the planning of the mentioned actions.

• Prepare in a first stage the knowledge maps in the Vice-rectories and teaching Departments, in a second stage, with the information that comes from the general and specific environment, a second elaboration must be carried out.

• To reconcile with the specialists of the ICT and IT Directorates, the software designs and structural investments necessary, flexible enough, to be able to be used in other areas.

• Specify the elements associated with relational capital that fundamentally refers to its interaction with society and its valuation within the National System of Science and Technology.

2. Implementation stage.

• Prepare an action plan, where the dates, participants and executors, as well as those responsible for each, of the actions associated with the aforementioned aspects are accurately reflected.

• Establish the indicators to be used at the University, which will be used to measure the development of the Management process, as well as the measurement criteria associated with them and which should add value to the information.

• The underlining indicates that the indicators thus conceived should, therefore, feed the activity of the actors who participate in the process of generating knowledge and development in Intellectual Capital.

• Determine measurement criteria achievable by the University. As it reaches a certain level, new measurement criteria must be set and thus go up through layers to the highest levels of management.

• Define the actions that contribute to improving the indicators and achieving the expected actions.

• Choose an area or process where the designed system can be easily experienced.

• Incorporate the experiences obtained into the system.

• Extend the model to the entire organization. To do this, an organization-wide knowledge of the objectives of the system must be achieved, the effects that those involved in its application will receive, how useful the information that will be obtained will be, who to consult in case of doubts.

3. Growth stage.

Constant feedback will be received from the system, it will be measured at what stage of development it is at and will decide to raise the measurement criteria to achieve new stages of development.


1. The INTELID model is aimed at achieving the systematization of the theoretical supports expressed with a holistic approach to Knowledge Management.

2. The proposal constitutes a viable work tool and enables the development of Intellectual Capital.


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Intellectual capital management model for a university in Cuba