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Three-dimensional model for the treatment of mobbing


Many people who live terrible and negative experiences of Mobbing or Psychological abuse ask the question: How can I get out of the dark and terror tunnel in which I find myself today? It does not seem to be an easy question to answer.

However, Yes !!! Yes!!! There are hopes and paths to start and begin to walk: "Walkers, there are no paths, the path is made by walking." Machado. There are many religious, Christian and non-Christian doctrines, such as Buddhists, Judeans, and even Metaphysics that are sciences, which belong to Philosophy, and are subdivided into 2 major branches, Ontology and Theology, the first is the study of what the abstract of Being, and the second, the study of God.

By studying science such as metaphysics, we become scientific scholars, where we will learn about the human being in the abstract aspect, that is, studies of thought, mind, spirit, feelings, and emotions, in short, everything the abstract that man can have, his desires, his energy, what encourages him, motivates him, and also everything negative, to be able to overcome it.

Understand the reason for my hatreds, grudges, selfishness. Recognize those feelings of guilt, which sometimes destroy us and remove them. It is not understandable from reason, from the ego.

Our mind has several stages that need to be explained:

The ego, the me, the one that talks to me and says "you can't. the id that is the unconscious where the secrets and the most secret information of our being are kept, and the super unconscious, where the illuminated, christian and pure part is, the one that guides us to let ourselves be moved by a superior force, God, wing, creator etc., etc. In order to understand why most of the time, we own the faults of others and we cannot let go of them, we would need to enter the learned behavior, in the body. and obviously, we learned step by step how to destabilize balance and harmony, not to accept ourselves as we are and improve ourselves, take away what we do not want to have and learn to love and understand ourselves, to be able to love and understand our partner, the family and everyone around us requires bizarre acts of liberation of the self, the ego,of the body and enter the world of the unconscious to be able to make an intrinsic communion with the inner being and therefore with our Christian being or inner voice… to do this majestic task, Christians, who believe in God, speak of sacrifices, sufferings, and pain possibly leading us to rediscover the original source of creation and the being that is our higher self and through acts of faith, hope, love, charity and goodness… if we can accept trials as a rich and great opportunity for spiritual growth, that brings us closer to God, we may change and relearn to live in a different way.that we believe in God we speak of sacrifices, sufferings, and pain that possibly leads us to rediscover the original source of creation and the being that is our higher self and through acts of faith, hope, love, charity and goodness… if we succeed Accept trials as a rich and great opportunity for spiritual growth, which brings us closer to God, we may change and relearn to live differently.that we believe in God we speak of sacrifices, sufferings, and pain that possibly leads us to rediscover the original source of creation and the being that is our higher self and through acts of faith, hope, love, charity and goodness… if we succeed Accept trials as a rich and great opportunity for spiritual growth, which brings us closer to God, we may change and relearn to live differently.

Recognizing ourselves as perfect beings, identifying ourselves with the true, the source of creation and with the majesty of the universal. We will also be able to get out of the tunnel of mobbing and it is almost certain that we will be able to forgive, first ourselves and then those who in a certain way have damaged, mistreated, humiliated, wounded and destroyed our faith in ourselves. According to philosophical studies, religious doctrines and metaphysical sciences, they assure that it is so important to be able to forgive ourselves and to forgive others, because it is the main cause of our dramas. that resentment, that deep-rooted hatred, that torments my soul, that destroys me inside and that gives me all the negative that is in me… that makes me sick, that annihilates me… that anger that comes out of the depths of me, It hurts me so much, more damage than the cause that originally originated it.Actually, it seems simple, simple and it even sounds pretty… but what happens, when there is no such forgiveness ???? It is not born of your soul to give that forgiveness to the murderer @ psychological @ who took away your peace, joy, illusion and the desire to live ?????? well, this one !!!! yes!!! which is a job with supreme forces. Almost all the survivors of mobbing or psychological harassment are spoken to in the healing phase of learning to free yourself from all that, from your guilt, from your mistakes, by reconciling with the past, we liberate the present and we will enjoy the future in its maximum happiness. How could this three-dimensional model exemplify for us what we are supposed to have learned before living, reliving and reviewing day by day in thought, in memory, in yesterday, in the past this "post traumatic stress syndrome".. well,First you have to do it in stages, it is not possible otherwise. stpt is a condition that psychiatrists, psychologists and even therapists and social workers understand is relieved and cured with professional treatment. we must heal what was badly learned in the body, in the world of deep and shallow interpersonal and personal relationships. Let me explain there are many dependencies, addictions and attachments that drag on all our lives until we decide to say enough is enough !!!!! example: in an abusive partner, it is unlikely to break the cycle until one of the two gets tired of suffering and be the victim. on many occasions it is the woman, the one selected to say "this martyrdom is over." but you need him… and possibly that insufferable pain you called love, passion, hurt feelings,but suffered love is normal ??? believe me it is not at all. simply you, needed the pain and the drug (the) to live. all because in your mind, in your emotions, in your ideas you once believed that love is begged, begged and implored. wao !!!!! sounds familiar??? Possibly yes!!! This misbehavior was learned at home, in your home and you repeat it and repeat it. there come the perverse narcissists or the vampires or seducers, who identify their prey from a thousand miles away. Clear!!! If there is a hunger for love, and they give it to you, even if it is lies, the cycle that I call "opportunism and profit" will not easily end. for whom?? for both.in your ideas did you ever believe that love begs, begs and begs for. wao !!!!! sounds familiar??? Possibly yes!!! This bad behavior was learned at home, in your home and you repeat it and repeat it. there come the perverse narcissists or the vampires or seducers, who identify their prey from a thousand miles away. Clear!!! If there is a hunger for love, and they give it to you, even if it's lies, the cycle that I call "opportunism and profit" will not easily end. for whom?? for both.in your ideas did you ever believe that love is begged, begged and implored. wao !!!!! sounds familiar??? Possibly yes!!! This misbehavior was learned at home, in your home and you repeat it and repeat it. there come the perverse narcissists or the vampires or seducers, who identify their prey from a thousand miles away. Clear!!! If there is a hunger for love, and they give it to you, even if it is lies, the cycle that I call "opportunism and profit" will not easily end. for whom?? for both.and they give it to you even if it's lies, possibly, the cycle that I call "opportunism and profit" will not easily end. for whom?? for both.and they give it to you even if it's lies, possibly, the cycle that I call "opportunism and profit" will not easily end. for whom?? for both.

Why??? because we already know, that the perverse narcissist does not feel guilty, nor does he have remorse, nor is he ashamed to lie. after all it is the best thing you can do in your life. He just chose you, because you gave him the signal and gave him the license to do it over and over and over and over again. If you, the one who suffers from abuse or mobbing, takes risks, dares and says: "I don't deserve this behavior." I was not born to suffer like this ”. I am love, and I deserve to be loved and respected ”.

Just as Paulo coello said: "the universe conspires in your favor when you go the correct route, it also happens the other way around because the universe that is in contact with your being does not know good or bad, does what you order with your thoughts and obeys ”. not easy, huh !!!! We will earn that trust that we have lost, we will overcome all those fears that prevent us from falling asleep, and once freed, we will understand, accept and love with the joy of living, we will be able to give ourselves and others, so many joys that we have denied, so many opportunities that we have missed, that we have preferred to keep quiet. now is the time to overcome, now I am going to learn how to get out of all that that makes me feel so bad, depressed @, humiliated @, belittled @, we will find peace with myself and with the whole universe,we will discover the beauty that before we did not see in a landscape, we will listen to the melodious of the music, the sound of the trills, the harmony in the color. We will know how to recognize the positive and negative vibrations, the light energies, you will visualize your aura, you will be able to see it, you will know when a person is positive and when not, and you will also value everything related to God, you will see it from a scientific, philosophical point of view. This way you will understand the why of peace, love, harmony, happiness and internal happiness. no matter what religion you profess or if you do not have a special one, your healing will not limit your beliefs, on the contrary, it gives you a general aspect and at the same time you will open your understanding to the depth of each spiritual, religious or metaphysical message that helps you to your elevation.we will hear the melodiousness of the music, the sound of trills, the harmony in color. We will know how to recognize the positive and negative vibrations, the light energies, you will visualize your aura, you will be able to see it, you will know when a person is positive and when not, and you will also value everything related to God, you will see it from a scientific, philosophical point of view. This way you will understand the why of peace, love, harmony, happiness and internal happiness. no matter what religion you profess or if you do not have a special one, your healing will not limit your beliefs, on the contrary, it gives you a general aspect and at the same time you will open your understanding to the depth of each spiritual, religious or metaphysical message that helps you to your elevation.we will hear the melodiousness of the music, the sound of trills, the harmony in color. We will know how to recognize the positive and negative vibrations, the light energies, you will visualize your aura, you will be able to see it, you will know when a person is positive and when not, and you will also value everything related to God, you will see it from a scientific, philosophical point of view. This way you will understand the why of peace, love, harmony, happiness and internal happiness. no matter what religion you profess or if you do not have a special one, your healing will not limit your beliefs, on the contrary, it gives you a general aspect and at the same time you will open your understanding to the depth of each spiritual, religious or metaphysical message that helps you to your elevation.the energies of light, you will visualize your aura, you will be able to see it, you will know when a person is positive and when not, and you will also value everything related to God, you will see it from a scientific, philosophical point of view. This way you will understand the why of peace, love, harmony, happiness and internal happiness. no matter what religion you profess or if you do not have a special one, your healing will not limit your beliefs, on the contrary, it gives you a general aspect and at the same time you will open your understanding to the depth of each spiritual, religious or metaphysical message that helps you to your elevation.the energies of light, you will visualize your aura, you will be able to see it, you will know when a person is positive and when not, and you will also value everything related to God, you will see it from a scientific, philosophical point of view. This way you will understand the why of peace, love, harmony, happiness and internal happiness. no matter what religion you profess or if you do not have a special one, your healing will not limit your beliefs, on the contrary, it gives you a general aspect and at the same time you will open your understanding to the depth of each spiritual, religious or metaphysical message that helps you to your elevation.bliss and inner happiness. no matter what religion you profess or if you do not have a special one, your healing will not limit your beliefs, on the contrary, it gives you a general aspect and at the same time you will open your understanding to the depth of each spiritual, religious or metaphysical message that helps you to your elevation.bliss and inner happiness. no matter what religion you profess or if you do not have a special one, your healing will not limit your beliefs, on the contrary, it gives you a general aspect and at the same time you will open your understanding to the depth of each spiritual, religious or metaphysical message that helps you to your elevation.

You will recognize the positive of exchanging messages of love instead of hate, words of joy instead of sadness, and most of all you will self-realize your value as a unique and special being. You will not anchor yourself in a limiting, punitive and shameful practice for being who you are and you will freely live your own spiritual beliefs of love for God and your own being that you will share with others.. Your healing is not to change your ideas, nor your thoughts, or your beliefs, is to strengthen yourself and that what you think and believe, has a base, a foundation on which you can support and reconfirm what you already have, with the conviction of improving it. You will be able to give it a touch of reality, remove your doubts and mistrust and expand your knowledge so that you can start the long path towards your personal, human and spiritual improvement,because by knowing and healing the abstract, you know and heal your body. This is how you free yourself from the disease, by freeing yourself from the negative that you hold. When you start your healing, you will notice the improvement in all aspects of your life, you will be a new, optimistic person, full of joy and the desire to live, to love your partner in freedom and to feel like someone useful and of great benefit to everyone yours.

In a practical way, you will transcend metaphysics, which is what is beyond the physical.

You will enter the study of the abstract of being and of God, in its duality, positive

and negative. you will see being turned into divine and god turned into being. the important thing is their confluence, understanding, for example, that we are made in the image and likeness of God, but not by skin and bone, but by the abstract, we are made in the image and likeness of his energy. we are a breath of his divine energy, of that energy that makes us one with the universe, that makes us eternalize, not in matter, it ends, but the energy does not, it is not destroyed, it only transforms. we, the being, are what we feel, what we think, what we want, and we turn our body into its result, if I think and feel positive, I will have a positive and healthy body, if not, I will have a negative and sick body, then Does the positive give me health ?, of course, and the negative makes me sick; your body, it is only the medium that transports your ideas wherever you want,It is your temporary temple to praise God, and all at birth, we are given free will, to take that body and that idea, wherever I please. I decide if towards the positive or towards the negative. I can be successful, healthy, full of achievements, or negative, sick, vicious and unsuccessful. we are the result of a family, we learn from that nucleus and we can decide if we repeat its mistakes and its goodness. If I come from a well-formed family, I will have that same model and pattern of behavior without much problem. If I come from a poorly formed family, I am going to imitate why? Because the example is what we follow. If I was mistreated in my childhood, I do not have if I wish and I learn to mistreat my children. If my parents hit each other, I don't have to hit my partner, but re-educate myself, redefine myself,reevaluate myself and restart with a rebirth of hope and faith in my own personal development… now we could learn, it is not too late. We don't have to do what we live in a dysfunctional family nucleus, I don't have to be an alcoholic, just because my father was, nor do I have to let myself be humiliated, just because my mother humiliated my father, nor do I have to humiliate my partner, no. I don't have to follow those examples. now the time has come to break those chains, I don't have to bear the faults of others, those faults do not correspond to me.nor do I have to humiliate my partner, no. I don't have to follow those examples. now the time has come to break those chains, I don't have to bear the faults of others, those faults do not correspond to me.nor do I have to humiliate my partner, no. I don't have to follow those examples. now the time has come to break those chains, I don't have to bear the faults of others, those faults do not correspond to me.

What you might decide to follow are good examples and nothing more. I don't have to condemn myself to being an unhappy person, just because my parents failed to be happy. we were born to be happy, that is my great reason. give me happiness, give me the achievements that make me feel good and share it with mine. I'm going to do everything in my power to achieve it.

I can be fine, so that I can be a healthy example for my children, and others. decide that I am going to be able to set a good example so that together we can more easily achieve our happiness.

Remember, what we are and feel is what we reap. If I am angry, I awaken anger in whoever is next to me. If I'm happy and give a caress, they will hardly respond with a slap. On the other hand, if I hit, they will hit me too, harmony awakens harmony, we are a mirror. If I give hate, I will get hate, if I give a caress, they will respond to me with caresses. Have you ever wondered why there are families, where everyone is sick? Where they are all failures? Where everyone gets on badly? And why are there other families, who are all successful, all are healthy, and they all get along so well? Someone may ever think, why would it be my turn, to be born into that family of misfits? Why wouldn't I be better born in that family where you breathe peace, tranquility and there is always joy in them?

Well, what you need is not to change your family. what you need is to change your attitude, it's so easy! when entering a healing process. they awaken all the abstract aspects of being, what forms the spirit, mind, thoughts and ideas, their motivations, desires, desires, emotions, feelings, improvement, evolution, their achievements and goals. This is what in its positivity, filling a life of satisfactions, is what gives happiness to being. on the other hand, despair, frustration, brings unhappiness because of their negativity.

We could learn to harmonize and balance our energy, on a basis of tranquility, with dedication and joy, wishing for improvement, we will go step by step climbing each step, which will take you to the top. the failures will become the teachings that will give your life, peace and you will reach your goal, by achieving your evolution. You have that goal from the moment when, by personal decision and according to your vital energy, it was assigned to you before you were born, before you were a woman or a man. Long before your parents came together and gave your life together. the final decision is yours. you will decide to achieve it and not have wasted the opportunity that life gave you to accelerate your ascension. through knowledge and its application. so the day you return to your spiritual origin, you can say that you achieved your goal,and you will appreciate that opportunity they gave you to be a better human being both physically, mentally or spiritually.

It will be a great pleasure when we can say: “today, I return to God, with the satisfaction of my achievement, I achieved my goal and I can say that I am one of those who has achieved it. for my great desire to improve, and here I am to evaluate my life and my achievements. I was able to forgive myself @ and forgive those who hurt me. I have accepted myself and love my neighbor, as God loves me, I was able to heal my guilt, my hatred, my selfishness, envy and resentment and I was able to transmute the negative energy of my environment, increase my faith in myself @ and I have fulfilled my goal. I was able to get the negative out of me. I healed my mind and with positive thoughts, I gave health to my body, warding off the disease with an adequate diet, freeing my body of toxins, I got away from vices,addictions and temptations and with integrity I was removing one by one the ties that limited my understanding; I learned and respected the use of divine energy, to achieve the evolution that I deserved by right of conscience that I accumulated in my being, to enrich the desire for wisdom, knowing and putting into practice the divine and universal laws. understanding that I am one with the cosmos, that as above it is below and I understood the macrocosm and the microcosm. now I know that I am part of a whole, I am made in the image and likeness of the father, that his divine energy has given off a small spark, which is my energy, and I made it multiply with my actions. Today I have to share, with my peers, in a service, to have a fuller life, I was born for that, to give myself, my partner and those around me, that breath of life, that awakening,those spirits that come to me today, for our benefit. This new contribution of energy that I begin today is distributed through my body and runs through my entire being.

My lower bodies and my planes, physical, mental, emotional and etheric and I will understand everything that is given to me from now on, little by little I will have the certainty that all this information is not so new to me. I will recognize with my reasoning, that that momentum will come, that awakening, in which the veil that obstructs my understanding is crossed, and to experience that new reality, which today may seem so beautiful to be true. I can choose to be distressed or not. choose not to pressure me, because we all come in time. It is a logical reaction at the beginning, when choosing to heal you will understand that as the days go by, everything will become clear to me and that day will come when everything I read and hear from the teachings, it will seem that I have always known it. The first step is that you are already a being in evolution, when the desire to improve yourself reaches you,it indicates that you are already on the path, that you have already traveled part of it. Today, you will only learn how to remember it, and catch up again, and continue advancing with the torch of enlightenment, now you will place yourself on the level that you had already won where you left off. by your right of conscience, because what has already been won is not lost, it is already yours, you only have to ask for it what is really happening, it is that you are remembering what you have already learned. The same happens with the teachings, you already have a knowledge that you are remembering today and you will only update yourself to place yourself on the level already gained. Suddenly you will see that you have a powerful mind, that you master the energies as you would not have imagined, only that I recommend calm, see things flow naturally, it is not a miracle, nor are you the only one who dominates such a situation,Remember that God provides us with gifts, and if you have them, it is because God has wanted to give them to you. Sometimes someone may feel that their mind is the powerful one and fill with spiritual pride, that should not happen to you, because it goes against yourself, with humility you must recognize that God has given it to you and that in his name you will act to increase that energy, and later on, you will share that knowledge in a service to whom you must deliver it, remember that pearls are not given to those who do not know how to value them.you will share that knowledge in a service to whom you must deliver it, remember that pearls are not given to those who do not know how to value them.you will share that knowledge in a service to whom you must deliver it, remember that pearls are not given to those who do not know how to value them.

We all deserve the best and the chance to prove it is up to us. If you consider yourself a victim of mobbing or psychological abuse, it could happen that you stop at this premise and do not advance too much. On the other hand, if you are a survivor of mobbing or psychological abuse, you will overcome it, you will dominate it, you will face it by making lemons lemonade. that means that the oppressor, the predator, the stalker did not achieve his purpose of seeing you annihilated, destroyed and defeated. This effort is immensely great and requires will, encouragement, and intense prayer. no matter what you think, getting out of the mobbing tunnel cannot be done alone @. There are people willing to help you and the first one has to be you. God will help you without a doubt it is so. I have tried it and I am in the process of improving. just believe, that you are capable of doing it.

The road is long tedious, painful and stormy and you will wonder why it happened to me ??? you will decide, what you will do. Of course, the first thing is not to feel defeated, not to say I can not and not to believe in the lies and pirates of the envious, vampires or perverse narcissists.

You know, you know it is a lie, therefore, it is up to you, not to give it credit and power. Now I will give you some strategies to rise to the top with your courage, your faith, your hope and surely with God and your beings of light who are all the people who love you well. you will get ahead !!!!!!

1- Peace and Calm in the crisis. In the end, the one who loses control is the one who loses the battle.

2- Reflection, Meditation, Analysis and little or no Reaction with the bully conserves you energy and strengthens Self-esteem.

3- Courage, Courage, Stoicism more than screams, fights and comments. It gives you growth and distinguishes you from the oppressor who wants to see you suffer and shattered.

4- Assertiveness in the answers. Generally short, precise and forceful, for example: “I do not accept and tolerate harassment, I do not allow offenses and I do not participate in humiliating, degrading and stormy activities. Now I am retiring.

5- Read, Read, and Reread readings of personal and spiritual improvement. Go to a temple, and Seek God or your Creator. Request medical, psychological or spiritual help if you think it is convenient.

6- Listen to pleasant, relaxed music for spiritual and mental growth.

7- Get together with positive, happy people, animated to the study of the natural, the beautiful and the spiritual.

8- Travel visit beautiful and beautiful places of divine and spiritual inspiration.

9- Strengthen your self-esteem, your self, your self-efficacy, your self-concept and your Faith will grow.

10- Be an example of talent, creativity, struggle, power and Love first with God or your Creator, with you and then with others.

These are some of the many strategies that I could offer you at the moment. We will keep in touch because self-growth is infinite. It never stops, because it is like energy. It is neither created nor destroyed. It just transforms. and becomes something superior, better and unique in the universe. Let's do it. Let's do it now.

This article has many sections and segments of Bod Palace Roberto Vázquez- And his Metaphysics Courses throughout Latin America. Bod Palace is the Creator of the Study of the Self and other disciplines.


Article Reflections and Discussion of the text with examples of Mobbing by Dr. Wanda E. Soto Vázquez, an expert in labor, sexual and moral harassment or Mobbing in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Three-dimensional model for the treatment of mobbing