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Models for the identification of labor competencies

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The description of a position from the traditional analysis of tasks, based on the observation of times and movements, is becoming increasingly limited and of little use.

This technique is no longer functional to determine how complex and dynamic objectives are achieved.

It is necessary that the analysis of required competencies include situations and variables that reflect the scope or extent of learning, such as the resolution of unforeseen situations, communication, teamwork, emotional intelligence; as well as the relationship of all these capacities with the technical specialty, since this determines the depth of learning.


It is the process that is followed to establish, based on a work activity, the competencies that are put into play in order to perform such activity, in an excellent way.

Identification coverage can range from job title to a broader concept of occupational area or scope of work.


There are many models for the instrumentation of labor competence that exist worldwide, depending on the approach to be given to staff learning and the position that the person occupies in the command structure and responsibilities of the organization.

Several approaches can coexist at the same time in the organization, without negatively affecting coherence as a system.

The existing models can be classified into three classes: functionalist, behaviorist and constructivist. (Mertens)

Functional Model

The functional approach refers to specific and predefined performances or results that the person must demonstrate, derived from an analysis of the functions that make up the production process. This model is generally used at the operational level and is limited to technical aspects.

The evidences that models of this type ask for are: product; the results of the observations of the execution of an operation; and associated knowledge.

For example, in the clothing industry, a product evidence is the assembly of a piece with folds, buttons and that meets quality in the finish; an evidence of performance is the observation in the handling of the machine and the order and cleanliness that the operator maintains in her workplace; an evidence of knowledge is the identification of the parts of the sewing machine and their functions, and the explanation of how to ensure quality in your workplace.

Behavioral Model

The behavioral model focuses on identifying the background capabilities of the person that leads to superior performance in the organization. It is generally applied to the managerial levels in the organization and is limited to the capabilities that make it stand out in the face of non-predefined circumstances.

For example, analytical skills, decision making, leadership, effective communication of goals, creativity, adaptability. In this case, the performances to be demonstrated by the person are not derived from the organization's processes but from an analysis of the background capabilities of the people who have stood out in the organizations. For example, capabilities to demonstrate in Leadership can be: a) Set clear objectives; b) Stimulate and give direction to work teams; c) Take responsibility and adjudicate their actions; d) Identify the strengths of others and delegate tasks appropriately; among other.

Constructivist Model

In the constructivist model, the competencies of the personnel are not defined a priori, but rather build them from the analysis and process of solving problems and dysfunctions that arise in the organization. In this perspective, competencies are linked to processes in the organization: it is the development of competencies and the improvement of processes.

For example, in a company, the managerial and operational staff are aware that there are no defined preventive maintenance routines, or predictive techniques. As these routines and techniques are designed, the competencies of the personnel involved emerge. From this perspective, it is not interesting to identify existing and predetermined capacities as competence, but rather those that emerge in the improvement processes.

In the following articles we will deal with the Critical Incident Technique and later with Identification Methodologies.

Models for the identification of labor competencies