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Motivation in young people to study medicine in cabinda cuba


Motivation is made up of all the factors capable of provoking, maintaining and directing behavior towards a goal, it is an aspect of enormous relevance in the various areas of life, including education and work, as it guides actions and is It thus forms a central element that leads people to make efforts to achieve the proposed objective. According to Santrock (2002), motivation is "the set of reasons why people behave the way they do, motivated behavior must be vigorous, directed and sustained."

When we intend to start a study, a job, an activity of any magnitude, the motivation that summons us is essential, whether they are internal or external in nature and they will have to accompany us from the beginning to the end to achieve the purpose.

I consider that internal motivations are more stable because they depend fundamentally on personal dominance and control, however external motivations, although they are based on individual perception and idea, are based on external factors that influence our attitude and behavior and when that external factor that triggered our Motivation varies or disappears can be a cause of demotivation or abandonment of the event that was proposed.

The young person who decides to start a university career, which is going to constitute his life project, must be very clear about his motivations, based on the knowledge of his qualities as a student and as a person because during the course of the studies that may have a duration For up to 6 years, such as the Medicine career, there are innumerable situations, challenges or barriers that he has to overcome and in some cases they do not depend on him, forcing him to make extra efforts that only with solid motivation can he overcome them.

According to Hall, the medical career, unlike others, seems to require a strong "ambition" to be able to defer the rewards of professional life for several years, and the characteristics of the applicants would be more homogeneous than in other careers since medicine would require a longer process of conscious decision.

Comparative studies show that medical students decided on a career much earlier than students of other professions and that among them the number that considered it the only career that could satisfy them is greater.

We do not fully share what Hall raised, stating that: “Interest in medical studies seems to depend on the influence exerted by the social groups closest to the individual during their childhood and adolescence. It seems that both family and friends play an important role in the decision to study medicine. This influence of primary groups would explain why, in general, doctors come from families of doctors ”.

In this case, he exposes as a primary element, external influences or factors, however for the author, intrinsic motivations such as needs, personality, ambition, success and the sense of humanism, among other values, are those that must feel more strongly when we choose a career in medicine. We must not marginalize or underestimate young people who do not live in this context or have these influences and we must be careful not to force our children because we run the risk that they are mediocre professionals or frustrated because their preferences have not been attended, thus the influence of a friend who is very clear about his vocation is transmitted verbally or externally and not starting from the influenced is not enough to choose a career like that of doctor because it is not only graduating but, being good,consecrated and have a high sense of responsibility that he assumes to provide those who require it or request quality medical care because he will deal with people whose life depends on him on many occasions.

For these reasons, I agree with (Williams, Saizow & Ryan, 1999) when they state that: “In the context of medical training, for example, the expression of autonomous motivation (primarily intrinsic) can be indistinctly preferred to controlled motivation (extrinsic) for its effects in relation to their professional profile ”.

In any case we cannot underestimate the environment, the culture and the country because as we all know we are socialized, for example the author in his 11 years of life in the province of Cabinda, has verified that the family plays a fundamental role as the traditional prevails, patriarchy, responsibility and respect for grandparents, uncles and parents, which gives it enough powers to influence and determine their behavioral line in the young people of the family.

Chiavenato, considers that there are three premises that explain the nature of human behavior.

  1. The behavior is caused. That is, there is an internal or external cause that originates human behavior, a product of the influence of heredity and the environment. The behavior is motivated. The impulses, desires, needs or tendencies, are the reasons for the behavior. The behavior is oriented towards objectives. There is a purpose in all human behavior, since there is a cause that generates it. The behavior is always directed toward some goal.

The Self-determination Theory, defined by (Decci & Ryan, 1985), postulates that the context that supports basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and connectivities) promotes intentional or motivated actions. Individuals differ in relation to their levels and types of motivation. The first characteristic refers to the intensity while the second refers to the reason for the motivation.

The principles of self-determination theory are relevant to professional education, insofar as they differentiate and express the primary types of motivation that have implications for the multiple drawbacks of the learning process.

Abraham Maslow presented a very simple way to conceive of a person's needs; The Hierarchy of Needs, in which needs are structurally organized with different degrees of power, according to a biological determination given by our genetic makeup as an organism of the human species.

I think that this order cannot be established when we refer to the motivations that drive us to choose a career because in some cases there may prevail needs for achievements, filiation, self-sufficiency, power such as primary ones, that is, motivations do not have to be consequences of needs in terms of priority in all cases.

The work is a beginning to promote research on what happens to students, the educational teaching process and their relationship in the context of the Faculty of Medicine of Cabinda.


Determine the main motivations that led young people to choose a career in Medicine in the Province of Cabinda.

Material and method:

A cross-sectional study was carried out based on the design of a survey based on questions that allowed us to know those intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that fundamentally led the young people of Cabinda to choose a career in Medicine.

The sample chosen were the students who entered the Medicine career in 2017, managing to survey 82.7% of the total.

The descriptive statistical method and the induction deduction method were applied, carrying out the analysis and discussion of the results, allowing us to reach conclusions and achieve the proposed objective.

Analysis and Discussion of the results.

Table Nº 1. List of students enrolled and surveyed by gender.

Sex Number of Enrolled % No. of respondents %
Feminine 62 66% 54 87%
Male 32 3. 4% 28 87.5%
Total 94 100% 82 87.2%

Of the enrolled students, the female sex prevailed, with 62 representing 66%. 82 students were surveyed for 87.2 of those enrolled in the year, 1917.

Table Nº 2. List of students surveyed by age and sex.

Age group Female % Male % Total %
15 to 19 years 2. 3 42.6 5 17.8 28 34.1
20 to 25 years 24 44.5 16 57.1 40 48.8
25 years and more 7 12.9 7 25.1 14 17.1
TOTAL 54 100% 28 100% 82 100%

This table shows that females begin their studies at an earlier age, that is, between 15 and 19 years of age, which represents 42%. The age group with the highest prevalence is between 20 and 25 years of age in both men and women and represents 48.8% of the total.

Table Nº 3. School level of parents by sex.

Níveis os pães Femininas Masculinos Total%

Mãe % Pai % Mãe % Pai %
1.- University. 9 17% eleven twenty % 3 eleven % 4 14% 27 16.5%
2.- Ensino Médio / Technician fifteen 28% 16 30% 6 twenty-one % 9 32% 46 28%
3.- Basic Training. 9 17% 9 17% 7 25% 5 18% 30 18.3%
4.- Outro twenty-one 38% 18 33% 12 43% 10 36% 61 37.2%
TOTAL 54 100 54 100 28 100 28 100 164 100

The highest representation of the parents' school level is framed in the variable others or they do not know, with 37.2% followed by the intermediate or technical level with 28%. Of the total number of parents with university education, females are numerically greater represented with 20 by 7 males, who of the total represent 16.5.

Table Nº 4: Relationship between causes and level of motivation by gender

Causes of Motivation.

Motivation level by gender
Very motivated Motivated More or less Little bit Nothing
Is what i want to study 22 42 64 two 5 7 one 3 4 3 two 5 two two
Better job opportunity 3 6 9 8 eleven 19 6 13 19 3 5 8 8 19 27
It's the one I like the most. eleven 3. 4 Four. Five 10 eleven twenty-one 4 4 8 3 5 8
Improve my social status. 9 9 18 4 fifteen 19 5 9 14 3 4 7 7 17 24
Only Option 4 8 12 two 12 14 3 3 6 two 6 8 17 25 42
Influence of friends 4 7 eleven 6 6 12 two 8 10 3 7 10 13 26 39
Family influence one 4 5 4 4 5 7 12 two 6 8 twenty 33 53
Solve health problems for the population 25 40 65 eleven eleven 3 3 3 3
Improve the conditions of my family. eleven 26 37 6 9 fifteen 5 8 13 one 3 4 5 8 13
Cure sick 25 48 73 5 5 3 one 4

In table No. 4

Among the main causes responsible for greater motivation in young people to choose a career in Medicine, appear;

  • Heal the sick, with 73 young people who consider this aspect as the most motivating. Solve health problems in the population with 65 young people, these related to the performance of a doctor. I consider it a good precedent for the one dedicated to medicine. Following the order they appear: It is what I want to study, with 64 young people, the one I like the most with 45 highly motivated young people.

These last two causes could be a reference of an adequate behavior and result during the studies.

  • Improving the conditions of the family 37 highly motivated and 15 motivated their behavior corresponded to it, which gives certainty of the rootedness of the culture and importance of the family in the young people of Cabinda.

The causes of lesser value for young people to select the Medicine career were:

  • The influence of the family, over which 53 young people who said they had no influence. Only option with 42 young people that is, they could choose other careers. The influences of friends responded 39 young people affirmed not to be the cause of their decision.


  • Intrinsic Motivations play a predominant role in the medical career due to their effects in relation to their professional profile, in the achievement of objectives during the student stage and in their future professional performance External motivations from the social environment, the family, the culture and the country influence the decision-making of young people at the time of selecting the career to study. Students enrolled in the Medicine career the predominant gender is female with 66%. The predominant age is 20 to 25 years in both sexes, however, in the case of females they start their career earlier than males with a 42.6 between 15 and 19 years. The parents' school level is framed in other types of education with 37% and medium technicians with 28%.The main causes of motivation in young people to choose the career of Medicine, appear, Heal the sick, Solve health problems for the population, these are related to the performance of a doctor. These considered intrinsic, constitute a good precedent for the one dedicated to medicine.Others of an intrinsic nature such as what I want to study, with 64 young people, and the one I like the most with 45 highly motivated young people, causes could be a reference of adequate behavior and results during the studies. Improving the conditions of the family, their behavior corresponded to the fact that 37 were highly motivated and 15 were motivated, which gives certainty of the rootedness of the culture and importance of the family in the young people of Cabinda. The external causes had a less worth, the influence of the family,the influence of friends and as the only option to choose from, the young people claimed not to be important in their decision.

Bibliographic reference:

  • Chiavenato, Idalberto. Human Resources Administration, Colombia, Fifth Edition, Editorial McGraw-Hill, 2001. Hall, Oswald: The stages of a medical career, The Am. Jour. Sociol., Vol. 111, March, 1948. Maslow, AH (1954). Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper and Row Santrock, J. (2002). Psychology of the education. Mexico: Mc Graw-Hill. Williams, GC, Saizow, RB & Ryan, RM (1999). The importance of self-determination theory for medical education. Academic Medicine 7 4, 992-308.

Consulted Bibliography

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Motivation in young people to study medicine in cabinda cuba