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Motivation in work teams

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The article presented below is entitled "Motivation in work teams." In the first place we will see a brief definition of what is motivation, later we will know several factors to be able to obtain a Motivation in the work teams within the organizations, the objective of this article is to provide extensive information to the personnel of the organizations to to be able to perform certain tasks and obtain successful results in work teams.

Motivation in work teams


In this article you can see and understand the importance of "Motivation in work teams." It will be known that motivation is linked to personal emotions, the objective of motivation is that people choose or persist in carrying out specific actions.

It can be understood that anyone can achieve motivated behavior, but it must also be known that it is not always possible to have a motivation of the same size, since on the occasions that arise there are different motivational factors.

On the other hand, it will be revealed that motivation arises in people through a motive or needs that lead the individual to seek satisfaction. It will also be mentioned that motivation is linked to the work environment, it is the importance that motivation must be in the collaborators at the time of arriving at the workplace.

II. Background

In the pyramid or hierarchy of human needs that Abraham Maslow formulated is a theory about human motivation. “The scale of needs is described as a pyramid of five levels: the first four levels can be grouped as« deficit needs or D-needs (primordial); at the higher level he called it for the last time "self-realization", "" Motivation of growth "", or "need to be" (being needs or B-needs)… ”(Abraham, Hierarchy of human needs, 1943). This theory not only obtained good results in the part of motivation (psychology) but also good things were seen in the business field of marketing or advertising. I believe that Mr. Maslow's theory is very true for motivation and thus be able to obtain self-realization in personal and work goals.

Regarding his theory, William McDougall mentions that: “… he makes use of all the knowledge obtained by physiology, especially the physiology of the nervous system, and the chemistry of the body” (William, Theory of instincts, 1923). He mentions to us that the activities of the mind are physiological functions of the total organism, functions that are of utmost importance for adaptation to the environment. To a large extent I agree with Mr. McDougall because definitely the functions of the mind is what helps us to adapt to any circumstance that comes our way, either in personal life or in work, and to create good teamwork is It is important to have a good adaptation to co-workers.

In the theory of Mexican psychology by the author Rogelio Díaz Guerrero mentions that: "Work is a primary activity in human life…" I share his way of thinking, because it is the activity that helps us to to be better human beings and to have a better quality of life. On the other hand, he also mentions that: “… In Mexico, as in all the world, work

it is fundamental for life… ”(Rogelio DG, 1961). Thanks to this, collaborators obtain a good standard of living, they also develop their language, level of communication and negotiation. But on the other hand, he mentions that: "The Mexican cannot have a neutral attitude towards work, he always sees it as a duty and an obligation…". I absolutely agree with him because generally in organizations they do not handle the concept of motivation well and that is who makes the collaborator to perfect things and make him more responsible, allowing him to obtain surpluses and the satisfaction of his needs.

In the theory of the two factors of Frederick Herzberg, he proposes in theory that motivation at work is characterized by two types of needs that directly affect human behavior, which are: "Direct factors or extrinsic factors" (Frederick, LA two factor theory, 1959). These are related to the facilities, since they can be located in the environment that surrounds the collaborators and that influence the place where they perform their work. The second factor is: "Motivational factors or intrinsic factors". These are directly related to the position and the tasks that the collaborator executes.

III. Development

To know a little about the word motivation, which I consider its meaning if we understand it as it is, helps us to obtain many and very good results for everything we want to do. The word motivation comes from the Latin verb "to move." We can say that motivation is what "moves" us when we carry out an action or behavior. Once I have already given a small meaning of motivation, now with the development of this article I will focus on making known the importance of "Motivation in work teams."

In my opinion, motivation is an extremely important factor to achieve the objectives, both of a company and the objectives of a work team. We have to be aware that organizations cannot motivate their collaborators, what they can do is that in the workplace there is an environment where Self-motivation can arise for all personnel and for work teams.

Organizations cannot apply a magic formula so that motivation arises in their collaborators, motivation occurs when the objectives of the organization or personal objectives are aligned and mutually satisfied.

I believe that in organizations work teams are an efficient way to achieve and achieve the desired success in any company, perhaps conflicts or errors may arise but I think it is normal, the problems are not the bad thing, the problem is not to get out of it.

One of the problems that can arise in a work team is that you never decide with whom you are going to work, for that part I believe that every employee must know how to be professional to work with any colleague who makes up the work team. Another problem that we can find is that in a work team there will always be many different points of view, since not all of us think the same. But from my personal point of view I consider that the main problem of a work team is the lack of motivation. To mention some of the many problems that can arise in a work team, I have to mention that with a positive attitude or a good emotional state, good results can always be obtained in a work team for the organization.I think that values ​​are a factor that motivates us to be better every day, I consider that the same happens in a work team, when we have well established the values ​​of a company it is because we know how much the company is worth to us, that makes it easier for us to have a better production as a work team in an organization. If we put aside the values ​​of said organization, production is not the same, starting with the negative results that can arise in the short or long term, that can automatically demotivate as much as a work team to a complete organization.That makes it easier for us to have a better production as a work team in an organization. If we put aside the values ​​of said organization, production is not the same, starting with the negative results that can arise in the short or long term, that can automatically demotivate as much as a work team to a complete organization.That makes it easier for us to have a better production as a work team in an organization. If we put aside the values ​​of said organization, production is not the same, starting with the negative results that can arise in the short or long term, that can automatically demotivate as much as a work team to a complete organization.

Making mention of Maslow's pyramid or hierarchy in his theory of human motivation, I think that demotivation can come from or be caused by any reason, be it from the day one wakes up, even during the course of work or because not in the workplace, that directly affects the company.

Motivation as well as it can arise from the needs of the human being as Maslow says, I think that it can also arise from a third person or it can be self-motivated. On the other hand, demotivation can also come out of nowhere. Those emotional changes that one usually has due to small complications that arise, that directly affect us at work, because on the other hand that can be contagious. If one of the members of a work team is in a bad mood or with a negative attitude in other words, he is unmotivated because in the course of work or problems at home, whether with a partner or personal problems, this is definitely reflected and can affect the work team and everything achieved can fall apart,from bringing conflicts in the work team to the failure of the work team objectives. That is why it is good to achieve satisfaction with each and every one of the needs that the author Maslow shares with us, to be able to have and obtain success both in personal life and in work.

In my opinion, the reading of the author McDougall where he makes us understand that the functions of the organism help us to adapt to the environment, I share that point of view, because in work teams as mentioned before, one does not decide with whom they want to work. We must all be able to develop any project or achieve objectives with any work team.

Work motivation is essential for adaptation in any work team and it is important for the company to bear in mind that motivation for work teams is essential to stimulate in them a good development with positive attitudes, which allow them to give a good job performance. Motivation in work teams should be carried out as a technique since the presence of any properly motivated collaborator in a work team should bring good results from executing their functions as well as possible and developing work tasks well, that is beneficial both for the organization as well as for the work team because it will have a greater probability of obtaining better results as well as the employees themselves will experience an increase in their quality of work life.It should also not be forgotten that collaborators in the same way turn out to be benefited by finding themselves motivated by satisfying their needs for improvement.

Opinion with the theory of the author Herzberg I think that it has a lot of veracity in the extrinsic factors because those working conditions are administrative and decided by the company. Hygienic factors are definitely out of people's control. We can say that the hygienic factors are: The type of direction or supervision that people receive from their superiors, the physical and environmental working conditions, the policies and guidelines of the company, the climate of relations between the company and the people who she works, internal regulations to mention a few.

Only hygienic factors were taken into account in the motivation of employees: motivation in teamwork can be said to be considered an unpleasant activity, and for organizations to get employees to work more, it was necessary to appeal to wage allowances and incentives, in other words that is to say external incentives to individuals, in exchange for their work.

In other organizations they handle the incentive in work teams as rewards (positive motivation) or punishments (negative motivation). And I believe that Herzberg's theory should be applied as he handles it, in order to extract good results in organizations by work teams so that they are always motivated and that they like what they do and where they do it (in the business). But when hygienic factors are lousy, they cause absolute demotivation in work teams and that causes employee dissatisfaction. And in the intrinsic factors here we can know that motivation arises under the control of the collaborators, in other words it is what the collaborator does and performs. Intrinsic motivation is important for work teams because they involve feelings,personal development, professional recognition and self-realization needs and all this is reflected in the tasks that collaborators do in their work. If one of the aforementioned factors is missing in a collaboration, this can bring a "demotivating" effect that can cause apathy, disinterest and lack of self-esteem in work teams, since organizations only offer a place to work, they do not take take into account the multiple theories that can be taught in small or large organizations to bring good results from work teams.If one of the aforementioned factors is missing in a collaboration, this can bring a "demotivating" effect that can cause apathy, disinterest and lack of self-esteem in work teams, since organizations only offer a place to work, they do not take take into account the multiple theories that can be taught in small or large organizations to bring good results from work teams.If one of the aforementioned factors is missing in a collaboration, this can bring a "demotivating" effect that can cause apathy, disinterest and lack of self-esteem in work teams, since organizations only offer a place to work, they do not take take into account the multiple theories that can be taught in small or large organizations to bring good results from work teams.

With each and every one of the theories that we have discussed throughout the article we can clearly see that "Motivation" is extremely important for the work teams of organizations, since it is a fundamental factor that each and every one of the collaborators You must carry yourself in all your activities, whether personal or work.

Keeping the motivation present in the individual, a clear reflection can emerge that we have a great motivation to do things and if the things we achieve are developed in a work team the satisfaction is even greater, because I think that if the motivation we infect them to our colleagues in the work team can be very beneficial since its consequences can reflect very positive results and organizations can reap successes in the short or long term.

IV. conclusion

In this article it was possible to see and understand that motivation in work teams is an important factor in achieving our work expectations. The performance of our activities, whether they are daily or work, arises from a good motivation that causes them to come from primary and second needs.

On the other hand, it must be emphasized that collaborators usually develop certain motivations either in the place where they work or having a self-motivation and that makes for good teamwork, since good reasons inject a good attitude into the individual.

It can also be understood that achievements in teamwork can be considered a fundamental motive for the collaborator, since this can generate great satisfaction in the individual and that leads to a motivational cycle, and if motivation in teamwork is becomes routine employees will be able to meet their even bigger goals.

It was also understood that motivation in teamwork is an indispensable factor in the workplace, because through motivation the employee as well as the work team and also the organization can achieve good results such as: a good relationship at work, better production, growth in the collaborator's life, among others. It was shared that in the workplace there may be factors that can generate demotivation in work teams such as apathy, disinterest and lack of self-esteem in work teams, among others. But I have to emphasize that an extremely large motivation can also be extracted in collaborators as in teamwork and that will be reflected in the success of the organizations.

V. References

  • Abraham, M. (1943). Hierarchy of human needs. Pearson. Frederick, H. (1959). The theory of the two factors. Pearson, Rogelio, DG (1961). Mexican psychology. Pearson. William, M. (1923). Theory of instincts. Pearson.
Motivation in work teams