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Organizational motivation

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Organizations are made up of a very important part which is "Organizational Motivation", of which many of them tend to forget and cause poor communication and less than optimal relationships; On the other hand, it must be said that there are other organizations where its main strength is to provoke, maintain and direct the behavior of its collaborators towards an objective, since outside companies there is a competitive and globalized world.

Organizational motivation


This essay is related and focused on motivation and leadership as well as on the behaviors that are constantly presented in the work environment in organizations.

All the points that are mentioned in this work are of the utmost importance since if there is a good practice and application within the organization's environment, it will be very motivating for both collaborators and very satisfactory for high-ranking ones and thanks to that The results obtained in terms of productivity that companies require to reach their goals and objectives will be remarkable.

II. Background

Organizational Motivation arises from around the year 1700, in the old European world, when the old artisan workshops were transformed into factories where tens and hundreds of people produced by operating machines; simple and easy contacts between the craftsman and his assistants were complicated. Countless tasks had to be coordinated, performed by a large number of people and each one of them thought differently, the problems of low productivity and lack of interest at work began. It arises as an alternative to conflicts, lack of understanding between people, lack of motivation, low productivity and lack of interest, to name a few; It is an alternative that achieved the mediation between the employer's interests and the needs or expectations of the workers,because where there are several people working, relationships get complicated and you have to use your head to reflect, decide and communicate. "The Psychologist F: Dorsch, mentions that motivation is" the psychic and driving background that sustains the force of action and indicates the direction to follow. " (Fiscal, 2011)

Human beings act according to certain ends; always obeying the motivations of various genres. We can say that motivation is considered as "the set of reasons that explain the acts of an individual or the explanation of the motive or motives for which an action is done." (Fiscal, 2011)

Studies have concluded that the problem in general is not the job itself, but human relationships and personal attitudes. "According to the minimum or lower wage in Mexico, it is considered that many of them have severe deficiencies in their diet, therefore it is understandable that they care little about their safety, love, dignity or absenteeism from work." (Fiscal, 2011)

In some places that offer high levels of salary and benefits to the Mexican collaborator, in addition to physical security and economic stability; they show that staff are in great need of social contact and continuous search for interpersonal relationships. In these organizations they are very given to the festivities and excessive communication between them.

Conceptualizing Motivation in terms of Wikipedia is “… it can be defined as the pointing or emphasis that is discovered in a person towards a certain means of satisfying a need, thereby creating or increasing the necessary impulse to put that means or that action into action, or to stop it. " (Wikipedia, 2014)

And combining the concept of Organizations tells us that “… they are social structures designed to achieve goals or laws through human organisms or the management of human and other talent. They are composed of interrelated subsystems that serve specialized functions. Systematic agreement between people to achieve some specific purpose. Organizations are the object of study of the Science of Administration, in turn of other disciplines such as Sociology, Economics and Psychology. " (Wikipedia, 2014)

III. Development

Throughout history the human being has been studied and we have realized that it has been managed through motivation, feelings and impulses that lead him to commit behaviors and carry out activities, in order to satisfy his needs and desires provoking interest in it; In itself, what makes us act and behave in a way is motivation.

Referring to the issue with respect to organizations, it is to produce more and improve the environment in a globalized world through the top management of organizations, where their main task is to resort to the means available to meet the objectives and goals of the companies. One of the exponents who caught my attention talking about the subject in an article comments clearly and simply,… ”For a better understanding of human resources in the workplace, it is important to know the causes that originate human behavior. The behavior is caused, motivated and goal oriented. " (Rosas, 2012)

We can really realize that motivating can be a very good option to enrich employees in their personal growth, but at the same time the convenience is focused on the productivity of companies, in which it is worth mentioning that it is there where all Managers face a huge challenge, since motivating workers to produce more to achieve optimal results with efficiency, quality and innovation. It is often difficult because not all people have the same way of thinking and acting.

Normally, strategic approaches, capital increase, state-of-the-art technology, appropriate logistics, personnel policies are used, adapting the uses to human resources, where there are several processes such as: training, remuneration, motivation, organizational climate, human relations, leadership among others, that help motivation and cause modifications in production to obtain better results.

Currently many organizations mention that there is The Motivational Cycle, which is a process of satisfying the need whose stages are the following:

A. Homeostasis: where the worker remains in balance.

B. Stimulus: a stimulus is generated and causes anxiety.

C. Need: this need (still unsatisfied), causes a state of tension.

D. State of Tension: produces an impulse that leads to behavior and action.

E. Behavior: it is directed to satisfy the need and achieve the objective.

F. Satisfaction: the need is satisfied and the worker returns to equilibrium, until there is another stimulus.

It is also good to mention that an important part that the exhibitor says, "The organism when activating the behavior, does not always obtain the satisfaction of the need, since there may be some barrier or obstacle that prevents achieving it, thus producing the so-called frustration. continuing the state of tension due to the barrier that prevents satisfaction. The existing or unreleased tension, by accumulating in the individual, keeps him in a state of imbalance. " (Rosas, 2012)

Touching the issue of motivation and organizational behavior, each person builds a different reality from the others, the needs must be satisfied and consequently the workers achieve fulfillment, but it is not always the same in all the other workers because each one has different experiences and emotions that were mentioned in the beginning but, indisputably, are in every human being.

Practically the behavior of the collaborators will depend on the motivation and the personal and environmental characteristics that surround them, part of their behavior of people will be due to the cultural system in which they developed, in which it will provide clues where the behavior will be determined of people in an environment.

Organizations become successful or fail depending on how the processes are developed or not, so much so that the collaborators must adapt to their standards, identifying the objectives and achieving through the organization, their needs, which ensure the permanence of the workers in companies.

An organization is not but has collaborators committed to the objectives and for this to happen it is important to take into account the work environment, in which relationships, norms, policies and patterns of behavior develop, in such a way that the organization reaches to become productive.

IV. Conclusions

In an organization, one can buy the time of the collaborators or buy their material presence, even one can even buy a certain number of movements per hour. But his enthusiasm, his loyalty and the emotions that come from his heart cannot be bought. This type of thing must be earned through motivation, love of work, and letting them know that their work within companies is important, since thanks to that organizations can maintain a good level of work environment.

People in organizations come to become the most important element of the same, so it requires treatment not as a machine, but, as a human being with needs, interests, unique experiences, which must be taken into account to produce the necessary motivations that will lead us to the achievement of the objectives.

"Motivate in public, rebuke in private." (Céspedes, 2014)

V. References

Cited works

  • Céspedes, V. (2014). Patent No. 1. Quintana Roo.Fiscal, AC (January 18, 2011). monografias.com. Retrieved on February 17, 2014, from monografias.com.McLeod, S. (2007). Simply Psychology. Retrieved on February 20, 2014, from Simply Psychology: Roses, PJ (2012). Entropyaz Blog. Retrieved on February 20, 2014, from Entropyaz Blog.Wikipedia. (February 22, 2014). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved on February 24, 2014, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Organizational motivation