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Motivation for personal change

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To change, you must first understand what change is, since this term means that I am going to modify my common and traditional way, one way of life will be truncated to start another, always thinking about personal progress and internal and external benefit. of the human being. Any change requires modifying our conduct, our behavior and making an austere and frank review of our work as people.

Therefore, the objectives that we will pursue with these ideas are:

1. Sell the idea of ​​the need for change

2. Overcome resistance to change

To do this, we must start by saying that change is a value, so in practice it implies a perception, a feeling and a thought, that is, it must be immersed in our consciousness and must be observed as a necessity to adapt to the environment, it is To look at reality with futuristic eyes is to start the bad that we have been doing, to look for the good, because only this will make us find full happiness. Obviously, to promote change with vehemence, confidence and security, there must be motivation, seen as the will to make a great effort to achieve goals, conditioned by the individual ability to satisfy some personal need, which in the end allows achievement or achievement. satisfaction that is a set of favorable feelings, which are expressed with the arrival of personal success;that is why Antoine de Saint-Exupery, in his book "The Little Prince" tells us:

“… If you want to build a ship,
don't start looking for wood,
cutting boards or distributing work,
but first you must evoke in men,
the longing for a free and wide sea… "

That is to say, before making people do things, you must first motivate them, because with this we will really achieve the proposed objectives.

According to the above, the fundamental phases for the change process are:

1. Understanding and development of the need for change, that is, to sell the idea and with good and excellent publicity that change is necessary.

2. Development of exchange relations, which change is the one you want.

3. Real process of moving towards change

4. Attempt to stabilize the situation caused

5. Maintenance, that is, when the change is taking place, do not leave it static but must proceed to feed it with ideas or products.

To strengthen this maintenance, we are going to remember an Indian proverb that says:

“… The person is a four-room house
And there is a tendency to spend a lot of time
In a single room, but, unless
That we go to each of the rooms every day,
Even if it is to ventilate it,
We stop being a person

As the proverb mentions, indeed the tendency of one is to worry about one of those aspects, because there is an exacerbated need to take care of his physicality, but we forget the emotional part, or I worry a lot about the intellectual part and I forget the other parts. We must remember that we are integral beings and that we cannot separate our parts, the components of our body and spirit, that is, we are a whole, and when we become aware of this, we will find balance and we will be willing to change.

In business it can be said that change begins and ends with business, not with change, because change is permanent, because change is our ally; It must be given in a planned way and not by accident.

The change has to do with people, they will surprise you, it is not possible to change the company, without changing oneself, because the company must be within us, we must become personal entrepreneurs, which allows us to manage our environment and thus seek the Overcoming, however, you cannot force people towards change, they themselves have to take the initiative, because to grow internally and externally you have to change and the best way to change is to be aware exactly where you are. standing, which means being aware of our reality.


We must be aware that there will always be opposition to change, because we are afraid of the new, since we feel better about the old, because it is part of human nature, to resist change, because change cannot be imposed, it must be voluntary and by self-conviction, because when a situation that is not real is defined as real, it is real in its consequences, for example, people resist change, especially technological change, since they fear the social and human consequences of change.

From the above it follows that there are restrictive forces to the processes of change, such as:

1. Lack of recognition of the need for change

2. Fear of the unknown

3. Fear of unfavorable consequences within organizations

4. Suspicion of the true motives of the initiators

5. Uncertainty about one's ability to acquire new skills

6. Fear of reduction of individual or group power

7. Difficulty resolving the dissonance between previous beliefs and present reality.

It should also be mentioned that, as there are restrictive forces, there are other factors that contribute to this resistance, among which are:

1. The ambiguities that change entails, as it is an alteration of my reality

2. The stereotypes that are created

3. The decrease of power, since the change could be to remove an imposed power

4. The skills that this process demands from each one of us, since it is not only accepting it, but it must be developed.

5. The satisfaction that can bring me

6. The rules that the group can create as a product of the group

7. The security that can be obtained with your arrival.


Another element that has to do, not only with the arrival or beginning of change, but with the very need for change is alienation, since this phenomenon occurs most of the time in each one of us, it is a mutilation of Consciousness, for this reason, E. Fromm, an American psychologist, tells us that with the presence of it, the human being puts aside his own qualities and powers, to become a thing, which makes him carry out his work mechanically, without accounting for why or its own causes. In fact, this definitely forces the person to change, because otherwise there will not be a personal criterion in the face of life's onslaught, but it will become one of the many, and that is not what is wanted from the human being, his areas of thinking, feeling and acting must prevail in him,otherwise, it will turn into an animal, acting only instinctively.


Change should be seen not as a threat but as a benefit, it should be seen as something that leads to a more prosperous life for everyone, it is something positive, because it will make each of us a living being, who fights, wins and strengthens in the good, without allowing for the inclemencies that life presents, because even if we want to, most of the time, we cannot evade them, but if we face them with integrity, confidence and security in ourselves, we can fight those battles and come out victorious and the most important thing is to live with a happy and strengthened spirit.

For this reason, there are forces in us that will reduce restrictions and fears towards change such as:

1. The creation of a favorable climate, based on respect for people

2. Achieve effective and real participation, not manipulative

3. Assume an experimental and curious attitude, as presented by TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS with its PAN theory, which tells us that a FATHER is present in each of us, which is that moralistic part, an ADULT, which is the reasonable part that we It will lead to the best decision-making and a CHILD, the one with tantrums, outbursts and anger, which sometimes, if we are tolerant, would not be necessary. If we follow this part, we will probably not only change, but we will feel better and more calm.

4. Show a gradual exposure to processes, not impulsively, but planned.

In other words, to manage change, there are some ethical aspects, such as:

1. Know yourself.

2. Better results are achieved by raising morale than by reducing self-esteem.

And, to conclude, let's ask ourselves:




Well, most of the time we want to change others, without doing it ourselves, for this let's see:

“… When I was young and free, and my imagination

He had no limits, he dreamed of changing the world.

When I got older and wiser I discovered

That the world wouldn't change, so I shortened my

I yearn for a bit and decided to just change my country.

But this one too seemed unchanging.

When I entered the twilight of my life, In one last desperate attempt

I decided to change only my family, To those who were closest to me, But, they still wouldn't change.

And now as I lie on my deathbed

Suddenly I realize:

If I could have changed myself

So for the example, It would have changed my family.

For his inspiration and courage there would then

I could change my country, And maybe I could have

Change the world… "

Let that not happen to us, let us accept the change in ourselves and the product of it we will reflect on others, let's not leave until tomorrow what we can do today.

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Motivation for personal change