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Motivation to improve job performance. test


As we can appreciate, the issue of human resources until a few years ago has gained strength and has positioned itself as an element of great importance for all companies, which is why it is of great importance for all companies that know how to appreciate the different types of factors and which directly influence the performance of people in each organization.

It is here where motivation stands out above all companies, whether public or private, and that is why the staff perceives the way to increase their potential and thus be able to satisfy personal goals and that of the company itself.

To talk about motivation, we must first make it clear what it is, since each individual has a different form of motivation than others and it is with which he is driven to achieve the desired objectives.

Therefore we will define motivation based on two authors:

Motivation can be defined as:

"The actions of the human being are guided by his knowledge (what he thinks, knows and foresees)." Motivation is explained in terms of concepts such as active and driving forces, translated by words like desire and rejection. The individual desires power, statutes and rejects social isolation and threats to their self-esteem (Chiavenato, 2000: 41).

"Motivation is the process of stimulating an individual to perform an action that meets some of their needs and achieves a desired goal for the motivator." (Sexton, 1977: 162).

Taking into account the above definitions, we will focus on the basic issue of why, companies do not have the essential qualities to be able to provide good motivation to their employees, knowing that this resource is of vital importance for the company and with these they achieve reaches the respective goals. From a personal point of view and knowing the large number of demands that exist inside and outside the business market, that every day the competition is more demanding, technology grows at a gigantic pace, why not give our staff a plus, investing in giving them a better standard of living, better deals, value more the presence within the company and motivate them in such a way that they themselves put on the shirt of our company.

A sequel of mismanagement of human resources can be logically reflected in work stress, in Mexico as in many countries this disease or condition is the one that affects employees the most and this is due to the level of demands that these support during their working hours, as the REGUS company projects, only in Mexico 75% of people suffer from stress and it originates despite the work environment. Making this a negative factor for every company, since from this it can cause the staff to get sick and thus be absent, related to this lowers the level of production and with this reduces the level of competition in a more globalized market, where human capital loses its value as a key element for the success of the same organization.

Therefore, the importance that motivation can perform within employees and directly in the company is emphasized again.

With a well-motivated staff, the projection of their performance will be higher and all this will lead to a series of positive reactions, improving labor relations, greater effectiveness and efficiency in each activity carried out and this as a final test will be reflected in reaching the goals and objectives in less time.

Motivation to improve job performance. test