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Practical motivation at work

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Austero Trillo is an Enesur employee, who has 2 years of service and earns 1,000 soles per month. He performs his duties regularly but does not do anything that really reflects special merit, he does not exert himself at all. He has confessed to his friends that he has no enthusiasm to work. That he is "unmotivated", that he is bored and that frankly if he could get something else he would. However, he emphasizes that if they increased him to $ 1,500 per month, his whole attitude would change. That then it would be worth working and that he would make an effort.

Do you really believe, that if they increase you to 1,500 it would fulfill your prophecy? How long would the new enthusiasm last? Why your attitude? What would you do?


1.-Organizational development

First things first: recognition

2.- Human management processes

Campaigns or motivational programs

3.- Management skills

17 ways in which a boss can motivate his collaborators

4.- Brand as an employer

The winners of the Great Place to Work: How do they motivate their people?

5.- Labor Relations Administration

The occupational health and safety plan

6.- Labor insertion

What motivates you to seek employment?

The boss can raise or lower the level of motivation of his people, he can be the leader who stimulates or excites, as well as the one who frustrates.

People do not quit the company, but the boss.

1.-Organizational development

First things first: acknowledgments

There is only one way to get someone to do something. And it is to make that person want to do it.

1.1.- Explicit recognitions

Imagine an organization where there are formal recognition programs. Where to recognize the effort of people, giving them plaques, gifts and presents. Recognizing the performance of the team; There are raises, awards and bonuses for performance and they organize events to highlight people with unforgettable awards.

Looking at this organization, anyone would think that its workers should be motivated and engaged, but especially that they should feel highly recognized, which is not necessarily true.

1.2.-Indirect recognitions

The truth is that the most important thing for people, according to surveys, is not related to explicit recognitions, but indirect ones such as:

"My boss seeks, listens and values ​​my ideas." At first glance one might think that this is not a reconnaissance activity, but if we dig deeper, we will find that it is.

Did you know that: 30% of the profit of a company depends on its level of work motivation (70% depends on the direct boss).

1.3.- "You are valuable… my dear"

When a boss seeks, listens and values ​​the ideas of his collaborators, he is recognizing that they are valuable, that they are capable and that they are competent.

The fact that the boss gives people time is the best recognition:

:: "My boss includes me in the decision process"

:: "My boss gives me projects and responsibilities, and helps me develop in my career"

:: "My boss is available when I need him"

:: "My boss gives me gives autonomy »

::« My boss cares about me as a person »

If you were evaluated by your collaborators based on these attitudes: How do you think they would respond?

Did you know that: At the Central Reserve Bank of Peru, Skills Management has been implemented for many years. In the performance management subsystem, the boss is evaluated by his peers, collaborators, superiors, clients and suppliers.

If you want to improve the Work Climate in the company, it is not enough to worry about creating awards or teaching bosses to recognize, it is about achieving better overall leadership.

When the boss invests time in his subordinates to help them professionally and as people, they feel deeply recognized.

1.4.- Who said that easy is permanent?

But it is not easy. Today we are all in a hurry, busy, trying to meet goals, with fewer resources than before and with more demands.

But let's try to be creative in this matter ……. its value is incalculable.

2.- Human Management Processes

Campaigns or motivational programs

The 6:00 pm Test

Have you noticed if your staff is waiting for 6:00 pm or just 6:00 pm? In the first case, the staff does not want to be in the company, so they look at the clock anxiously for the departure time to arrive.

In the second case, the work is so motivating that they do not realize that the time for departure has already arrived. The following is to apply in the first case. Or failing that, if you want it easier, take out all the company watches.

2.1.- Identification of demotivating factors

Examples: inappropriate treatment. Fear, Rivalries and Favoritism. Poorly designed work processes. Inappropriate performance evaluation. Inadequate environmental conditions. Lack of equity in the allocation of remuneration. Inadequate control policy. Inadequate workload allocation.

At Polaroid, employees can vote for an extra day off paid each year in addition to the nine statutory days granted by the company. Levi Strauss Co. in the US has a “retreat room”, in which any employee can enter alone to rest, bang on the walls, scream, meditate or read.

2.2.- Actions to counteract demotivating factors

2.2.1.- Improvement of the organizational climate

2.2.2.- Development of self-esteem and adequate treatment of staff

2.2.3.- Improvement of communications

McDonald's encourages its dealers to hold quarterly communication sessions. Generally, the owner of the establishment sits down with a representative group of employees to listen to their suggestions and complaints. Things like moving a piece of equipment or modifying procedures are done all the time, at the suggestion of the workers. McDonald's provides a three-month sabbatical after 10 years of service.

2.2.4.- Improvement of the work environment

Burger King rewards its workers money when they recruit new clerical level employees. For finding good operators they receive gift vouchers to purchase products in local establishments.

2.2.5.- Group evaluations

2.3.- Actions to generate motivation and commitment

The Apple Computer company engraved all the signatures of the employees who worked on the inside of its first Macintosh computer.

2.3.1.- Appreciation

The legend of the chicken

The Chicken Award was created at Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) to recognize employees who try harder than is strictly necessary. The KFC General Manager presents the award personally by attaching a handwritten thank you note and a check for $ 100.

A photo of the presentation is displayed on the “leaders” wall, which is located in a prominent area of ​​KFC headquarters.

2.3.2.- Sense of belonging

During Christmas the Walt Disney Company opens Disneyland one night exclusively for employees and their families. Each of the attractions is then attended by senior executives dressed in costumes.

2.3.3.- Participation

Ford Motor Co. engaged its employees in its television commercials.

2.3.4.- Delegation and autonomy

2.3.5.- Recognition

President Clinton sent a pink rose and a card signed by him and his wife to each of the White House employees to commemorate the first 100 days of his rule. The card read: "Thank you for participating in the first hundred days." The seventy highest-ranking officials received silver keyrings. Each with a tiny saxophone. (Clinton plays the saxophone).

Remember: They say that the perfect company does not exist, but it is up to us specialists to find that this myth is not a reality.

3.- Managerial capacities

17 ways a boss can motivate their employees.

Sunday syndrome.

Do you know if your staff suffers from "Sunday syndrome?" What does it consist of? Well, a worker who arrived on Sunday afternoon, becomes paralyzed and mentally says to himself ": Tomorrow, Monday, again go to work at that place of…..". If your staff suffers from this condition, here are some practical steps to correct it.

1.- Pay considerable attention to discovering emotions, feelings and attitudes.

Study your people; use your attitudes in favor of the company; Discuss negative attitudes from the start; anticipate them and reduce them.

2.- Analyze yourself.

3.- Analyze the causes of dissatisfaction, quickly and sincerely.

4.- Establish a "sincere" open door policy.

5.- Praise those who deserve it.

6.- Tell your collaborators why you do things.

7. Take a sincere interest in improving working conditions, according to your possibilities.

8. Do everything you can to make work safe and healthy.

9.- Do not make promises that you cannot keep.

10.- Avoid frequent changes and if they have to be made, prepare the employee in advance.

11.- Locate your collaborators where they can best apply their skills and experiences.

12.- Meet with your collaborators in monthly conferences.

13.- Show that you are more interested in your collaborator than in production. It's difficult but try hard.

14.- Make confidences to your collaborators; tell them how things are going; of the feeling of "we".

15.- Establish and appoint a person in charge among your collaborators of a suggestion box.

16.- Give importance to the work of each one.

17.- Remember that the reasons given in the first place are almost never the true causes of low motivation, investigate the true ones.

Remember: The worst companies to work for are distinguished by Lack of Respect.

You feel compelled to play a role when you are at work.

A role that is not his, that is, that forces him to be a different person.

Lack of Credibility: Some managers are never willing to frankly discuss issues with their staff and act as if everything is going perfectly.

You feel like you are not getting a fair deal. Stay away from any company that promotes its people more on the basis of politics, than on the basis of performance.

Avoid companies that pay poorly and promise unrealistic promotions based on past performance.

Finally, and perhaps you agree with me, it is not a good idea to work in a company where you feel exploited.

Well, since you seek to motivate your staff, your company is not like that…. true.

4.- Brand as an employer

The Great Place to work winners: How do they motivate their people?

In the 2009 version of Great Place to work, the JW Marrito Lima hotel took first place in this international event. Continuing our theme of motivation, the question is how do the winners of the Grear Place to work motivate their people?

An approach to Herzberg's Bifactorial theory, put into practice.

4.1.- JW Marrito Lima

They recognize their associates not only by thanking them, but with details, from simple donuts to special breakfasts.

The Fair I do more: It is a written recognition of the effort and good work of its associates, granting them various economic bonuses. Later, these bonuses allow them to participate in fun days of entertainment in which they can win prizes.

Development opportunities: It is intended that the department heads, as well as the executive committee, annually prepare the succession plan of the company's managerial positions and the development plans of each person identified as successor. There have been cases of associates who started out as cleaning workers and now occupy positions at another level, for example as a warehouse assistant.

Marriott Excellence Award: The grades of the children of the associates are analyzed and the best in each category are rewarded with vouchers for the purchase of school supplies.

Associate Appreciation Week: Championships weeks, talent evenings, meals served by the executive committee and the general manager.

Internal internships: Program aimed at any associate who wants to know another area of ​​the company.

4.2.- IBM subsidiary Peru.

He has developed educational programs on the company's Intranet aimed at the children of workers. Maintains a postnatal program for parents. Their hours are flexible. Professional development is cultivated in various specialties.

4.3.- Microsoft subsidiary Lima Peru.

Allow children of staff to visit the place where their parents work.

They have developed stock plans and apply an annual performance bonus.

The staff is given a laptop and cell phone for personal use. In addition, for recommending an external person who is hired, they are granted an economic incentive.

4.4.- Cinema Planet in Lima

Provides a performance bonus payment. Training courses covered 100%. Double monthly passes and consumer vouchers. It offers special functions for employees and their families. They have devised a free time card, to attend to personal matters. They enjoy a staff combo for snacks.

How do they do that?. The answer is be creative. The sky is the limit.

5.- Labor Relations Administration

The occupational health and safety plan.

Did you know that: The human being feels a special attraction towards everything that is prohibited.

One of the objectives of the occupational health and safety plan is to motivate staff to be interested in the practice of safety standards, creating in them a sense of personal and collective responsibility for safety Legal basis: DS 009-2005 -TR Safety and Health Regulations at work. Lima Peru.

And how to do that? We will see two points the administrative scheme and the security based on behaviors.

1. - Administration of the security plan.

The plan is administered by the Head of Occupational Health and Safety. For better administration, it is recommended to coordinate with the Area Heads and with the Security Committee.

The diagnosis begins with the Risk Analysis. Hazards associated with work are identified and risks are evaluated to establish control mechanisms. Safe Work Procedures (PTS) are designed. Once the risk is identified, the PTS are made. Here the sequence of steps of the work / task from beginning to end is described, to be executed in a safe and controlled manner. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is assigned according to the needs of the job.

The motivation phase is developed with Training and communications. A training program in risk prevention (general induction, specific induction, dialogues or talks and safety meetings).

In monitoring the program is developed with Inspections. It seeks to avoid that the physical conditions of the equipment, materials and critical areas are below the standards required to maintain the continuity of the processes. And the accident investigation. Its objective is to avoid the recurrence of losses. Don't look for “guilty”.

The correction is reflected in the review of the program and continuous improvement.

2.- Behavior-based safety.

In every accident, there are a large number of unsafe behaviors that precede an accident with injury. (Unsafe acts). Finding the type critical unsafe acts of the company is the start of the system. The behaviors are quantified, giving rise to an indicator and this indicator will also serve to evaluate the state of security.

And how do I develop and maintain those behaviors? Through training, setting goals toward safety and enhancing participation.

Is there a strategy or method to follow? Yes, this consists of:

• Define behaviors

• Measure performance

• Influence performance through antecedents and consequences and through action plans that correct the factors that influence behaviors.

To give you an example; Imagine a supervisor who manages to make it a practice of his management to offer recognition to the worker who exhibits safe behaviors. Will it only offer recognition, for safety results? Probably incorporate this management technique to recognize results related to productivity, quality….

Remember: Behaviors are observed but not attitudes and motivations.

6.- Labor insertion

What motivates you to seek employment?

They say there are two words that will open all doors for you: Pull and push.

The initial question seems obvious but you would be surprised to know the other reasons why people are motivated to seek employment:

6.1.- Economic Motivations.

The most common, need for money to survive, we want money. Example: Felipe wants money to support his family and he wants any job, once he gets it and can pay his debts, he will look for something better. If you can…

6.2.- Motivations for Independence.

Possibility of supporting oneself.

Example: Claudia does not want to be dependent on her parents, as they give her a monthly "remittance" she must adjust to all the rules they impose on her, she will simply look for a job to become independent, live alone and in this way perhaps she can improve her family relationships.

6.3.- Motivations for Economic Improvement.

Improve salary. Example: Renzo works in a laboratory, he is the best salesperson and, he knows that he has the possibility of applying to another similar company where medical representatives earn more, so he will send his CV with a friend.

6.4.- Motivations for Professional Development.

Work in an organization in which you can be promoted or experience a satisfactory career development. Example: Jessica worked at Mario's, she had been in the same position for two years, she found out that in the neighboring Hotel (also with Five stars), the staff was trained and could apply for internal calls, they had greater possibilities of development, for that reason she referred her CV to Human Resources and after a month she was called for an interview. She is currently Head of Section.

6.5.- Motivation for Temporary Labor.

Work for a specified period of time until you find the ideal job or complete your studies. Example: Melisa was in the last year of Communication Sciences, she wanted to study English but her parents could not afford this desire, which is why she applied to a department store, she currently works as a part-time salesperson and studies English.

6.6.- Motivation for a Better Organizational Climate.

Improve interaction and work environment. Example: Joaquín feels little valued by his boss, he does not give him a good deal, he is very tight and he has even become scared, therefore, every weekend he sends five resumes to some notices he finds in the newspapers and, You also self apply to other companies you would like to work for. "He can't take it anymore."

6.7. Motivation for Better Working Conditions.

Tempt conditions in which we are most satisfied. Example: Daniel, lives in Lurín, every day he wakes up at five in the morning to be able to get to Ventanilla on time, just in the other cone of Lima -Peru, he would like to work in one of the 50 companies that remain in the Trapeze of Lurín.

6.8.- Motivation to Expand Relationships.

Develop a life of relationships in a certain social space. Example: María Dolores receives a job offer from the Chamber of Commerce, they pay her little, however the position allows her a wide interaction with other companies, so she will choose to take it, she will learn to interact with businessmen, she will know how they are and some DAY you will be able to work directly with them.

And after reading this short article. What motivates you to seek employment? Keep in mind that it may be an interview question with a prospective employer.

Practical motivation at work