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Motivation and frustration in organizational development


Organizing is one of the oldest human activities, as well as a phenomenon that will always be important in history. Organizational Development deals with the complete and explicit analysis of conflicts and changes in interpersonal, labor, departmental relationships, its products, services, its manufacturing processes, its infrastructure, its resources, both personal and financial, to meet the needs of the company, both now and in the future. David R. Hampton.

Currently, this movement has been given greater popularity since it assumes that it can modify the behavior of both the individual and that of the organization with favorable results, this is because human resources are the key to the success or failure of any company starting by adapting the organizational structure (organization chart), following by an efficient management of the work groups (teams and leadership) and developing human relationships that allow to prevent conflicts and resolve them quickly and in a timely manner when there are signs of their emergence.

For the resolution of this type of conflict in the workplace, the DO has set objectives such as 1) Increase the level of trust and support among the members of the organization. 2) Increase the confrontation of business problems within groups. 3) Create an adequate work environment. 4) Increase good communication between the staff of the organization. 5) Increase the level of enthusiasm and personal satisfaction in the company. 6) Increase individual responsibility and group responsibility in planning and implementation. 7) Find different solutions to the conflicts that are generated in the company.

Just as within the stages of this important movement are 1) Initial diagnosis, this occurs when organizational development consultants work with managers to determine why productivity is low or why employees are dissatisfied. Meetings with senior management and interviews with mid-level managers help define the current status of the organization. Once the organizational development consultants identify the general type of problem, a more formal process for data collection can be designed. 2) Data collection, this includes surveys through questionnaires and group discussions. These include specific organizational characteristics, such as job satisfaction, leadership style, environment,decentralization and employee participation in decision-making. Group discussions can also be part of the formal data collection phase. Data is analyzed and specific conclusions are reached based on comparisons against organizational norms. Problem areas can be identified in specific departments. Data collection and analysis are used to guide the formal organizational development intervention. 3) The intervention stage requires the necessary training to solve the problems identified by the consultants. This can include a retreat lasting three to five days during which employees can discuss how to create a better environment,it may require feedback to a specific department regarding job satisfaction, or it may include specific training in areas of leadership motivation that were identified as problematic. It also includes the maintenance of the new desired behaviors, which can be achieved through the establishment of an internal working group to monitor performance and conduct follow-up surveys so as not to fail in the desired objectives.which can be achieved through the establishment of an internal working group to monitor performance and conduct follow-up surveys so as not to fail in the desired objectives.which can be achieved through the establishment of an internal working group to monitor performance and conduct follow-up surveys so as not to fail in the desired objectives.

Specifically, Organizational Development addresses, among many others, communication problems, conflicts between groups, management and leadership issues, identification issues and the destination of the company or institution.

However, it is necessary to bear in mind that the only way to change organizations is through changing their "culture", that is, changing the systems of life, beliefs, values ​​and accepted forms of relationships between people. In addition to ensuring that people have an awareness of belonging, of being effectively members of the institution, which in most of the times this is a limitation for the productivity of the organization due to its ingrained way of thinking of some individuals. For this there are various theories in the workplace, the most accepted is Edwin Locke's goal theory, which states that people set goals in order to meet them and to achieve work motivation, workers must have the necessary skills to achieve those goals.

Motivation as a driving force of human behavior is an element of great importance in any area of ​​life, but it takes on special value at work and in studies. It is the force that makes us achieve a goal, so it is necessary to be motivated.

In many organizations they try to implement different mechanisms to keep their employees and workers motivated, but when a wish or an illusion is not fulfilled, due to frustration, the individual usually becomes angry, sad and sometimes experiences fear.

Frustration from the individual point of view is an emotion or a feeling after the feeling of failure, and this feeling comes from an unsatisfied activity, project or goal. All human beings throughout their lives set goals, dreams or goals and according to the motivation we have, it is possible for us to achieve them or not.

A frustrated person can never be productive, so there are "consultants" who play a vital role in this regard because they are responsible for detecting these emotional states in time, avoiding or counteracting them as far as possible because it is a direct blow to the organization stability

The choice of this topic is directly related to our lives and the process we are currently living, such is being a student and having to share our time between study, work and family.

Our lives and activities have had a significant change, since we have had to adjust to the schedules, how we distribute and organize our time and prioritize it.

It only remains to mention that work, social, personal motivation is an important piece in organizational development, since it becomes the most important element of it, so it requires treatment not as an apparatus, but as a human being. with needs, interest, unique experiences, which must be taken into account to produce the necessary motivations that will lead us to achieve the objectives and thus increase productivity.


Administration. David R. Hampton. Third edition. McGraw-Hill

Management Encyclopedia. Centrum Ocean. Ocean Grupo Editorial, SA

Dictionary of Psychology. Joseph M. Farré Martí. Ocáno Grupo Editorial, SA

Organizational psychology. Fernando Zepeda Herrera, 1st. Ed.





Motivation and frustration in organizational development