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El salvador ibes stock index. methodology for its elaboration


This document aims to summarize the methodology used for the elaboration of the El Salvador Stock Index (IBES). To do this, we will begin by quickly defining what a general price index is and we will mention the best-known stock indices in international markets, and then delve into the methodology used to prepare the index.

In general, a price index is an indicator of the variation in the general price level existing in a market or in a certain sector within a market; Its basic idea is to try to summarize the general behavior of prices in one figure, which is easy to read and understand.


Among the best known price indices in international markets, we can mention the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S & P500, among others. At the Latin American level, the main Stock Exchanges also have price indices; among them are the IPSA (Chile), the Bovespa (Brazil), the IPC (Mexico), the Merval (Argentina), among others.

The methodology used to compile the BVES index is presented below.

Selection of actions

For the elaboration of the index, the six most stock market shares on the market were selected as of January 1, 2001. It was decided to take this date for the beginning of the index because as of that date the law of monetary integration in our country came into force. country.

In order to select these shares, the analysis of the marketability parameters was used, which incorporates criteria such as turnover, market share, stock market presence and inactivity time of the shares. The analysis allows us to obtain a marketability score ranging from 1 to 16; For the separation of the shares, the simple average of all the shares during the last two years was calculated, the six highest scores being selected.

As a result of this selection process, the following actions were chosen to be part of the index:

  • Banco Agrícola (BA) Banco Cuscatlán (BANCUS) Banco de Comercio (BANCO) Banco Salvadoreño (BANCOSAL) Compañía de Alumbrado Eléctrico de San Salvador (CAESS) El Salvador Stock Exchange (BVES)

In November 2003, the first review of the results of the analysis of the marketability parameters was carried out, to decide whether to incorporate or exit any of the shares from the index. As a result of this review, the shares of Inversiones Financieras Banco Agrícola (IFBA) and Distribuidora Eléctrica Del Sur (DELSUR) were incorporated into IBES; Banco Cuscatlán (BANCUS) shares left the index. Subsequently, the shares of Banco Salvadoreño (BANCOSAL) left IBES, as a result of the committee meeting held in July 2004. Currently there are 6 shares that make up IBES: Banco Agrícola, Banco de Comercio, Inversiones Financieras Banco Agrícola, CAESS, DELSUR and the Stock Exchange.

Index calculation

To calculate the index, the standardized pricing methodology was used, which consists of homogenizing the unit of measurement of prices. Indices are traditionally made in monetary units, but this methodology was not possible to use due to the wide difference between the prices of some stocks; this difference would cause price changes in some stocks to greatly impact the index.

In order to standardize the prices, those in force as of January 2001 were set as base prices and 100 points was determined as the standardized initial price of all shares. The formula for calculating standardized prices is as follows:

Standardized price of the day = Market price of the day * 100

Base price


Market price of the day = last registered transaction price. Base Price = market price as of January 1, 2001.

Then the index is calculated as follows:

IBES = ∑ Standardized prices of the day No. of shares


∑ Standardized prices of the day = Total sum of standardized prices.

No. of shares = number of shares considered for the index.

Thus, the initial value of the index for January 1, 2001 is equal to 100.

The entry or exit of shares to IBES will be evaluated by the IBES Committee every three months, which in both cases will not affect the value of the index. Thus, in the case of the entry of a new share, an adjustment will be made in its base price so that the standardized price of said share is equal to the value of the index as follows:

Base Price Incorporated Share = Market Price * 100



Market Price = Closing price of the share on the day of incorporation into the index.

IBES = Index closing value for the incorporation day.

This base price obtained will remain in effect as long as the share is included in the index.

In the event of a share exiting the index, it will be immunized by modifying the standardized price and the base price of the shares that still remain in the index, an adjustment that will be made as follows:

New price

Standardized price * IBES * No. of shares

Standardized =

∑ Standardized share prices


Standardized price = Standardized price of the day.

IBES = Closing value of the index on the day of withdrawal of the share.

No. of shares = Number of shares held in the index.

∑ Standardized prices = Sum of standardized prices of shares that are maintained in the index.

Then, New Base Share Price = Market Price * 100

New Standardized Price


Market Price = Market value of the day.

New Standardized Price = New standardized price resulting from the previous formula.

This new base price of the share is the one that will be used to continue the calculation of IBES and will remain in force until a new modification made by the withdrawal of another share from the index.

It is worth mentioning that for the change in the price of a share to affect the value of the index at the end of the day's session, said share must have reported a minimum amount traded of US $ 4,000 during that session, this in order for IBES better reflect the real price level in the local stock market. It is also established that all shares that do not comply with the timely delivery of financial information and relevant events that the El Salvador Stock Exchange establishes for all those issuers registered in the local stock market will not be subject to entering the IBES.


The IBES is a useful comparative to determine, in a preliminary way, the current situation of prices in the market, possible future trends and some seasonal effects; its usefulness and functionality increases when combined with other types of analysis and considerations regarding the market situation. For additional questions regarding its preparation and monitoring, please write to [email protected]

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El salvador ibes stock index. methodology for its elaboration