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The need for vocational incentives in school students in Peru


It is already known that the school must fully train the student, that is, in the academic and emotional aspect for their fulfillment as a full citizen and as an active part within their community. However, to believe that this is the only objective of education is to accept a wrong idea since the noble work of educating contains different ends, which generally only remains an illusory purpose; such is the vocational incentive for students by teachers, which on various occasions occurs in a precarious way or even does not develop.

The intention should not lie only in the teacher, but also in all the members that make up the Educational System; Under this premise, this article is developed in order to increase, in some way, the precise and safe vocational decision in school students.

The teacher Luis Jaime Cisneros emphasizes well in his article Education and citizenship, engines of a democracy - “… Education provides future citizens with sufficient tools for the construction of a new society. The school must prepare for change ”,“ The school must lead the citizen to rediscover his creative spirit ”, with these phrases he highlights the need in schools to promote the vocational inclinations of school students, one of the tasks core to work to achieve the full realization of our students.

At the time of my experience as a student in a regular basic school, I dare to affirm that in all my eleven years of study I did not receive any vocational test, even more so the orientation that was received by the teachers was scarce; With this I do not want to assume that no teacher in any way helped me with advice; Yes, there were about four excellent educators who took the time to guide us and clarify our doubts regarding a future that several of us did not see clearly. To this experience I also add that obtained as an intern in state educational institutions, where I was able to observe that the greatest number of students in recent years did not have a well-determined idea of ​​what they wanted to do after finishing their studies.

According to a statistical study carried out by the Andina news agency in mid-2015, of 300 thousand young people who finish their secondary studies year after year, only 27% of graduates are clear about their academic future; breaking down the remaining percentage, 25% of the total doubt between two careers, 31% between three options and 18% are not clear about their future. Yes, more than 70% of graduate students do not have a foreseen horizon to follow; and to consider it a problem to the situation presented is to assume our responsibility not only as teachers and parents, but also as citizens aware of our reality and of our faculties to fulfill within the community.

Now, although the number of higher educational institutions has increased exponentially in the country, this does not guarantee that all students follow their vocational course because if they have not received adequate instruction to discover their academic or artistic preferences, they will not know what activity Bend down. Taking this difficulty into account, it is also necessary to emphasize that the general conception of the population is to believe that only future success will be enshrined in a university academic career; And yes, it is a wrong idea since in these times not only an academic profession can bring us happiness and economic stability, but also an artistic career in any of its variants has all the properties to bring happiness.

And yes, I am one of the people who faithfully believes in vocational inclinations, whatever it is, if you dedicate yourself to the activity that you are passionate about, you will do well, and that leads to an uplifting future. And it is there, where the application of a new educational measure consisting of directing and reinforcing the academic or artistic preferences of students must be started, considering that it is the task of the educator, parents and those responsible for organizing the educational policies. In short, it is teamwork that should not only be carried out with the aim of guaranteeing the well-being of the student, but also the good fortune of society.

Peruvian linguist and university professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

The need for vocational incentives in school students in Peru