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Neuroscience as a discipline to enhance human talent

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Today, we live in a reality that deserves professionals who are capable of addressing increasingly complex situations in a dynamic way. To do this, it is necessary to transcend the traditional segmentation of knowledge into disciplines, developing skills that allow managing this context from knowing how to be, know and do; as expressed by Acevedo (2015) when he says that "The human being forks in two moments: attitude and aptitude… and both must be trained".

In this order of ideas, people who wish to remain competitive, in search of productivity within the framework of sustainable development, then need to enhance their talent and redefine the scope of their scope of action. It is there, when neuroscience, enters as a combination of knowledge in which each person becomes what her brain determines that she is. In this way, Murillo (20013) maintains:

Everything indicates that the systematic study of the brain has taken over, in the field of biomedicine, from what was until recently its great challenge: the Human Genome Project… In the United States, President Barack Obama has announced that the next great challenge for scientific research is a large project aimed at mapping brain activity, the Brain project (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, also known in its abbreviated form as the Brain Activity Map Project). In Europe, the Human Brain Project has recently been declared the flagship of European research… But it would be a mistake to believe that we are facing an initiative with merely therapeutic or healthcare repercussions, since the relevance of the problems it addresses,Together with the expectations - justified or not - that accompany it, they give it an enormous social impact. (p.1)

Therefore, the works of both the present and those that will arise in the future are mainly focused on the intangible, on the generation of ideas… essentially based on intellectual capital, on the creation of know-how. Proof of this is evident when what was believed to be "fiction" is now not only tangible but also surpasses the original ideas. We are in the age of mind-billing. As Cordeiro (2010: 84) presents it when he argues that: “the great industries of the future will not be manufacturing but mind-invoicing. Factories will no longer depend on the hands but on the mind. World trends are very clear in this regard ”.

Likewise, Pink (quoted by Oppenheimer. 2010: 52) summarizes that “we have gone from an agricultural society to a society of industrial workers, and to a society of workers in the knowledge economy… And now we are taking another step forward, to a society of creators, trend recognizers and creators of meaning "

The human being, in principle develop a state of consciousness that has a brain. The brain is a strategic organ and is in turn responsible for executing all vital functions. However, we must go further, we must try to improve the status of this valuable resource. It not only goes in the physicochemical improvement of it (better oxygenation, nutrition, among others), but also, practices that lead us to better channel our emotions.

The management of emotions in turn is required for decision making. Therefore, we require constructive positive thoughts as well as internal and external dispersions that exhaust the human body must be avoided, for which we can exercise our brain using focusing techniques, self-control, among others.

Bibliographic references

  • Acevedo, Samuel (2015. February, 5). Conference on Neuroscience.. Valencia: University of Carabobo Cordeiro, José Luis (2000). Benesuela vs. Venezuela: The educational combat of the century. CEDICE Editions, Murillo, José Ignacio (2013). Neuroscience and philosophy. Online document. Available at: http://www.unav.edu/web/vida-universitaria/detalle-opinion2?articleId=2797484. Query. Oppenheimer, (2010). Enough of stories: The Latin American obsession with the past and the twelve keys to the future. Ediciones Random House Mondadori, SA Mexico.
Neuroscience as a discipline to enhance human talent