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Don't let them demotivate you

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Never let all those mean people who always try to destroy the self-esteem of the rest make you feel bad, people that I despise and that I keep away from my life. Once I read around "Whoever speaks ill of the rest, probably has nothing good to say about himself." Or something like that, but is it understood right? And it is too true. Because I think he talks bad about people talking badly about others and living giving a bad wave to the rest, terrible.

There are all kinds of bad or negative people, envious, dependent, cynical, arrogant, bad influences, etc. They are many! But I am going to limit myself to talking about those already mentioned, which are the ones I remember at this moment.


They are the worst, envious people burden me, I have met so many people so I would say that they are the ones I detest the most, those who do not live or let live.

How to recognize them? Easy, they are always finding a defect or inventing stupid things to overshadow you, they are bothered by every achievement you have and whenever they can, they will make you feel bad for things that are not even true or should be important, the worst thing is that if they have the opportunity to harm you, they likely will.

What to do with them? Do not show yourself affected. Do not catch them. In the end, think that if there are people who are like that with you, it is because they are envious of you, it is not to believe death because of that, or to be happy. But maybe there is something that you have that the envious one would also like to have, either because they have good grades, they are pretty, they are successful or they are simply happy people. For no reason let yourself be carried away by such a person, just go on with your lives and don't worry about those people who have nothing better to do than worry about the rest, a shame by the way, but that's the way it is.


These people are not necessarily bad vibe eager, but they are negative and therefore not someone you want to be around all the time.

How to recognize them? It is the typical friend who always has a problem, always needs your help, is always complaining about something, but hopes that the world feels sorry for them and that they are always there for them, instead of themselves doing something to change their lives.

What to do with them? Have them from afar. At some point we have all had a friend with problems, who needs us and we want to be there for them. But be very careful with dependency relationships, because it is exhausting to have to listen to someone who complains all day about their problems without doing something to solve them, or who always uses one for everything, in the end they end up absorbing all your energy, it is very exhausting. It is okay to love and support your friends, but when they are people who start to hurt you either consciously or unconsciously, you have to put them aside and always think about your well-being.


Another little group that I can't stand, I also know several like that and they are a nuisance, those people who always have something bad to say about the rest but appear to be friends with everyone.

How to recognize them? They are always talking bad about the rest, even their friends, they are capable of telling you terrible things about the rest, but then you see them talking as if they were the best friends of those who just destroyed. They are the typical hardened peelers.

What to do with them? First of all, be clear that if it is not difficult for them to speak ill of their friends, it will not be difficult for them to speak ill of you, so they are not people to trust very much from the start. If you have friends like this, it is best to have certain limits with them and not get too involved in their fur. Even if they don't hurt you directly or talk badly about you behind your back, it is still very negative and unpleasant to have people around who speak badly of others. And if they end up hurting you, don't be surprised, just get them out of your life.


They are negative because they always believe that they are better than the rest and they are always trying to make others feel bad so they can feel good about them.

How to recognize them? If you tell something good that happened to you, something much better happened to them, if you have something important to say, they have something more important to say than you. If it is about achievements, no matter how many you have had, they will always show that they have gone further than you.

What to do with them? Never ever feel affected by what they say, it does not matter if they have really achieved more than you, if you work hard you can also go far, but when you do, never forget who you are and that you once also started from scratch. They are very insecure people who simply need to re-affirm everything they have done to feel good about themselves, a can, they do not have to be caught.

Bad influences

I have nothing against those who have a different lifestyle than mine, which I know is not an example to follow, but I am charged by people who try to negatively influence others.

How to recognize them? They are always raving about what they do or what they are involved in and try to convince you that joining them in whatever they do is going to delight you, that nothing happens, that it is normal, that it is fine, that it will improve your life, etc. And the more you doubt if they are right, the more arguments they will give you to believe them.

What to do with them? Simple, do not fall under its bad influences. If there is anything that really does not appeal to you, or does not convince you, do not be convinced. If they have a weak character it is very likely that they are easier to influence, but never do something that they are not sure of, something that could make them feel uncomfortable and could even be dangerous. And please don't ever do something to make the rest of you like it, who the fuckin cares?

I could go on and on about so many negative people out there, but I guess they've got the idea. Deep down, what I want to tell you is that if there is anyone in your life who simply doesn't do you any good, do your best to get away from them or at least avoid being negatively affected. Always think of your well-being above all else and never let someone ill-intentioned take you away or make you feel bad for any mean comment they make.

Know that the better you do, the more negative people you will encounter and the only way to avoid them is to always be positive and never lose your way, worry about meeting your goals no matter who tries to get in the way of your dreams. Good luck, I want you.

Don't let them demotivate you