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Objectives and characteristics of NLP neurolinguistic programming

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Neurolinguistic programming is a very interesting technique to use in personal improvement, somehow experts have managed to understand in part how the human mind works and have been able to give life to this technique that allows us to be able to suggest positively and thus focus. in a better way in the objectives.

The human mind is still a mystery since it has not been possible to achieve its full potential, however despite that, the little that has been done has been for the benefit of the human being himself with the idea that we will be better people, better in what we want and we can get everything we want if we simply focus our thoughts on it.

This technique is definitely something very useful for organizations or for organization leaders since they could imagine the potential that an organization would have if all its collaborators worked focused on neurolinguistic programming, good results would really be expected, however they are also still only speculations since it is not proven that it works 100%.

In any case and regardless of how effective it is, it has gained a great boom in these times, we can find many articles that talk about Neuro-Linguistic Programming, we can see that there are even manuals on how to apply it yourself and about leaving.

We can even find tutorials on NLP (neurolinguistic programming) on ​​social networks or on YouTube, speakers or authors who claim that it works, this article will analyze part of what this technique is, its advantages, its benefits and the effects that it can take within decision making.


According to (Mazahua, 2016) we can divide the term neurolinguistic programming into three parts, such as:

Programming: That refers to what a person wants, feels and how he acts are a result of his mental programs, which can be modified or replaced.

Neuro: It is related to the fact that all people receive and process information using the neurological system, that is; the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

Linguistics: All people assign meaning to each of their experiences through verbal and non-verbal language, which is the result of the expression of "who I am and how I think."

Therefore we can say that Neurolinguistic Programming is the study of human experience in a subjective way, which seeks to understand how people organize what they perceive, how they review and filter the outside world through the senses.


Neuro-linguistic programming emerged in 1972 when John Grinder, who was an assistant teacher of linguistics at the University of California, helps Richard Bandler, who was a student in the university's psychology major.

Grinder and Bandler did studies of three key psychiatrists which were:

  • Fritz Perls, who was a very innovative psychotherapist, created the school of therapy known today as Gestal, Virginia Satir, who was a family psychiatrist capable of solving extremely complex decisions within family relationships. Milton Erickson, who was a world famous therapist.

Bandler and Grinder want to be able to identify the patterns used by the best therapists so they can spread them for the social good.

They made models of therapy that were functional and could be taught without any complications. Despite the fact that the three psychiatrists that Bandler and Grinder studied had different personalities, they had very similar patterns, which they refined and were able to build a model that could be used for effective communication, personal change, accelerated learning and the same way you could enjoy life more.

They reflected their studies in 4 books which were published between 1975 and 1977.

NLP was developed in two complementary directions. The first of them was as a process by which they looked for a way to recognize patterns that would allow them to excel in a field, and the second was to develop the most effective ways possible with which people could communicate, which were used by people outstanding.

Decision making

Making decisions is something that many times becomes problematic for a person: scenarios of confusion are generated, of a certain state of "mental alienation" by going round and round a matter and not reaching any conclusion… by not being able to solve something that it is known that it has to be resolved anyway.

The dangerous thing is that this sometimes generates immobility, the person instead of deciding, "takes refuge" in the non-decision, and in the non-doing or is deciding based on the thought or opinion of the people around him… like a "leaf in the wind."

If you don't decide on something that concerns you… something or someone else will do it for you, that's for sure!

Anthony Robbins, a renowned NLP expert tells us that making a decision is like "training and developing a muscle of the body"… the more decisions we make, the more training we will have and the time will come when making a decision will be something totally natural and much more cash. (learnpnl.com, 2013)

NLP Models

According to (Caridad, 2006) NLP can be achieved from several models, among which are:

NLP Models Neurolinguistic Programming

Objective of NLP.

1. Anchors (conditioning):

You generate a positive feeling in the person by making them remember or imagine something powerful positive and when it reaches the climax of the sensation you put a unique stimulus on the person (eg touching on the elbow). This is done repeatedly so that eventually conditioning is created. Some time later and having reinforced the conditioning, to obtain something from that person it is touched in the same way.

2. Language patterns:

Alternative illusion: to convince someone of something you give the person "options" but in reality you win at all. Example: "So… Are we going to have dinner or lunch?" Instead of "do you want to eat or not?"

3. Covert orders:

Questions usually end with an upward musical intonation. Orders usually run downward. The trick is that when a question is asked it is intoned like a command.

4. Ocular access codes:

When people remember or imagine something, they turn their eyes somewhere. The technique is to pay attention to eye movements to look for a pattern. In other words, if the person turns his eyes to the left several times to imagine or remember something positive, that is where one must place oneself to be associated with positive things.

5. Visual / auditory / kinesthetic:

People have preferred channels for decision making. For example, a designer or a filmmaker is going to be more visual. The idea is to use those channels with that person to make them feel more comfortable. Example. "Look, I want you to see the plan I have" instead of "I want to tell you the plan I have"

6. Rapport. Empathy:

Find out what you have in common with the person and mention it so that you feel more like him or her. The same can be done by mirroring your physical position very discreetly.

7. Modal operators:

People use words that express need (modal operators) like I need, have, want, desire, must to express themselves. The technique is to pay attention to which ones they use at the moment to answer them with the same operator.

8. Internal or external reference:

There are people who work better when someone else tells them something and others when they say it themselves. You have to pay attention to this in order to use the one that best suits the person. If the reference is internal, you have to make the person believe that the idea came from him or her. (Castellanos, 2015)

Characteristics of NLP.

According to (Figueroa, 2017) Neurolinguistic Programming has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other means of the therapeutic branch and the specific characteristics of NLP are described below.

Holistic Approach: Every component that makes up a person is directly related and interdependent. The emotions experienced are linked to the physical behaviors that occur, for example, when faced with a nervous situation, it is usually expressed with cold hands or sweating on the person. Or in a vice versa situation where the physical parts influence the emotional state of the people. That is why Neurolinguistic Programming is considered holistic where the perceptions of emotions or behaviors fully affect the other components.

Work with microdetails: The details that are linked in a functional person with his life are of utmost importance in the NLP process. Those details where other disciplines do not conceive their attention, the NLP considers as a foundation, such as the metaphors used, their language and jargon used, the movement of the eyes, are considered micro details with valuable information that can produce a positive change in life of the person.

Mental processes: Problem solving is what Neuro-Linguistic Programming really aims for, some examples are efficient time, adequate approach to objectives, use of adequate language for optimal communication, etc. However, the basis that underpins NLP is internal to each individual, basically their thoughts, beliefs and feelings, making this a starting point for Neurolinguistic Programming.

Conscious and unconscious mental planes: The conscious part handles the personal knowledge of each individual and the elements of the environment where they can be managed and obtain control. Through the unconscious part, everything that is not known and cannot be managed is handled. What Neurolinguistic Programming works is that unconscious part attracting it to the conscious where the results can be visualized on a behavioral and conscious level.

Importance towards language: Language is part of the pillars or premises of Neurolinguistic Programming, which is why emphasis is placed on formulating the importance that it generates in its application. Therefore, language becomes the expression of feelings, thoughts and beliefs on which PLN is founded.

Importance towards non-verbal language: As in microdetails, body language is an important part of which is based on expressions, gestures, postures, eye movements that are important sources of information to carry out Neurolinguistic Programming.

Quick results: One of the important characteristics that are part of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is that it offers quick results by creating two types of opinion, one satisfactory and the other incredulous. What is certain is that the brain of people has a fast learning, making Neuro-Linguistic Programming positive and really fast results.

NLP and its Filters.

The description of the filters of Neurolinguistic Programming will be based on the book Introduction to Neurolinguistic Programming by the authors (O'Connor

& Seymour, 1995) which indicate that it is also often attributed with the name of "behavior frames" and reside in ways of thinking about how to act.

First filter: Orientation towards objectives rather than problems. This indicates the discovery of what the person and the others want, the own resources to go to the defined goal. Problem orientation should be raised through detailed analysis, where you should avoid getting bogged down as it leads to nothing useful.

Second filter: ask yourself more how? What in the why? The first question will lead to the understanding of the structure of the problem. The second will only provide certain justifications that will not produce any change.

Third filter: Interaction (Feedback) versus Failure. Within the framework of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, failure is not considered existing, there are only unwanted results and they are taken as areas of opportunity to improve in the future.

Fourth filter: Possibilities rather than Needs. You should look at what can be done, what is at hand as a resource and not on the limitations that arise.

Fifth filter: Attitude of Curiosity and Fascination rather than making assumptions. What commonly characterizes young people is that curiosity that arouses by wanting to know everything, however, you should not be left with those doubts, but rather know how to take advantage of them. (Figueroa, 2017)

Learning process according to NLP.

NLP can explain the learning process of human beings through a series of stages that all individuals go through, which are four and are mentioned below:

  1. Unconscious incompetence. (It is not known what a car is, much less drive it). Conscious incompetence. (moment in which most is learned. The driver is aware that he does not know how to drive and tries). Conscious competition. (The driver already knows how to drive and pays too much attention to the process such as clutch, turn signals, gearshift lever…).

Unconscious competition. (The attention of the conscious is released. The individual performs the action without being practically conscious and can thus direct his attention to other things. Thus we see a driver talking, listening to music, smoking, etc. while driving). (Ortíz)

Seven steps to activate the organization from NLP.

The development of Neurolinguistic Programming within organizations necessarily leads to changes and transformations within the organization; Those who have rigid models and cannot adapt to them could suffer serious consequences, including the loss of their job.

It is apparently usual that all individuals generate resistance to change, this is because it seems to us that it is something unacceptable that cannot be foreseen. Next, the seven spiritual intelligence practices based on NLP, developed by Puche (2002), which have been adapted to the organizational reality, are presented as essential steps to activate the organization. (Charity, 2006)

Step 1: Motivation for excellence. It is essential to know the desires, needs and expectations that make a person insert and stay within an organization, we well know that the economic factor is decisive, however, the trend is aimed at generating motivation in employees beyond a simple salary that ties them to their jobs. Motivation leads to self-esteem.

Step 2: Achieve emotional wisdom. When we manage to manage our emotions by connecting the brain to the heart, we can generate appropriate emotional responses even when we are in working conditions under pressure. For this, it is necessary to work on self-control, release the emotions that later can make us implore, attacking the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integrity of each worker. Establish conciliation and negotiation guidelines and recognize when we require the use of an external advisor.

Step 3: Ethics: Be consistent. In many organizations it is professed to do what I tell you but do not do what I do. Organizational performance must adhere to values ​​and ethics, for which it is required to be consistent with what is said, done, thinks and what is internally. It is important to honor commitments, make your word count, dispel misunderstandings, act with full conscience, and acknowledge mistakes to make amends.

Step 4: Master the thought. What the mind wants, the mind can. It is important to permanently train employees, to develop skills and generate concentration in their functions.

Step 5: The vision. When an organization has clearly developed its organizational philosophy, it is much easier for everyone to push in one direction, it is to recognize that we are all on board of this common project and that its realization benefits us all. It is important to constantly monitor the organization in order to promote the vision of shared destiny and to make the necessary adjustments.

Step 6: Cultivate the sources of wisdom. The wisdom and knowledge of the organization are based on a process of continuous research and development. The research reaches an Information System that serves as the basis for assertive decision making.

Step 7: Action: Key to Excellence. All knowledge that stagnates and does not get a flow to activate and move is nothing but mental garbage. Organizations that are full of manuals and rules that are never applied have great disadvantages over their competitors. What is the use of quality parameters if they are not applied. The action drives the company from an excellent service. (Charity, 2006)


As we could see, NLP is a very powerful technique that can be used in various ways, the study of the human mind and its capabilities has led to the creation of these techniques that allow increasing capacity and productivity in some way. some cases of people.

Nowadays with social networks we can see different ways of working with NLP, on YouTube there are different tutorials and experts that help you know how to carry and handle NLP and guide them towards a specific objective, according to them there is nothing that it is impossible as long as you can program your mind and manage to gather that energy to achieve it.

Personally, it seems to me a two-edged sword since good or evil could be created with this technique in a certain way, we do not know what kind of objectives all people have and if that can affect us, in the same way, in the particular I think that NLP must go very hand in hand with the self-esteem that one has, since even though NLP helps you in some way to rebuild and raise it, you cannot carry it out if you do not fully understand it. create yourself.

I always visualized this technique as pure charlatanism, however no one is the owner of the absolute truth, despite there being many charlatans out there saying or selling smoke about this topic, there are many people committed to it and who really take you or bring you closer to it. good way to the subject.

At some point this technique can help to program human minds in such a way that even a leader can make a peaceful protest with a simple word towards his collaborators unconsciously to them.

Thesis proposal

Determine how effective the use of NLP is within an organization.

Overall objective.

Measure the productivity index based on the results obtained by the application of NLP to the organization's collaborators and check its effectiveness in terms of productivity.


I thank my mother who is the strength to continue every day and who has made me get to where I am, to my friends Martín, Erick, Blanca and Alejandro who have made the passing of time in this semester more enjoyable and at the same time a team solid study with which we have managed to get ahead, to Maritza who with her desire and endless energy have infected me to not stop, keep going and make the best effort, to my teachers who have contributed their time and knowledge to be able to continue further in my studies, to Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández since he has given us all his experience and knowledge in this matter of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, as well as CONACYT since he gives us his support to motivate us to move forward in our adventure through master's degree.


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Objectives and characteristics of NLP neurolinguistic programming