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Objectives and internal control questionnaire for the available

Table of contents:

The evaluation carried out on the internal control system of a company must be based on the answers provided by the internal control questionnaires carried out in the programs and procedures that the financial auditor agrees to execute, in this case in the management of the entity's available

Exam objectives

General objectives:

1. Verify the correct valuation in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and their adequate presentation in the financial statements.

2. Obtain reasonable assurance about:

to. All the items related to the available have been properly estimated

b. The values ​​corresponding to the component accounts are duly classified and disclosed in accordance with their conditions.

Specific objectives:

1. Verify the physical existence of the immediate liquidity resources available to the entity.

2. Determine if the funds and deposits that are presented within the cash, cash and bank category meet the basic conditions of availability.

3. Check if all existing funds and deposits are presented.

4. Determine if the cash and demand deposit funds represented in the financial statements are authentic

5. Examine the proper handling of the procedures, policies and practices that are followed in the administration of liquidity resources.

6. Verify the existence of manuals of cash functions and procedures.

Control is a support tool to achieve business objectives

Internal control questionnaire

Evaluated period: January 01-December 31 / 20XX

Evaluation Date: January 20XX

Date of elaboration: February 20XX




N / A


one. BOX
1.1.1 The cash unit is a restricted area.
1.1.2 There is a safe for the custody of cash and your documents.
1.1.3 The key is known by personnel deferential to the cashier, treasurer and manager.
1.1.4 The day's income is kept in the safe, until it is deposited in banks.
1.1.5 The treasurer and the cashier have management policies.
1.1.6 A single person has been responsible for handling the checking accounts, clearly detailing the names of those responsible.
1.1.7 All the receipts that support both income and expenses are filed in a safe and appropriate place.
1.1.8 The custodians are adequate to physically safeguard the money in operation
1.2 Collection
1.2.1 The amounts collected daily are entered into the cash register.
1.2.2 They are registered in the respective book.
1.2.3 The respective cash receipts are issued.
1.2.4 The income is duly classified according to its nature.
1.2.5 The collections in the auxiliary book are duly registered.
1.2.4 Checks are endorsed or crossed upon receipt to prevent cash from being cashed
1.2.5 Controls are adequate to ensure that goods, services delivered or sold are covered.
1.2.6 Income is deposited intact, that is, care is taken not to have incoming income to make expenses.
1.2.7 Checks and other items received by mail from someone other than the cashier are listed before they are delivered to the cashier.
1.3 Cash register receipts
1.3.1 Cash receipts are issued at the time of receipt of securities.
1.3.2 There is consecutive and prenumbered numbering.
1.3.3 The voided receipts are kept consecutively.
1.3.4 Blank receipts are kept in the safe.
1.3.5 The values ​​stipulated in numbers and letters are compared.
1.3.6 The originals are compared with the copies later.
1.4 Minor box
1.4.1 There is a fixed fund for petty cash.
1.4.2 The functions of custody and management of the fixed cash fund are separated from the authorizations of payments and accounting records.
1.4.3 The respective expenses are authorized by officials in charge for this purpose.
1.4.4 In cash deliveries, there is prior authorization from the responsible official, and adequate verification of the corresponding expenditures.
1.4.5 There are specific formats to relate petty cash expenses.
1.4.6 Petty cash receipts are properly filed and stamped.
1.4.7 Exit vouchers are encoded and identified with the name and signature of the person responsible for the expense.
1.4.8 Before paying any voucher, compliance with policies and administrative provisions for this procedure is reviewed.
1.4.9 Vouchers with a paid stamp are canceled at the time of being covered with resources from the petty cash fund.
1.4.10 The petty cash reimbursement procedure is dynamic enough to avoid overfunding or under-cash.
1.4.11 It is forbidden that the petty cash funds are used to cash checks to employees, clients or suppliers.
1.4.12 Refund checks are issued to the person in charge of the petty cash.
1.4.13 There are maximum limits to be allocated for lower cash expenses.
1.4.14 If advances are presented for expenses that are covered with petty cash funds, the time in which the expense will be made is clearly delimited, monitoring is given so that after that time the refund of the money or the verification of the expense is requested.
1.5 Bows
1.5.1 Surprise audits are made to the funds collected.
1.5.2 There are appropriate formats to perform the counts.
1.5.3 There are corrective measures when inconsistencies occur.
2.1 Accounts opening
2.1.1 Each current account is authorized by the board of directors.
2.1.2 The checking accounts that are managed in it are registered in the name of the entity.
2.1.3 The services provided by each of the banks are studied before opening a checking account.
2.1.4 The revolving firms are duly authorized.
2.1.5 Current accounts have a specific destination, according to the nature of the expense.
2.2 Protection
2.2.1 The number of checks is verified when each checkbook is delivered by the bank.
2.2.2 Blank checkbooks are kept in a safe.
2.2.3 Uncashed and drawn checks are duly protected.
2.2.4 The various restrictive seals are duly guarded
2.2.5 A copy of the cards showing the signatures authorized to issue checks is kept in a safe place.
2.2.6 The registry and authorization to issue checks are permanently updated at the bank and at the entity's offices.
2.2.7 The voided checks are filed in sequential order.
2.3 Draft of checks
2.3.1 All checks are prenumbered.
2.3.2 They are rotated in sequential order
2.3.3 They are drawn for all kinds of payments except petty cash.
2.3.4 Its record is kept in auxiliary bank books.
2.3.5 There is verification of supports before the turn.
2.3.6 Verification of figures and numbers is carried out before signing.
2.3.7 A restrictive stamp is used for payment for the first beneficiary.
2.3.8 There is more than one signature in the draft of payments by check.
2.3.9 Checks are issued with joint signatures
2.3.10 Telephone confirmation is made by the bank for payments for amounts greater than $ 500,000.
2.3.11 Signing blank, bearer or sight checks is avoided.
2.3.12 Checks are delivered upon presentation of the respective authorization of the beneficiary.
2.3.13 There are special hours and days for the delivery of checks.
2.3.14 Protective check stamp is used.
2.3.15 There is some kind of policy that contemplates the possibility of canceling in a certain time those checks in transit that have not been cashed.
2.4 Reconciliations
2.4.1 Reconciliations are carried out periodically.
2.4.2 Debit notes are appropriately discounted.
2.4.3 The reconciliations are filed in sequential order.
2.4.4 The official who makes the payment and the one who reconciles are different.
2.4.5 The necessary adjustments are made after preparing the reconciliations.
2.5 Daily bulletins
2.5.1 Cash and bank bulletins are prepared daily.
2.5.2 They carry a strictly consecutive numbering.
2.5.3 The concepts of income and payments are clearly defined.
2.5.4 There is documentary support on all entry or exit to know their origin and authorization.
2.5.6 Reports and cash flow programs are prepared to foresee both the investment of surpluses and the obtaining of credits to cover needs.
2.5.7 They are archived with the supporting documents for subsequent reports or consultations.
3.1 Income and expenditure activities are adequately separated.
3.2 An attempt is made to have levels appropriate to the circumstances, in relation to money in operation.
3.3 Foreign currencies owned by the entity are valued for the purposes of the balance sheet, at quoted prices on the date of the reference.

At the end of this analysis, it is expected that the auditor or the person who is carrying out the business evaluation of the management and compliance with the controls, can have a clear vision of the entity and its behavior in relation to the available item. The information that is gathered from this examination is vital for the auditor's decision-making and therefore management.

The auditor's examination of the available must not be structured on a weak control system or on procedures that affect the optimal functioning of this unit.

The analysis of internal control in the area of ​​cash, banks, corporations and savings banks is essential to achieve the achievement of the organizational objectives of the company, therefore it is important to pay attention to each of the points that was presented above, since any deviation from these can change the direction of financial planning.

Part of current assets
The available is defined as the group that includes the accounts that record the immediate, total or partial liquidity resources, available to the economic entity
Objectives and internal control questionnaire for the available