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Busy or worry?


What is the difference between worrying and worrying? How do both actions affect our lives?


Occupation derives from the positive, is to address the resolution of a problem or the materialization of a project.

Within the occupation dreams, desires, and intentions are mixed that become the driving force that leads to success.

Whoever is busy, flows, because the mind is set on the goal, on success, on solving, there are no blocks because there are no fears, stress, anxiety or depressions that stop the project because the occupation is also the certainty that it is being proceeding correctly.

By occupying ourselves, we build, be it a solution or a project, but we build.


The concern derives from the negative, it does not address the solution of the problem but the fear of failure, the fear that things will not turn out well.

When we worry we block, we stagnate and we do not allow things to flow correctly because we are working based on fear, stress, insecurity and our mind is fixed on all the images that imply delays, complications, failure, etc.

Worry does not know how to solve a problem, rather it creates the problem, because most worries are not based on reality, they are based on assumptions that we do not know if they will occur.

Worry absorbs time and energy that we take from the actual construction of projects or solutions. By worrying, we destroy, because if its bases start from the negative, it will have a negative end.

What do you care about?

According to this topic, it is worth reflecting on the following: Experts in human development conducted a survey regarding the problems that afflict most people, obtaining the following results:

40% of worries will never occur, as anxiety is a product of a tired mind.

30% concern past decisions that can no longer be altered.

12% focus on criticisms, mainly false, made by people who feel inferior.

10% concern my health, which worsens while I worry.

And only 8% are "legitimate". Because life has real problems, which can be dealt with once the superfluous worries have been eliminated.

Energy is like money, you have to know how to invest it to grow… What do you invest your energy in?

If you analyze this question then you will be able to answer, because many of your projects are blocked and cannot be achieved and then you will be able to make a wise choice: "take care" or "worry".

Busy or worry?