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As organizações em nosso tempo

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In the modern society in which we live, whatever or production process is carried out through organizations. Or modern home passes to a greater part of its time in organizations, it depends on how it is born, lives, learns, works, earns its salary, cures its doenças, obtains all the products and services that it needs. But why do we have organizations? Because they are more efficient than individuals who drink independently.

There is a fundamental difference between the organizations raised as a specific purpose of optimizing means to accomplish a task or to carry out objectives, so-called instrumental organizations, that embody relevant social partners for societies, so-called institutionalized organizations, or simply institutions. A majority of companies are included in the first group of large corporations, public bodies, hospitals and fazem universities part of the second.

(Ex: A Universidade, UN, IBM, or McDonald's, or DCE, Igreja, os Sindicatos, as Organizações Virtuais).

As decisions are made by instrumental organizations, private companies, they are only devoted to the rational and economic division of work and the flow of structures as a way of increasing the productivity of control. The relationships are only immaterial and the loyalties you deserve, since they are organized and facilitate the decision-making of the authority. A cooperação é conscious, deliberate and directed for the finos proposals. There is or development of a deliberate flexibility to meet environmental demands.

As institutions for their time, they are organizations that incorporate norms and values ​​considered valuable for their members and for society. It is a product of needs and social pressures valued by hairs, limbs and ambient hair, concerned not only with profits or results, but with their survival and permanence. São guided hair senso de missão. Nas Instituições as forças e pressões sociais atuam as vetores that moldam or behavior das pessoas. Seek to be eternal and seek ways to avoid extinction, by means of a species of fusion of individual interests as institutional objectives. "As institutions are only uterus: they protect us weight, but we must protect their mobility with two expected limits" (Pereira and Fonseca). It is not felt as institutions depersonalize, manipulate and direct the behavior of its members.

As institutions have their own characteristics that differentiate the organizations that are instrumental and that appear in several different ways:

1. A temporal dimension ou historia da instituição: According to Salznick (1972), quoted by Pereira, "study an institution and pay attention to its history and show how it is influenced by its social influence".

2. The role of the leadership: Selznick identifies three commitments of the institutional leadership: (1) to define the role and role of the institution - to decode the mission with clear and realistic objectives; (2) the institutional incarnation gives the finalities of the leaders of a single institution to administer the bases based on their own vontade; (3) defense of institutional integrity- institutional leaders protect our values ​​and institutional integrity against their own values ​​and their own identity, examples of trust and persistence of subordinate years.

3. To an external valuation: it can be identified by means of evidence of support given to the hair of its clients and other organizations as they are related.

4. Or internal commitment: or sharing of a philosophy between the members and the leadership in the face that the people feel like they are proud and proud of their work.

5. To autonomy to establish programs and allocate resources:

6. As functions and objectives that shape the structure and institutional form: Or survival impulse in the face that the institutions try to expand their frontiers more and more, extrapolating many times their original function, but to the relevance of the function that guarantees their institutional legitimacy..

7. Or institutional environment: there are different dimensions, or operational environment (relevant public bodies that relate to the institution for support or to compete with it), or general environment (transactions with environment)

Differences between organization and institution

Socio-technical system aimed at optimizing resources to achieve objectives Organizational system with social functions considered relevant to the society and hair of its members
Organizations (for profit or not for profit) based on the rational and economic division of labor. Organization infused with intrinsic value (mystique, identity, character).
Perishable and discarded instrument, aimed at carrying out tasks, optimizing methods and rational use of technologies, aimed at or reaching established goals. Living, permanent, adaptive, receptive organism, product of relevant pressões e necessidades sociais sociais.

An informal structure, based on interpersonal associations, is so strong that it often outweighs the aspects you form. But a fundamental difference between organization and institution and its organization. Isto means that they behave like a living organism, which is born, grows, matures, reproduces, becomes beautiful and dies; It has its own history and identity and is capable of innovating and transmitting ideas and values ​​to other organizations. As for the instrumental organization that needs a manager to ensure that its objectives have been met, the institutions need leaders who guarantee their survival. Managers make rational decisions, plan, coordinate, control actions and results, are busy, disciplined and face challenges of competition, producing or maximum effort with less effort and custody.The costumam institutional leaders are idealists, intuitive figures who use time or time in search of an ideal and challenge others in the pursuit of their values.

We are governed by democracy, by the population that votes and pays taxes, and at the same time that receives the provision of public services. Ela é ao mesmo tempo acionista e usuária.

The intermediary agents between or povo eo governo são os public bodies, which são os instruments gives ação governamental. As public institutions classificam-se em:

  • Órgãos da administração direta (responsáveis ​​pela execução das funções essenciais do governo); Organs of the indirect administration (responsible for the execution of supplementary, specific or joint policies).

As public institutions are not companies. As strategic decisions made by public bodies based on ideologies and values. São unique decisions, vary from organization to organization and contain fundamental differences:

  • We value systems and administrative laws that endorse Nas pressões policies that we receive Nas decision-making skills of seus leaders We resources that have the technical competence and motivation of seus servants

Or process of identification of the mission and objectives of public organizations is much more difficult than that of private companies, because it involves social values ​​and development options that affect all of society. Other modern and necessary ways of managing public organizations are management contracts and outsourcing. These instruments work when they provide quick decision-making and flexibility in a managerial way and we can constitute a strategy to attend to specific demands, not necessarily involving the public machine. Furthermore, the administration must monitor the contracts, avoid political influence, or protectionism and improper manipulation of agreements and distribution of contracts.

It is noteworthy to the evolution of a type of organization that we see to suppress the completeness of the public and the objective of the private, or third party. A more specific definition of the third set found in Salamon & Anheier (1996), and it is said that the third set out a range of organizations with the following characteristics in common: they are formally constituted, they are separate organizations of government, they are not for profit, self-government, or volunteerism with a significant participation. "A third set of non-profit and non-governmental coexists non-internal page of each society as a public state setter and as a private business setter" (Fernandes, 1994). The field of organizations where there are philanthropic initiatives,altruistic and political margem de liberdade de ação so that it is possible to take advantage of all of ação group conscientious committed as a collective, involving em cultural changes, not a way of agir and thinking of people.

And, finally, there appear organizations that are also known as organizations that are networked or modular. It has a highly centralized structure as a department or department and a great resource for outsourcing for many major functions. Those organizations are the network of relationships that allow us to outsource manufacturing. The bureaucratic weights are minimized and there is nothing intrinsically rigid. The prototype of the virtual structure is the organization of the film industry. A huge vertical structure of Hollywood, gave rise to countless small companies, which I project to project we fazem films. This structural form allows each project to have a staff with the most adequate talent to meet their demands. It minimizes bureaucratic waste and reduces the cliffs of long prazo because there is no long prazo,completed or projected to equip and disassembled.


* Pereira, Maria José Lara de Bretas e Fonseca, João Gabriel Marques. Faces da Decisão: As changes of Paradigms eo Poder da Decisão. São Paulo: Makroon Books, 1997.

* Koontz, Harold & O'donnell, Cyril. Administration: Organização Planejamento e Controle. São Paulo: Pioneira, 1986.

* Robbins, Stephen P.. Administração: Mudanças e Perspectivas. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2000.

As organizações em nosso tempo