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Organization of staff administrative functions

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The objective of this essay is to assess and understand the scope and the way to organize on the functions of personnel administration. We will understand the importance of carrying out these functions correctly, relying on interpretations of different authors and we will comment directly on specific points and important questions on the same subject.

As you already know and it is essential to mention, the staff in a company is the engine or the machinery that makes all the extremities of an organization move.

In an organization we have to contemplate administrative personnel functions, since through them, we achieve that all the actions and parameters represented in the organizational manuals are executed, under strategically drawn and well-structured schemes, in order to obtain an efficient result in our organization.

According to Idalberto Chiavenato, “Human Resources Administration consists of planning, organizing, developing, coordinating and controlling techniques capable of promoting the efficient performance of personnel, at the same time that the organization represents the means that allows people to collaborate in it, to achieve individual objectives directly or indirectly with work ”, (Human Resources Administration Book).

For Chiavenato, Human Resources Administration means:

"Conquer and keep people in the organization, who work and give the best of themselves, with a positive and favorable attitude."

"Managing Human Resources is different from managing any other resource in the organization, because it involves some difficulties such as: that its function is related to means and not to ends, another is that they handle people who change over time and do not belong only to the human resources area, therefore there are bosses who are directly responsible for subordinates ”.

As advances have been made in the development of society, globalization and various factors have become more complex, organizations in general have presented a level of response to this, in order to remain current and respond optimally to the situation. evolution and the need for adaptation. This response leads them to focus on the development and organization of Human Resources management to improve its effectiveness and achieve the established goals. The executives in this area are continually subject to restructuring of functions and responsibilities to effectively face the new times.

It is necessary to carry out constant analysis on how to carry out human resources management in companies and establish how the impact on training and selection is carried out, to detect areas of opportunity and timely present corrective and preventive actions, obtaining with this a good record in the performance evaluation.

In an organization it is vital not only to be very clear about each of the functions that the staff develops, it is a reality that in organizations there are deficiencies in being clear with the specific functions that their staff should have, much of our loss in time and quality of work is based on this point, since staff often lack adequate training in a timely manner and therefore, the trend in their results will not be totally efficient and this triggers that staff are not motivated and can exploit all their capabilities both at the organizational and personal level. For us this point is more than important, since we can have a structure regarding logistics,but in the operation there are occasions in which clear and concise information does not arrive, for which it is difficult to understand the functions to be carried out, therefore the objectives, goals and purposes are not met in the stipulated time.

Determination of needs:

Does our organization require a personnel department?

One of the questions that entrepreneurs ask ourselves, that we envision the opening or the consecration of our dream when starting a business with a view to having long-term growth and that they lead us to success is:

The answer undoubtedly "YES", the reason is simple: In current times, due to the same evolution in recruitment systems, we have needed to strengthen and improve the processes at the human resources administration levels.

In accordance with the idea of ​​Pigors and Myers, who consider that "there is no company that is too small, where there should not be someone specialized in the personnel function."

"It has been affirmed that there is no company, no matter how small, that does not require a person who, at least as part of their job, takes over the technical function of personnel", Agustín Reyes Ponce (Book of Administration of personal).

The requirements to adequately develop Human Resources Administration, according to Munch, García, are:

"Provide the necessary elements to efficiently meet the needs of your position."

And "Give importance to the proper introduction."

We consider that one of the main pillars in an organization is the human resources administration function, since at present this department has the tools, vision, mission and objectives that are more than clear and well defined, therefore they have to be more that prepared to be able to program adequate training and recognize an adequate profile in each position that is required.

As mentioned by Munch, García one of his rules: "The right man for the right job", (Book "Fundamentals of administration").

And as Idalberto Chiavenato mentions on p. 167 in his book "Human Resources Administration": "Our objective in the organization is to create and develop a set of personnel with sufficient skills, motivation and satisfaction to achieve the objectives of the organization".

In summary, if an organization does not have well defined each of the administrative functions, to follow, we will not have a true organization and consequently we will see our backbone break.

Efforts to improve work quality build systematic actions that organizations take to ensure that staff have an opportunity to improve their jobs and their results in the company, creating an environment of greater respect and trust.

For this it is necessary according to Munch, García in his book "Fundamentals of Administration", to carry out a Human Resources control, which consists of:

“Evaluate the effectiveness in the implementation and execution of each and every one of the personnel programs and the fulfillment of the objectives of this department; being carried out through the Human Resources audit ”.

Now, mentioning the benefits that Human Resources Administration has for entrepreneurs, we find that:

This department is an accomplice in quality improvement in the workplace, helps us and supports us to meet the needs of our collaborators and colleagues in our organization, they also implement programs, where they give us positive operating results or areas of opportunity in the internal and external processes of each area of ​​our organization. Not counting the organization of events, courses, conferences, referring to standards in the training process, internal events such as motivational meetings, product presentation, results meetings, etc.

According to Chiavenato, the main objectives of the Human Resources Administration are:

"Create, maintain and develop a group of people, with motivation and satisfaction skills."

"Create and maintain organizational conditions that allow the full application of people in achieving their objectives."

"Achieve efficiency and effectiveness with available human resources."

Organization of a specific department or unit

An organization must always have a relationship structure, between jobs and work groups.

The objective of contemplating a structure is to influence the behavior of people and direct efforts, in such a way that they carry out the activities that correspond to each position, so that the performance of the organization is optimal.

Therefore the structure will be defined according to the objectives pursued by the company and is characterized by its regularity.

This group of activities is defined as organizational processes.

According to authors such as Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnely, there are four key decisions of the management of an organization that define its structure. These are related to the division of the workforce, the delegation of authority, the departmentalization of the jobs and the determination of the number of personnel, located in each position.

According to Agustín Reyes Ponce, “the composition and disposition of a department in a company, goes according to its magnitude. And it is divided into small company, medium company and large company ”.

And "To determine the size of the company, not only the number of workers should be taken into account, but also the number of hierarchical levels and complexity of the work," Personnel Administration book.

According to Agustín Reyes Ponce, "the Personnel Administration department must be placed in the first hierarchical level, that is, depending directly on the General Management, Directorate or Presidency".

And “The reason why the chief of staff is usually placed at a lower level in some companies is because their activity has been reduced to routine things, such as attendance control and payroll. But if the personnel function is taken to a higher level, investigating, establishing, coordinating policies, the hierarchical placement must be that which we have previously indicated ”.


To conclude, we can mention according to Idalberto Chiavenato, in his book "Human Resources Administration", the following:

"To function, companies need material, financial, human, marketing and administrative resources, each of which is directed by a specialty of the administration."

"However, the Human Resources Administration depends on some complex factors, among which the management style that the organization intends to adopt stands out."

“In addition, the Human Resources Administration is an online responsibility of each leadership and a staff function. The ARH can be seen as a system in whose process subsystems intervene: Plan, organize, develop, coordinate and control ”.

"However, the ARH faces strong pressures, due to its objectives and its dispersion in the different areas of the organization."

Special thanks to:

Karina Ortiz Moreno, Olivia Couoh Pool and Roberto Robledo Villanueva. Students of Business Administration, Universidad del Sur. For the collaboration in the elaboration of this.


  • Idalberto Chiavenato, Human Resources Administration Book, Agustín Reyes Ponce, Personnel Administration Book, Munch, García, Administration Fundamentals Book, Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnely, Pigors and Myers.
Organization of staff administrative functions