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Organization of the notary in peru


1. Definition of notarized

As the first part we will define the term notarizedTherefore, we can affirm that it is the set of notaries, in this order of ideas there is a Peruvian notary, which comes to be the set of existing notaries in Peruvian law. We must also specify that there are other definitions of this notarial term, which we have developed in another location, however, we do not cite them, because we do not want to repeat information provided to readers and researchers at another location, as is certainly an investigation in the which definitions of said term were collected and commented on them, which is a work published a few years ago, which we hope can also be consulted, so that in this way notarial law can be more widely known, which constitutes an important but neglected branch of public law.

This legal term is well known by notarialists, who are specialists in notarial law, but this branch of law is not widely used in Peruvian law, which results in few of those referred to in Peru.

The first paragraph of article 1 of the legislative decree of the Peruvian notary is entitled "Integration of the Notary Public", and indicates that the notary public of the Republic is made up of notaries with the functions, powers and obligations that this law and its regulations indicate.

This norm has as its immediate national legislative antecedent the first paragraph of Article 1 of Decree Law 26002, which states that the notaries of the Republic are made up of notaries with the functions, powers and obligations that this Law indicates. That is, in Peruvian positive law there is a definition of the legal term studied.

2. Organization

Set of people or other elements based on certain rules and procedures, for example, we can talk about the organization of notaries, lawyers, doctors, accountants, economists, administrators, marketers, engineers, architects, nurses, sociologists, among others organizations, of which the one that concerns us in this headquarters is the organization of the notary, therefore, we will provide you with some lines, in order to learn more about this subject, which goes beyond the law, within which found in Peruvian positive law, the legislative decree of the notary.

3. Notary district

The legislative decree of the Peruvian notary public establishes in its article 127 that a notary district is considered to be the territorial demarcation of the Republic in which a college of notaries exercises competence.

We must also specify that article 127 of Decree Law 26002, specified that a Notarial District is considered to be the territorial demarcation of the Republic in which a College of Notaries exercises jurisdiction.

Therefore, we can affirm that the first of the cited norms has the second cited norm as national legislative antecedent, therefore, they must be studied together.

In the previous regulations, the legal term jurisdiction was used, while in the current norm the legal term jurisdiction is used instead, therefore, this is the seat to record that both terms are more used in procedural law, and they have a different definition.

4. Notary associations

Article 129 of the legislative decree of the Peruvian notary public establishes that the colleges of notaries are legal persons of public law, whose operation is governed by the Single Statute.

This legal norm has as its immediate national legislative antecedent Article 129 of Decree Law 26002, which establishes that the Associations of Notaries are legal entities of public law, whose operation is governed by a single Statute.

A foreign legislative precedent is the Spanish notarial law, which establishes in its article 41, that there will be Associations of Notaries in the points that the Government designates.

That is to say, both in Peruvian law and in Spanish law, there are rules that regulate the colleges of notaries.

Many dispute whether or not the notary associations are professional associations, therefore, we must point out that some notaries in Peruvian law are not professionals, but they are notaries, however, they are legal persons of public law, and therefore are constituted by their law of creation. This topic is quite important in the study of notarial law, therefore, we suggest an adequate doctrinal study so that it is known with information not only national, but also foreign.

5. Powers and obligations of the notary associations

The legislative decree of the notary public establishes in its article 130, which corresponds to the notary associations:

a) Direct monitoring of compliance by the notary with the laws and regulations that regulate the function.

b) Ensure professional decorum, compliance with the Code of Ethics of the notary public and compliance with this Law, regulatory and related standards as well as the statute of the college.

c) The exercise of union representation of the order.

d) Promote the effectiveness of notarial services and the improvement of the professional level of its members.

e) Maintain an updated registry of its members, which includes the information established in article 14, as well as the main data of the notary and his notarial office and the licenses granted, as well as any other information available to the Notary Council.. The data contained in this registry may be totally or partially published by telematic means, for the purposes of information to the public.

f) Call a public competition for the provision of vacancies in the area of ​​its territorial demarcation and when determined by the Council of Notaries, in accordance with the provisions of this law.

g) Issue the guidelines, as well as verify and establish the standards for a minimum physical and technological infrastructure of notarial offices. Likewise, generate a telematic interconnection that allows the creation of a notarial network at the national level and enables the interconnection between notaries, between them and their notarial colleges as well as between the Colleges and the Board of Deans of the Notaries Association of Peru.

h) Answer the queries and issue reports that are requested by the Public Powers, as well as answer the queries made by its members.

i) Establish the regime of regular annual and extraordinary inspections with opinion and unexpected visits of the notarial offices of its territorial demarcation, being responsible for its execution and strict compliance.

j) Authorize vacations and licenses for its members.

k) Authorize, in each case, the transfer of a notary to a province of the same notarial district, in order to authorize instruments, due to vacancy or absence of a notary.

I) Supervise that its members maintain the qualities indicated in article 10 of this law.

m) Apply, in the first instance, the sanctions provided by law.

n) Ensure the integrity of the notarial files kept by practicing notaries, regulating their digitization and conversion to digital micro-forms in accordance with the law on the matter, as well as arranging for the administration of the files of the dismissed notary, taking charge of the office and closing your records.

ñ) Authorize, regulate, supervise and record the issuance of the qualification diploma referred to in subsection b) of Article 4 of Legislative Decree No. 681.

o) The closure of the records of the notary sanctioned with suspension and the appointment of the notary who is in charge of the office for as long as said sanction lasts; and, p) Exercise the other attributions indicated by this law, Statute and other complementary regulations.

This article has as national legislative antecedent article 130 of Decree Law 26002, which established that it corresponds to the Notary Associations:

a) Direct monitoring of compliance by the Notary with the laws and regulations that regulate the function;

b) Ensure professional decorum, compliance with the Code of Ethics of Notaries and compliance with the Statute of the College;

c) The exercise of union representation of the order;

d) Promote the effectiveness of notarial services and the improvement of the professional level of its members;

e) Keep an updated registry of its members;

f) Call a public contest for the provision of vacancies in its jurisdiction and when determined by the Council of Notaries in observance of Article 5.

g) Declare the abandonment of the post in the cases provided in subsections f) and g) of Article 21;

h) Repealed.

i) Answer the queries and issue reports that are requested by the Public Powers, as well as answer the queries made by its members;

j) Establish the regime of ordinary and extraordinary inspection visits of the notarial offices of its jurisdiction;

k) Authorize vacations and leave of its members;

l) Authorize, in each case, the transfer of a notary to a province of the same notarial district, in order to authorize instruments, due to vacancy or absence of a notary;

ll) Apply, in the first instance, the sanctions provided in the law; and, m) Exercising the other attributions indicated by the Statute.

Which was modified by Article 1 of Law No. 28580, published on July 12, 2005, which established that it corresponds to the Associations of Notaries:

a) Direct monitoring of compliance by the notary with the laws and regulations that regulate the function;

b) Ensure professional decorum, compliance with the Code of Ethics for Notaries and compliance with the Statute of the College;

c) The exercise of union representation of the order;

d) Promote the effectiveness of notarial services and the improvement of the professional level of its members;

e) Keep an updated registry of its members;

f) Call a public tender for the provision of vacancies in its jurisdiction and when determined by the Council of Notaries, in compliance with articles 5 and 9;

g) Declare the abandonment of the position in the cases provided for in subsections f) and g) of Article 21;

h) Answer the queries and issue reports that are requested by the Public Powers, as well as answer the queries made by its members;

i) Establish the regime of ordinary and extraordinary inspection visits of the notarial offices of its jurisdiction;

j) Authorize vacations and leave of its members;

k) Authorize, in each case, the transfer of a notary to a province of the same notarial district, in order to authorize instruments, due to vacancy or absence of a notary;

I) Apply, in the first instance, the sanctions provided for in the Law;

m) Manage the files of the terminated notary, taking charge of the office and closing its records;

n) Authorize, regulate, supervise and record the issuance of the qualification diploma referred to in subsection b) of Article 4 of Legislative Decree No. 681; and, o) To exercise the other attributions indicated by the Statute. "

In addition, the notary law of Spain establishes in its article 43 that for lack of discipline and others that may affect the decorum of the profession, the Boards of Directors of the Associations may admonish the Notaries, reprimand them in writing and govern them fine up to the amount of 25 hard. In addition, it is established that in case of recidivism, they will report to the Hearings, which may fine up to 100 dollars, also informing the Ministry of Grace and Justiceso that a note is placed in the respective files of the Notaries, all without prejudice to the rest that may proceed in justice, and also save any other disciplinary powers of the judges and Hearings. Article 44 of the same legal norm states that Notaries may not be suspended or deprived of office by the government, except, in terms of suspension, in the case provided for in Article 14.

6. Notary districts

The legislative decree of the Peruvian notary public establishes in its article 128, that the Notarial Districts of the Republic are twenty-two with the established territorial demarcation.

This norm has as its national legislative antecedent Article 128 of Decree Law 26002, which establishes that there are twenty Notarial Districts of the Republic with the territorial demarcation they currently have. And this last article was modified by article 2 of Law No. 27567, published on 12-01-2001, which establishes that there are twenty-two Notarial Districts of the Republic with the established territorial demarcation.

In Peruvian law there are several Associations of Notaries, which is noticed when we consult books of notarial law of other authors, in this sense Luis Alfredo CUBA OVALLE specifies that the Associations of Notaries in Peruvian law are the following:

1) College of Notaries of Amazonas.

2) College of Notaries of Ancash.

3) Association of Notaries of Apurimac.

4) College of Notaries of Arequipa.

5) College of Notaries of Ayacucho.

6) Association of Notaries of Cajamarca.

7) Callao Notaries Association.

8) College of Notaries of Cusco and Madre de Dios.

9) Huancavelica Notaries Association.

10) College of Notaries of Huánuco and Pasco.

11) College of Notaries of Ica.

12) Junín Notaries Association.

13) College of Notaries of La Libertad.

14) Lambayeque Notaries Association.

15) Lima Notaries Association.

16) College of Notaries of Loreto.

17) College of Notaries of Moquegua.

18) College of Notaries of Piura and Tumbes.

19) College of Notaries of Puno.

20) College of Notaries of San Martín.

21) College of Notaries of Tacna.

22) College of Notaries of Ucayali.

7. Definition of the board of deans of the colleges of notaries of Peru

The legislative decree of the notary public establishes in its article 135 that the notary associations form a body called the Board of Deans of the Notary Associations of Peru, which coordinates their action in the internal order and exercises the representation of the notary public in the international sphere.

This article cited has as its immediate national legislative antecedent article 135 of Decree Law 26002, which stated that the Associations of Notaries form a body called the Board of Deans of the Associations of Notaries of Peru, which coordinates its action in the internal order and exercises the representation of notaries in the international arena.

8. Members of the board of deans

Article 136 of the legislative decree of the Peruvian notary public establishes that the Board of Deans of the Associations of Notaries of Peru is made up of all the deans of the colleges of notaries of the republic, has its headquarters in Lima, and the structure and powers that its statute approved in assembly, determine.

The immediate national legislative antecedent of the cited norm is Article 136 of Decree Law 26002, which stated that the Board of Deans of the Associations of Notaries of Peru is made up of all the deans of the Colleges of Notaries of the Republic, has its headquarters in Lima, and the structure and attributions that its Statute approved in the Assembly, determine. "

9. Purposes of the board of deans

The current legislative decree of the Peruvian notary public establishes in its article 138 that the Board of Deans of the Associations of Notaries of Peru, will guide its action to the fulfillment of the institutional purposes, will promote the realization of national and international competitions for the study of related legal disciplines to the notary public, to the dissemination of the fundamental principles of the Latin notarial system, being able to edit publications aimed at its purposes, in addition to fulfilling the functions that the law, regulations and its statute assign it.

Article 138 of Decree Law 26002 constitutes the immediate national legislative antecedent of the aforementioned norm, establishing that the Board of Deans of the Associations of Notaries of Peru, will guide its action to the fulfillment of the institutional purposes, will promote the realization of national and international competitions for the study of legal disciplines related to notaries, to the dissemination of the fundamental principles of the Latin notarial system, being able to edit publications aimed at its purposes, in addition to fulfilling the functions that the law, regulations and its statute assign it.

10. Formation of the notarial council

Article 141 of the legislative decree of the Peruvian notary public establishes the authorities that make up the Council of Notaries, expressly stating that the Council of Notaries is made up of the following members:

a) The Minister of Justice or his representative, who will preside over it. In case of appointing his representative, he will hold the position full time.

b) The Prosecutor of the Nation or the Supreme or Superior Prosecutor, to whom he delegates.

c) The Dean of the Lima Bar Association or a member of the board of directors to whom he delegates.

d) The President of the Board of Deans of the Associations of Notaries of Peru or a member of the board of directors to whom he delegates; and,

e) The Dean of the Lima Notaries Association or a member of the board of directors to whom he delegates.

The Council will have the support and advice of a Technical Secretary, as well as the administrative support that the Ministry of Justice provides.

The aforementioned norm has as its immediate national legislative precedent Article 141 of Decree Law 26002, which stated that the Council of Notaries is made up of the following members:

a) The Minister of Justice or his representative, who will preside;

b) The Prosecutor of the Nation or the Supreme or Superior Prosecutor, whom he delegates;

c) The Dean of the Lima Bar Association or a member of the Board of Directors to whom he delegates;

d) The President of the Board of Deans of the Associations of Notaries of Peru or a member of its Board of Directors to whom he delegates;

e) The Dean of the Lima Notaries Association or a member of its Board of Directors to whom he delegates; and,

f) An official of the Ministry of Justice, who will act as Secretary, with voice but without vote.

11. Powers of the notarial council

Article 142 of the legislative decree of the Peruvian notary public expressly establishes that the following are attributions of the Council of Notaries:

a) To exercise the vigilance of the colleges of notaries regarding the fulfillment of their obligations.

b) Exercise the supervision of the notarial function, in accordance with this law and related or regulatory norms, through the notaries' association, without prejudice to their direct intervention when so determined.

c) Propose the regulations and standards for the best development of the notarial function.

d) Approve mandatory compliance directives for the best performance of the notarial function and for the fulfillment of the obligations of the notary associations.

e) Monitor compliance with the regulation of inspection visits to notarial offices by notary associations.

f) Carry out opinionated and unexpected inspection visits to notarial offices, being able to designate persons or institutions for this purpose.

g) Resolve in the last instance, as a court of appeal, on the decisions of the board of directors of the colleges of notaries regarding the supervision of the notarial function.

h) Resolve as a final instance court of appeal, on the decisions of the Court of Honor of the colleges of notaries regarding disciplinary matters.

i) Appoint the president of the jury of public merit competitions to enter the notarial function in accordance with article 11 of this law;

j) Decide on the provision of notarial positions referred to in article 5 of this law.

k) Request the notary public to call or convene public merit competitions, in accordance with the provisions of this law.

l) Receive complaints or reports about irregularities in the exercise of the notarial function and give them the corresponding procedure.

m) Receive the complaints or reports on the breach of the obligations by the members of the board of directors of the colleges of notaries, and give them the corresponding process for a complaint for breach of the notarial function.

n) Keep an updated register of the boards of directors of the colleges of notaries and the national registry of notaries.

ñ) Answer the queries made by the public authorities, as well as the boards of directors of the colleges of notaries, related to the notarial function; and,

o) Exercise the other powers indicated by law and regulatory or related standards.

This article has as its immediate national legislative antecedent article 142 of Decree Law 26002, which indicated that the following are attributions of the Council of Notaries:

a) Exercise the vigilance of the Associations of Notaries regarding the fulfillment of their obligations;

b) Exercise the supervision of the notarial function, in accordance with this law and related or regulatory norms, through the College of Notaries, without prejudice to its direct intervention when so determined;

c) Propose the regulations and standards for the best development of the notarial function;

d) Monitor compliance with the regulation of inspection visits to notarial offices by Notary Associations;

e) Resolve in the last instance, as an appeal court, on the decisions of the Notaries Association;

f) Appoint the President of the Jury of the Public Competitions of Merits to enter the notarial function in accordance with Article 11;

g) Decide on the provision of notarial positions referred to in Article 5;

h) Be aware of complaints or reports of non-compliance with the responsibilities that the law assigns to the Notary Associations;

i) Receive complaints or reports about irregularities in the exercise of the notarial function and give them the corresponding procedure;

j) Keep an updated Register of the Boards of Directors of the Notaries' Associations;

k) Answer the queries made by the Public Powers, as well as the Boards of Directors of the Associations of Notaries, related to the notarial function; and,

l) Exercise the other attributions indicated by law and regulatory or related standards.

This article was modified by Article 1 of Law No. 28580, published on July 12, 2005, establishing in the new articles that are attributions of the Council of Notaries:

a) Exercise the vigilance of the Associations of Notaries regarding the fulfillment of their obligations;

b) Exercise the supervision of the notarial function, in accordance with this law and related or regulatory norms, through the College of Notaries, without prejudice to its direct intervention when so determined;

c) Propose the regulations and standards for the best development of the notarial function;

d) Monitor compliance with the regulation of inspection visits to notarial offices by Notary Associations;

e) Resolve in the last instance, as an appeal court, on the decisions of the Notaries Association;

f) Appoint the President of the Jury of the Public Competitions of Merits for the entrance to the notarial function according to article 11;

g) Decide on the provision of notarial positions referred to in article 5;

h) Request the Notaries Association to call Public Competitions of Merits and convene them in the cases provided for in article 9, after compliance with article 5 of this Law;

i) Be aware of complaints or reports of non-compliance with the responsibilities that the law assigns to the Notary Associations;

j) Receive complaints or reports about irregularities in the exercise of the notarial function and give them the corresponding procedure;

k) Keep an updated Register of the Boards of Directors of the Associations of Notaries;

l) Answer the queries made by the Public Powers, as well as the Boards of Directors of the Associations of Notaries, related to the notarial function; and

m) Exercise the other powers indicated by law and regulatory or related standards. "

12. Income from the notarial council

Article 143 of the legislative decree of the Peruvian notary is entitled "Income of the Council of Notaries", and indicates that they constitute income of the Council of Notaries:

a) Those that generate.

b) 25% of the sale price of serialized paper sold by notary associations.

c) 30% of the amount collected by the Associations of Notaries of the Republic, by concept of rights that the applicants pay in the public competitions of merits of entrance to the notarial function.

d) Donations, bequests and subsidies that are made or constituted in their favor; and,

e) The resources assigned by the State.

In Decree Law 26002 there is no similar norm to the subject of study, which should generate the comparative law studies that may take place, in order to determine the source of inspiration for the approval of article 143 of the legislative decree of the notary public.

Organization of the notary in peru