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Organization of work to increase productivity and motivation


The present work aims to carry out a Comprehensive Study of Organization and Technical Work Regulations, linked to the analysis of technical-organizational conditions, the effectiveness and rationality of work methods and the causes of unproductive times, those attributable to workers and those attributable to management; as a way to increase productivity, raise the level of income and the motivation of workers for employment.

For the study of the working day in order to know the use of it, take measures to reduce or eliminate interruptions, improve work methods and procedures and determine work standards, the analytical-investigative method is used., applying the Collective Detailed Photography (continuous collective observation).

Keywords: organization and standardization, work organization



The objective of carrying out a Work Organization Study in the UEB Pinturas Vitral San José and specifically in the Filling area is to carry out a Comprehensive Work Organization and Technical Norm Study, linked to the analysis of:

  • The technical-organizational conditions The effectiveness and rationality of the working methods The causes of unproductive times, those attributable to the workers and those attributable to the management;

As a way to increase productivity, raise the level of income and the motivation of workers for employment.


The UEB Pinturas Vitral San José belongs to the Vitral Paintings Company, created by Resolution No. 170 integrated into the Business Group of the Chemical Industry, subordinate to the Ministry of Basic Industry (MINBAS). It is located at Carretera Central Km. 39 ½ Ravelo, San José.

It is dedicated to the production of enamel paints, oils, varnishes and thinners.

It has an Approved Staff of 107 workers: 4 Executives, 24 Technicians, 1 Administrative, 8 Service and 70 Workers.


Make continuous improvements in the processes that it carries out with an efficient management of the resources available to guarantee the quality of the products and services that it provides to internal and external customers to satisfy their expectations and needs.


Our products are important in the decoration of buildings and preservation of equipment, so we are committed to providing the most competitive solution to our clients to meet their needs.


Achieve effective quality management, environmental management, health and hygiene management and occupational safety in all the processes we develop to become a leader in the Cuban market with a minimum of 70% participation.

Social object:

  • Produce and wholesale decorative, special and marine paints, in national currency and foreign currency Produce and wholesale glass iron mallets, preservatives, diluents and acids for printing, in national currency and foreign currency Produce and wholesale products domestic currency such as chemical polishes, detergents and air fresheners, in national currency and foreign currency Wholesale of paint application accessories, according to the nomenclature approved by the Ministry of Internal Trade, in national currency and foreign currency Wholesale to market paints with destination to the Works of the Battle of Ideas according to the nomenclature approved by the Ministry of Internal Commerce in national currency. Produce and wholesale paintings of high popular demand in national currency.Provide cargo transportation services by automobile and advisory and consultancy services in the application of paints, in national currency. To wholesale scrap metal to the companies of the Union for the Recovery of Raw Materials, in national currency and foreign currency. wholesaler idle and slow moving products, in national currency.

The current functional structure is composed of:

  • Director UEB Head of the Production Area Head of the Supply Area Head of the Varnish Area

Methods and Techniques Used:

For the study of the working day in order to know the use of it, take measures to reduce or eliminate interruptions, improve work methods and procedures and determine work standards, the analytical-investigative method is used., applying the:

  • Collective detailed photography (Continuous collective observation).


The Organization of Work is the science that is responsible for the constant study of the production or service process, especially focused on the participation of man in it. It seeks the maximum effectiveness of man's work in its interrelation with technology and with the rest of the personnel involved in the production or service process.

Its main objective is to achieve the maximum effectiveness of man's work, and includes the study and analysis of what is done, where, how and with what, in order to design and implement measures aimed at improving the participation of the same in the process of production or service, or what is the same, perfecting the way in which men's labor activities are carried out in their constant relationship with the means of production.

It includes the study, analysis and improvement of the Division and Cooperation of Labor, of the Methods and Procedures of Work and of the Organization and Service of the Jobs, with a view to determining Work Standards that allow to know correctly the capacity of each link of the production or service process and the amount of workforce required to achieve the desired activity levels in the most efficient way.

The Organization of Work requires a systematic study and analysis of the different activities of the production or service process in order to improve it. For this, it is necessary to systematically study them in such a way that it allows to know exactly how the tasks are carried out and what the problems are, thus discovering the organizational deficiencies that arise and that prevent achieving greater effectiveness in the work of the man, with a view to seeking and proposing the most appropriate solutions that allow for a sustained increase in work productivity.

Work study is the systematic critical review and recording of existing methods for conducting work in order to improve the effective use of resources and establish technically sound and up-to-date standards regarding the activities that are being performed.

Therefore, it aims to establish how the work should be done, in the simplest and most efficient way, under existing conditions or in the projection of new processes or procedures and to set the standard time for its completion with a view to achieving improvement and rationalization. of existing or projected methods, increase work productivity and equipment efficiency, lower costs and create better working conditions.

To understand how work study reduces costs and time spent on a certain process, it is necessary to carefully examine how the total time of a job is constituted.

“The basic content of the product's work or operation: it is the time that is invested in manufacturing a product, providing a service or performing an operation without wasting time for any reason. In practice, the real times invested in operations are much higher than the theoretical ones due to: excessive work content, where the following elements are added:

  1. Supplemental work content due to deficiencies in the design or specification of the product or services or parts thereof, or improper use of materials.
    • Deficiency and frequent changes in the design of products or services Waste of materials Incorrect quality standards.
  1. Supplemental work content due to inefficient methods of production or operation in the case of service activities.
  • Poor layout and use of space Inadequate handling of materials Frequent interruptions when switching from one product to another Ineffective work method Poor planning of raw material requirements Frequent breakdown of machines and equipment
  1. Supplemental job content due to human resource behavior.
  • Absenteeism and lack of punctuality Poor performance of work Risk of accidents and occupational injuries.

If these factors are eliminated, the time and cost of production or service is reduced and, therefore, productivity increases. Therefore, the study of the work must assess whether these factors are present when examining a production or service process and establishing a perfected method ”(Resolution 26/06)

The organization of work is the basis that sustains the increase in productivity. From the results of its study are derived the organizational, training and development measures of the workers, the improvement of working conditions and their income. (Special Tabloid: 2007; Part I).


To carry out a regulation study, regardless of the method used, the following steps must be followed:

  • Selection of the activities and operations to be regulated. Preparation of the observation. Carrying out the observation. Processing and analysis of the information. Determination of the technical - organizational measures to be implemented and calculation of the standards. Implementation.

2 .1.- Selection of activities and operations to be regulated.

The selection of the activities and operations to be regulated must respond to an order of priority established, depending on the importance of the different activities and operations carried out in the production process.

That is why you should choose those activities and operations that are limiting in the production or service process, those that group a large number of workers and those in which the current labor standards are violated or exceeded to a large extent. above the parameters set as normal.

2 .2.- Preparation of the observation.

The preparation of the observation must begin with the study of the working conditions of the workshop and the jobs where the observation is to be carried out. At the same time, the regulator must study the established production technology, the operating parameters of the equipment, the organization of the positions and their service, etc.

An important element in the preparation of the observation is the choice and disposition of the worker who performs the activity or operation that will be the object of observation. This disposition of the worker for observation is achieved by making him clearly aware of its nature, specifying the errors and inconveniences that the alteration of the normal work regime during the observation may cause.

The selection of workers to observe is made depending on the objective of the study:

  • If the study is aimed at determining work standards, workers who possess the required qualification and perform the work with medium skill and intensity should be observed.If we want to study work methods, those that have the highest productivity as a result of the working methods used. If we want to study the causes that motivate non-compliance with the rules, we will study workers who do not comply with them.

In the case of determination of standards, it is recommended to observe those workers who comply with the current standard, in the amount closest to the average compliance with it; or also select a “long”, a “medium” and a “short” worker, based on the statistics available on the level of compliance with the standards.

Another important aspect that must be taken into account in the preparation of the observation is to guarantee, during the observation period, the adequate supply of raw materials, materials and semi-products, the correct condition of the equipment and the adequate service to the post of job.

During the preparation stage, the method to be used for the observation of each job is also selected, depending on the characteristics of the work under study, the time available and the precision to be obtained in the results.

Once the method to be used has been determined, the number of observations that must be made to obtain the data with the desired quality will be calculated and the modeling to be used will be prepared.

All the aforementioned preparatory work must be carried out well in advance of the beginning of the observation, which will allow the regulator to observe the work process and measure the time expenses that take place during the work process, in the least possible time and without unforeseen interruptions.

2 .3.- Carrying out the observation.

The third stage of any normative study is observation itself, which is carried out according to the chosen observation method.

2. 4.- Information processing and analysis.

In this stage, the results obtained during the observation are processed, calculating the total and average data of all the times and indices of the studied process, their oscillations, the magnitude of the error, etc.

Subsequently, the causes that originate the loss of time are analyzed, in order to propose the technical - organizational measures that can be applied for their reduction or elimination.

Work times must also be analyzed, especially times classified as superfluous, those not related to the task, service and auxiliary times, analyzing the measures that can be taken to achieve the most rational use of man and equipment.

2 .5.- Determination of the technical - organizational measures to be implemented and calculation of the standards.

From the analysis of the information and with the knowledge that has been obtained about the existing organizational problems, the technical - organizational measures that must be implemented are defined in order to eliminate or reduce interruptions and unnecessary time expenses as much as possible., quantifying what is possible to achieve with the application of the same, in order to be able to take advantage of said time as necessary work time when calculating the norm.

2 .6.- Implantation.

This stage includes: preparation for implantation and implantation itself.

The preparation for the implementation includes the entire process of analysis and discussion of the standards with the workers, as well as the implementation of the technical - organizational measures determined in the previous stage and that are essential to achieve the production levels provided for in the standards calculated..

The implementation corresponds to the phase of introduction or application of the standards in the technical - organizational conditions for which they were calculated.


3 .1.- Regulation methods .

For the elaboration of technically argued norms, two methods are used:

  1. Analytical - investigative method

The analytical-investigative method is one in which the determination of the necessary expenses of the work time, the sequence, the method and the order of execution of the elements of the operation, is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the data obtained through direct observation of the operation in the workplace, taking into account the technical - organizational conditions that are projected.

  1. Analytical calculation method.

The analytical calculation method is one in which the establishment of the working times, the sequence and order of execution of some of the elements of the operation, as well as the calculation of the main and auxiliary times, preparatory - conclusive, etc.., is carried out by means of time regulations or based on the technical data of the equipment.

3.2. Study techniques of working time.

For the study of the working day in order to know the use of it, take measures to reduce or eliminate interruptions, improve work methods and procedures and determine work standards when using the analytical method - In research, the most widely used work time study techniques are:

  1. Detailed individual photography Detailed collective photography Sampling by instantaneous observations Timing of operations Timing of elements Timing with measurement of activity level

For our case, the Collective Detailed Photography is used because the work of a group of workers who perform the same operation in their respective jobs is analyzed.


It consists of making a detailed description of all the activities carried out within the working day by the group of workers studied and measuring the duration of each of them, in order to know the use of the working hours of the same. It is used when you want to study:

  1. The work of a group of workers who perform the same operation in their respective jobs. For example: in a painting workshop where there are three workers painting the chairs that are produced in other departments, a brigade of workers who work on the same object of work and it is not possible to define the part of it that each one does. Example: a brigade composed of two painters and an assistant who is painting the facade of a building.

Observations are made with a watch with a second hand and a tablet or table to locate the modeling and make the annotations.

4.1. Determination of the number of observations.

To determine the number of observation days we need to perform, to obtain the required statistical reliability, quickly and practically, the table below will be used, which is entered with the value obtained from the R / t ratio (Range divided by the mean) calculated from the realization of three initial observations.

Rg / tg ratio Observation Days






0.06 two
0.07 3
0.08 4
0.09 5
0.10 6

Being the Range Rg the difference between the highest and lowest value of the sample, that is:

Rg = t max - t min

And t will be the average value of the measured element (working time) that is calculated as the sum of all the values ​​of the sample divided by the amount of them, that is:

tg = t1 + t2 + t3


All the values ​​in the table have been calculated with an accuracy of ± 5% and a confidence level of 95%.

4 .2.- Making the observations.

To take the detailed collective photograph, the Observation Sheet or Model No. 3 is used. The objective of this model is to record in detail all the activities carried out by the group of workers under study, as well as the time spent on them. (See Annex No. 1).

4.3.- Processing, analysis and determination of the standard.

The processing, analysis and determination of the standard when the observations are made by the Collective Detailed Photography method is carried out using Model No. 4. (See Annex No. 2)

The objective of this model is to summarize the average data of the observations made to a group of workers, to project the use of the working day and to determine the norm of production and time.


Taking into account those activities and operations that are limiting in the production process and that group a large number of workers in the UEB, the areas where the study will be carried out are selected.

To carry out the Work Organization Study, the following areas were selected:


Formed by:

  • Grinding, Mixing and Color Equipment Operator (Brigade Leader) 13 Grinding, Mixing and Color Equipment Operators FILLING BRIGADE

Formed by:

  • Filling Line Operator (Brigade Leader) 5 Filling Line Operators: 3 Fillers, 1 Labeling Machine Operator and 1 Locking Machine Operator.

7 Assistants: 6 Filling Assistants and 1 Labeler Assistant

These areas are selected because:

  • In the filling area, activities and operations are carried out that are limiting in the production or service process, groups a large number of workers although the current work regulations are met The Mixing, Grinding and Color Area precedes the Filling operations.

To prepare the diagnosis, the following actions were carried out:

  • Review of existing documentation that is related to the scope of work:
    • Technical sheets of the means of production Cost sheets for each of the assortments Documentation on the description of the manufacturing process of each product line (paint) Mission, Vision, and strategic plans Existing work standards Work content of the workers and their knowledge requirements
    Techniques such as: surveys, interviews and brainstorming were used.With the information obtained from steps 1 and 2, a SWOT Matrix was made to evaluate the influence of these problems on the performance of the organization, as well as the possibilities that it may or may not have the same to face them.

From the result of the Diagnosis carried out, the graphic representation of the factors that influence the Organization of work in the UEB is made. (See Fishbone Annex No.3)


  1. Obsolete technological equipment and in poor technical condition. The school level of the workers is on average 12º. Degree.There is little training of personnel Lack of spare parts to undertake the work of the industry.Inefficient existence of tools and tools.There is no work organization study that allows identifying the problems that most affect the production process and projecting their solutions Deficient conditions for Lighting and ventilation in work areas. Raw materials, packaging and containers do not always meet the required quality specifications.
1. Market increasingly competitive and dynamic.

2. Financial situation of the country.

3. Most of the supplies come from abroad.

  1. Possibilities of Internal and External Training of workers in general Investment possibilities to achieve higher production levels Certification of the Quality Management System
1. Prepared and experienced technical team.

2. Workers and Managers motivated by work.

3. Low fluctuation rate of the labor force

4. Unity of criteria and desires to resolve the existing weaknesses in the productive process of leaders and workers.

5. Safe market.

6. Application of the PE with change of organizational structure.

7. HRM model applied with its procedures for the different subsystems.

8. High sense of belonging.


The UEB San José is in the I quadrant using a MAXI-MAXI strategy, that is, it maximizes strengths and maximizes opportunities.


The strategy that is being used in UEB San José is an offensive strategy, it makes the most of the strengths and opportunities trying to overcome the disadvantages turning them into advantages by focusing on the opportunities. Such a UEB can be a leader because of its strength and use resources to take advantage of the market with its products and services.


The existence of obsolete technological equipment and in poor technical condition with the lack of spare parts to undertake the work of the industry, in the conditions of an increasingly competitive and dynamic market threatens the application of Business Improvement, the high sense of belonging and the unity of criteria and desires to solve the existing weaknesses in the production process of leaders and workers to achieve the certification of the Quality Management System.


Taking advantage of the application of Business Improvement, the high sense of belonging and the unity of criteria and desires to solve the existing weaknesses in the production process of leaders and workers and the investment possibilities with the certification of the Quality Management System, it could modernize part of the technological equipment and acquire essential spare parts for the proper functioning of the industry, taking into account the existence of an increasingly competitive and dynamic market.


  • Filling as a process regulates the production of only 15,000 liters per day of paint The instability of the containers. The need for double handling of the same as the quarters come into the gallons and there is no designated personnel for it The obsolescence of the labeling machine that often causes the use of non-designated personnel for the manual gluing of the labels. Operators in the filling area

For the study of the working day in order to know the use of it, take measures to reduce or eliminate interruptions, improve work methods and procedures and determine work standards, the analytical-investigative method is used., applying the:

  • Collective detailed photography (Continuous collective observation).

To guarantee the recommended statistical reliability, a certain number of observations is required for each activity according to the range and the average time of the group. For this, they are calculated based on the formulas stated in Chapter 4 of the Theoretical Framework, obtaining the following results:

Area Job Number of Workers Number of Photographs Taken Amount of




Mixed and


Mixer 4 3 one
Miller 5 3 two
Fill Filler Operator 3 4 4
Assistant 4 3 one

To take the Photographs, the Productive Flow diagram (See Annex No. 4) and the Route Diagram (See Annex No. 5) are prepared. From the photographs taken (See Annexes Nos. 6 and 7), the calculation of the Time Standards, Performance Standards and the Use of the Working Day is determined, obtaining the following results:

Job Nt



(Liters / day)



Miller 0.0296 18239 70.43
Mixer 0.0408 13245 95.80
Filling 0.0343 15736 88.20
Assistant 0.0301 17911 75.25

From the Study of the Times invested in the performance of work, it can be seen that:

  • There are no time losses due to Unregulated Interruptions, such as: TITO, TIDO, TIC, TIOC. The% of Use of the Working Day does not reach 100% due to the time invested in Work Not Related to the main task. (TTNR):

- The Miller loses 30%, - The Mixer loses 4%, - The Filler loses 11%, - and The Assistant loses 25% of the Working Time for this cause.

During these times they support the manual gluing of labels to quarts and gallons in the filling area due to the obsolescence of the Labeling Machine, the marking of boxes and the gluing of stickers.

  • An increase in productivity in the filling operation of 21% can be achieved by eliminating the time spent on TTNR.

The filling crew stopped producing around 3000 liters of paint per day as the filling operators used part of their main operating time for other functions that were not their job but are necessary to achieve the daily production plan.

Taking full advantage of the fillers working time could reach up to 18,000 liters per day.


  • 3000 Liters of daily production represents an increase in the Mercantile Value of $ 10,500.00, at the rate of an average cost price of $ 3.50 / liter that is produced, which would represent about $ 231,000.00 monthly and $ 2,541,000.00 annually
  • The value of a labeling machine is approximately 35,000.00.
  • The annual salary expense of two Filling Operators would amount to $ 8,406.00 (350.25 x 12 months x 2).



  • With 3 Filling Line Operators it is possible to produce the planned 15,000 Liters of paint per day and can assimilate large changes in production levels. Each Filling Line Operator needs the service of 2 Assistants to guarantee the 15,000 Liters. Labeling machine requires a Main Operator and an Assistant. In addition, due to the obsolescence, it is sometimes necessary to manually stick labels to gallons and quarts. The Clipper Machine can assimilate the production of 1200 boxes per day to be clipped with One Operator It is necessary to increase one Operator for Box Marking (approximately 1000 daily) for production packaging.It is necessary to increase one Operator to prepare and stick the stickers to labels and / or gallons.When rooms are used in the production process, it is necessary to use extra auxiliary personnel to glue the labels manually, because the existing technology does not guarantee it.

From the Study of the Times invested in the performance of the work, it can be seen that there are no losses of time due to Unregulated Interruptions, such as: TITO, TIDO, TIC, TIOC; The% Utilization of the Working Day does not reach 100% due to the time invested in Work Not Related to the main task. (TTNR). During these times the operators support the manual gluing of labels to quarts and gallons in the filling area due to the obsolescence of the Labeling Machine and the lack of Operators for the marking of boxes and the gluing of stickers.

If the purchase of a Labeling Machine with updated technology foreseen in the Investment Plan materializes, it would contribute to the improvement of the quality of the labeling operation, which would mean a great advance in the production process, since production is sometimes packaged in Rooms and the existing technology does not allow for their labeling, so it is done manually and requires extra labor, which makes it necessary to move the personnel from its main operations and productive work has been carried out by workers from the rest of the manufacturing areas that have affected the performance of their duties.

And if two jobs are created for Filling Operators, an increase in productivity in the filling operation of 21% can be achieved by eliminating the time invested in TTNR, which would represent an increase in the production of 3000 liters of paint per day. that would increase commodity production by $ 2,541,000.00 annually.


  • Collective of Authors. Introduction to the Study of the Scientific Organization of Work. Cuban Book Institute. 1976 Methodological Compendium on Labor and Salary Policy. Work Regulations. Instrument to Support Business Improvement Indications for the work of Standardizers. CETSS. 1983. Didactic Material. Work Organization Course. February 2008.Mateo Pereira, Carlos. Course for the preparation of administrative leaders in matters of Labor Productivity, Work Organization and Salaries. Video conference Vice Minister of MTSS. Havana: 2007, Moreno Rodríguez, Orlando. Scientific Organization of Labor. ENPES: 1990. General Regulation on the Organization of Work. Resolution No. 26: 2006. MTSS. Regulations and Methodology for Labor Standards. CETSS Disclosure Department. 2nd.Edition. June 1982 Special Tabloid. Part I. MTSS. Document for the preparation of administrative leaders in matters of productivity, work organization, payment systems and performance evaluation. Special tab. Part II. MTSS. Document for the preparation of administrative leaders in matters of productivity, work organization, payment systems and performance evaluation.
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Organization of work to increase productivity and motivation