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Organization of work to improve productivity in tourism entities

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The basic competitive advantage of companies at the beginning of the new millennium will definitely lie in the level of training and management of their human resources.

The organization of work that integrates human resources with equipment and materials in the work process (production, services, information or knowledge), and whose improvement is based on comprehensive studies aimed at the design and redesign of processes, job profiles and to the increase in added value.

The organization of work, as a company's work system, includes the different work processes considering both occupational safety and hygiene and ergonomic requirements, with the aim of optimizing live work. The design or redesign of work processes conceived as a dialectical spiral of continuous improvement for the sake of the required quality, is decisive in the effectiveness of HRM.

In the tourism sector and the country, a greater increase in labor productivity and the achievement of maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the entities is required, as well as the satisfaction of the needs of society and its workers. The role that corresponds to the improvement of the organization of work to increase the productivity of work, is unquestionable.

When approaching the situation of the organization of work in the tourism sector, the following edges are identified, which make up the problem situation, which this researcher considered.

Among those edges are the following:

  • The tendency to focus on increasing productivity based only on wage and redistributive mechanisms, without considering work organization studies, lower costs, and saving raw materials, materials, fuel and energy carriers. the identification of the main productive reserves, to act on them The disconnection between the results of the studies on the organization of work, on the one hand, and the organizational measures, training and development of workers and improvement of working conditions On the other hand, the insufficient strategic orientation towards the development of individual and collective talent as a basic raw material; that supposes the will and vision of the factors,so that they apply the appropriate and reliable tools that allow the initiation of work organization studies. The pending challenge of increasing work productivity, through improvement strategies, new forms of human capital management. work superficially, without delving into all the elements and without a focus on processes The absence or insufficiency of scientific studies on the use of the working day The preparation of templates on empirical bases, without responding to load and capacity studies, in correspondence with the plan assigned to the company The prevalence of high rates of absenteeism due to different causes The lack of an intervention program that contributes to the adaptation and integration of the job qualifiers and the Cuban standard,with the demands of work organization.

Precisely this problematic situation impacts the management of human resources in hotel entities; since better organizing work is a prerequisite that must be specified there immediately, along with other ways that contribute to increasing productivity, such as the competent work culture required by key positions in the service sphere.

The relevance of the research is associated with its contribution to the implementation at scale in hotel entities, of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines approved in the VI Congress of the PCC, which in its Employment and Salaries section, state: inflated templates and paternalistic treatments, to stimulate the need to work and reduce the costs of the economy ”.


1.1.- The organization of work as an element of the integrated management system of human capital.

In current conditions, the organization of work makes it possible to use the achievements of science, which, based on man's experiences in production and services, makes it possible to relate in the best way, the technique and the people in these processes, guaranteeing the more effective use of material and labor resources and the uninterrupted increase in labor productivity, contributing to the preservation of the health of workers and that work becomes the first necessity of man.

In Decree Law No. 281/2007, one of its articles states… “Work organization is the adequate integration of workers with technology, work tools and materials, through a set of methods and procedures that they are applied to work harmoniously and rationally, with adequate levels of health and safety, which guarantee the quality of the product or the service provided and compliance with the established ergonomic and environmental requirements ”.

Another concept proposed by Nieves Julbe (2008) expresses: “The organization of work is an integrated and dynamic system, aimed at determining the amount of living work and helping work to become the first vital need of man. It includes the study and analysis of what is done, where, how and with what, in order to design and implement measures aimed at perfecting the participation of man in the production or service process, that is, perfecting the way in which they are executed. men's labor activities in their mutual and constant link with the means of production, between jobs, workshops, productive sectors, between companies and at the national economy level. "

Work organization is an element of the integrated human capital management system. It also constitutes a system in the Bases of the Business Improvement Process. It represents the increase in volumes and quality of production, based on increased productivity and the satisfaction of the expectations of its members and its customers. A correct organization of work is the most appropriate way to increase productivity. There are many factors that influence its growth, but the most important is the improvement of work organization.

1.2.-Elements that make up the organization of work.

The improvement of work organization is closely linked to the analysis carried out on the aspects that have to do with the work of men (salary, moral and material stimulation, conditions, safety and health, training, etc.) and with the other elements that influence the efficiency of the company (technology, organization of production or services, quality control and assurance, etc.).

Several elements make up the organization of work:

  • The division and cooperation of labor Methods and procedures of work The organization and service of jobs Conditions of work Labor discipline The regulation of work The organization of wages

All these elements are interrelated with each other, so the variation in one of them brings about changes in others.

The essence of the organization of work is given by the study of its object, the methods and work times, included in the work process, in search of the optimization of living work in order to increase the productivity of work.

Productivity, in the strictest sense, is defined as the relationship between outputs (output) and inputs (input) in an economic system.

Productivity is the degree of efficiency of living work specified through different indicators. It expresses the relationship between the volumes of production or the results achieved and the work expenses incurred to achieve it, taking into consideration the required quality and the average level of skill and intensity that exist in society.

It is the indicator to show the effectiveness of the rational activity of man carried out with an average level of work intensity. Labor productivity is a consequence of the work process and the combination of its elements, where man occupies the central place. It is influenced by the social organization of the production process, natural conditions, the level of progress of science and its applications.

Not only does it take into account the greater production of goods in the unit of time, but this investment result of work must be socially recognized.

The productivity indicator alone says little. For this contribution to provide useful information, the productivity obtained in a certain period must be compared with that achieved in previous periods, or with the productivity of other companies with similar characteristics, as well as its relationship with the average salary.

The problem of increasing productivity goes beyond its simple measurement to become the focal point of the company, for which rational employment and optimization of human capital are essential.

To increase productivity, it is necessary to obtain a greater quantity of goods and services with less or equal amount of labor resources invested in their elaboration. Productivity can only relate the product of work to the people who do it.


The results obtained in the research allow to reach the following conclusion:

Tourism is one of the activities that contributes the most resources to the country, therefore, it is of great interest for the Cuban state, to organize and structure its workforce to obtain greater efficiency and increased productivity linked to its activity., from the fulfillment of the excellence of the service and therefore of the income plans.

The organization of work requires a permanent work of study and analysis of the different activities of the production or service process, for its improvement, even when superior results have been obtained.

The organization of work is the basis that supports the increase in productivity, the results of its study derive the organizational measures, training and development of workers, the improvement of working conditions and their income.


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Organization of work to improve productivity in tourism entities