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Organization and productivity of work, factors that affect them


At present, companies face an increasingly dynamic, changing and competitive market, affected by rapid and intense transformations, for which they are obliged to reduce their costs, improve the quality of their products and services, identify new growth opportunities. and raise efficiency and productivity, taking into account increased commitment, qualification and responsibility of workers.

This Monograph addresses aspects related to Administration, Work Organization and in particular with the analysis of productivity, with emphasis on the historical background and the propensities in the identification of the factors that affect it, based on the analysis critical and creative of the approaches collected in the consulted sources, which serve as the basis for the contribution and personal elaboration.

Keywords: productivity, work organization, administration


Whatever the prevailing social regime, labor productivity is a highly topical issue, aspects such as: labor productivity and its influence on the level of employment, Productivity, Group Work, Higher productivity, are the subject of interest in the literature specialized. .

One of the most widespread definitions of productivity, states that “it is the relationship between the amount of goods and services produced and the amount of resources used. In manufacturing, productivity is used to evaluate the performance of workshops, machines, work teams and employees ”..

Consequently, it is inferred that in the productivity concept not only material resources are related but that it is a consequence of the work process and the combination of its elements, where man occupies the central place. It is influenced by the social organization of the production process, natural conditions, the level of progress in science and its applications.

In correspondence with this approach, in recent years there is a trend in the direction of the Cuban state, aimed at promoting the need to carry out work organization studies as a way to enhance efficiency and effectiveness, achieving better productive results.

As a consequence, the country's business authorities assume the challenge and countless studies have been unleashed, which in many cases lack the scientific foundations, the theoretical arsenal of instruments, as well as procedures, techniques and methodologies to execute them.

This indicates the relevance of Grounding the need to identify the factors that affect labor productivity in a production UEB, in correspondence with the current demands of the Cuban company.

"… individuals do not separate their condition as human beings from that of employees and the humanization of working conditions increases the productivity of the company and at the same time the self-esteem of the employees…"

William Ouchi, Theory Z



The man from his first moments and in all Economic Social Formations has administered. Motivated by the desire to increase production or control resources. To better understand the meaning of this word, it is considered convenient to semantically define the word manage: "direct, govern, exercise activity over a territory and its inhabitants" (Larousse) this semantic definition does not reach the objective we propose, who subscribes this work prefers the concept of administration: “Organize and direct the economy of a person or an entity” (Larousse).

This last definition brings the concept closer to the company. Different authors have characterized the administration considering that it contains 4 fundamental concepts:

  • Universality: It is administered in all spheres of life Specificity: Understood as the ability to direct Temporal unit: At the same time there are different stages or phases of the phenomenon Hierarchical unit: It goes from the first manager to the last employee.

The administration has evolved by different theories:

  1. Scientific organization (Taylor-Gilbreth). Bureaucracy theory (Weber). School of human relations (Mayo-Lewin). Decision theories (Simon). Socio-technical systems theory (Berthanfy-Kast-Rosewing). Theory Management neoclassical (Koont-O'Donnel-Newman) Behavioral school (Mgregor-Argeris) Organizational development school (Bernis-Keckihard-Schenm) Contingency theory.

These theories have first stated that the organizational, technical, and administrative factors are the most important without counting on the man, until later they give the preponderant role to this without taking into account the aforementioned elements, later on they try to mesh both factors.

In the bibliography on the subject, it is appreciated that in all cases the different theories or schools have defined the administration functions from their point of view.

Specific management functions are characterized by their great mobility, due to the dynamism of the management object itself: degree of complexity, technological-technical level, form of organization, etc. It is logical that as the systems are developed, some functions are extinguished and new ones appear, thus changing their importance within the set of management activities. This implies the need to carry out a periodic analysis and specify the functions, in addition to a greater or lesser redistribution of these among the subdivisions and the officials of the management apparatus.

The objectives of the body or entity that is the object of management determine what will be the management functions that will be required to make those objectives a reality, both elements based on objective laws and management principles.

Management functions can be classified according to different criteria. One of the most used is:

  1. a) General functions, are those that are fulfilled or executed by all management subjects. b) Specific functions, are those that are determined by the particularities of the production or service process and those of each management system.

The general functions of the administration also have different forms of classification, the most used is:

  • Planning.Organization.DirectionControl.

The organizational function in the management system is reduced to the formation of the directing and directed systems (subject and object of direction) or, in other words, the assurance of the dynamic balance of the internal processes of the system and their ordering, through the creation of an adequate structure and regulation of the actions that are operated within it.

“In relation to any system, the organization of management activity presupposes: setting precise tasks (what to do?), Determining the ways in which the existing conditions are used (variants of grouping of the constituent elements) and choosing the methods (ways to achieve the objectives set) ”. (Material for Administration Classes; 2008)

A definition of organization given by Armando Pérez and Carlos.Díaz, states that: "it consists in ordering and harmonizing the human, material and financial resources available, in order to fulfill a given objective with maximum efficiency." (Pérez, Armando and Díaz, Carlos, 1986).

The statement by Orlando Carnota Lauzán that links material resources and human resources is interesting: «The organization is a combination work to carry out tasks set in the plan, material and human resources are available, and each type is properly combined of means, and also both among themselves to achieve better results with the lowest work expenses is to organize ”. (Carnota, 1985)

According to the point of view assumed in this monograph, Carnota raises an aspect of vital importance, but the interest of this analysis is focused on the organization and therefore on how these lower expenses can influence productivity.

In this regard, it is urgent to reverse the trend of focusing on increasing productivity only from salary mechanisms, without considering work organization studies, lower costs and saving raw materials, materials, fuel and energy carriers, among others, because that is where the main reserves are found in each company.

The Organization of Work is the science that is responsible for the constant study of the production or service process, especially focused on the participation of man in it. It seeks the maximum effectiveness of man's work in its interrelation with technology and with the rest of the personnel involved in the production or service process.

Its main objective is to achieve the maximum effectiveness of man's work, and includes the study and analysis of what is done, where, how and with what, in order to design and implement measures aimed at improving the participation of the same in the process of production or service, or what is the same, perfecting the way in which men's labor activities are carried out in their constant relationship with the means of production.

It includes the study, analysis and improvement of the Division and Cooperation of Labor, of the Methods and Procedures of Work and of the Organization and Service of the Jobs, with a view to determining Work Standards that allow to know correctly the capacity of each link of the production or service process and the amount of workforce required to achieve the desired activity levels in the most efficient way.

The Organization of Work requires a systematic study and analysis of the different activities of the production or service process in order to improve it. For this, it is necessary to systematically study them in a way that allows to know exactly how the tasks are carried out and what the problems are, thus discovering the organizational deficiencies that arise and that prevent achieving greater effectiveness in the work of men, with with a view to seeking and proposing the most appropriate solutions that allow for a sustained increase in work productivity.

Work study is the systematic critical review and recording of existing methods for conducting work in order to improve the effective use of resources and establish technically sound and up-to-date standards regarding the activities that are being performed.

Therefore, it aims to establish how the work should be done, in the simplest and most efficient way, under existing conditions or in the projection of new processes or procedures and to set the standard time for its completion with a view to achieving improvement and rationalization. of existing or projected methods, increase work productivity and equipment efficiency, lower costs and create better working conditions.

To understand how work study reduces costs and time spent on a certain process, it is necessary to carefully examine how the total time of a job is constituted.

“The basic content of the product's work or operation: it is the time that is invested in manufacturing a product, providing a service or performing an operation without wasting time for any reason. In practice, the real times invested in operations are much higher than the theoretical ones due to the excessive work content, where the following elements are added:

  1. Supplemental work content due to deficiencies in the design or specification of the product or services or parts thereof, or improper use of materials.
    • Deficiency and frequent changes in the design of products or services Waste of materials Incorrect quality standards.
  1. Supplemental work content due to inefficient methods of production or operation in the case of service activities.
  • Poor layout and use of space Inadequate handling of materials Frequent interruptions when switching from one product to another Ineffective work method Poor planning of raw material requirements Frequent breakdown of machines and equipment
  1. Supplemental job content due to human resource behavior.
  • Absenteeism and lack of punctuality Poor work performance Risk of accidents and occupational injuries.

If these factors are eliminated, the time and cost of production or service is reduced and, therefore, productivity increases. Therefore, the study of the work must evaluate if these factors are present when examining a production or service process and establishing a perfected method ”(MTSS, 2006)

“The organization of work is the basis that sustains the increase in productivity. From the results of their study, the organizational, training and development measures of the workers are derived, as well as the improvement of working conditions and their income ”. (Special Tabloid: Part I, 2007).


Before addressing the complex process of productivity and its connection with the organization, the meaning of this word will be defined: “capacity or degree of production of an industry, agricultural or any other type of production, per unit of work” (Larouse).

I agree with this definition, especially in its first part, which mentions the dimension or degree of production, understood as “… the process of consumption of labor power and creation of the means of production and objects of use (…) this explains that production always has a social character. Consequently, production has two aspects: that of the productive forces and that of production relations ”(Philosophical Dictionary, 1981).

The above-mentioned production relations are conditioned by the economic base and undoubtedly a fundamental factor in any social economic formation, and to which attention has been paid, is undoubtedly productivity.

There are several studies that address the problem of productivity, defined as:

"Productivity of work, is the effectiveness of the rational activity of the individual, in the sphere of material production." (Valdés, Clemente, 2008)

According to the previous definition for Clemente Valdés "Productivity is measured by the quantity of products produced per unit of work time, according to the average levels of skill and intensity of work". (Valdés, Clemente, 2008).

For Feíto Morera “Labor Productivity is the indicator that expresses the relationship between the quantity of goods or services produced and the labor expenses invested in producing them. (…) It is only one of the indicators that can be used to analyze the efficiency of an entity, specifically the efficiency in the use of the labor force, is an indicator of the efficiency of living labor expenditure (as well as the salary expenditure by weight of GVA), and therefore one of the most important indicators to measure the efficiency of an entity. (Feito Morera, 2004)

According to specialists from the Institute for Labor Studies and Research, “labor productivity is a concept inherent exclusively to material production, which represents the effectiveness of man's labor expenditure. Only man's work has productivity, only man's work is capable of creating value. From which it follows that it is incorrect to talk about the productivity of equipment, machinery, facilities, etc. " (IEIT, 2003).

In this regard, Marx points out in the first volume of Capital: “…… the means of production can never add more value to the product than what they themselves possess, regardless of the work process they serve. Conserving value by adding value is, therefore, a natural gift of the labor force put into action, of the living labor force. "

Summarizing, we can define Labor Productivity as the relationship between the amount of goods and services produced and the amount of work invested in their realization, that is:

P = _V _



P: Labor Productivity

V: Volume or Quantity of Goods or Services produced

T: Amount of Work Invested

However, we must point out that the productivity indicator alone does not say anything. For it to give us useful information we have to compare it, that is, compare the productivity obtained in a certain period with the productivity planned for that period or with the productivity obtained in previous periods or with the productivity of other companies with similar technology and production assortment.

Only in this way will this index allow us to know if the company is efficient from the point of view of the use of the workforce. It is also advisable to compare the productivity obtained by the company with the productivity of national and foreign companies that have more advanced technologies in order to know where we can go to modernize the existing technology.

Another important aspect to highlight is that the increase in productivity alone, exclusively indicates that the workforce has been used in a more efficient way and not that the company as a whole is more efficient in its management. For this, it is necessary to analyze the behavior of other efficiency indicators, such as: the ratio of total expenditure to activity level, salary expenditure to activity level, profits after taxes on activity level and others related to employment. technology and the organization of the production process or services.

One of the fundamental objectives of socialism is to satisfy the growing needs of the whole of society and to achieve this it is necessary to increase the production of goods and services.

In this regard, specialists from the Institute for Labor Studies and Research, consider that “the increase in the production of goods and services is achieved only through two routes: by extensive means, that is, by increasing the number of workers or by intensive way, or what is the same, increasing work productivity ”. (IEIT, 2003).

The first path is limited by demographic factors, since the increase in consumer goods through the increase in the workforce is in direct correspondence with the growth rate of the inhabitants of working age anywhere. Specifically in Cuba, this route becomes more difficult, since the ethereal composition of our population and the low birth rate cause the rate of growth of human capital to be slow.

That is why the second way, that is, increasing the production of goods and services through increased productivity, is the most appropriate way in Cuba to meet the growing needs of the population.

Although I agree with the importance of this definition, I believe that special attention should be paid to other productivity reserves defined by the application of other factors related to scientific-technical development.

The one that subscribes assumes the concept of productivity given by Carlos Mateo where he stated “Labor productivity, a key factor to increase efficiency and effectiveness, is nothing more than a consequence of the work process and the combination of its elements, where man takes center stage. It is influenced by the social organization of the production process, natural conditions, the level of progress of science and its applications ”. (Mateo Pereira, 2007).


There are various ways of relating production to human capital. Based on physical production, production in values, sales, and income, among others, but the one that expresses it most truthfully is:

Productivity = ___ Gross Value Added___

Average number of workers

To calculate the gross added value, the activity level of the company expressed in pesos (production value, income or commercial margin) is considered, from which the expenses incurred for raw materials, materials, fuels, energy and services are subtracted. received.

In industry, agriculture and construction it is determined, subtracting from gross production the value of the costs of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, etc. and the services provided by third parties, or what is the same, for the determination of gross added value in these sectors, total expenses are subtracted from gross production, excluding salary expenses and depreciation.

In transport and in the companies that provide services, it is determined by subtracting from the income the value of the costs of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, etc. and the services provided by third parties. This is equivalent to subtracting total expenses from income excluding salary expenses and depreciation.

Productivity measured by this indicator has the advantage that it refers to the contribution of the workers, ignoring the material input and services, that is, limited to living work.

That is why productivity is defined as the added value generated by a worker, whether or not he participates directly in the production process. It is also consistent with the way of measuring productivity inherent in the national economy, which is measured by gross domestic product.

"This indicator is used as of 2002 to plan and measure labor productivity, as provided by the Ministries of the Economy and Planning, Finance and Prices, Labor and Social Security." (Special Tabloid: Part I, 2007).

The problem of increasing productivity goes beyond its simple measurement to become the focal point of the company, for which rational employment and optimization of human capital are essential. Raising productivity is the main challenge facing labor groups.

The first thing that is needed to improve productivity is the establishment of indicators and their analysis. The success of productivity measurement and analysis depends to a large extent on the stakeholders (leaders, workers, trade union organizations) having a clear awareness of why increased productivity is important for the country, the company and the collective.

The methods used to measure productivity are:

  1. Natural method.

The Natural Method is one in which production and productivity are calculated in physical units (tons, meters, pieces, etc.). That is why through this method production and, therefore, productivity are related to finished production.

It is a very simple and easy-to-understand method, although it cannot be used when production is heterogeneous, production in process cannot be measured, nor auxiliary production, nor services provided to third parties, nor quality.

  1. Conditioned Natural Method.

It is used when the production is not totally homogeneous, but has common characteristics that make it possible to express the production carried out in a common unit of measure.

It is a simple and easy-to-understand method, it can be used in non-homogeneous productions, but the production in process cannot be measured, nor the auxiliary, nor the services provided to third parties, nor the quality.

  1. Value method.

It is used when production is not homogeneous, the production carried out or the quantity of services provided is measured in units of value.

This method allows a more comprehensive analysis of productivity, since quality is implied in the value of production or services provided, it can consider production in process, as well as services provided to third parties and auxiliary production. However, the results may be misrepresented when there is price variation from one period to another or when there are substantial changes in the production assortment.

  1. Labor Method.

It allows knowing how productivity varied from one period to another, which is determined by relating the average compliance with the standards in the period analyzed with the base period.

It is a simple method that can be used even in non-homogeneous productions, although it does not measure productivity but rather its variation; the standards need to be well calculated.


Pereira, in his definition of productivity, touches on key aspects that influence the increase or decrease of physical or financial returns, originated in the variation of any of the factors that intervene in production. Within this is the word work, which is nothing more than “work is above all a process between man and nature, during which man, through his own activity, mediates, regulates and controls the exchange of substances between him and nature ”(Aristos, 1981).

Mateo in his work, in addition to work, touches on factors that influence productivity, therefore it is necessary to define the word factor, understood as “element, with cause” (Aristos, 1981). For the analysis, several factors that influence the increase or decrease in productivity are interesting, without forgetting that there are objective and subjective factors.

By objective factor is understood “the conditions that, independently of the people, determine the orientation and framework of their activity” (Aristos, 1981). They could be:

  1. The natural conditions, The tasks and needs of material development.

As can be seen, man can transform natural conditions, needs and their tasks, but he cannot ignore that they are governed by laws that are indissoluble links that are outside and independent of his conscience. Associated with this awareness is the subjective factor, which is nothing more than "those who depend on men" (Aristos, 1981). Among them are:

  1. the activity of the masses, of the classes, of the parties, of the state, of the individuals, their conscience, their will, their way of acting.

Referring to this last factor, the following definition is of interest to this work: “When we talk about productivity, it is not only referred to the level of the company, but also what each worker must achieve in their job, brigade, plant, and where not it is possible to calculate the gross added value, productivity can be measured in physical units, in hours of work, compliance with technical availability coefficients, among others ”. (Special Tabloid: Part I, 2007).

A greater increase in labor productivity is required and levels that allow costs to be significantly reduced; for which there are enormous reserves in labor discipline, the use of the day and the organization of work, without it being necessary to invest more resources than those that already exist.

When all these factors are analyzed, it stands out that in our country “in the last decade productivity increased at an average annual rate below the average wage, with the distribution of wealth created growing faster than its production, which in the long run is not sustainable". (Special Tabloid: Part I, 2007).

The previous paragraph talks about the decrease in productivity, however I consider it should be clarified that the measurement of productivity allows to achieve its improvement. Its importance lies in the fact that:

  • "It provides a database to establish growth goals and defines improvement and development objectives. It helps to know problems in the production process (organizational, training, safety and environmental technicians, etc.). It constitutes a learning tool, participation and motivation for workers can be used as a way to measure performance contributes to the way of more accurate decisions
  • It creates an objective basis to improve remuneration ”. (Special Tabloid Part I, 2007).

The problem of increasing productivity goes beyond its simple measurement to become a primary objective of the company, for which rational use and optimization of human capital is essential.

The first step to improve productivity is the establishment of indicators and their analysis. It follows from this that “the success of productivity measurement and analysis depends to a large extent on the stakeholders (leaders, workers, trade unions) having a clear awareness of why increased productivity is important for the country, company and group ”. (Special Tabloid: Part I, 2007).

The diagnosis of Labor Productivity constitutes the main source to detect the problems and their interrelationships that slow down the productivity of the company. It allows you to compare your own results from previous periods with current ones and with those of similar companies, as well as allows you to evaluate the results with all the workers in order to solve the identified problems and trace the necessary tasks to execute to solve them.

In-depth analysis of work processes allows the identification of a wide range of problems, among which can be found:

  • "Ineffective methods of work. Poor layout and use of space. Inadequate handling of materials. Poor planning of resource needs. Poor planning of maintenance. Waste or inappropriate use of raw materials, energy, fuel. Irrational use and / or Waste of human resources Poor organization of the services provided Poor application or non-existence of quality controls Failure to apply performance standards or those that exist are outdated High rates of absenteeism, lateness or abandonment of the job. Breaches of work time and waste of working hours Existence of risks of work accidents or occupational disease Undefined training plans for workers.Deficiencies or non-existence of management or quality control systems ”. (Special Tabloid: Part I, 2007).

In this regard, comrade Fidel Castro Ruz has expressed “In discipline lies the secret of productivity in technology, in rational, efficient organization; in the rational and efficient use of machines, of human resources. That is why we have to have discipline, we have to develop scientific methods, truly, of organization and direction, and we have to master technology.

In this way we can do much more than the capitalists can do, when we perfect our method of organization, and when we are able to know how to lead men - which is where the secret is - by revolutionary methods. (Castro, 1992).

Many are the factors that influence the growth of labor productivity. Some have to do with the technology used, that is, with the machinery, equipment, facilities, the degree of mechanization and automation of the processes, the means of transportation, and communication, computerization, etc.

Others are related to natural conditions, such as the fertility of the earth, the existence of sources of water supply, the purity of the minerals and their location on the ground or underground, etc.

And others are related to the correct use of the work force, among them, discipline, the improvement of working conditions, the reduction of accidents, training and the improvement of the Work Organization.

Según Juan Carlos Hiba, Especialista en condiciones de trabajo, seguridad y salud ocupacional,.Equipo técnico multidisciplinario para países andinos. OIT; Lima, “entre las actividades que afectan la productividad y que se dinamizan a través de los planes de acción, pueden citarse la reducción de existencias y de los desperdicios de materias primas; el control del tiempo de producción por pieza o por producto; la eliminación de desplazamientos innecesarios de materiales y de trabajadores; la reducción de los tiempos muertos de máquina; la eliminación de los errores de producción y el ahorro de energía”. (Hiba, Juan Carlos, 2001).

In this regard, it is considered that the indirect indicators that are most frequently intervened are improvements in the quality of products; the flexible adaptation of plant distribution and labor for the manufacture of new products; the recovery of unused work spaces; decreased staff turnover; and the improvement of labor relations. That is why the control of the factors that directly or indirectly influence productivity affects the competitiveness of companies.

There are many authors who have analyzed and defined the factors that influence the growth of labor productivity from their point of view, but they are generally grouped into:

  • "Technical - Material Factors Economic - Social Factors" (IEIT. June, 2003).

In each group there are related factors that depend to a greater or lesser extent on the economic resources available, and others that do not require large investments of resources. Therefore, special attention must be paid to those factors that increase productivity that require fewer material and financial resources, in order to achieve significant increases in productivity without incurring large expenses.

The technical-material factors are those that have to do with the level of development of the means and objects of work and their best use. Among them we find:

  • Scientific - Technical Progress Natural Conditions Other Factors

Among the main factors related to scientific-technical progress are the introduction of: electrification, mechanization, automation, chemization, electronics, nuclear energy, etc.

The influence of natural conditions on labor productivity varies as the productive forces develop.

Natural conditions can be divided into two fundamental groups:

  • The natural sources of means of existence (the fertility of the land, the abundance of fish in the waters surrounding the country, etc.) The natural wealth of means of production (the existence of oil in the subsoil, the existence of mines open pit rich in mineral, the existence of rivers with large jumps, etc.)

There are other technical - material factors, which are related to the rational use of the means and objects of work, among which the concentration of production can be highlighted; the specialization; the best maintenance organization; the reduction and use of waste and the improvement of the quality of production.

The economic - social factors are those that have to do with raising the qualification, motivation and rational use of the workforce. Among them are:

  • The organization of work.

Through the improvement of the Work Organization, simpler and more efficient work methods and procedures are achieved, reducing the amount of labor required to manufacture a unit of product. The regulation, as part of the organization of work, allows to define the time necessary to carry out the different steps of the production or service process, making it possible to determine with greater precision the number of workers needed.

The increase in productivity through organizational measures has been aimed primarily at achieving a greater division of labor in order to achieve greater specialization of the worker and the equipment and tools he uses. However, excessive specialization causes an increase in monotony and fatigue and a decrease in worker performance.

This, together with the increase in the qualification of the workforce, has resulted in a tendency to group simple operations into more complex operations that demand higher performance from the worker, thereby increasing productivity.

  • Qualification of workers.

It is vitally important to raise the qualification of workers because counting on qualified workers is that the introduction of more modern technologies can be achieved, assuming more complex tasks, which include different functions, such as execution functions, technical service to the team, control, management, among others.

  • Emulation.

It is a very effective factor for increasing productivity, since the desire to produce more and better to gain emulation, makes workers develop initiatives that contribute to improving the organization and reducing lost time, thereby increasing production and the productivity

  • Stimulation

When there is a good system of payment and stimulation for the results of the work, this contributes decisively to the increase of the workers' performance.

  • Labor and technological discipline.

The strengthening of labor discipline is the basis of the organization of production and work, without which it is impossible to carry out the production process or services efficiently, since only with workers who adequately comply with the established provisions (for example, work and rest regimes) the work process can be properly organized.

The achievement of compliance with the technological discipline, that is, compliance with the technological charts and other technical provisions related to the assurance of product quality and the operating regimes of the equipment, is a decisive factor for production to be carried out carried out in an orderly manner and the desired production volumes and quality are achieved.

  • Work conditions and accident risks.

It is essential that job conditions are systematically improved and occupational risks are eliminated and with this the reduction or elimination of workplace accidents, since when the worker works in pleasant and safe environmental conditions, their work capacity increases.

In each of these groups there are factors that depend to a greater or lesser extent on the economic resources available, but there are others that do not require large investments of resources and it is precisely for this reason that the improvement of the Work Organization is a A factor of great importance for increasing Productivity, as it depends more on the intelligence, creativity and knowledge of managers and specialists in the Human Resources area, than on material and financial resources, when dealing with the study of work processes with the In order to find the most suitable and effective way to carry them out.


The work of numerous authors consulted allows to substantiate the need to carry out Work Organization studies, with the aim of reducing the duration of the production cycle, improving the use of the workforce, increasing the performance of technological equipment, reducing the fatigue of the worker, improve the quality of products or services, lower costs, increase work productivity and efficiency.

It is necessary to create a culture that guarantees the systematic conduct of work organization studies in order to contribute to the growth of productivity, based on the determination of the factors that influence it.

We can state that the factors that influence productivity are grouped into:

  • Technical - Material Factors: Scientific-Technical Progress Natural Conditions Other Economic - Social Factors: Work Organization Qualification of Workers Emulation Stimulation Labor and Technological Discipline Work Conditions and Accident Risks.


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Organization and productivity of work, factors that affect them