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Professional orientation towards pedagogical careers in Cuba

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The present research addresses an essential aspect of education in Cuba, which is precisely the professional orientation of students towards the professions that are required in our country, in particular the orientation to study pedagogical careers, the lack of use is analyzed as a detected insufficiency of new technologies based on this orientation and the application of a multimedia for these purposes in Middle Education is proposed.


Today the integral formation of the personality of the new generations is an essential objective of society and a fundamental task of the educator. One aspect of the mission of education is the professional orientation of students towards the professions that are required in our country.

The profile that the teacher or pedagogue is asked today is to be an organizer of interaction between the student and the object of knowledge. The Cuban educational system pays special attention to the preparation of students who choose pedagogical careers. Due to their relevance within society, the Ministry of Education has included pedagogical careers as a priority for secondary education.

In each teaching, the creation and operation of a pedagogical chair is aimed at where students receive preparation on essential elements that a professional of this profile must have. In each municipality this activity is attended by a staff worthy of pedagogy, which constitutes a strength that will ensure the choice of said career.

In observations made and in interviews with ninth-grade students from San Antonio de los Baños, it was found that despite the efforts made to ensure adequate professional training, it is still insufficient. The following irregularities were detected:

  • It was found that the interests and motivations of students towards pedagogical careers are very poor. Students do not accept with pleasure the option of pedagogical careers as a means of continuity of study. Little use of the vocational training shifts. operation of pedagogical classrooms. There is no history of computer science being used for this purpose, despite the fact that schools are equipped for this possibility.

The insufficiencies detected in the professional orientation towards pedagogical careers and the failure to take advantage of the use of new information technologies to solve this problem, served to declare the following objective:

Propose the application of a multimedia to contribute to professional orientation towards pedagogical careers in ninth grade students in the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños. Cuba.

1.1. Professional orientation towards pedagogical careers

The term professional orientation arose at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States with the appearance of vocational psychology in 1902, with the aim of identifying individuals without vocation and capacity for certain tasks.

The concept of professional guidance has been defined by various authors, from a pedagogical, psychological or sociological position, in which there are different elements, such as the helping relationship, the choice of the future profession, education and development of the motivational sphere.

According to Dr. C. Viviana González Maura professional guidance is the helping relationship established by the professional counselor (psychologist, pedagogue, teacher) with the person (the student) with the context of their education in order to promote learning conditions Necessary for the development of the potentialities of the student's personality, which enable him to assume a self-determined performance in the process of choice, training and professional performance. (two)

Doctor Jorge L. del Pino Calderón points out that professional orientation is the helping relationship that is established to facilitate the process of development of professional identity in the student. It uses different techniques and routes integrated into the educational process, according to the evolutionary stage and the specific situation in which the learner finds himself. (3)

The author shares the previous criterion because it attaches great importance to relating professional guidance with the educational process and adjusting the guidance actions to the stage in which the student is, which facilitates the process of developing their professional identity.

On the other hand The MsC. Roberto Manzano Guzmán (2006) states that professional pedagogical guidance is the “system of psychological, pedagogical and social influences that aim to equip children and young people with the necessary knowledge, feelings, attitudes and values ​​so that once the time has come, they are capable of choosing a pedagogical career with full conviction according to the demands and needs of the country and its interests ”. (4)

On the other hand, the concept of Roberto Manzano Guzmán of pedagogical professional orientation is assumed where he emphasizes that in the activity of orientation towards pedagogical professions the motivation, knowledge, feelings, attitudes and values ​​of the students must be reinforced to create an adequate climate that allow to take advantage of its potentialities in the area of ​​pedagogical careers.

Although these activities are usually practiced by professionals in pedagogy or psychology, professional pedagogical guidance is a cooperative task that involves the participation of teachers and parents of students, school directors and other specialists.

Since the 2009/2010 school year, the Ministry of Education (MINED) has implemented a set of transformations that are part of the process of continuous improvement of the National Education System, framed in compliance with the approved Economic and Social Policy Guidelines in the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.

The document expresses that the deficiencies that exist in the professional guidance process are recognized, which must materialize in each educational center in order to guide towards the professions or trades that are most needed in the territory, in coordination with the production and services. (5)

In secondary education, the professional guidance process is a priority, since adolescence, despite being one of the most beautiful stages of human life, is classified by specialists as one of the most contradictory and difficult, since that in it there are a great number of psychological contradictions. This stage is called the transitional age, in this period a decisive step is taken in the child's development, at the end of his childhood and passing to a stage of psychic development that prepares him directly for independent working life.

Not all adolescents who complete the ninth grade have adequate career guidance. This is clearly evident when they are indecisive and unmotivated to choose a profession, with negative consequences from the point of view of their professional and social choice, hence the importance that the development of professional self-determination in adolescents acquires, because of it depends on their future and the effectiveness of their role in society. Of course, if they have not received a correct professional orientation, they cannot evaluate the different professions according to their possibilities and abilities.

1.2. Application of informatics in education

Since the emergence of computing as a science, its application has always been thought of to support educational activity. The development of this concept supported by the advances of Information Technology and Communications (ICTs) gave rise to educational computing and other related branches over time. In the development of educational informatics in Cuba, the use of computing in teaching, in scientific research and in teaching management has been a prioritized objective of the National Informatics Policy.

For the development of the research, several criteria on teaching aids were studied, one of them is addressed by Pilar Rico Montero by stating that they can be natural or preserved objects, or their representations, also instruments or equipment whose essential function is to support in a way Objectives the activity of teachers and students in the achievement of the objectives. (6)

In his book Introduction to Educational Informatics the MsC. Raúl Rodríguez Lamas defines as a teaching medium any material component of the educational teaching process with which students carry out specific physical actions aimed at the appropriation of knowledge and skills on the external plane. (7)

The author assumes the previous definition because it adjusts very well to the use of multimedia in the educational environment: it is a material component that is designed in order to transmit information and / or enhance the acquisition of skills in students.

The potentialities that computing offers with current technological development (multimedia, web pages, communication through networks, etc.) make this an exceptional means to be used in the teaching-learning process, fundamentally for the search for knowledge, the development of logical thinking, general intellectual abilities and specific to certain subjects.

As a means of teaching, computing must be part of the general didactic system and not constitute something alien to the study program. From this point of view, it allows student motivation and makes it possible to propose new forms of activity to enrich the experience and make it possible to carry out richer and more creative activities that bring about the fulfillment of the objectives set by the teacher.

The introduction of this technology in the teaching process revealed the dialectical relationship between teaching methods and means, since the evaluation is not limited to being more or less rapid, the learning activities to be more or less automated, but rather, they forced a renewal of existing concepts about the act of teaching itself and the traditional ways that are used to control and evaluate.

In recent years these systems have focused on the method of learning by doing and learning by discovering, using the interaction capacity of the computer. Among the most important advantages offered by this medium are the following:

  • It can be programmed to suit the student and use this knowledge in determining their teaching acts By allowing the user to construct more operations than usual, it allows a better conceptual understanding Students are highly stimulated by perceiving that they can master thinking abstract. Facilitates animated representations and simulation. Promotes the development of computer skills.

The development of multimedia products is another factor that currently leads to the use of information technology as an element of assistance for the educational teaching process and to consider the computer as the means par excellence to strengthen this process.

1.3.- Multimedia applications. The new technology in education

Cuban education is immersed in a process of transformations in which the computer media play a fundamental role. Educational software in the Cuban school has evolved significantly, with a work approach based basically on multimedia, addressing specific and specific aspects of the teaching-learning process such as the graphic accentuation of the Spanish Language, the use of graphemes, skills calculation, etc. These contents serve for the preparation of both the student and the teacher, in their professional and personal scope, thus complying with the Marti study-work principle.

It is considered necessary to point out that technologies do not replace the educational work, nor its guiding activity within the teaching process, but rather complement it, transmitting knowledge about certain contents that facilitate learning, support the class system and the functions that both the teacher and the the school, they must develop; in this way, technology has become an important and decisive means of the teaching process.

Multiple criteria and definitions were studied: according to the Royal Spanish Academy, multimedia uses various media, such as images, sounds and text, simultaneously in the transmission of information. (8)

Joan Francesc on the other hand defines it as the term used to refer to any object or system that uses multiple physical or digital means of expression to present or communicate information. Hence the expression multimedia. The media can be varied, from text and images, to animation, sound, video, and so on. (9)

For their part, Ganity, E. and Sipior, J. state that multimedia is the set of sensory stimulation technologies that includes visual elements, audio and other capacities based on the senses, which can extend the user's learning and understanding… It includes various types of media, hardware, and software. (10)

In his book on the subject, the MsC. Mario del Toro and César A. Labañino define: in computing, multimedia is usually identified as the integration of two or more communication media that can be controlled or manipulated by the user on a computer. In other words, it is an interactive computer system, controllable by the user, that integrates different media such as text, video, image, sound and animations. (eleven)

The author assumes this last definition due to her general and up-to-date approach to multimedia products; it also emphasizes its "user controllable" nature, which is intentionally used in this product to make it more interactive. In this way, they facilitate the management of information and allow the student, teacher or researcher to reach the desired content quickly and accurately. It allows you to visualize and demonstrate what you want to convey through an image or video, making it more explicit. It also encourages the development of skills with the use of new technologies when interacting with the computer.

For a multimedia application to efficiently fulfill its pedagogical role, the information provided by it must be integrated according to certain premises, among which we can mention: attractive visualization, coherence between textual and graphic information, avoid monotony and boredom, accessibility, versatility and interactivity.

Due to all of the above, the author proposes to develop and use a multimedia in order to motivate High School students towards pedagogical careers, taking into account all the potentialities offered by technology applied in education.


  • The theoretical methodological foundations of the present investigation are based on the review of different bibliographies. Regarding the term professional orientation, the author assumes what was raised by Dr. Jorge L. del Pino Calderón. The investigation was carried out with the definition of pedagogical professional orientation of the MsC. Roberto Manzano Guzman. In addition, the author assumes the concept of teaching aids of the MsC. Raúl Rodríguez Lamas and the multimedia criteria of the MsC. Cesar Labañino and Mario del Toro The initial state of professional orientation towards pedagogical careers was found that ninth grade students in the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños need motivation towards pedagogical careers and for this the facilities offered by the employment of technology.A multimedia, dynamic,integrative and innovative, aimed at high school students that provides updated information on the study plans and profile of the graduate of these careers. It also favors extracurricular work, research and the use of new technologies based on the vocational training of students.

Bibliographic references

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Professional orientation towards pedagogical careers in Cuba