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Pact for Mexico, educational reform as the central axis

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The Educational Reform in Mexico is a Constitutional Reform, which was presented by the president of Enrique Peña Nieto in order to comply with the commitments he acquired together with the Presidents of each political party, in the "Pact for Mexico" one of the axes to deal with is precisely the Educational Reform.

All this with the aim of increasing basic education, as well as increasing enrollment and the quality of upper secondary and higher education, as well as recovering the leadership of the Mexican State in the national educational system. At the same time, the idea is to convert education as the engine of change, since seeking constant improvement and maximum educational achievement of students, as well as teachers, seeks to recover the country to move forward, as economic development, since Without education and high illiteracy rates, we cannot have levels of competitiveness alongside other countries. However; This same issue has led to some movements referring to the fact that although it is true it is an Educational Reform, it is also an educational Policy Reform, due to the powers that existed in education,such as the Union and their own interests.


Regarding the substance, the essential points will be: Create a new Evaluation System, the creation of the Information System, as well as obtain the Autonomy of the Institute, all this with the purpose of defending public education; However, this new Reform has resulted in chaos in the country, since the people have been divided into various groups, such as the union, teachers, students, parents, as well as the general population, themselves groups that have been harmed in different ways, either with the lack of education due to the absence of teachers from school classrooms, as well as road closures, all this through marches and sit-ins in Mexico City and in various states of the Republic, in order to protest against the labor implications of the reform,such as the establishment of a teacher evaluation system, since many do not agree with the new system to be implemented due to fear of change and lack of information.

This same fear of change, on the part of the groups that had power and control of education in our country, have made parents participate in this Reform by creating pressure groups distorting the information at their convenience, where they repeatedly mention that education will no longer be free of charge, when it is of utmost importance to highlight that in the third Constitutional article the fraction was left intact where precisely to the letter it says that "All education that the State imparts will be free", with In this way, the doubt remains clear, the same doubt that had been generated and implanted in an affirmative way by these heads of the pressure groups to the Government,They only use these fallacies in order to continue obtaining the particular benefits that they had received with the previous educational system.

Then, by informing ourselves more, we realize that education in Mexico is still mandatory, secular and free, with changes, but with a better structure, optimizing them with full time where students can have a better level of achievement.


It is logical that in order to move a complete country such as Mexico and lead it to an improvement in its social and economic development, you have to start with decisive and essential measures where you have to start making changes starting from the bases and definitely a One of them is the Educational Reform, since without education there will be no professionals prepared for a globalized world like the one we live in today; So from my perspective it is a good plan to start mobilizing at the beginning of many changes as well as the variety of benefits in our country where there is more transparency in the use and destination of the resources destined for education,as well as equipping ourselves with trained teachers so that we can receive a better quality education with the same benefit of a right that our Constitution continues to protect as it is: free education.

Pact for Mexico, educational reform as the central axis