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Overview and perspective of environmental equity


Proceeding in the environmental dimension is vital when transforming the efficiency of processes, granting an efficient and effective empowerment to human resources, generating a profound cultural change, which will vitalize their respect for natural resources, hand in hand with these accessible skills. Supported by the compliance policy Equidad Ambienta! That tends on the beautiful art of transformation of products with green seal quality; taking advantage of the rational use of biomass and the ecological principle of reuse. In pursuit of visualizing the right to enjoy a healthy environment.


KEY WORDS: Improvements, Overview, Environmental Equity, Principles, Values, Ecological Label, Natural Resources.


With concern we notice how every day our operations deteriorate the planet we inhabit; It is known that these environmental deficiencies are public knowledge and there is no evidence of a personal and less community commitment, in order to change our actions, however these actions alter the biosphere, degrade the biotope, cut off Natural Resources and destroy ecosystems.

It is true that Environmental Education (EA) dates from the years 78, which was restructured in Law 99 of 1993 that creates the Ministry of the Environment and the National System of the Environment SINA, in its article 5, plans and Teaching programs and the pensum that in the different levels of national education are advanced in relation to the environment, in this sense it should be promoted that people adopt ways of life that are compatible with the acquired sustainability, through adequate exploration, use, and natural resource management. However, the outlook is adverse, our watersheds are suffering by losing their ecological flow, deforestation in phytocenosis destroys habitat, heat and drought have caused zoocenosis to reduce their niches and other species are in a period of extinction,our fertile soils advance to erosion states and desert areas. How vital it would be for us to return to this whole collection of norms, the principles of the environmental dimension, and to program ourselves in a culture ofPanorama and Perspective of Environmental Equity, where improvements, preservation and reuse in each of the homes and companies of our blessed Colombia prevail.

Source: UCC environmental management practice, structured ecosystem

The Art of the good and the equitable in this dynamic cosmos should reside in the willingness to serve; with certainty if every human being from his position alluded to these two words "Improvements and equity" and as an added value included them as his primary principle in his healthy life. Our horizons were green, in SMEs, Clusters and Economic Groups, there were no externalities and we would all combine a single verb, cleaner production; This connotation would provide a harmonious biotope, biomes in its entirety with a nuance of biodiversity and naturally a country with a Comprehensive Management Plan of. Solid Waste (PGIRS) master well coordinated with relevant results; our public health, environmental sanitation and responsibility with Natural Resources would be excellent.In this paradigm, environmental degradation will not emerge, except for eroded soils, deserted watersheds and atypical stations. Unfortunately, Millennium Development Goal number 7 “Guarantee the sustainability of the environment. Ensuring a future for the Country characterized by a clean environment and a rational use of natural resources "We do not respect it and we do not practice it, the state makes efforts to change consciences and enter a prosperous, abundant, growing and integral environmental culture with being; reason for which with decree 1337 of 1978 gave life to Environmental Education, following international treaties such as Johannesburg, De

Rio, among others; reason that originated the creation of the “Citizen Projects of Environmental Education (PROCEDA), and the University Environmental Project (PRAU); instruments that have evolved to a certain degree in the change of citizen attitude, but still, it is not enough, if we want to arrive at UNESCO's thinking “education related to the environment is conceived as a permanent process, in which individuals and the community they become aware of it and of the knowledge, values, skills, experience, and will that allow them to act, individually and collectively, to solve current and future environmental problems "This policy of the international environmental education program should be the engine that guides us if we want to be competitive, have environmental labels (Good Agricultural Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices) that mark our products in international markets.

In this way, it will be easier for us to enter these countries that skid their demand on ecological labels, in order to grow in competitiveness, eliminate recruitment barriers, not see mirages clouded by legal discord by ignoring on our part the virtues of our Colombian environmental labels, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development; that they seek within the framework of the National Strategic Plan for Green Markets, "whose virtue is to consolidate the production of environmentally sustainable goods and increase the supply of ecological services", mainly aimed at the primary sector.

This will take us hand in hand with the tenderness of green finance, based on the reason for responsible production through the use of biomass, providing confidence to the end consumer, which is the essence of green stamps. Characteristic on which a new financial culture develops in Colombia that breaks traditional schemes and expands market niches. Biomass is a tailored suit, which gives us renewable and clean energy; impulse that encourages us to new instruments aimed at national consumers to identify and guide their purchasing preferences for environmentally friendly products; Likewise, it is an element to promote the national supply, which producers may use to create or access new market niches and position their products within and outside the country.This skill is based on the growing awareness of consumers and governments about the environmental impacts generated by the traditional economic and productive development of countries and their unsustainable consumption patterns, triggering an increase in demand for goods and services with environmental characteristics.. With these added value codes it is sought to create and promote an informative and commercial tool to differentiate the products that comparatively present a better environmental performance; Encourage the growth of the national market for this type of products, Promote a shift towards environmentally friendly products in consumer purchasing preferences, Facilitate market access and improve the image of products with better environmental performance.Promote the use and development of clean or sustainable processes, techniques and technologies.

The most important thing is that companies or SMEs contribute to the environmental line, within the guidelines of the law of economic and social order, they can and must adapt to the needs and expectations of the client, always seeking the benefit of the latter.

Let us not perish in the course of lamentations that with high costs it is difficult to compete; forgetting that there are differential strategies at hand, of which we can and must make use, free zones, Joint Venture, strategic partners, creativity and innovation; if we want to taste the exquisite forex cake (dollars and euros). In this way, be part of this UNESCO benchmark "Education for sustainable development must promote the creative and effective use of human potential and all forms of capital to ensure rapid and more equitable economic growth that reduces environmental impact." With this we will be advancing in the construction of an environmental thought, and an ecological economy commendable to our generation and with a perspective of Environmental Social Responsibility, which is the feeling of developed communities and of a persevering country like ours.

We must all be ecological leaders if we aspire that future generations will be nourished by the diversity that intertwines our beautiful biotopes; In each of its biotic communities, it frames us in that natural habitat that covers all latitudes of our Country; reigning to live in this diverse biocenosis from the Pacific coast to the exuberant Amazon jungle, continuing with the perpetual Andean snow, passing through the plains savanna and resting in the splendor of the colossal Caribbean. Fantastic awakening in these natural niches of the Cordovan Atlantic, which emanate the tender fruit of their honey, the result of the humus of their fertile soils of the pearl of Sinú; nourished by the primary elements and the product of organs of a colloidal nature. This panorama will be preserved if we optimize our environmental awareness, in order to deliver to our descendants the ecosystems of living beings that we enjoy, and teach them the ideal environment for them to coexist in certain physicochemical conditions, expression of coexistence in a defined space, prevailing in the biosphere and in a balanced state of solidarity; where phytocenosis and zoocenosis coexist in an environment. Communities of plant and animal species important to humans; This transformation in the political and social sphere in environmental matters,It is only possible if we preserve this biodiversity that serves as a framework for a social and human development of being in our community; making it necessary to foresee that there are no changes of a physical or biological nature, caused by solid waste, in order not to affect species, populations and groups of different degrees.

Driven by this ideal scenario and Based on the management of organic and inorganic solid waste generated in the industrial, commercial and urban sectors of the city of Montería, the need for this study arises, in order to contribute to a optimal management of these and thus reduce the negative environmental impacts that occur.

But knowing that we live in a world eager for consumption, an essential reason to generate the culture of reuse, the art of recycling and the priority of reducing, based on the principles of recycling (reduce, reuse, recycle and recover) if we wish not to fall into the use of generating solid waste.

Let us not ignore that there are losses, damage, waste, among others; It is essential to make use of continuous improvement, to recover, in the figure of biomass, which is the engine of preservation of biodiversity.

Our generation is increasingly concerned about environmental externalities, which has led them to seek production and consumption strategies that generate the absence of waste; techniques focused on the prevention of these and the generation of less solid waste, instead of producing them in large volumes and then trying to eliminate them. The use of these three R's tools (recycle, reuse and reduce) is essential as a process to achieve the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity.Knowing these aspects we can deduce that the hierarchy of priorities in solid waste management should be directed by prevention rather than by curative tools. In this case, incineration is considered as waste assessment if and only if they are incinerated in order to produce heat energy for the generation of electricity. The art of Recycling is a vital technique in every society, it allows us to eliminate, accumulate and use waste.

Knowing that recycling is the collection and reprocessing of a material resource, so that it can be transformed into new products. Achieving reducing the amount of virgin material that must be extracted from the earth's crust, causing less pollution and reducing costs in solid waste management. There are two types of recycling, closed or open cycle.

The most desirable is the closed cycle, in which a product is recycled to produce new products of the same type, for example newspaper or aluminum cans, to produce products whose raw material is aluminum or newspaper, and do not generate new products that are added to the already long list of existing ones.

The second type of recycling is called open cycle and it occurs when waste materials, such as plastics, are transformed into various products for which uses must be found. This secondary recycling is less desirable since the reduction in the use of resources is less than in the primary one, in addition it is not really being recycled, other products are being made that in a given time will be discarded and no savings are made at the source where they are generated their use of the material to be recycled. For example, Tetrapack designed an open recycling cycle where waste packaging is used to produce aggregates used in the construction of social housing and in the production of boards for schools (CECODES, 2002). In this example, while you are finding a use for scrap and could save on raw material for chairs,I am not re-cycling this plastic to save raw material in the packaging industry. This is better known as Industrial Ecology where, simulating nature, the waste of one process (organism) serves as raw material (food) for another.

Now, the technological variable also counts, waste can be recycled using advanced technology methods or little technology depending on the materials, this recycling can be done mechanically or chemically.

In mechanical recycling, in high-tech plants, machines automatically tear and separate mixed urban waste, in order to recover the original materials such as glass, iron and other valuable materials, what remains is incinerated. At the business level, raw materials in industrial waste and defective products are recovered through separation technologies. But once the waste is mixed, it takes a great deal of money and energy to separate it, so it makes much more economic sense to do source separation. Generally, mechanical recycling generates materials of lower quality than the original ones, giving rise to open cycles.

In chemical recycling, materials are reformulated from recycled materials in a process that follows simple or complex chemical reactions according to the recycled material. The primary objective of chemical recycling is to preserve the high quality characteristics of the material to allow closed loop recycling, which is not always achieved. This type of recycling is more widely used in industries that recycle plastic. It is noteworthy that all these facets are aimed at reusing a vital tool for the conservation of natural resources and ecosystems.

Which is why I allow myself to state that this is born in eco-design; As the most preventive approach, a recycling system owes its economic, environmental and social efficiency to the very design of the product. When you think about a product environmentally, you are on the grounds of Eco-design. Eco-design or Design for the Environment is defined as The connection of what is technically possible in the field of clean technologies, with what is culturally desirable, profitable for business and represents customer satisfaction (Quality). This is where product designers have a great preventive job.


Although the main environmental impact of food is due to the production phase (agriculture, food processing), households influence this impact through their food choices and habits, with their consequent effects on the environment due to consumption. energy and food-related waste generation. Product of the same accelerated rate of growth, progress and advances that has made possible an increasingly globalized and connected world, it bears the weight of a threat: excessive consumption. Roughly a third of all the food processed in the world perishes and spoils in storage or during transport, while each year 3 billion tons of food is wasted, almost 1 billion people are undernourished and another 1 billion go hungry.The intention of sustainable production and consumption is oriented to do better things with fewer resources. Both businessmen, consumers, agricultural producers, researchers and the media are called upon to coordinate efforts to raise awareness and subsequent action in this area.

By 2030, the aim is to halve the amount of waste generated, as well as consolidate a global awareness that defends natural resources and protects the environment. It is the task of all sectors to cooperate in a healthy and sustainable ecological management.

Ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture is recognized by the United Nations (UN) as the second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. For the UN, it is necessary to adopt a systemic approach and achieve cooperation between the participants of the supply chain, from the producer to the final consumer. It consists of involving consumers through awareness and education about consumption and sustainable lifestyles, providing them with adequate information through standards and labels of environmental goodness, and adopting strategies aimed at responsible production friendly to natural resources; that is sustainable for the business sector,grant sustainable livelihoods, stimulate continuous improvement of the environment and provide end-user satisfaction. We seek to be a dynamic part of promoting the national policy of cleaner production (PYCS), by guiding and changing unsustainable patterns of production and consumption by the different actors of the national society, which will contribute to reducing pollution, conserving resources, favor the environmental integrity of goods and services; and stimulate the sustainable use of biodiversity, as sources of business competitiveness and quality of lifeby orienting and changing the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption by the different actors of the national society, which will contribute to reduce pollution, conserve resources, favor the environmental integrity of goods and services; and stimulate the sustainable use of biodiversity, as sources of business competitiveness and quality of lifeby orienting and changing the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption by the different actors of the national society, which will contribute to reduce pollution, conserve resources, favor the environmental integrity of goods and services; and stimulate the sustainable use of biodiversity, as sources of business competitiveness and quality of life


Knowing that reuse is the use of a product over and over again in its original form (eg, returnable containers). This saves enormous amounts of energy, saves costs for both the manufacturer and the consumer, increases the stock of resources and reduces pollution and energy consumption, even more than recycling.

Reduce, It is at the highest ability. Reducing unnecessary waste can expand the stock of resources, saving energy and virgin materials even more markedly than the instrument of recycling and reuse.

At present it is a reality that the development model has been based on a high consumption of resources with productive systems that have caused an accelerated deterioration of the environment and a deterioration in the quality of life of the inhabitants of the globe. Studies have shown that this way of understanding our development has caused an accelerated process of climate change that affects everyone unequally.

Today, middle-income countries have the option to take a step forward, to go further, to reconvert production processes and achieve a new industrial revolution that is responsible for the environment, sustainable with the quality of life of populations and generate a much more efficient economy.

We must apply sustainable agricultural practices that lead us to obtain a green seal and that make our products recognized in national and international markets.


ESTRADA Toledo Rosemberg J, 2017, Strategy and Corporate Skills.

MILLER, Tyler (1996). "Living in the Environment". WADSWORTH


Special Documents, International Seminar, The Environmental Dimension and the School, Santafé de Bogotá.

Food and Agriculture ORGANIZATION of the United Nations, FAO, PRESIDENCY of the Republic, 2014 - 2024, National Sustainable Biotrade Program, Colombia

TORRES Carrasco Maritza, MEN, 1996,. Environmental dimension: A challenge for the education of the new society, school environmental projects, VARGAS Galindo María Rocío, 2017, Exploratory Study Relationships that occur between environmental education and education for sustainable development in natural sciences teachers, Seres, Saberes y contextos Magazine, Vol. 2 • Special No., Bogotá.


Rosemberg by Jesús Estrada Toledo



Email: [email protected] [email protected].

Thematic Axis: Article of reflection, Education, Environmental Culture and Social Problems.

FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations http://www.fao.org/sustainable–development–goals/mdg/goal–7/es/, Page 1, April 2018

NATIONAL EDUCATION MINISTRY, FES FOUNDATION. Memories Special Documents Series, International Seminar, The Environmental Dimension and the School, Santafé de Bogotá 1994

National Sustainable Biotrade Program, 2014 - 2024, Presidency of the Republic, Page 68.

VERGARA Galindo María, Relationship EA and EDS, 2017, Exploratory Study Relationships that exist between environmental education and education for sustainable development Seres, Saberes y contextos Magazine, Vol. 2 • Special No., Pages 28 - 29

ESTRADA Toledo, Rosemberg, Strategy and Corporate Ability, 2017, Page 95

Miller Tyler 1996, p. 96

FAO, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. http://www.fao.org/food loss – and – food – waste / es / Pág. 1, April 2018

SDG, Sustainable Development Goal. April 2018

Min Ambiente, PYCS, National Policy for Sustainable Production and Consumption, April 2018

Business Administrator, MSc in Sustainable Development and Environment from the University of Manizales, Specialist in Financial Management from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University and Quality Manager from SENA Santander; Member of the research group on Environment and Sustainable Development UCC - Cvlac de Colciencias, research professor, in charge of the Environmental and Sustainable Development area, Email: [email protected] UCC Montería; coverage expansion contractor SENA CCIT - Formar, in charge of the Environmental and Ethical Dimension, - Montería, Córdoba, writer and researcher.

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Overview and perspective of environmental equity