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Parable of multiple intelligences


They say that on a certain occasion, as a result of some discussions about the human brain, a General Assembly of Human Intelligence took place. It was going to be about the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere of said brain.

But a very big mess was formed because the intelligences did not agree and the Assembly was divided into three different groups:

In one were creative intelligence, personal intelligence (interpersonal and intrapersonal), social intelligence, and spiritual intelligence.

A second group was made up of physical intelligence, sexual intelligence, and sensual intelligence. And a third group made up of numerical intelligence, spatial intelligence and verbal intelligence.

The latter stated that she was no longer being treated as before and that strange things were being introduced into people's brains and that she was seeing chaos coming in the next decade of the 21st century; to which the numerical intelligence agreed and said it was in complete agreement, being in turn supported by the spatial intelligence that had led the way in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Creative intelligence took the floor to say that it was time to end the despotism of traditional intelligences and that therefore he proposed to make a change in the Board of Directors since everything was approved by measuring verbal and numerical capacities and that people did not have personal success. She said that she spoke on her own behalf and on social and spiritual 6-4 intelligences, to which physical intelligence immediately reacted by stating that there were too many diseases, cardiovascular problems and cancers in the world that could be avoided if human beings were other intelligent ways and. other intelligences will accept to be more balanced in the XXI century; that she did not speak on her own but also spoke on behalf of sexual and sensual intelligences that have never been taken into account by others

After many discussions, say and tell, they agreed to appoint a new Board of Directors to put order in human nature and deal with the question of intelligence in a more balanced way. Said Board was appointed almost unanimously with the vote saved by sexual intelligence due to a still unsolved problem of homosexuality and was formed in such a way that the totality of human nature was represented, with Spiritual Intelligence remaining as President, on the part of the spirit; first vice president, Emotional Intelligence, for the heart; second vice president for Physical Intelligence for the body and third vice president for Mental Intelligence for the mind, who is now no longer President.

Before adjourning the session, it was noted in the Assembly Minutes that an evaluation will be carried out in a couple of years to see if the new approaches are influencing a better balance in the use of intelligence by human beings.

Parable of multiple intelligences