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Why the educational reform in Mexico?


We will begin this topic by defining that Education, (from the Latin educere 'to extract, extract' or educare 'to train, instruct') is the transmission of knowledge, values ​​and customs through different means that go from words to the way of acting, that is to say, that with our behavior we transmit that teaching and that is why it is so complex and extensive when talking about the subject, however it is of the utmost importance for the socialization of man with his own species.

Through the years we have realized that education is not only a fundamental element for the development of man but of the one peoples; The existence of the saying "knowledge is power" is not a mere coincidence since throughout history we have known the evolution of our societies, from classical cultures to those of modern history and the events that have occurred in each one of them.

After this brief preamble, we will focus on the analysis of educational evolution in Mexico and in particular with the recent Educational Reform that not only covers the approach of the educational models to follow and that it is intended to establish, but also seeks the participation of the parents in the education of their children, which is not wrong since, if applied well, it could lead to something positive for the student society.

But not everything is rosy, we would say in the Mexican vulgar, it would be prudent to ask ourselves some questions about why this reform has caused so much commotion and controversy, which is what really exists in the background and why the members of the teaching profession have done and continue to do what is already known by all.

Now, the Mexican Constitution in its article 3 establishes that education is a right by which the State must ensure, that it must be free, secular and compulsory for all the inhabitants of the country, that is, that it is imperative that all Mexicans must attend the primary, secondary and now upper secondary levels, seeking to reduce the high rates of illiteracy and educational backwardness in the country, and something important is that it also establishes that parents have the responsibility of verifying that their children comply with this provision.

Por otra parte tenemos un sistema que se encargará de realizar evaluaciones periódicas acerca de los avances obtenidos, lo cual también sería una gran ventaja, al estilo de la iniciativa privada, en el cual se busca realizar análisis constantes en el desempeño, que en este caso sería de los educandos con relación al plan de estudios vigente. Por último tenemos la parte mas delicada en todo este asunto y que tiene que ver con el factor humano, el factor impredecible, en este caso representado por el Magisterio, que de igual manera tendrá que ser sometido a evaluaciones periódicas, lo cual también sería un acierto si pensamos que quien imparte la enseñanza a nuestros niños y jóvenes mexicanos deben ser personas capacitadas; pero, este ultimo tema puede ser abordado desde dos perspectivas, la gubernamental, la de la “buena fe” y que pretende llevar a cabo una reforma en materia de educación buscando siempre el beneficio para la sociedad o desde otra óptica como la de hacer una depuración, restar poder al magisterio y sindicato y por ende tener mayor control sobre este sector.

The big question about this power struggle between the government and the teaching profession can only have a certain end, the impact of thousands of students of different academic degrees, with the continuous stoppages, accusations, divisiveness, arrests, which are part of the process. of adjustment of this new regulation on which the future students of our nation will be navigating, and that in the meantime the pertinent agreements are not made looking for a just means, each time they move further away from the ultimate goal, which is to ensure the right to education in Mexico, in the understanding that it is sought to be of quality, competitive at an international level, that it is taught by capable and committed people and that they have a fair reward for their performance and "if not, the nation demands them ”.

Why the educational reform in Mexico?