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Relationship and family concept in Colombia


The present essay is based on expressing the current position of the Colombian State in the face of the legal analysis of kinship and the concept of family, which has undergone modifications from the 1991 Political Constitution, due to the socio-cultural and economic conditions of the country, that day after day, impact people by the adaptation of a social policy, in order to implement and prevail, in a forced way, the requirement of the phenomenon of the globalization of Human Rights, in our Internal Law.

In the same way, before entering the matter regarding the objective of the essay, it is necessary to highlight the work of our Honorable Constitutional Court, which has tried to fill the existing legal vacuum through legal hermeneutics, thus playing a very important role in the study of human rights in association with comparative law, as such is the case of judgments C-577 of 2011, C-683 of 2015, and SU-214 of 2016, which modified the concept of family and closed the kinship structure, in the sense that it declared the great variety of types of family (biological or social), and extended to same-sex couples, equal treatment in the rights and obligations recognized to heterosexual unions.

Thus, it could be said that at present, kinship should be understood as any legal and political bond or relationship, which arises from the free will to found or join the members of a family 4 regardless of their sex, nationality, race and sexual and / or religious orientation, especially when said link is recognized and protected by the State as an essential element of society, which has a structure that is organized through the different kinds of lines, which are measured in degrees, and are characterized by linking reciprocal rights and obligations.

For the Constitutional Court, kinship is regulated in Article 42 superior 5 and in Articles 35 and following of the Colombian Civil Code, and is classified into three groups according to the legal bond that gives rise to the free will to form a family 6. The sources of kinship are by affinity, by consanguinity and civil act. The legal act of two-parent families (marriage and / or de facto marital union), single-parent families or that derived from simple parenting relationships, give rise to the kinship by affinity; filiation, that is, the assisted biological and / or scientific fact (artificial insemination or transfer of fertilized ovum 7) generation, originates kinship by consanguinity and finally, voluntary adoption as an administrative process (ICBF), creates civil kinship.

Taking into account the above, in our legislation, two of the three kinship groups (consanguinity and affinity) are established by the classification of the lines and are measured in degrees by the generation of the ascendants or descendants. The first, bone line, is based on article 41 of the CCC, and is understood as the uninterrupted series of degrees that admits different directions, ascending or descending and collateral. The second, that is, the degree, which is regulated in articles 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46 of the CCC, refers in the sense of stating that “The degrees of consanguinity between two people are they count by the number of generations. Thus, the grandson is in the second degree of consanguinity with the grandfather, and two first cousins ​​in the fourth degree of consanguinity with each other ”.

As a consequence of the kinship by affinity, the regime of disqualifications and incompatibilities is established to enter into contracts, Article 18 of Law 1150 of 2007, added to paragraph 1 of Article 8 of Law 80 of 1993, and to perform public positions and functions, enshrined in Articles 293, 299, 303 -amended by Article 1 of Legislative Act 02 of 2002- and 312- modified by Article 5 of Legislative Act 01 of 2007- by consanguinity, Colombian law establishes between family members, some rights and obligations that the state protects, as for example, such is the case of 1.) Duty of maintenance enshrined in article 411 and following of the CCC, 2.) Of the limit to the duty to declare against himself, or against relatives within the fourth degree as required by article 33 of the C. Politics, 3.) Of the partition process in the probate or intestate succession process, articles 1045, 1046, 1047, 1050 and 1051 of the CCC, 4.) Of the exercise of parental authority, enshrined in article 19 of law 75 of 1968 and the Articles 24, 25 and 26 of Decree 2820 of 1974, and the regime of disqualifications and incompatibilities to enter into contracts Article 18 of Law 1150 of 2007 added to paragraph 1 of Article 8 of Law 80 of 1993, and hold positions and public functions, enshrined in Articles 293, 299, 303 -modified by Article 1 of Legislative Act 02 of 2002- and 312- modified by Article 5 of Legislative Act 01 of 2007-. And finally, the members of the civil kinship, who for reasons of jurisprudential evolution, enjoy the same rights and obligations as those belonging to the kinship by consanguinity,but only adopters and the adoptee are covered.

However, it should be noted that the previous development has been the product of jurisprudential creation, since the Colombian Legislator has not concerned himself with updating or adapting the civil provisions enshrined in articles 35 and following of the Colombian Civil Code- (kinship), to the social reality of the country, mainly when said regulation is ambiguous and out of date, since it is a notorious fact that the drafting of said articles was "approximately" more than 155 years ago, through the issuance of law 57 of 1887 which adopted the civil code of 1873, which at the time took the model of the Civil Code of 1858 of the state of Santander. Civil Law General Part and People, volume 1- Arturo Valencia Zea and Alvaro Ortiz Monsalvez, page 40, year 2011.

www.colombia-diversa.org/p/sentencias.html thematic and chronological order of jurisprudence by the Honorable Colombian Constitutional Court, at the headquarters of Tutela y Revision, where it began to recognize the rights of the people of the same sex, regarding equal treatment towards heterosexual couples; the first pronouncement was Sentence C-075 of 2007 (Economic rights for same-sex couples); Sentence C-811 of 2007 (Right to affiliation of the same-sex couple as beneficiary in health); Sentence C-336 of 2008 (Right to pension of survivors of the same-sex couple); Sentence C-798 of 2008 (Right / duty of maintenance for couples of the same sex); Sentence C-029 of 2009 (Rights / duties in criminal, family, administrative, residential, civil matters); Judgment C-577 of 2011,SU-214 of 2016 (Family and Marriage for same-sex couples), and the most controversial ruling C-683/15 Same-sex couples can apply to the adoption process.

bibliohistorico.juridicas.unam.mx/libros/3/1446/8.pdf, page 4, numeral 3- third paragraph- LINE CONCEPT. The ascending line is the "series of degrees or generations" that link the trunk with its father, grandfather and other ascendants, while the descending line is the "series of degrees or generations" that unite the common trunk are its children, grandchildren and other descendants. As for the collateral line, it is the one that relates to people located in different branches that start from a common parent. From the common trunk, several lines can originate, which constitute the branches and those who are located in various branches are collateral to each other.

(4) See Constitutional Court of Colombia, judgment C-577/11.

(5) Congress of the Republic. Law 294 of 1996 (July 16), by which article 42 of the Political Constitution is developed and rules are issued to prevent, remedy and punish domestic violence. Art. 2.

(6) The original source of kinship in Colombia is not exclusive to two-parent families (marriage and / or de facto marital union), but rather single-parent models or those derived from simple parenting relationships are incorporated. Therefore, while the existence of a couple is not inherent to the family institution, neither can the sexual orientation of its members, as stated by the honorable constitutional court in ruling C-577 of 2011.

(7) It should be noted that the Colombian State has not regulated, whether or not kinship is created, between the donor and the child conceived by donating germ cells or renting a womb in the process of artificial insemination by assisted reproduction.

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Relationship and family concept in Colombia