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Social participation in health. a Venezuelan analysis


Human beings have been created with their own autonomy, they have been endowed with the capacity for free will or, that is, being able to make their own decisions, Quisbert (2009) defines Free Will as the “Power or capacity of the individual to choose a line action or make a decision without being subject to limitations imposed by causes, antecedents, necessity, or divine predetermination. An entirely free act is itself a cause and not an effect; it is outside the causal sequence or the law of causality. Free will designates the possibility of choosing between good and evil (Saint Augustine). " This quality guarantees man not only peace, but also security in himself.

From this principle democracy arises, which etymologically has its bases in ancient Greek and is formed by combining the words demos (which is translated as "people") and kratós (which can be understood as "power" and "government"). Paraphrasing we can define it as the power possessed by the people to govern, it is an instrument through which citizens can freely express their thoughts, ideas, etc. Through democracy we confer authority on people to govern us, that is, we appoint a legal representative to comply with our will through laws, decrees, statutes, among others, this act of transfer of power is granted through suffrage, however, democracy has been distorted and when that representative to whom the people conferred the power to make decisions,takes possession of power, only acts for its own benefit (profit) and not in the group that elected it.

We must start from this premise a ruler is authorized by the people to direct the policies in a generic sense, to guide the nation, but by virtue of the fact that it has lost its true purpose, the more active participation of the people is necessary, that is why that every citizen must be involved in the decision-making of these policies, hence the term of social participation, very common in our country the famous protonic and participatory action of the people. As Villarroel cited by González alludes: «Then, participation can be considered as a tool to deliberate and choose the life that is worth living. If people have opportunities, that is to say «… Freedoms and capacities to discuss,appreciate and choose between different lifestyles will be able to reach the competences to choose between different types of societies, between forms of government and modalities of economic production and social welfare »» (2014: 228)

However, there are many factors that affect the human being, one of them lies in the relevance of health, since «The main idea of ​​social participation in health as an essential function of public health (FESP) is to strengthen participation citizenship and empower communities to change their lifestyles by being actively involved in the establishment of healthy environments that influence different types of behaviors, in communities and in individuals or organizations. Social participation is a cornerstone of strengthening democracy, governance, and sustainable development. " (FESP, 2010: 5)

In this same sense, it is necessary to mention that in our country citizen participation, empowerment by the sovereign has taken constitutional rank, and there are innumerable laws that attribute these powers to the people, but they have been more dogmatic than pragmatic. The health system has been one of the standard bearers of the government system that prevails in our nation, but today we are eyewitnesses to the Venezuelan health debacle, where it is evident that health in our country is not free, because it is not To the rise of all citizens, especially the most disadvantaged class, that is to say, the one with scarce resources, the medical assistance service has gone from being public to being privatized, since not all of us have enough resources to access it.

As González (2015) states, during the period 1999 to 2013, innumerable laws that guarantee this social participation emerged, as well as the construction of various medical care centers such as CDIs, CRIs, neighborhood outpatient clinics, which were also implemented and consolidated. perhaps at the time they were a palliative for the health sector. At present, Venezuela does not have any medical care center from hospitals, outpatient clinics, including CDIs, CRIs, among others, that provides timely medical assistance, that is, an effective and / or efficient response to a hospital emergency, in the first place Because these assistance centers do not have supplies or medical equipment, due to the current humanitarian crisis, medicines are not exempt from the shortage.

In Venezuela to achieve health is through two ways, a legal one is to have high economic resources to acquire drugs through importation, and the illegal to obtain it at a high cost through smuggling ("bachaqueado") in this sense It is necessary to activate citizens, empower them in each one of the policies implemented by the government system, to make known the most relevant needs that concern society, especially what is related to health. According to Biehl (2006), «for developing countries to be able to advance in the construction of social cohesion, it is necessary to generate the ideal structural conditions of consensus, respect for a stable and consolidated rule of law, citizen knowledge of rights and duties, shared responsibility between various actors,collective interest in improving the living conditions of society and, therefore, the situation and access to health. "

Another factor that has exerted a notorious influence on our health system has been marked by Cuban interference, whom the government authorized to not only direct, but also to plan, organize, execute and control our public health policies, the Venezuelan It has perhaps unconsciously allowed foreigners, who are completely unaware of what coexistence in democracy is, to manage our public policies, here is the main cause of the humanitarian crisis that Venezuelans are experiencing today, whose participation is becoming more marked every day that never, especially the incompatible dichotomous discourses issued by government officials, on the one hand their rallies endowed with a "protonic and participatory participation of the people" and "empowerment by the people" and on the other they silence it,Are the people capable of assuming such responsibilities? It is good to clarify, one thing is participation and another is empowerment.

So that the active participation of the people can produce positive effects on decision-making in public policies, especially in the health sector:

“Development requires the elimination of important sources of the absence of freedom such as: poverty and tyranny, scarce economic opportunities and systematic social deprivation, lack of public services, intolerance and the performance of repressive states. Sometimes the lack of real freedoms is directly related to economic poverty, which deprives people of the freedom to satisfy hunger, achieve adequate nutrition, obtain remedies for curable diseases, have shelter and shelter, clean water and sanitary facilities.. In other cases, this lack of freedom is closely linked to the lack of public services and social assistance, such as the lack of epidemiological programs, organized measures for health care, educational facilities,effective institutions in the preservation of local peace and order. There are even cases where the violation of freedom is the direct result of the denial of civil and political liberties by an authoritarian regime, as well as the imposition of restrictions on the freedom to participate in social, political, and political life. economic community. " (Sen, 2000: 15)

Synthesizing, we can assert that at present, social participation in health and in the rest of our public policies has been coerced by the prevailing system in the face of a society that has spared its efforts and perceives reprimand and harassment every day (attack against Free Will) in the face of unorthodox and archaic policies, which have generated more stagnation than development, uncontrollably increasing the proliferation of diseases, malnutrition at all levels, decline in purchasing power to access basic services, contributing to an unhealthy environment both psychological and physical, preventing a harmonious development of the Venezuelan in all its areas, affecting this behavior directly on the productive process of the nation.


Quisbert E. (2009). What is free will?


Essential Public Health Functions (FESP, 2010).

https://cursos.campusvirtualsp.org/repository/coursefilearea/file.php/61/bibli/ m4-processes_participacion_ciudadana.pdf

González R. (2015). Social participation in health. A political and normative analysis.

Vol. 31. Digital Library, Universidad del Zulia.

Sen A. (2000). Development as Freedom.


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Social participation in health. a Venezuelan analysis