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Passion, mission and personal vision for success


It is currently publicly known that immersed in the 21st century we live in a highly competitive world in the professional and labor field, where the only constant is change, given the ups and downs of the international economic and geopolitical context, in this sense we are hardly going to be competitive and even survive if we are unable to become "the best" at what we do.

Along these lines, it is highly unlikely that we will be willing to go through the necessary process to become "the best" if we do not have an intense passion for our professional career or activity.

Therefore, spending time to understand what our passions are, how they translate into a mission for our lives and how we can translate them into a clear vision of where we want to be at various times in our future, is one of the best investments we can. perform.

There are ways to analyze what our passions are, one of them is introspection. That is, something as simple as asking ourselves, honestly, what we value the most, that is, what is really important to us.

We can do that by looking at the activities towards which we naturally orient ourselves and from there derive an understanding about what our passions are.

By knowing what our passions are, we can combine them with the more specific knowledge and skills that we have acquired throughout our lives, formally or informally, to generate a definition of personal mission. That is, a statement about what our purpose is since we are going to dedicate our lives.

Now, for some situations and people, introspection may be enough. However, it can be useful and highly recommended to have a more scientific and specific approach when defining our mission. Therefore, if we really want to make an objective and scientific definition, we need to achieve a high degree of personal knowledge, in a way that is more reliable than simple introspection.

To do this, we can use measuring instruments that allow us to have objective information. The use of this type of instrument allows obtaining a wide variety of information in a short time. This information, if one uses the appropriate instruments, is scientific and positive. In other words, it focuses on our strengths rather than our weaknesses.

After we have defined what our mission in life is, we need to develop a clear vision of our ideal situation, within the context of the mission. That is, what is our ideal life and, especially, how we see ourselves when we are there. In all aspects: personal, family, economic - financial, work, sentimental, academic, social, etc.

To develop our vision we must ask ourselves, How will we see ourselves in the next 5, 10, 20, years and even until the end of our life expectancy?

A well-defined vision describes what our life will be like when we reach the end point or somewhere in between on our way to what we consider to be personal and professional success. Vision is vital because if we do not know where we are going we will not be able to define a path and therefore a strategy on how to achieve the result we hope for.

Passion, mission and personal vision for success