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Thoughts about in-company training


I have been in the training world for some years now and I must confess that I feel a special motivation every time I am in front of a group of people.

It took me a few years, like many, to understand and clearly see my dreams, my goals.

Doesn't it happen that we think we are on the right track and then something happens that changes the course of our lives? There is nothing better than doing what you like, feeling passion for your work… that's what sets the tone. The first thing I ask a participant in a session is if she likes what she does…

I believe that training is much more than standing in front of an audience and talking about concepts and models. Now companies are much more aware of their needs and their budgets as well. The Human Capital or Human Resources areas, as they still call it, develop their training plans based on strategic objectives and place increasing emphasis on the competencies that need to be developed to achieve those objectives. There are also the others… who request programs without having their needs identified and basically just try to justify their budget items.

Through the programs and workshops that I have carried out, I have been able to confirm that the key aspect in learning occurs in the transfer process, that is, when the participants return to their offices motivated and willing to apply what they have learned. Unfortunately, they usually come across a "wall" in reference to the system, almost always represented by their bosses, who receive them with words such as: "Well, you have already trained… now save your reprints and continue working!… that means leave the theory that we have important things to do.

The return of a person who has just received training requires complementing himself, providing the conditions so that he can apply what he has learned, this means, giving him the opportunity, for example, to replicate, to his colleagues, through a dynamic, design improvement projects that add value, pose challenges, challenges, career path and everything that contributes to their development in the company, otherwise they will end up frustrated once again.

Regarding the training process, from the moment I define the objective, design the contents, the dynamics, all this generates such a great emotion in me… a real challenge. When I am in front of the participants, it is not about proving how good I can be, or showing off my knowledge, or imposing my ideas. It is about understanding their needs, their motivations, awakening their concerns. Now I can say that any contribution that I receive from them is a very valuable learning that helps me a lot to adjust the contents, the dynamics, etc. I could say that I have learned to speak less and listen more to propose better alternative solutions.

I am aware that many of the people who attend a training are there for many reasons. From those who were sent by their companies with the threat of a discount, to those who went to receive a cardboard and do not stop looking at the clock so that it passes soon. Of course there are many people who really want to learn and put aside their paradigms… good right? It is common to meet unmotivated, skeptical participants who have the question mark "tattooed" on their forehead, thinking why they have attended.

Training must be understood as a process where both the company and the consultant share the responsibility of achieving the objectives.

Pretending that a workshop solves all problems is fooling yourself and spending your money, it requires a sustained program in the medium and long term. I insist that a greater share of humility in many bosses and managers would be a great step and would reinforce the investment concept that training has today. I am sure that there are bosses who support the growth of their collaborators and also provide the spaces and time that a learning application process requires, congratulations for that!

For those who still think that training is an expense, I hope you will not be surprised if the turnover rate continues to rise, if tomorrow your best worker shows up with the resignation letter under his arm. People want to feel respected, regain their dignity, be part of a project, be recognized in its full dimension. Pride is one of the worst barriers in any communication and it seems that it continues to prevail in many managers who have not managed to understand their true role in the company, who have the opportunity to fulfill their mission; in other words, leave a "mark" in each step they take, however they prefer to leave "scars" in the lives of many of their collaborators.

Bet on training your workers and let them release their knowledge, experiences and motivations. It is very gratifying to recognize a company that bases its growth on the knowledge of its people, on the development of talent. On the contrary, it is sad to continue to see organizations that continue to believe that people are there only to work (do) and not to think… happily they are less and less… and if they persist, they are on the way to extinction.

Until next time!

Thoughts about in-company training