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Limiting negative thoughts. steps to control them


It comes from: Limiting negative thoughts. A form of personal addiction

We have previously commented that consuming limiting negative thoughts means consuming a daily dose of poison, which slowly but relentlessly begins to affect our body destroying everything in its path. And that there is no worse emotional and physical addiction than one that is not recognized. Surely you wonder how we do to change this harmful habit and we can list it in the following steps:

1. The first step you must take in order to change your addiction is to realize that you have it. It is likely that every time you think in a limiting way about yourself or others, you do so unconsciously. To clearly notice the degree of difficulty we have to be attentive to our own thoughts.

2. Once we detect that we have become hooked on a thought that does not help us at all and that simply causes us a limiting emotion and takes away energy, we must interrupt the mental process that fuels it.

3. We have to own our thoughts. Yes, although it may seem strange, most of us let our mind free to the point that it can have a life of its own without our conscious intervention. When noticing a limiting thought, we must mentally say enough, I want to focus my attention on something else! At least three times in a row, with an imperative attitude and a confident tone. Another way I teach in Communication Therapy is to repeat, also at least three times, canceled, canceled, canceled!

4. Cutting off the mental process, which you have probably been doing for a long time, is not enough, since your brain is used to those old neural connections that have repeated the electrochemical effects for years. Once the thought is detected (we make it conscious) and having ordered it to stop, we must immediately change the focus of our attention.

5. From here we must ask ourselves a question. For example, it could be what do I have to be thankful for in my life? or what have been the best moments in my life? The new questions we ask ourselves will necessarily lead us to focus on positive or empowering aspects of our life.

6. In order to definitely change your focus and complete the process of mental change and discontinuation of addiction to unwanted chemicals, also change your behavior patterns. One efficient way is to stop what you are doing at the time you are thinking limitingly.

Let's see an example

You come home after a day of work. Notice that there is a lot of silence and that everything seems to be very still. What happens is that your children no longer live with you. Almost without realizing it, she begins to feel an unpleasant sensation in her chest and an emotion of loneliness begins to invade her. She wonders what my life will be like now? and you will no doubt begin to plunge into a limiting internal dialogue. The first thing you have to realize is that it will do you no good to continue that internal dialogue.Stops it instantly. It is said canceled three times and immediately begins to be grateful for everything they really have in their life. There are millions of things to be thankful for. If you had turned on the TV when you got home or selected some music to listen to, change your behavior pattern at that time. While you are thanking life, turn off the TV and play upbeat music, call a friend you haven't talked to for a long time, or, once your pattern of behavior and thinking has changed, call your children to tell her how well is. You will see how your inner state changes and if you begin to systematize this exercise you will be able to count on a new way of thinking and feeling, one in which you are the protagonist and that you manage under your responsibility.

Limiting negative thoughts. steps to control them