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Perfection or excellence. Whose side do you want to be on?

  • Are you one of those who constantly look for things to be perfect? ​​Do you continuously feel the feeling of dissatisfaction, for not getting to do things as you think you should do them? do you feel good?

Today I want to talk to you about perfection and its differences with excellence. Because not only are they not synonymous, but also, depending on how you look at both concepts, you will (or not) have the ability to enjoy and recognize the achievements. You follow me?

If you felt identified with any of the questions I asked you in the first paragraph, you are probably a demanding person and it is difficult for you to find enjoyment in the tour, in the "doing", since you spend a large part of your time looking at what What is still missing, what did not turn out as you expected, what did not meet your expectations (which by the way, surely, tend to be higher than what is feasible to achieve).

The requirement is the sister of rigidity, of the structured, of the inflexible. And the constant search for perfection has its sights set on only one way of doing things, on a single parameter. From this, it is evaluated whether the results are correct or incorrect, according only to that measure. In this way, the different realities and possibilities of completing a project are not contemplated. As well as the option of enjoyment, of pleasure, of looking at the route, on the path that implies reaching a goal or achieving a goal.

That is, behind the search for perfection what appears is a level of demand that does not adjust to individual options or particular realities. A single way of obtaining results is “imposed” on us and we go in search of that, probably without stopping to observe what happens to us or to listen to what we really want. How overwhelming this sounds, right?

Deep down, what tends to be behind high levels of demand and constant searches for perfection is great insecurity and little self-confidence. This ends up leading us to "believe" or feel that when we achieve the desired perfection we will feel strong and secure. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have to clarify that nothing is further from this! Holding on to results does not create security, but on the contrary, it feeds mistrust, emotional instability and dependency. All these, enemies of a consolidated and strengthened self-esteem.

Let's move on now then, to review what excellence is all about.

Excellence, on the contrary, accepts imperfection, incompleteness, accepts growth and takes errors and mistakes as everything that allows us to grow, change, modify and evolve.

Excellence is achieved after a process, a journey that involves learning, experimenting, making mistakes, trying, modifying and above all accepting. Register everything that cannot be modified and everything that can be changed.

The search for excellence admits the different realities and therefore the different options to achieve what is desired. Excellence assumes constant work, the result of a different attitude towards the projects themselves. This attitude implies a record of individual needs and desires and does not conform to standardized parameters.

Then, from here, the way to carry out the path that leads us to the achievement of our projects is going to see error as something positive and capitalizable (we make friends with mistakes and transform them into learning). will squeeze creativity and innovation as potential avenues of development and growth, beyond the fear of "running away from the known" or as we commonly say "leaving the comfort zone".

As you can see, there is a wide difference between “being demanding and seeking perfection” and “seeking excellence by being flexible and self-confident”. With which of both positions do you feel identified? I mean, which one do you recognize yourself in?

Remember that excellence's mission is to leave a mark, to transcend, to leave one's own navel as well as from forms or appearance to generate something in the other. And I can guarantee that it is extremely gratifying to feel and know that you do it, it positively affects others. And that every day you can provide an extra quota of excellence through growth and personal evolution.

Tell me what you think of the article and share your opinions with us.

A hug!

Maria Noel

Perfection or excellence. Whose side do you want to be on?