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Gender perspective in the secretariat of the public function. Mexico

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The gender perspective implies recognizing that one thing is sexual difference and another thing is the attributions, ideas, representations and social prescriptions that are constructed taking as a reference to that sexual difference, the term gender refers to the expectations of a cultural nature regarding the roles and behaviors of men and women. The term distinguishes the aspects attributed to men and women from a social point of view from those determined biologically. In this document different concepts of gender and the relationship between the Secretary of Public Function are mentioned. A gender perspective identifies and aims to eliminate the real discrimination that women are subjected to by women and men by men. The gender perspective requires a communicative process that sustains it,and get it to the heart of discrimination: the family.


The Ministry of Public Function, a dependency of the Federal Executive Power, monitors that federal public servants adhere to the law during the exercise of their functions, sanctions those who do not do so; promotes compliance with the federal government's control and supervision processes, with legal provisions in various matters, directs and determines the public procurement policy of the Federation, coordinates and conducts audits on the spending of federal resources, coordinates administrative development processes, digital government, operates and heads the Professional Career Service, coordinates the work of the internal control bodies in each agency of the federal government and evaluates the management of the entities, also at the federal level.

Background of the Secretary of Public Function from a gender perspective

In 1982 the need to harmonize and strengthen the control function in the Public Sector arose. To this end, a set of legislative proposals was presented to the Congress of the Union, which included the initiative for the Decree of Reforms and Additions to the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration, same as when it was approved and published in the Official Gazette of The Federation on December 29, 1982, gave rise to the Secretary General of the Federation; with the purpose of integrating in this Unit the previously dispersed functions of control and global evaluation of public management.

On January 19, 1983, the first Internal Regulations of this Secretariat were published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, which was amended by Presidential Decree published by the same official media on July 30, 1985.

On January 16, 1989, a new Internal Regulation for the Unit was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, leaving the order mentioned in the previous paragraph inoperative.

This Regulation was amended and added by Presidential Decrees published in the official news agency on February 26, 1991 - Errata on February 27, 1991 - July 27, 1993 - Errata on August 5, 1993 - and on April 19, 1994.

The Regulations and the aforementioned reforms determined, of course, the attributions of the various administrative units that made up the Unit and modified its organic structure in accordance with criteria of rationality, austerity and efficiency in the exercise of the attributions that the Secretariat itself granted the legal framework applicable to the Federal Public Administration.

Functions and powers

The Ministry of Public Administration is in charge of the performance of the attributions and powers entrusted to it by the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration; the Federal Law on Administrative Responsibilities of Public Servants and other applicable legal regulations on the matter:

  • the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector; the Law of Public Works and Services Related to them; the General Law of National Assets; the Law of Professional Career Service in the Federal Public Administration; the Federal Law of Budget and Fiscal Responsibility other laws, regulations, decrees, agreements and orders of the President of the Republic.

In accordance with Article 3 of the Internal Regulations of the Secretariat of Public Function, the Secretary will be in charge of the Secretariat, who, in order to handle matters within his or her competence, will be assisted by the administrative units.

What is the Gender approach

The goal is not so much that women and men are equal, but to ensure that both have the same opportunities in life. To achieve this, it is sometimes necessary to build the capacity of groups with limited access to resources, or to build that capacity. For example, one possible measure is to provide childcare services for children so that women can participate in training workshops alongside men. Another possibility is to provide credit to rural women, given that their access to productive resources is limited, or to establish educational programs for children in Latin America, where their attendance at school is low compared to that of women. girlsWith a gender perspective, current policies should be reviewed to see whether or not they have a discriminatory or exclusionary impact, and to discover prejudices and assumptions about the possibilities and limitations of men and women. Even policies that appear "neutral" can be problematic or have discriminatory consequences.

Main exponents and definitions

Robert Stoller (Sex and Gender, 1968) studied disorders of sexual identity, examining cases in which the assignment of sex failed, since the external characteristics of the genitals were confusing. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), gender refers to the social concepts of the functions, behaviors, activities and attributes that each society considers appropriate for men and women. The different roles and behaviors can generate gender inequalities, that is, differences between men and women that systematically favor one of the two groups.

In turn, these inequalities can create inequities between men and women with respect to both their health status and their access to health care. In IFAD's terminology, gender equality refers to a situation in which women and men have equal chances, or opportunities in life, to access and control socially valuable assets and resources. The most important thing to understand is that a gender perspective impacts women and men, and benefits society as a whole, by raising obstacles and discrimination, by establishing more equitable conditions for the participation of half of society and by relieving the men of many gender assumptions that are also a burden and an injustice.

The importance of the study of Gender in the Ministry of Public Function

Gender is the set of social, cultural, political, psychological, legal, economic characteristics assigned to people in a differentiated way according to sex. The Secretary of Public Function has as a priority the streamlining of procedures and services; and that the citizens participate and I have confidence in the Public Function. A more equitable and democratic development of the whole of society requires the elimination of discriminatory treatment against any group. In the specific case of women, half of the population, it has become an urgent need for governments (federal, state and municipal) to design policies that take into account the cultural, economic and socio-political conditions that favor female discrimination. These conditioning factors are not caused by biology,but because of social ideas and prejudices, which are woven into the genre. In other words, for social learning. Even though equality between men and women is enshrined in Article 4 of our Constitution, it is necessary to recognize that an unequal society tends to repeat inequality in all its institutions. The equal treatment given to socially unequal people does not in itself generate equality.

In the Ministry of Public Function, women are in a situation of inequality, and they are rarely found in senior management and leadership positions. The devaluation of female wage labor is linked to the invisibility of domestic work and human attention and care. Women's unpaid work is closely interwoven with their paid work. The conditions in which women enter the formal and informal labor market are linked to the conditions in which they carry out or solve their domestic work. The consequences of the intersection that occurs between domestic work and paid work range from the physical and emotional burden of the double shift, through a brutal restriction of their possibilities for personal development, of their affective and social lives,and their political participation as citizens, until they reach employment vulnerability; thus, it is they, and not they, who will miss work to solve any domestic or family problem. The gender perspective leads to a politics that contains the seeds of its subsequent disintegration. When equal opportunities are achieved, when gender blindness is eliminated, when non-sexist education becomes a reality, when cultural patterns are more egalitarian, the gender perspective will disappear. This already happens in some countries that have advanced a lot, such as the Scandinavians, where a policy of "gender neutrality" is beginning to be proposed, which treats discrimination strictly when it is intentional.who will miss work to solve any domestic or family problem. The gender perspective leads to a politics that contains the seeds of its subsequent disintegration. When equal opportunities are achieved, when gender blindness is eliminated, when non-sexist education becomes a reality, when cultural patterns are more egalitarian, the gender perspective will disappear. This already happens in some countries that have advanced a lot, such as the Scandinavians, where a policy of "gender neutrality" is beginning to be proposed, which treats discrimination strictly when it is intentional.who will miss work to solve any domestic or family problem. The gender perspective leads to a politics that contains the seeds of its subsequent disintegration. When equal opportunities are achieved, when gender blindness is eliminated, when non-sexist education becomes a reality, when cultural patterns are more egalitarian, the gender perspective will disappear. This already happens in some countries that have advanced a lot, such as the Scandinavians, where a policy of "gender neutrality" is beginning to be proposed, which treats discrimination strictly when it is intentional.When equal opportunities are achieved, when gender blindness is eliminated, when non-sexist education becomes a reality, when cultural patterns are more egalitarian, the gender perspective will disappear. This already happens in some countries that have advanced a lot, such as the Scandinavians, where a policy of "gender neutrality" is beginning to be proposed, which treats discrimination strictly when it is intentional.When equal opportunities are achieved, when gender blindness is eliminated, when non-sexist education becomes a reality, when cultural patterns are more egalitarian, the gender perspective will disappear. This already happens in some countries that have advanced a lot, such as the Scandinavians, where a policy of "gender neutrality" is beginning to be proposed, which treats discrimination strictly when it is intentional.


All societies structure their lives and build their culture around sexual difference. Many have studied that female status is a variable of culture, but always with the political subordination of women to men. But in an environment of a Secretary of Public Function we should not differentiate the ability of men and women and accept our differences, however research shows that women are in a disadvantaged position in the labor market, inequality in women earn less than men. But we must stop the harassment and sexual blackmail that are an unfortunate reality at work. Although more and more women occupy high technical and scientific positions, and important political and public administration positions, but it is still a small percentage.


  • IFAD Policy on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, International Fund for Agricultural Development. https://www.ifad.org/en/ World Health Organization (WHO). The Gender Perspective. Education and Cultural Magazine of section 47 of the SNTE. Gender technology, Teresa de Lauretis. Institutional culture and gender equity in Public Administration. Mónica Patricia Corona Godínez. Program for the Institutionalization of the Gender Perspective in the Federal Public Administration. National Institute of Women. First edition.
Gender perspective in the secretariat of the public function. Mexico