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Pillars of green technology

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When we talk about sustainability or green technologies, all biodegradable products or in some cases products that are easily recyclable come to mind, but we must look beyond just this because it is clear that the planet today It runs a very severe risk from contamination, which has been created by the users of the products, that is, ourselves.

We know that much of the products used in past decades were highly polluting, a simple battery can contaminate a thousand liters of seawater, however, thanks to environmentalists and the chaos that has been generated today, both people and organizations they have been creating awareness about this phenomenon that is both global warming and pollution on the planet.

Organizations have created awareness and applied that awareness to their products to be more "friendly" to the environment, one way to do it is by making their products with non-polluting materials, some even with recycled materials, in the same way another way in the What they have done is helping to consume less electricity since in many countries coal is still used to generate electricity and it is highly polluting to the environment.

It is necessary to know how these organizations have managed to implement green technology programs as well as how this has driven them to grow since the simple fact of putting a "green" label on their products has made people prefer that product with the idea that It is friendly to the environment, but nevertheless we must notice the difference of when a product is really friendly and when it is not, during this article we will observe success stories and how this trend has evolved to help the planet.


Before we start talking about this, let's define what green technology means.

According to (altonivel.com.mx, 2010) is the following:

Green technology is a trend that has emerged since the 70s, it arises from the need to be able to make savings and at the same time to reduce the environmental impact on the environment itself. In this way, companies that implement or create green initiatives that are friendly to the environment are more reliable suppliers for the consumer.

According to a study carried out by the United Nations, 80% of consumers could stop purchasing products from a supplier which is not reliable or friendly to the environment, likewise if the processes of their purchases are not ethical, today in Sustainable practices are now a factor of competitiveness.

The concept of Green IT (green technology) is very broad, it involves the management of data centers (Data Center), the optimal use of electricity and consumption of the devices that are required in the IT area, with the design required to the use and consumption of energy and its application in different systems. (Garza, 2011)

Pillars of green technology.

Green technology is based on three fundamental pillars which are: Education, design and administration within an organization.

Pillars of Green Technology

Organizations can contribute awareness actions to employees about simple actions such as turning off their computer and the light at the end of their workday. There are too many advances yet to come in terms of devices, smart buildings, what should be noted is that the term of green technology should begin to make more noise in the industry so that people become aware and become more involved.

The right time for managers and executives to learn more about the topic and start using it in their industries is now. Technology directly impacts the environment; if we participate in this, we are not acting as a socially responsible organization. And not only that, we may be missing out on significant reductions in costs, in energy consumption.

It is estimated that by 2025 the world population will increase by 2.9 billion people and that by 2030 60% more energy will be required than at present. That is why green alternatives have become absolutely necessary. (social responsibility.mx)

Green technology, clean technology or environmental technology is the one that is used without damaging the environment, it consists of the design of solutions or devices based on “eco-efficiency”, which guarantees a good operation that reduces the environmental impact.

These technologies are designed to reduce costs. Producing more with less is the key to conserving the natural environment and resources, and curbing the negative impacts of human involvement. (social responsibility.mx)

Two factors of Green Technologies


According to (definicion.mx) sustainability refers to:

Organizations currently focus some of their processes on sustainability, this means that natural resources are no longer used excessively, the objective of this is to continue conserving them for a long time and avoid their scarcity, in the same way, sustainability seeks to maintain resources that exist today for future generations, the idea is that they can make use of them. As is known, sustainability is a social and ecological process characterized by a behavior that follows the same ideal, which is to keep natural resources in force for the years to come.

This concept arises in 1987, when the World Commission on Environment and Development of the United Nations published the report “Our common future” (Our common future), which is centered on the idea of ​​sustainable or sustainable development. However, this concept was actually adopted until 1992 by 180 Heads of State, in Rio de Janeiro, during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. In this conference, 27 principles related to Sustainability are agreed that are materialized in a world program known as Agenda 21. (ccgss.org, 2013)

There are different approaches to defining sustainability, the definition adopted by the World Commission on Environment and Development and formulated in 1987 in the same Brundtland report, “Our Common Future” is the following:

Sustainable development represents an important relationship between different areas of a community where cultural, economic, social and environmental aspects are related. Sustainable development focuses on population growth, these are ideas that constantly evolve so that the individual feels safe with their environment. (conceptdefinition.de, 2011)

For a country to achieve sustainability, it has to start by changing its way of thinking collectively, its thinking and goal must be fixed, it must think about development, growth, imposing limits on productive growth to break them, that the consumption of Resources must be used, invested and constantly renewed, to always maintain productive capacity. Always keep the financial, physical, human, social and natural capital always at the disposal of those involved in the development pathways.

(conceptdefinition.de, 2011)

Examples of green technologies.

Below are 5 examples of green technologies used by the new WTC in New York according to (conscience-sustentable.abilia.mx)

  1. Low VOC paint: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are dangerous because when they dry they produce gases or vapors that are related to cancer and are bad for the environment. The new Tower will use paints low in these compounds on all its floors, as well as FSC certified wood. Renewable energy: half of the building's energy will come from renewable sources such as wind. A wind power farm with the capacity to produce 2.6 million kilowatts per year will be installed at the gazebo, along with solar panels. Using glass to conserve energy:The Freedom Tower is designed to block out the warming rays of the sun, while capturing as much natural light as possible. In addition, the lobby will have a natural ventilation system. All this with the aim of making the skyscraper carbon neutral. Recycling of rainwater: the building will have efficient plumbing systems to make the most of the water in bathrooms and kitchens, but rainwater will also be collected, which will be used for internal operation, such as in the cooling system. Green transportation: the Tower will generate hundreds of jobs in the city. For these people, the use of low-carbon transport such as bicycles or car sharing will be encouraged.

Example of companies that use Green technology.

According to (Greiffenstein, 2012) these are the ten innovative clean technology companies that promise to change the energy industry, they were recently honored by the international firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance, during the fifth annual edition of the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit In New York.

These ten clean-tech companies of the year 2012, awarded the title of New Energy Pioneers, cover the entire spectrum of the cleantech industry: From bioenergy and energy storage for electric vehicles, to smart grid and solar grid. For these nominations, only companies with a robust business model, and with momentum and potential on a global scale, were taken into account.

This year's New Energy Pioneers are:

  • Clean Power Finance: It is an online market that allows investors and lenders to participate in the financing of homes with networks powered by solar power. Ecotality: It is a technology for charging electric vehicles, which has developed and manufactured residential and commercial charging stations with the 'Blink Network' brand, classified as "efficient and with low rates". Emefcy's electrogenic bio-reactor (EBR): It is a technology that has changed the economics of wastewater treatment, generating energy instead of consuming it. For this, it uses electrogenic bacteria that produce electricity directly from wastewater and at the same time treat it. LANZATECH: It is a patented technology that converts waste gases into fuels and chemicals, from any source of carbon monoxide, without impacting the food value chain. Maxwell Technology: Is a developer and manufacturer of an energy storage technology that is used to optimize the cycle of energy efficiency, its performance, reliability and life of a variety of systems such as vehicles and the power grid. Silver Spring Networks: It is a developer of software and utility network technologies, aimed at the end points of a network, such as smart meters, to connect in a cost-effective, secure and reliable way. Smarter Grid Solutions: Ha

developed network management software to help network service operators maximize the use of existing assets.

  • Tendril Networks: It is the developer of domestic platforms that enable smart applications, such as customer engagement, energy monitoring and management, and demand response. The software platform interfaces with hardware devices in the home, such as displays, smart thermostats, smart appliances, and electric vehicle chargers. Va-Q-Tec: Produces materials from

high-performance insulation for a wide range of industrial and consumer applications, which can provide up to ten times better insulation than conventional materials.

Xtreme Power: It is an advanced lead-based energy storage and management system. It is to be used on a large scale in renewable energies or in the electricity grid, achieving more agile and flexible systems where the supply is increasingly unpredictable.


As we could see in this article, sustainability, sustainable development and green technology are three concepts which must be combined in order to work efficiently with the environment, today people are more aware of the damage to the environment and They are not allowed to buy any product, that is why the organizations have taken action on the matter and not only dedicate themselves to making green products but at the same time they have adopted measures within their own organizations in order to cultivate in their collaborators the love for the environment, implanting a green culture within their factories, offices, and staff is something that many organizations already take very seriously.

However, there is still a long way to go in environmental matters, it is necessary to know that even though they make an effort to be friendly with the planet, the reality is that the damage is only being minimized but it is not being completely eliminated, that is why that people, organizations and the world itself should be made more aware that natural resources are not eternal, that we must take care of them and that some are renewable and we can help from that point, such as planting more trees, but there are others that they are not and that to some extent an alternative must be sought to avoid their scarcity or total depletion of resources.

Thesis proposal.

Promote green technology in an organization in Córdoba Veracruz.

Overall objective.

Carry out a green technology implementation program in company X in Córdoba Veracruz and measure the impact obtained by the implementation of the program and in the same way compare with the previous one and determine the cost benefit of carrying out said program.


I thank my mother who is the strength to continue every day and who has made me get to where I am, my teachers who have given me their time and knowledge to continue my studies, Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández since He has given us all his experience and knowledge in this matter of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, as well as CONACYT since it gives us its support to motivate us to move forward in our adventure for mastery.


altonivel.com.mx. (2010). https://www.altonivel.com.mx. Retrieved on March 27, 2018, from https://www.altonivel.com.mx: https://www.altonivel.com.mx/empresas/negocios/tecnologia-verde-en-queconsiste/ ccgss.org. (November 19, 2013). http://ccgss.org/sustentabilidad/. Retrieved on March 29, 2018, from

ccgss.org/sustentabilidad/ conceptdefinition.de. (August 25, 2011).

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Pillars of green technology