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Action plan to improve labor organization in a smelting plant in venezuela

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Currently faced with the different existing economic models, the industrialized countries, following the guidelines of the international monetary fund, apply neoliberal measures in search of cost reductions, the most common practice being massive layoffs, which at the global level damages the most sacred right of every human being as is the right to work. The basis of any organization is based on the administration of work, its objective is to help people to work together and efficiently, in this direction, Bernal y mantilla (2011) reviews.

Currently CVG Alcasa presents high labor costs, for which a Procedure of an action plan is proposed to improve the labor organization in the foundry plant, to improve the efficiency of human resources, which impact on expected positive results such as visualization opportunities for improvement by diagnosing the efficiency reserves in the organization of the workforce at the CVG ALCASA smelting plant, in turn, it will allow a better management of material and human resources, by controlling and monitoring the variables that impact on costs and production where labor affects.

The proposed methodology is structured in three (3) phases (Preparatory, executive and conclusive), with ten (10) activities, with their corresponding scientific techniques to be used in each one of them. With the implementation of this model, action plans can be developed to correct deviations in the efficiency of labor productivity.

Procedure for an action plan to improve labor organization at CVG ALCASA smelting plant

CVG Aluminios del Caroní, SA (2014), is a Venezuelan company that is part of the group of basic companies, whose main objective is the production and commercialization of aluminum products in a competitive way, with comprehensive management quality, satisfying its customers, shareholders and workers, contributing to the generation of income and regional and national well-being.

The Smelting Process has an installed production capacity of 250,000 tons per year of production. To make the products, alloys with aluminum are prepared, according to customer requirements. The liquid metal from the aluminum reduction cell rooms is transferred and poured into the retention furnaces for casting, where metals such as titanium, magnesium, copper and iron are added, obtaining cylinders and slabs for the following lamination process.

The purpose of this research is a methodological proposal that allows the development of an action plan to improve work organization in this plant. This will allow us to understand variables such as labor force, production costs, productivity in the different processes that aim to improve the productivity reserve in this plant.

Procedure proposal

Based on the current situation that arises in the organization of the workforce at CVG ALCASA's foundry plant, which implies high personnel costs, the proposed procedure is structured in three (3) phases, with ten (10) activities, with their corresponding technique to be used in each one of them, highlighting the theoretical contributions of the documentary research of the theoretical framework, which precedes this chapter, the methodology is explained below:

Figure: Action plan to improve work organization at CVG ALCASA smelting plant.

Action plan to improve labor organization at CVG ALCASA smelting plant.

Source: Own design. Engineer Luis Alfonzo

Phase I: Preparatory

It is the starting point of the investigation, where the general aspects for the success of the procedure are evaluated, the strategy based on the selection and preparation of a work team is organized, as well as the review of the normative regulations for the use of the human Resources.

Activity 1.1 Selection of the working group

When forming the working group, the degree of knowledge of the people in the area of ​​expertise must be taken into account, in this regard De Tomas (2013), in the article group dynamics on personnel selection, recommends that the selected personnel have skills, competences and capacities, so that the formation of the group is a structure of a multidisciplinary team.

Technique 1.1 Measure of expertise

The technique to be used to select the experts, is explained by Fernández (2012), in his scientific article Expert Criterion. Once the experts have been selected, they are asked to make proposals about the aspects of the research.

Activity 1.2 Preparation of the working group

In preparing the working group, the experts must be informed about the objective of the research, so that, depending on the area of ​​study, different resources are used such debates, bibliography forums, brainstorming, internet, relative studies regarding the foundry management of CVG Alcasa.

Technique 1.2 Group work

Once the work group is organized, sections or work tables are prepared with the experts, through the use of tools such as brainstorming, Sada (2010), guides in his work "Brainstorming: Procedures and process" explains that The purpose of this group work technique is to identify a problem through participatory intervention and propose the best solution to solve it.

Activity 1.3 Review of normative regulations for the use of human resources

In this activity, the legal regulatory framework must be addressed, in reference to human resources, inquire about the emphasis of the multiplicity of laws that regulate this matter, and highlights that they must be reviewed in the current legal establishment.

Technique 1.3 Document review

With advice to the working group, of the internal entities that manage the legal and legal framework of CVG Alcasa, such as legal consulting, internal comptroller's office and labor matters, the documentary archiving in labor matters is carried out.

For this reason, it is necessary to create spaces for dissemination in this matter for the knowledge of the labor mass regarding their duties and rights.

Phase II: Executive

In this phase, the efficiency indicators aimed at human resources are selected in the different work groups and productive cost centers, then the performance of the cost centers at the efficiency level is diagnosed and the causes that originate these results are identified..

Activity 2.1 Determine the current workforce by work group and production centers

To determine the template, it is necessary to document, with respect to the area's own processes, as well as the position structure required by management, in the different processes of the area and additionally understand the nature and characteristics of the work groups in this area.

Technique 2.1. Interview, document review

To determine the current workforce, a documentary archiving of the foundry management structure is carried out, for this an interview is requested from the organization and methods department for its formal request, then all the information regarding the workforce is collected.

Activity 2.2. Identify indicators of efficiency in the use of HR

Regarding the indicators to be used to measure efficiency, in the use of resources, they must be those that aim to improve the quality and quantity of our products, in the direction of maintaining or reducing the amount of inputs required, in colloquial terms it consists of doing more with less.

Technique 2.2 Document review - Group work

Document review

In the documentary analysis to identify indicators of efficiency of the use of human resources we have those oriented to labor productivity and the measurement of labor costs.

Team work

For group work, once the base indicators have been specified, the information is organized in terms of: historical review of the behavior of the variables.

Technique 2.3 Determine the HR efficiency indicators for each of the work groups and production centers

In determining the HR efficiency indicators for each of the work groups and production centers, the following are characterized: The labor force, trend of the payroll, the variability of the labor force at a general level in foundry management and in production cost centers, as well as in work shifts.

Activity 2.3 Calculation of indicators

Average production per worker = production / number of employed workers

Unit labor cost = Average wages / labor productivity

Activity 2.4 Diagnosis of the work centers with the worst efficiency indicators.

Once the indicators of labor productivity and labor costs have been applied in the different production cost centers, they are detected with low efficiency weights for their corresponding evaluation.

Pareto Technique 2.4, Analysis and Synthesis

From the diagnosis, a table is prepared showing the most probable causes, frequency and relative frequency. Subsequently, we proceed to its analysis and the synthesis of the graphic representation.

Activity 2.5 Identify the causes that originate these results

The data were collected and designed, graphs and statistical tables, as well as instruments (interviews, surveys), and documentary studies will be reviewed to determine the objectives of the investigation. To give it greater scientific rigor, a triangulation of the information sources and the empirical methods applied will be carried out, through the use of computer tools.

Technique 2.5 Cause-Effect Diagram, brainstorming.

Interviews were conducted with expert personnel in the areas of foundry management, personnel, planning and control of production and finances in their coordination of costs and through brainstorming technique, through the discussion of the working group, They listed the possible causes of an increase in the labor force, a deviation in the distribution of the labor force in the different production costs and non-uniformity of the labor force in the work shifts.

Phase III: Conclusive

An action plan is proposed to correct the deviations detected in the previous phases, once all the research has been prepared, with the support of the group of experts.

Activity 3.1 Propose an action plan to mitigate or eliminate the causes identified

From the analysis resulting from the application of the measurement, through the use of the indicators in the production cost centers and the subsequent evaluation, the main causes are determined.

Technique 3.1 Planning and programming

With the main causes, the calculations of indicators are applied and the production centers with low performance are determined, then the action plan is planned with activities, managers and time.

Activity 3.2 Approval by the working group

The work team is summoned, after submitting the preliminary report of the procedure, for the implementation of the action plan to improve the work organization at the CVG ALCASA smelter plant.

Technique 3.2 Group work

The three phases of the procedure are exposed, before the work team, the debate is carried out by each of the members, according to a logical order, with the format of an established time and requested from the debate director. Agreements are established and the corresponding actions are taken to allow a solution to the problem situation with the application of corrective actions of the proposal.


  • In order to be competitive, organizations must be sustainable in their labor costs, in the good use of human resources. Through labor organization, efficiency reserves are increased in terms of labor productivity. The procedure will allow the creation of action plans with vision strategic applying human resource management.


  1. CVG Alcasa. (2014). www.alcasa.com. Consulted: 2014, March 19, Bernal and Mantilla (2011) General aspects of the concept of “human capital”, Free Criterion, 9 (14), 203-226 ISSN 1900-0642, Page 9.Sada (2010) Brainstorming: Procedures and process Available at http://cec.vcn.bc.ca/mpfc/modules/brn-stos.htm (consulted April 2014). José De Tomas (2014) Group dynamics in personnel selection. Available at http://agalamartin1.blogspot.com/2013/01/dinamicas-de-grupo-en-seleccion-de.html. Consulted: March 19) Fernández (2012) Expert judgment. Its processing through the delphy method
Action plan to improve labor organization in a smelting plant in venezuela