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Training plan for managers in a gastronomy company in cuba

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Training occupies an important place in human capital management, it is an important business strategy that must accompany other change efforts, it has proven to be a very effective means of making people productive, becoming an opportunity to increase competition and success in organizations. Training, especially for managers, is today an urgent need, as these are the ones that guide organizations in achieving their objectives, directly impacting on the improvement and development of society. The present research has the general objective of designing an action plan for the training of managers in the Municipal Gastronomy Company Las Tunas, in response to the shortcomings detected in the diagnosis,to improve your current performance and achieve positive results in the future.

Keywords: Human Capital, Training and development, Training, Executives


The management of human capital has among its main tasks to provide the human capabilities required by the organization, develop skills, attitudes and skills in individuals making them more competitive both in the personal order and in the community in which they operate. Organizations depend for their operation and their evolution on these people, being currently considered the most important resource.

With all these change processes, organizations tend to be more creative and innovative, being able to enhance and convert this capital into a truly highly competitive advantage, this is achieved, among other things, through the training process, hence the great importance and relevance that owns in today's business world, which provides great effects to effective business development.

Today, the training of leaders constitutes one of the essential elements of the policies and systems for the human assurance of organizations, providing them with the necessary skills to interact with it, design strategies, diagnose and solve problems each time more complex and heterogeneous, develop adequate communication and interpersonal relationships, work as a team, analyze, negotiate and resolve conflicts of a very diverse nature, as well as develop a large dose of competitiveness and creativity in the performance of their duties.

Cuba is not alien to this process despite the economic crisis that it has been going through since the 1990s. It has made great attempts to carry out training in all the country's companies, with a general consensus that many problems in the production process, In business management, in the effective performance of those who work, and as a consequence, ineffectiveness is constituted by the lack of knowledge, skills and attitudes that can be solved to a great extent by the training process in both employees and managers.

Faced with these realities, it is necessary to seek new ways that allow a greater development of creativity and managerial capacities, to find solutions to latent problems and that help to materialize the strategies, efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

In this sense, Rodríguez (1990) stated: “The training of leaders …… without knowledge of their needs does not adjust to the changes required by the increasingly creative action of management cadres, it is necessary training programs according to the training and training needs of the leaders of a position or group of positions ”.

The preparation and improvement of managers has always been a relevant need for the Cuban economy and society, an imperative that has not lost its validity at the present time and that the role of managers today has been ratified by the Army General and President of the Council of State and Ministers in the Central Report to the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Raúl Castro Ruz, expressing “… that the cadres and their reservations are distinguished by a solid technical and professional preparation, their personal example, proven ethical, political and ideological qualities, and assume the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, as well as party policy ”.

The previous approach is in correspondence with the implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution approved in the VI Congress of the PCC (Related Guidelines 04, 138, 200), and with the work objectives of the First Conference of the PCC and in its objective no. 73 states: “To guarantee that the cadres and their reserves are distinguished by a solid technical and professional preparation, their personal example, proven ethical, political and ideological qualities, and they assume the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, as well as the politics of the Party, whether or not they are members of the PCC or the UJC. "

In this context, the top management of our country has raised the need to review and update the management methods and styles that have been used and promote policies aimed at achieving a composition structure of the cadres appropriate to the current conditions of the environment economic and political in which our country operates, and where it acquires particular importance to achieve the required preparation of the cadres and their reserves, as well as the need to preserve ethics, which together with the sense of duty and revolutionary sensitivity, should be decisive in their everyday behavior.

To guarantee the adequate performance of managers and ensure the achievement of high economic efficiency, it is essential to know the fundamental limitations that are present in them, and in this sense, determine the most appropriate ways to provide them with the knowledge and management skills according to their preparation, level, hierarchy and activity they perform.

The Municipal Gastronomy Company Las Tunas has presented, in recent years, instability in its board of directors and irregularities in the fulfillment of its functions that has caused, among others, the following situations: The existing training plan does not meet the needs real training and internal improvement activities are insufficient. A diagnosis of the training needs of the cadres and reserves is not carried out that corresponds to the requirements of their training and managerial professional development. Systematicity and priority have not been achieved in the training and development of staff and managers. Managers do not recognize training as a tool to raise the organization's efficiency rates.There is no evaluation of the impact of training on workers and on the organization. The elements previously exposed show that the insufficiencies in the training process of the directors in the Municipal Gastronomy Company Las Tunas limit its response capacity to the demands of the environment; what constitutes thescientific problem of the present investigation. Based on the foregoing, the general objective pursued by this research is to design an action plan for the training of managers in the Las Tunas Municipal Gastronomy Company.

The research methods used were the following: Historical-logical: to study the evolution and development of the training and development process, and its relationship with training and promote a logical relationship of the scientific tasks previously declared. Analysis-synthesis: it allowed a better understanding of the processes and phenomena that were investigated, using them in combination. Hypothetical-deductive: it allowed the construction of the hypothesis, by structuring the connections between the categories that make it up and the causal relationship established between them. Systemic-structural: for the establishment of the steps to take into account of the training and development plan, as well as its elaboration. Group dynamics: with the expanded board of directors to determine the relevance of the implementation of the designed plan. In addition, empirical methods such as the survey,questionnaire document review and observation. The contribution of the research is practical and is in the design of the action plan for the training of managers at the Municipal Gastronomy Company Las Tunas.



After carrying out a theoretical analysis about the training and development process, and the training of managers, it made possible the understanding of the fundamental concepts and elements that constitute the starting point to develop this research. It also allowed to know that the training of the cadres and their reserves is carried out with the aim of updating and completing those specific knowledge and skills that allow them to better perform their functions if it is carried out on the basis of the real training needs.

Diagnosis of the training process for managers in the Municipal Gastronomy Company of Las Tunas

The diagnosis of the current situation of the training and development process of managers in the Municipal Gastronomy Company of Las Tunas was carried out through documentary review, interviews and surveys, the results are detailed below:

It was verified that the preparation of tables in the company is in correspondence with the improvement strategy and that it includes four key result areas (ARC), which are detailed below:

ARC 1- Preparation and improvement for defense.

ARC 2- Preparation and professional technical improvement.

ARC 3- Economic preparation.

ARC 4- Preparation and improvement in Management.

The objectives outlined in these areas are aimed at providing the cadres and their reserves with the knowledge and skills to achieve adequate preparation and better performance of their administrative functions, to verify compliance with this strategy, 100% of the files were reviewed of the managers and it was found that 80% have not received the preparation in the subjects referring to the ARC, which allows us to corroborate that even though the company has a strategy of improvement for the cadres and its reserves it does not comply with training and can be included in the company's training plan.

Through the documentary review it is evidenced that the company's training plan does not meet the requirements established for its formulation, it is outdated since it is based on a document called "Training Diagnosis" dated 2006, which It presents amendments and deletions, and where the problems faced by the training in the company, the strengths and weaknesses, the analysis of the current situation and the causes that originate it are reflected. It also refers to the company's strategy and the training actions that are proposed to complete it, which do not include those provided for in the strategy for overcoming the charts and their reserves in the four ARC

To facilitate the understanding of the current situation of the training of the managers in the company, an interview (Annex # 1) was conducted with the Director, the Staff Specialist and the Trainer to obtain the opinion about the current situation of the process of in-company training. When analyzing the responses to the interviews, they stated that they know the company's training plan since they participate in its preparation and for which they are responsible, they agree that the individual needs of each manager or the rest of the workers are not always taken into account, but rather It is formed according to the priorities and needs of the company, and that generally the training of workers is prioritized, that this training plan is frequently evaluated and performance evaluations are carried out.

Managers and administrators represent 3.79% of the total workers of the company, a survey was applied (Annex # 2), which aimed to determine the individual situation of each manager with respect to the training plan of the company, took a sample of 15 managers (30%), achieving that in each answer given in the survey they expressed the following:

Of the 15 managers surveyed, 70% state that they are prepared to have the technical and professional preparation to perform in their management position, the rest refrain from giving an answer, of the 15 managers, nine of them representing 60% said they did not know about the existence of a training plan in the company, while 40% stated that they only knew their individual plan, but all agree that this does not correspond to the individual needs of each one of them (49% shared criteria and 51%, respectively). When referring to this, they prioritize the training plan, 40% said they did it sometimes and only 27% said yes, the other 33% said that sometimes, which indicates that this topic is not a priority.

Only 49% of those surveyed considered that they prioritize training with respect to the activities or functions they perform, the remaining 51% state that they never do them; 80% of those surveyed considered that the results of the performance evaluations are not taken into account for the actions that are planned and that the evaluations do not indicate the non-participation in improvement actions, the other 20% refer that to times; 40% of those surveyed stated that their boss frequently reviews their training plan, and the other 60% stated that they rarely or never do so; which contradicts what was stated by the interviewees.

Among the training needs you need most to increase your preparation, they identified the following:

  • Analysis and interpretation of financial statements to contribute to the analysis of the economic and financial situation of the company Internal control to receive knowledge that will help you improve the control of the resources at your disposal Quality to have elements that promote an improvement in control of the quality of the services provided in the company Computing in order to stay updated in the use of information and communication technologies Strategic planning to be able to participate actively in the Strategic Planning of the company Direction by values ​​to apply new management approaches Management techniques to be in a position to better direct the area Negotiation techniques to promote the optimal development of the company by doing good business.

84% of those surveyed consider that among the ways to increase preparation, attendance to courses or training would be more useful or effective, 10% state that self-preparation although they also refer to not having the time required for it, the remaining 6% believe that job rotation would be an option to consider.

In summary, the processing of the survey made it possible to obtain a photograph of the current state of training of the managers of the company under study.

There was a lack of knowledge of the individual and company training plan, which is not a priority for managers or for the company; an inadequate level of training and little review of the plan by managers, and the evaluation of its compliance is rare.

Additionally, in order to complement the information obtained with the survey, it is useful to review the minutes of the board of directors and the efficiency assemblies to find out the attention given to this issue.

It is necessary to point out that in research previously carried out in the company by González Martínez (2009) and Tamayo Pérez (2012), the shortcomings that exist in the preparation of managers are found, as they do not have adequate preparation to perform in a specific management position.

Design of the training plan for the directors of the Municipal Gastronomy Company of Las Tunas

Based on the results obtained in the diagnosis and the training needs detected from the application of the different techniques, the company is proposed to carry out a series of training actions that will allow managers and reserves to systematically increase their capacity, in correspondence with the conditions demanded by the economic and social development of the country, making it easier for it to make decisions that are consistent with the environment and thus increase the efficiency of the company.

General objective of the action plan: To ensure that the training of managers and reserves is carried out in an agile, systematic and updated manner, in accordance with the determined needs and the work they perform.

Therefore, taking into account the above and with the purpose of responding to some extent to the objectives and actions of the ARCs, and taking into account the needs demanded, it is proposed to incorporate the following actions into the training plan:

  1. Exchange with managers to present the action plan that is proposed to establish with them in correspondence with the needs detected. Responsible: Charts Specialist Date: June / 2014 Economic-Financial Management Course, which will include topics such as internal control and analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements in order to acquire knowledge and skills to face and analyze economic processes and contribute to the achievement, consolidation and elevation of business effectiveness and efficiency.Marketing Management Course to understand the nature and role of marketing as a philosophy for the strategic management of companies, allowing them to analyze and evaluate different marketing tools that support the decision-making process in the company and develop skills in the use of marketing in the conditions of business management. Human Capital Management Course to develop skills in the management of human resources as a strategic factor in the development of the organization, project the training and development of human resources based on the achievement of business efficiency, understand the work of the cadres and the new role of the boss from the challenges imposed by the changes in the environment.Strategic Management Course to understand the fundamental processes of strategic development and business policy, analyze and evaluate the categories and fundamental tools of strategic management and business policy, and develop skills in the application of strategic thinking and business policy under the conditions of Cuban organizations. Quality Management Course to acquire the necessary knowledge on how to manage quality in order to increase productivity and profitability, develop capacities for the execution of continuous quality improvement activities that lead to high performance in work and personal life.Environmental Education course to understand environmental responsibility that allows to favor conditions of sustainability in an increasingly deteriorated environment, offer spaces for awareness and include the necessary aspects to develop environmental competence that transforms daily life. The following topics can be included: Water and Energy Saving, and integral waste management Business Improvement Seminar,The company has not been able to start the process because it does not comply with the established requirements that allow them to carry out the necessary transformations in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in their management Basic Computer Course to have the basic knowledge that allows the use of the different computer tools based on annual and operational planning, and improve the company's information system. Seminar on Economic Contracting to learn about the basic elements of contracts. Organization of the hiring management in the company. Political and Ideological Preparation Workshop in relation to the changes to be executed in the Cuban business system for the effective implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution,that allow achieving high levels of efficiency and effectiveness with social responsibility in accordance with current legislation. The following topics are proposed:
  • The role that the socialist state enterprise plays in the system of relations with all forms of management. Non-state forms of management of production and service processes: economic associations, cooperatives, self-employed workers and others. The economic relationships between all forms of management. The main transformations that the business improvement model must undergo.

Assessment of the relevance of the training plan through group dynamics

The evaluation of the application of the training plan for the directors of the Municipal Gastronomy Company of Las Tunas was carried out from the presentation of it in a workshop composed of the Tables and their reserves, they were urged to present their criteria about it.. After analysis and debate as well as clarification of some important aspects, the following result was obtained:

In general, it is considered that the proposed training plan can be applied without difficulty, 100% of managers show a positive attitude towards training, while 94% stated approval and degree of satisfaction with the proposed training actions stating that they will equip them with the knowledge and skills for a better performance, contributing to the improvement of the productive, economic and social indicators as part of the Update process of the Cuban Economic Model and the implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution approved in the VI Congress of the PCC. They consider that the administrators of all gastronomic units should be taken into account,create a team of internal trainers who develop specific topics and enhance internal knowledge, and have a budget that allows compliance with the proposed topics.

The authors of this research consider that the proposed plan can become a valid tool or alternative to improve not only the performance of company managers but also of all workers, that training should be considered as an investment and not as an expense since its cost is lower than the benefits it produces, it is a resource for the improvement of the company, it allows to enhance teamwork, promote internal communication between the different departments, improve the image both internally and externally, and favor adaptation to changes in the economic environment. At the same time, it encourages the realization of new investigations that allow to evaluate the results of its implementation and impact.


  1. The diagnosis made to the process of training managers in the Municipal Gastronomy Company Las Tunas corroborated the absence of training plans in correspondence with the country's demands. The action plan designed for the training of managers in the Municipal Gastronomy Company of Las Tunas can contribute to solving the shortcomings detected in this important activity The proposed action plan proved its relevance from its presentation and approval in the Extended Board of Directors, and it can be the starting point to perfect this process in Business Group of Commerce.


  1. Theoretically prepare the Staff Specialist and the Trainer to improve the training process in the Municipal Gastronomy Company of Las Tunas Implement the action plan designed for the training of managers in the Municipal Gastronomy Company of Las Tunas Propose that The action plan designed is applied to the remaining municipal companies of the Las Tunas Business Group of Commerce and to other entities with similar characteristics.


  1. Acosta, Y / Herrero, A: “Design of the procedure for the training and development of workers as part of the human resources management system.. Available at: http: //innovacion.las tunas.cu/vol12No1/4.htm Castro, R, R (2011): Central Report presented at the VI Congress of the PCC, Havana. Cuba. Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers (2000): "National Strategy for the Preparation and Overcoming of the State and Government Staff and their Reserves", in "Guiding Documents of the Management Policy". Directorate of cadres of the MINED. Havana, p. 59Cuesta Santos, Armando. Competency management. La Habana: Editorial Academia, 2001. -93p.Cuesta Santos, A.: "Reflections on the terms and purpose of Human Resources and Knowledge Management in Cuba",Paper presented at the Scientific Exchange Meeting convened by GECYT, Havana, 2007.Cuesta Santos, Armando. Organization of Work and Social Psychology /: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, La Habana, 1990-181p.Chiavenato, I. Administration of Human Resources -2 Ed –México DF Ediciones Mc.Graw - Hill, 1993. Decree Law 196/99. System of Work with the State and Government Staff of the State Council Fernández, A. (2006): “Procedure to determine learning needs in the Provincial Food Company”. Optional thesis for a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance.- Management Techniques study group: Centro Universitario Las Tunas; 58p.González Martínez, B. (2009): "Diagnosis of the development of managerial skills in the municipal company of Gastronomy Las Tunas".Optional thesis to the degree of Bachelor of Economics. Teaching Department of Economics, University of Las Tunas.


  1. Alberteris Gómez, Isabel (2013): “Strategy for the integral formation of the tourism manager”. Thesis as an option to the scientific degree of Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, University of Pedagogical Sciences "Frank País García", Department of Educational Scientific Management. Santiago De CubaColumbié Santana, M. (2007): “Towards a Cuban Model of Integrated Management of Human Resources”. Director of Staff Training of the Ministry of Higher Education. Cuba.Lay M. T / Suárez, J. and Zamora, M. (2005): “Model to manage the training of managers and reserves in the Cuban cattle company”. "Business diagnosis and the training process". Department of Management Techniques, University of Matanzas, Cuba Muñoz Carine, L.:"Profile of Competencies for the position of a manager in the Cuban company" PCC work objectives approved at the First National Conference, January 2012, Havana.


  • http: //www.definición.or http: //innovacion.las tunas.cu/vol12No1/4.htm http://www.monografias.com/trabajos65/estrategia-cuadros-reservas/estrategia-cuadros-reservas2.shtml

ANNEXES # 1. Interview to diagnose the current situation of training in the company

Dear colleague:

This interview is part of a diagnosis that is being carried out in your company to assess the training activity. The data you provide will be of great value in order to promote this activity. We assure you that your answers will have a strictly scientific use, so that they seek the greatest sincerity and objectivity in their answers.

Thank you so much

Activity performed: __________________________

Years of work at the center: _________ Age_______

Do you know the company's training plan? _____If not

Do you generally consider that your entity gives priority to the training of workers?

_____ Yes ______ Sometimes ______ Almost never

When forming the company's training plan, you take into account:

__your priority __ the needs of the company ___ the individual needs of each worker

Do you consider that the company's training process is adequate? _____ Yes ____No, according to your answer, argue.

Compliance with the training plan is evaluated. How is it evaluated?

___ Often ___ Sometimes ___ Never

APPENDIX 2. Survey to determine the individual situation of each manager with respect to training in the company.


With the intention of improving the performance of your organization, an investigation is being carried out on the training of managers and their reserves, with the aim of knowing the individual situation of each one of them and what the individual training needs are. Therefore, we need your cooperation, so we ask that you answer the following questions as honestly as possible and also allow us to know your interests and expectations about your training.

In the function or position you currently hold, do you feel capable and professionally prepared to carry out your work? ___If not

Do you know if there is a training plan or program in the entity that allows you to improve it? ___If not

Do the upgrade courses correspond to your individual training and learning needs? ___If not

Do you think that this training program or plan responds to the development needs of the company? ___If not

Do you prioritize your training with respect to the activities or functions you perform?

_____ Yes ___ Often ___ Sometimes ___ Never

Are the results of the performance evaluation taken into account to integrate this training plan or program? ___If not

Does your boss monitor the actions of your training plan?

___ Often ___ Sometimes ___ Never

List, taking into account the priority level, training needs, that you consider most need to raise your readiness.

Which of the following ways do you consider most useful to increase your level of readiness? Order according to your preference (1 to 4).

_____ Attendance to courses _____ Self-preparation

_____ Training _____ Rotation of jobs in the company.

ANNEX # 3. Results obtained from the application of the survey

For the application of this survey, 15 company executives were taken as a sample. And only the possible responses to process were tabulated.

Total of 15 executives Yes % Not % Frequently % Sometimes % Never %
Question 1 10 67
Question 2 9 60 6 40
Question 3 7 47 8 53
Question 4 4 27 6 40 5 33
Question 5 7 49 8 51
Question 6 12 80 3 twenty
Question 7 6 40 9 60
Question 8 The expressed needs are related in the diagnosis, and that the respondents agreed
Question 9 84% of those surveyed consider that among the ways to increase preparation, attendance to courses or training would be more useful or effective, 10% state that self-preparation although they also refer to not having the time required for it, the remaining 6% believe that job rotation would be an option to consider.


Not Action

Participants Date Place Run Responsable
Start Ends
one Diploma for Cadres in Business Management and Direction Director - - Provincial School of the PCC University professors Director
two Strategic Management Course Director and deputy directors 2-6-14 12-7-14 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
3 Course on Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements Deputy Directors of Economy, Accounting and unit administrators 1-9-14 1-10-14 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
4 Quality Management Course Deputy Director of Assurance and unit administrators 5-10-14 10-31-14 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
5 Internal Control Course Executives, cadres, reserves, unit administrators 1-8-14 15-8-14 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
6 Organizational Planning and Management Course Directors, cadres, reserves 17-8-14 31-8-14 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
7 Economic Contracting Seminar Deputy Directors of Insurance and Economy 1-11-14 1-11-14 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
8 Course on organizational and interpersonal communication Executives, cadres, reserves, unit administrators 1-12-14 10-12-14 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
9 Environmental Education Course Executives, cadres, reserves, unit administrators 5-11-14 12-1-15 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
10 Business Improvement Seminar Executives, cadres, reserves, unit administrators 10-1-15 12-1-15 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
eleven Political and ideological preparation workshop Directors, cadres, reserves 12-20-14 12-22-14 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director
12 Basic Computer Course Directors, cadres, reserves 2-2-15 28-2-15 School of Commerce Teachers School of Commerce Director

Delors, J, Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the XXI Century, UNESCO Publishing, 1996. France

Castro, R, R (2011): Central Report presented at the VI Congress of the PCC. Havana. Cuba.

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Training plan for managers in a gastronomy company in cuba