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Study plan 2011 in Mexico. evaluate to learn

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In this document we will summarize one of the pedagogical principles that underpin the 2011 Curriculum. Within this proposal it indicates the principle 1.7 Evaluate to learn, within the framework of the articulation of the reform of basic education.

Assess to learn

The main actor in this process is the teacher since he is in charge of carrying it out, by monitoring the learning of the students, he must create learning spaces and modify when he deems appropriate in his practice so that the learning established in the student is achieved in the Plan and study programs.

The evaluation of learning is a process that allows the teacher to obtain evidence, make judgments and provide feedback on the achievement of student learning. Judgments about the achievement of learning allow all the actors involved in the process to make decisions leading to improvement.

The training approach must prevail in all evaluation processes. This approach suggests obtaining evidence and providing the opportunity for feedback to students, which allows the improvement of their performance and learning. The teacher must support the student so that they can overcome difficulties, since a grade without a proposal for improvement is insufficient to improve student performance.

For the formative approach to be part of a learning process, the teacher must share with the students and their parents what they are expected to learn as well as their evaluation criteria. If there is a shared understanding and ownership of the learning goal, it allows everyone to value the results and turn them into learning inputs, it is necessary that efforts are focused on improving the performance of students and teachers.

At each educational level there are references that allow them to evaluate the expected learning, in preschool in each training field, the competencies are expressed concretely and allows the educator to focus her observation and record in relation to what the children do. As for primary and secondary, each block establishes the expected learning per subject, here the teachers will have evaluation references that allow them to monitor and support the achievements of each student.

Throughout the process the teacher obtains different types of evaluation: diagnostic, formative and summative; which allows them to make decisions related to accreditation.

There is also self-evaluation and co-evaluation among students, which allows them individually and collectively to assess performance and the responsibility that this entails, with the opportunity to share strategies and learn together.

The hetero-evaluation directed and applied by the teacher contributes to the improvement of learning and the improvement of teaching practice.

The plan indicates that when the results are not as expected, the education system must create learning opportunities by designing strategies, tutorials and other educational supports that are adapted to the needs of the students, so it is convenient to review what the agreement 696 indicates to the Regarding the recovery opportunities that students have in this regard, as well as the actions that the teaching community must generate through their school technical councils in which these actions allow students to guide them to improve their academic performance.

The evaluation should be a normative and pedagogical instrument that determines if an early promotion strategy is the best option for the student.

For this, it is necessary to identify strategies and instruments suitable for the level of development and learning of the students.

In the reform process, a new basic education booklet model was implemented in order to have an evaluation and a record of the competence development process, incorporating reading ability standards and approval criteria with conditions.

Study plan 2011 in Mexico. evaluate to learn