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Environmental management and solid waste disposal plan for the municipality of santo domingo norte


The development of open and transparent processes allows the generation of "creative" proposals that enrich government actions in favor of the improvement of its citizens, at the time that the Santo Domingo Norte Municipal Council (SDN), in order to contract the company that is in charge of the collection and final disposal of Residential, Commercial and Municipal Solid Waste, as established below.

That is why the company “Capitales Diversos SA” (CADISA), encouraged by presenting a creative proposal and allowing it to be viable, contributing to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Municipality of Santo Domingo Norte. The bidding conditions establish the development of three technical documents that will serve not only to qualify a technical offer, but also to provide a parameter by which the cleaning train of the city of Santo Domingo Norte will be properly managed, the documents being the following describe:


1) Environmental Management Plan;

2) Citizen Dissemination Plan; and

3) Work Plan.

The set of proposals in the three requested Plans will be the technical guarantee for the development of operational actions, maintenance of the collection and final disposal of solid waste.

The CADISA company, seeking not only to offer to obtain the tender, but also seeking to effectively contribute to solving the problem caused by the collection and final disposal of solid waste at the household, commercial and municipal level, has carried out a series of actions that They seek to provide reliable data, such as the “Public Opinion Survey” (SOP) on the situation of the “cleaning train” developed for the Santo Domingo Norte municipality. In addition to the analysis of citizen participation developed at the level of "Community Associations and Neighborhood Councils" that allows a better understanding of the current situation at a social, economic and environmental level., allowing the bidding team an acceptable frame of reference consistent with the reality of the territory.

The methodology for preparing the "Environmental Management Plan" is conceived as highly participatory and above all NOT only based on secondary information, the capture of primary information, product of situational analysis, analyzed by national and international specialists, expanding the spectrum of environmental proposals, logically framed within the parameters established by the “tender” document delivered by the Santo Domingo Norte City Council (SDN).

2. Objectives of the Environmental Plan

Overall objective

  • Describe the environmental control measures that will be adopted during the duration of the contract (8 years) to prevent, mitigate or eliminate damage to human health or the environment during the collection, transfer, transport and final disposal of solid waste, produced at household, commercial and municipal level within the territory of circumscription 1 and 2 of the Municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, using primary and secondary information that allows implementation according to the territory.

Specific objectives

  • Design the "lines of action" that must be implemented by CADISA to ensure the environmental viability of the "solid waste collection and final disposal system", establishing parameters according to those of measurement to monitor (follow-up) and evaluate with criteria and indicators specific environmental quality of the solid waste handling and transportation process, minimizing the impact on human beings and the environment; Establish basic regulations that ensure the transportation, intermediate and final disposal of solid waste, allowing the Municipal City Council of Santo Domingo Norte, based on the legal framework established by the Lawof Environment and Natural Resources (64-00) and the environmental regulations developed in order to establish procedures that mitigate and correct environmental problems such as: Environmental Standards for Air Quality and Emissions Control; Environmental Standards for Protection Against Noise; Environmental Standards on Water Quality and Discharge Control; and Standard for the Environmental Management of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste. Define solid waste management parameters, establishing contingency measures to prevent road accidents, liquid spills from tablets and solid waste, establishing a "contingency plan" to ensure thehuman and environmental safety, without jeopardizing the quality and quantity of equipment in operation for the collection and final disposal of solid waste; Establish "hygiene and safety" standards for transport, collection, handling and supervision personnel, in order to ensure their health and the quality of their work, under a process that encourages efficiency in their work without putting their quality at risk. life and security of civil society in the Municipality of Santo Domingo Norte.

3. Justification of the Environmental Plan

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), indicated in the "Analytical Report of the Dominican Republic on Municipal Solid Waste Management", which indicates that the solid waste sector presents great difficulties to be improved at the municipal level. The country's municipalities are characterized by not having the technical and financial resources that are required for management. This scenario is aggravated by the increase in the generation and diversification of waste, as well as the lack of implementation of sectoral policies that contemplate management strategies in accordance with the new trends in treatment and recycling, citizen participation and pollution control. Poor waste management is causing serious environmental problems due to the accumulation of contamination in the soil and surface and groundwater. This pollution has a direct impact on the health of the population and the environment.

The same report indicates that the municipalities do not have records and systematized data on the service they perform. Nor has a minimum of studies and work proposals been developed to reactivate and promote the development of the sector so that a financing scenario and development of the system of management methods adequate to the needs of the country can be defined.

Finally, the report indicates on the “Impact of solid waste management services on health and the environment”, that in the Dominican Republic, both household, industrial and institutional waste do not receive adequate treatment for risks and pollution effects they cause. Although in Law 64-00 as well as in the General Health Law (42-01) they establish several articles for the prevention of pollution and environmental protection in matters of hazardous substances and wastes, the competencies and responsibilities have not yet been clearly assigned to handle them properly. Nor are strategies, regulations, or technologies and treatments implemented for the prevention of environmental pollution and the impacts on public health that these types of waste cause.

The health problem is caused by poor waste management as well as the epidemiological risk represented by the accumulation and uncontrolled dumping of waste, resulting from their flammable characteristics (due to their content they can easily favor or cause a fire); proliferation of flies, rodents, bacteria and other disease-causing animals and microorganisms; dispersion of papers, plastics and dust, production of smoke and particulate matter in suspension. Other risks derive from the joint management of industrial and domestic waste, which can cause explosions, toxicity by ingestion, inhalation, among other effects.

In this sense, studies should be carried out to establish these epidemiological variables and determine the risks and direct and indirect costs caused by the current solid waste management at the municipal level. If we review the top 10 causes of morbidity in the general population of the municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, according to the Secretary of State for Public Health and Social Assistance (SESPAS), 28% of the causes are caused by diseases caused by inadequate hygiene.

Based on the information previously provided, a key question arises: Why privatize the solid waste collection and disposal service? There are several points that allow favoring this option, due to the historical relationship that similar services have had an effect on different Latin American countries and in particular the Dominican Republic. The privatization of the service favors the following points:

  1. Efficiency and optimization of financial and logistical resources, in order to meet specific goals, deadlines and procedures; Decongestion of appointed and nominal personnel has been directly in charge of the City Council, with the explicit social, economic, political and administrative complications, which entails the management of personnel; Deconcentration of activities by the city council, allowing the executive framework (Municipal Union and Councilors), administrators and technicians, to strengthen actions of greater social benefit; Future consolidation of a “service charge” strategy through the change of psychosocial perception of the municipalities, towards the effort made by the City Council in the process of solid waste collection, caused by an efficient program of diffusion, awareness and environmental education;Gradual technification of the "collection and disposal system", by setting "evolutionary" guidelines in means of transport, training of personnel, permanence of technical personnel from the contracted private company (CADISA); Thinning of the organizational and operational structure of the City Council, coinciding with global and national administrative trends, causing modernization in the provision of services to municipalities; yRevaluation by citizens of the importance of having an “efficient cleaning and solid waste disposal train”, allowing to consider social guidelines that improve and facilitate the cleaning service.permanence of technical personnel from the contracted private company (CADISA); Thinning of the organizational and operational structure of the City Council, coinciding with global and national administrative trends, causing a modernization in the provision of services to municipalities; yRevaluation by citizens of the importance of having an “efficient cleaning and solid waste disposal train”, allowing to consider social guidelines that improve and facilitate the cleaning service.permanence of technical personnel from the contracted private company (CADISA); Thinning of the organizational and operational structure of the City Council, coinciding with global and national administrative trends, causing a modernization in the provision of services to municipalities; yRevaluation by citizens of the importance of having an “efficient cleaning and solid waste disposal train”, allowing to consider social guidelines that improve and facilitate the cleaning service.yRevaluation by citizens of the importance of having an “efficient cleaning and solid waste disposal train”, allowing to consider social guidelines that improve and facilitate the cleaning service.yRevaluation by citizens of the importance of having an “efficient cleaning and solid waste disposal train”, allowing to consider social guidelines that improve and facilitate the cleaning service.

These, among others, are the basic proposals that will allow the justification of the “privatization” of the “solid waste collection and disposal” service, contributing to make more efficient and above all to provide another option of services to the municipalities of Santo Domingo Norte.

4. Results of the Public Opinion Survey on the solid waste management, collection, transportation and disposal service

CADISA, as a responsible company, concerned that the proposals emanate within a clear and realistic vision of the situation of the territory, decided to carry out as a platform for the “Environmental Management Plan” a “Public Opinion Survey” (SOP) and “ Situation Strategic Analysis ”(AES) , allowing the pragmaticity of the established proposal, not only at the level of this Plan, but also of the other tools requested for the evaluation of the bidding process. The Public Opinion Survey (SOP) was developed from 8 to February 28 of the current year (2007).

The Dominican Republic is in a process of growth and revitalization of some productive sectors. A series of fiscal and monetary reforms have led the current economy towards the development of the tourism, free zones, construction and services sectors, where well-known international industries and commercial companies have been installed. Residents abroad are also part of this reactivation. Likewise, agricultural production, trade and mining still maintain an important participation.

Expenditure on basic social services remains at a low level and according to 2003 data, it corresponded to only 8.7% of total government spending. In this line of expenses correspond the health, family planning, education, drinking water and basic sanitation sectors. By linking this premise to the solid waste sector, it is predictable that, as it happens, the budget allocation to this sector will be insufficient to provide an efficient service, in accordance with the advances and waste management strategies that are currently promoted both at the level of industrialized as well as developing countries.

Until the 1980s, even in the largest cities, a very rudimentary garbage collection service was offered, with collection vehicles without compaction, treatment systems or other more specialized management techniques were not applied. During the 80s and 90s, as the population centers grew, especially the capital of Santo Domingo and the city of Santiago, the difficulties to carry out an efficient collection and final disposal of solid waste increased.

At the beginning of the 21st century, collection containers and equipment have been increased and approved in some areas of the city of Santo Domingo. Likewise, there is evidence of the development of waste management projects with the participation of citizens in various cities of the country. Most of these projects are carried out with financing from international institutions and under the coordination of non-governmental organizations.

4.1 Characteristics of the Description of the investigation

The project seeks to identify psychosocially, the perception of the municipalities of the Santo Domingo Norte neighborhoods, in search of obtaining primary information that guides the adequate formulation of the planning tools, requested by the bidding documents.

The investigation consists of three phases:

Phase 1: structuring phase, in which the sampling model is designed and established.

Phase 2: data collection in the field, in which the field sampling is carried out

Phase 3: information analysis, product of phase 1 and 2.

Research time (with modifications)

20 calendar days divided into:

12 calendar days for field research.

06 calendar days for cabinet analysis and feedback.

04 calendar days for review and approval of the research.


Ph.D. Marvin melgar ceballos

International Specialist of Capitales Diversos SA

Supervision and technical support

Ing. Miguel Genao

Local technician of Capitales Diversos SA

Geographical area of ​​the investigation

The investigation will be carried out in the central area of ​​the Municipality and neighborhoods where the city council collects solid waste.

Research beneficiary population

The population with settlement in the urban, peri-urban area of ​​the Municipality of Santo Domingo Norte.

Figure 2: Moments when an interviewer develops the Public Opinion Survey (SOP) interview slip

Times when an interviewer develops the Public Opinion Survey (SOP) interview slip

4.2 Justification of the investigation

Due to the need to have reliable information that guides the psychosocial perception, the main critical points of solid waste production, the systemic and endogenous schedules for household and commercial disposal of solid waste in main avenues and neighborhoods.

Traditionally, the solution to the garbage problem has been the sole responsibility of the City Council, with little or no support from other sectors of society, however, the effect of garbage falls on everyone who in one way or another lives in the town. If the municipal council manages an adequate management of the garbage problem and we have the support of all the inhabitants of the municipality, the council will be able to more efficiently meet other demands of the population. The research is prepared in order to identify those points that make the garbage problem the main service to which the City Council is dedicated in order to make it more efficient and less expensive.

4.3 Results of the Public Opinion Survey (SOP)

  • Determine the volume of garbage production at the household, neighborhood and community levels per day, week and month; Identify the psychosocial perception of homes and businesses located in the central and peri-urban area, regarding the garbage collection service carried out by the City Council Municipal de Santo Domingo Norte; Establish the critical points at the central and peri-urban area where the accumulation of solid waste has the greatest impact; Know the real costs at the municipal, neighborhood, community and household level of solid waste management per metric ton Identify the proposals for actions to coordinate and implement solid waste management and collection strategies with “Neighborhood Councils” and / or “Grassroots Organizations”;Comprehensively outline the technical proposals for the "Environmental Management Plan" where the conception of the information also allows to put into practice a "Monitoring and Evaluation System", which not only includes environmental criteria and indicators, but also psychosocial ones; Research results and their respective analysis delineate education and environmental awareness actions, establishing social approach strategies, as well as the means of communication to be used to be operationalized, this will allow the development of an appropriate and adjusted "Diffusion Plan" to the prevailing reality in the commercial and neighborhood areas of Santo Domingo Norte.that not only includes environmental criteria and indicators, but also psychosocial ones; Considering the results of the research and its respective analysis, outline the actions of education and environmental awareness, establishing the strategies of social approach, as well as the means of communication to be used to be operationalized This will allow the development of an appropriate "Diffusion Plan" adjusted to the prevailing reality in the commercial and neighborhood areas of Santo Domingo Norte.that not only includes environmental criteria and indicators, but also psychosocial ones; Considering the results of the research and its respective analysis, outline the actions of education and environmental awareness, establishing the strategies of social approach, as well as the means of communication to be used to be operationalized This will allow the development of an appropriate "Diffusion Plan" adjusted to the prevailing reality in the commercial and neighborhood areas of Santo Domingo Norte.This will allow the development of an appropriate "Diffusion Plan" adjusted to the prevailing reality in the commercial and neighborhood areas of Santo Domingo Norte.This will allow the development of an appropriate "Diffusion Plan" adjusted to the prevailing reality in the commercial and neighborhood areas of Santo Domingo Norte.

4.4 Results of the investigation

4.4.1 Geographic area where the SOP was developed

For the development of the Public Opinion Survey (SOP), it was established from the sampling universe, the need to develop information gathering in 8 neighborhoods (priority), the neighborhoods investigated are:

  1. Residencial Máximo Gómez; Los Guricanos neighborhood; Fasaco neighborhood; Buena Vista neighborhood; Colonia los Doctores; Salome Ureña neighborhood; Lots and Services; Sabana Centro.

4.4.2 Statistical characteristics

  • Total households in the Municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, according to the 2002 official Census:

120,000 homes and businesses

  • Total households and businesses sampled:

800 homes and businesses.

  • Sample percentage:


  • Mean standard error of sampling system:


  • Social random sampling error:


  • Percentage of certainty of social and sample sampling:


  • Standard deviation:


  • Percentage of viability of social data:


  • Estimated projection of certainty of social data in time:

8 calendar months from the date of data collection

4.4.3 Information processing

For the data processing, initially the emptying of the ballots in the format of "dynamic tables" developed in the "Excel software" was used, to later process the partial results through the IICA-TEC-STAD statistical system, allowing to define the weightings which are expressed for the present study in "percentage" form, which will allow the reader of this "Environmental Management Plan" to quickly establish the response framework for the type of question asked.

Through the IICA-TEC-STAD software, it allows obtaining psychosocial viability, establishing quantitative weighting parameters that a specialist in psychosocial statistics, when properly analyzing, can establish behavioral trends that are part of the “paradigms or even psychosocial syndromes ”Of a commune, which in this case are the neighborhoods of Santo Domingo Norte, which will facilitate the outlining of clear and practical proposals for this Plan, such as the Plans for Social Dissemination and Work and Use of Equipment.

4.4.4 SOP results for households

The results are presented regarding each of the questions asked in the SOP form for households: (See Annex 1)

1. How often should you take out the garbage from your home?

Percentage results:

  1. 45% every day 30% every day 20% two days a week 05% once a week

Total: 100%

Analysis of results:

  • The trends in the eight neighborhoods evaluated indicate that 75% of households remove solid waste every day or every two days, this tells us that garbage production can equalize the collection capacity, being important to consider for the “ Environmental Management, Dissemination and Work Plan ”, in order to define lines that allow the population to be encouraged to remove their waste in hours and days that are in line with the Cleanliness Train proposal.

2. How many days does the garbage collector pass by your home?

Percentage results:

  1. 53% twice a week 21% once a week 16% inter-daily 10% every day

Total: 100%

Analysis of results:

  • The current cleaning service is only capable of collecting at the household and commercial level in the eight neighborhoods evaluated once or twice a week, which affects the creation of “critical points” on sidewalks or empty lots, and must be considered at the time of silver a "Work Plan" that strengthens the collection more frequently.

3. They coordinate the management and collection of garbage with the neighborhood association:

Percentage results:

  1. 86% do not coordinate with the neighborhood council 14% coordinate with the neighborhood council

Total: 100%

Analysis of results:

  • When evaluating the weighting result, 86% of the ballots as a result of the interviews, establish that there is no coordination between the “solid waste collection system and the neighborhood councils”, a weakness that must be considered when establishing strategies or lines of action to strengthen or guide a program of diffusion and / or environmental awareness.

4. How do you remove the garbage for transportation:

Percentage results:

  1. 69% plastic sleeve; 02% trash can; 15% cardboard box; and 14% plastic bags.

Total: 100%

Analysis of results:

  • It is important to consider the importance of the use of "plastic covers" for household garbage management (partially at a commercial level), so it is advisable to encourage their use, being able to use the platform of the "Juntas de Vecinos" for this., within the Dissemination Plan, while its use contributes significantly to reducing polluting agents, and should be a line of action within the "Environmental Management Plan" to be implemented by CADISA. A large part of the 15% of the use of cardboard boxes is the product of stores that are especially grocery stores and colmadones, as well as small and medium-sized companies located in the neighborhoods where the SOP was carried out.

5. What type of garbage do you mainly produce:

Percentage results:

  1. 11% paper; 06% cardboard; 18% plastics; 35% food waste; and 30% all of the above.

Total 100%

Analysis of results:

  • The volume is important to establish the framework of the system of "boxes" of the compactor trucks, data that is given by the type of "solid waste" produced, in this case 35% of the households (also verified visually by the interviewers) I indicate that the main product is "food waste" and 30% is mixed waste (food, paper, cardboard, plastic, etc.). Providing information to define the necessary volume for the compactor trucks that will travel both avenues and neighborhoods of Santo Domingo Norte.

6. Approximately what weight of garbage you produce daily:

Percentage results:

  1. 56% Less than 10 pounds; 39% Less than 20 pounds; y05% 30 pounds or more.

Total 100%

Analysis of results:

  • Through the interview and verification carried out, it is established that 56% of households produce less than 10 pounds of garbage per day, 39% less than 20 pounds and 5% produce 30 pounds or more, this last item is concentrated in shops and residential groups. By establishing the volume per household, the sectorization of the same will allow to establish the number of compactor trucks necessary to cover the volume in volume and time, also entailing the development of environmental mitigation measures due to the production of garbage in critical points.

7. Number of members living in your household:

Weighted results:

Not. Circumscription / Neighborhood Membership
Circumscription 1
one 5
two 6
3 6
4 6
Circumscription 2
5 5
6 7
7 6
8 6
Average 5.87 approx. 6

Analysis of results:

  • The composition and number of members of a household have a direct impact on the volume and type of solid waste produced by a household, the statistical framework shows that the average established 6 inhabitants per household (5.87), the national reference considers the same average at the national level. The number of inhabitants directly affects the strategic lines and actions to be established in the Environmental Management Plan, Citizen Dissemination and Work.

8. Through the media you find out about events in your community:

Percentage results:

  1. 08% written press; 48% radio; 39% television; 03% meetings; 02% leaflets.

Total 100%

Analysis of results:

  • The two main means of communication, by which the municipalities of the neighborhoods are more informed about local and national events are radio with 49% and television with 38%, the written media are used to a lesser degree, so It should be considered for the dissemination of environmental mitigation measures at the social and family level, as well as for a dissemination program on aspects of management, collection and final disposal of solid waste, as well as the schedule of routes.

9. Receive messages about the type, schedule and days of garbage collection in your home, neighborhood and / or Community:

Percentage results:

  1. 23% Yes; and 77% No.

Total 100%

Analysis of results:

  • Of the 800 ballots made, 77% responded that they do not currently receive any type of garbage collection schedule and days, a weakness that directly affects the behavior of society regarding the removal of solid waste from homes and businesses, although during the interviews several people interviewed indicated that during the current administration, efforts have been made to adequately inform the population about the route and time of travel.

10. Do you know who is responsible for garbage collection in your neighborhood, community, avenue and / or business:

Percentage results:

  1. 98% Yes; 02% No.

Total 100%

Analysis of results:

  • 98% of the population interviewed identifies the "Municipal Council of Santo Domingo Norte" as the only person responsible for garbage collection. Although the existence of private solid waste collection micro-enterprises was identified.

11. You pay for the garbage collection service:

Percentage results:

  1. 28% Yes; 72%

Total: 100%

Analysis of results:

  • As is characteristic of Dominican society, regarding the payment of public services, only 28% of the interviewees make payments to the SDN for the collection of solid waste, when carefully reviewing the ballots, more than 60% correspond to businesses and only one 40% to households, when inquiring directly about the main cause that 72% of the interviewees indicate that they “do not” pay for solid waste collection, give the following answers in order of frequency: 1) it is the responsibility of the City Council; 2) they do not want to pay for the service because of its poor quality; 3) it is simply a tradition not to pay for the service; 4) they do not receive a garbage collection receipt; and 5) they don't know where to go to pay for the service.

12. What time do you usually take the garbage out of your home

Percentage results

  1. 39% 7:00 AM; 09% 8:00 AM; 08% 1:00 PM; 07% 2:00 PM; 19% 5:00 PM; 09% 8:00 PM; 08% any time.

Total: 100%

Analysis of results

  • When evaluating the answers, they show that there is a dispersion on the hours of “taking out the garbage”, although they are concentrated in two schedules, 39% at 7:00 (and before that time) and 19% at 5: 00 PM. The existing dispersion causes the accumulation of solid waste (garbage) in critical points, which causes a greater environmental impact at the visual, atmospheric and edaphic level; The dispersion also indicates a trend towards the accumulation of garbage continuously, especially in the critical points identified by the "Strategic Situation Analysis" (AES), causing the city to remain with an appearance of dirt despite collection efforts, so it is necessary to develop strategic lines within the Environmental Management and Citizen Dissemination Plan, in order to promote the regularization of the removal of Household garbage at specific times, so that the flotilla of the cleaning train during normal and review hours can collect it and significantly improve the visual appearance of the municipality.

13. Who regularly removes garbage from your home:

Percentage results

  1. 51% any of the family, 42% mother, wife, housewife, 04% children, 01% service personnel; y02% husband.

Total 100%

Analysis of results

  • With reference to this question, the most repetitive and logical unit frequency corresponds to the person responsible for taking out the household garbage, which in fact is the mother, wife or housewife with 42%, it is known that 51%corresponding to the fact that there is no direct responsibility over the members of the household, this responsibility always corresponds to the mother, wife or housewife. The definition of the person responsible for taking out the garbage, allows to establish to whom the broadcasting program, the radio, television and written messages should be directed; At the level of the Environmental Management Plan, the way of removing the garbage influences the mitigation of the impact on human health and the environment, therefore it is important to consider the role that women play in the management of household (and also commercial) waste in order to provide knowledge from the beginning of the solid waste transport chain and tools (covers) that allow better handling, to reduce the impact on the home,human health and environment.

14. What type of service would you like to have (explain):

Percentage results

  1. 27% consider that the city council performs an acceptable job in the collection and disposal of solid waste; 31% believe that the measures implemented by the current administration are ineffective in solving the problem of solid waste 21% consider that with the privatization of the service of Solid waste collection and disposal will significantly improve management. 08% spoke out against the privatization of the solid waste collection and disposal service; 09% stated their position on the importance of the participation of neighborhood councils and community associations in the solid waste collection and disposal systems. 04% preferred not to express an opinion.

Analysis of results

  • When evaluating the “open” type responses carried out and after a process of agglutination that allowed the unification of criteria and thus carry out a weighting measurement, it allows to refer that 31% of the population at the time of performing the SOP considered that despite Of the SDN efforts were dissatisfied with the “solid waste collection and management system”, 27% considered that the measures adopted by the new municipal management had allowed an improvement of the system, while 21% considered that privatization of the service could improve it, only 8% spoke out against the privatization of the service; Of note is the 9% that indicated the importance of achieving the participation of neighborhood councils and community associations,point that must be considered in the strategic and operational platform of the Plans to be developed.

5. Conceptual and analysis bases of the Environmental Management Plan

Anthropogenic activities impact natural assets such as fauna, flora, water, air and soil, even within an urban territory such as the Municipality of Santo Domingo Norte. The process aimed at efficiently managing the existing natural resources in a certain territory, seeking to improve the quality of life of the population, with a sustainable development approach is called environmental management and in the case of this "Environmental Management Plan", the framework that will circumscribe the offer presented will be under the approach of “environmental management”. Environmental management is made up of a series of actions and programs that municipal authorities must design taking into account all the elements that may impact the environment in their locality:

  • Comprehensive water management Comprehensive air management Comprehensive waste management Comprehensive management of wild flora and fauna Comprehensive management of biodiversity and protected areas

The integral management of municipal solid waste (GIRSM) has to be considered as an integral part of Environmental Management. It can be defined as the discipline associated with the control of the integral management of “Municipal Solid Waste” (MSW) (reduction at the source, rejection, recycling, sweeping, storage, collection, transfer, treatment and final disposal) in a way that harmonizes with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics and other environmental considerations, responding to public expectations.

Within its scope, GIRSM includes all administrative, financial, legal, planning and engineering functions involved in solving all solid waste problems (figure 3). Solutions may involve complex interdisciplinary relationships between fields such as political science, urban planning, regional planning, geography, economics, public health, sociology, demography, communications and conservation, as well as engineering and science. of the materials.

The problems associated with GIRSM in today's society are complex, due to the amount and diverse nature of waste, the development of concentrated and dispersed urban and peri-urban areas, the limitations of funds for public services, the impacts of technology and the emerging constraints on energy and raw materials.

Consequently, the GIRSM must be carried out in an efficient and orderly manner, identify the relationships and the fundamental aspects involved, obtain information with uniform data to support the design of both federal and state and municipal GIRSM programs, in order to achieve the optimization of resources, staff training, restructuring of operational and administrative methods and procedures, environmental education to achieve the committed participation of the population and the establishment of mechanisms to give continuity to projects and programs through administrative changes.

Elements of Municipal Solid Waste Management

Source: Melgar, M. 2006

An efficient management of "Municipal Solid Waste"(RSM) has to be based on deep and transparent planning, which is summarized in a GIRSM Program or Plan. Previously, a diagnosis must be made to have the necessary information. The sum of the results of the diagnosis and the political objectives in the sector, allows a planning that defines the priorities, operational and monitoring actions. During the implementation of the planned measures, the interrelationships in the sector and other environmental aspects, which can generate changes and adjustments in the planning process, should be considered. GIRSM requires a continuous process of planning, operation, monitoring and adaptation of planning. It is important to be clear,that to start the process it is not necessary to have all the desired information and that later during the implementation it will be possible to detail it. The following sections and chapters analyze the different aspects of GIRSM, beginning with management and its elements. This Environmental Management Plan focuses on the management of the GIRSM, initially establishing parameters that allow the CADISA company to create a platform that ensures the quality of work, but without detriment to human health and the environment of Circumscription 1 and 2 of Santo Domingo Norte.initially establishing parameters that allow the CADISA company to create a platform that ensures the quality of work, but without prejudice to human health and the environment of Circumscription 1 and 2 of Santo Domingo Norte.initially establishing parameters that allow the CADISA company to create a platform that ensures the quality of work, but without prejudice to human health and the environment of Circumscription 1 and 2 of Santo Domingo Norte.

5 .1 Comprehensive management of municipal solid waste, the management hierarchy as a traditional scheme

The traditional approach to solid waste management has significantly influenced their decisions and strategies at the local, national and international levels during the last 25 years, and is commonly known as the solid waste management hierarchy (figure 4), the which establishes priority in the waste management options through an order of preference that starts from the reduction at the source, reuse, recycling, treatment and disposal in controlled sanitary sites as the last option

Figure 4: Hierarchy of MSW Management

MSW Management Hierarchy (Solid Material Waste)

4.2 Comprehensive management of MSW

The integral and sustainable management of MSW combines waste streams, collection methods, separation systems, valuation and use of which derive environmental and economic benefits that result in social acceptance with a versatile and practical methodology that can be applied to any region. This can be achieved by combining management options that include treatments that involve reuse, recycling, composting, biogasification, mechanical-biological treatment, pyrolysis, incineration with energy recovery, as well as final disposal in sanitary landfills (figure 5). The key point is not how many management options are used, or if they are all applied at the same time, but that they are part of a strategy that responds to local or regional needs and contexts,as well as the basic principles of environmental policies on the matter. For example, if a system is established in one municipality that incorporates recycling, incineration with energy recovery, and landfill, this system may be very different from the one prevailing in another municipality where recycling, compost and landfill are included.

Figure 5: Comprehensive and Sustainable Management of Solid Waste

Comprehensive and Sustainable Management of Solid Waste

The foregoing is valid, as long as the main objective is achieved: the protection of the environment and human health, a conceptual part of the bidding rules for the collection and final disposal system of solid waste in Santo Domingo Norte. Minimization is the main objective of any solid waste strategy, which must be able to find the measures that avoid the generation of waste, as well as the most appropriate economic and environmental means to separate and take advantage of the components that have value and reduce waste. waste that is sent to other forms of additional treatment or to the landfill. The model described in figure 5 proposes a menu of management possibilities, does not try to predict which is the best and emphasizes the interrelation of the parts of the system, that is,that changes made to one element affect the operation of another, for example, if by-products are classified and collected separately to channel them to recycling, the volume to be disposed of in a sanitary landfill will be less. Comparing then the traditional MSW management scheme with the approach of a comprehensive waste management, the hierarchy should be seen more as a menu of possible waste treatment options than as a rigid scheme, therefore its interpretation should be flexible and adjusted. to local realities, considering in turn various elements such as those mentioned below:the volume to be disposed of in a sanitary landfill will be less. Comparing then the traditional MSW management scheme with the approach of a comprehensive waste management, the hierarchy should be seen more as a menu of possible waste treatment options than as a rigid scheme, therefore its interpretation should be flexible and adjusted. to local realities, considering in turn various elements such as those mentioned below:the volume to be disposed of in a sanitary landfill will be less. Comparing then the traditional MSW management scheme with the approach of a comprehensive waste management, the hierarchy should be seen more as a menu of possible waste treatment options than as a rigid scheme, therefore its interpretation should be flexible and adjusted. to local realities, considering in turn various elements such as those mentioned below:

  • The selection of the combination of waste management options and the priorities that should be assigned to them, requires being based on diagnoses that allow knowing the situations that prevail in each locality with respect to the type and volumes of waste that are generated, the available infrastructure or accessible for its management and the markets of secondary materials, among others. The economic feasibility of the different management modalities.

Comprehensive management, in the strict sense, provides the technical elements that, added to non-technical components, allows a GIRSM, which is made up of the following elements:

  • Refused Separation at the source of generation Sweeping Storage Collection Transfer and transport Treatment (recycling, composting, incineration, mechanical-biological treatment and pyrolysis) Final disposal

Minimization or reduction at the source actually precedes effective waste management and is not part of it, as it will affect the volume generated and, to a certain extent, the nature of the waste, but there will still be waste that will be generated. and will require GIRSM systems. Therefore, in addition to minimization or reduction at the source, an effective system is necessary to manage the remaining waste. It is important that for the "Collection and Disposal System" to be implemented by CADISA for the SDN, it is contemplated not only environmentally but also within the Citizen Dissemination Plan lines of action that allow to establish parameters of waste management at the household level and commercial.

5.3 Diagnosis of MSW management

In order to implement the GIRSM in the Municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, it will be necessary to have comprehensive, reliable and updated information that allows knowing the alternatives and options available to reduce the impact on the environment generated by the MSW. Frequently there is no information available in the desired quantity and quality, which is why it must be defined which one can be obtained under local conditions and in other cases the information must be adapted, which is why the implementation of the new system should be considered a process, whose impact will be observed by the SDN and the inhabitants of the municipality gradually but with achievements set in goals.Elaborating a diagnosis of the GIRSM situation allows knowing and defining the problems related from generation to final disposal of MSW and supports a correct planning of actions between the sectors and actors involved in the management of this type of waste. "Diagnosis",It will be prepared by CADISA in the first 90 working days after the contract is signed, with the aim of maintaining the social and environmental technical proposals contained in this Environmental Management Plan, as well as in the Citizen Diffusion Plan.

6.5 Generation and composition of MSW

The generation and composition of MSW of domestic origin varies according to the modification of the population's consumption patterns and essentially depends on the following factors:

  • The standard of living of the target population, Local festivals (Carnival, Easter, Patron Saint Festivities, Christmas, New Year's Eve, etc.) The season of the year, The day of the week, The customs of the inhabitants; yThe area where you live (main avenues and / or neighborhoods)

In accordance with the above, the increase in the population's standard of living causes an increase in the generation of packaging waste, plastic, paper and cardboard. Regarding the seasons of the year, in the summer more fruit and vegetable waste is produced, while in the winter a large amount of organic waste derived from celebrations, liquor bottles, cans, wrapping and household packaging is discarded.

The generation of MSW of a population is measured in pounds (lb) per inhabitant per day (generation per capita) and is obtained from the information obtained from a random sampling in the field, in each of the socioeconomic sectors of the population. To be efficient, three measurements must be taken for its destination and in each one consider the weight and volume (as this demands greater handling). Many times, the information obtained through field studies in one community can be used in another, but first it is necessary to verify some coincidences between both places, such as:

  • Consumption habits Degree of urban consolidation (population density, paving of public roads, among others) Non-domestic activities at home (raising animals or home gardens).

In the case of Santo Domingo Norte, through the interview and verification carried out, it is established that 56% of households produce less than 10 pounds of garbage a day, 39% less than 20 pounds and 5% produce 30 pounds or more. this last item concentrating on businesses and residential groups. By establishing the volume per household, the sectorization of the same will allow to establish the number of compactor trucks necessary to cover the volume in volume and time, also entailing the development of environmental mitigation measures due to the production of garbage in critical points. This data coincides with the information provided by the "Pan American Health Organization" which indicates that in a municipality the size of Santo Domingo Norte, an average household produces between 3 to 7 pounds of solid waste per day.(CADISA, SOP, 2007)

In fact, the studies to determine the generation of waste are mainly focused on household waste, such is the case of the Public Opinion Survey (SOP), developed by CADISA, for this tender. This is due to the fact that non-domestic generating sources present a gap in terms of their classification and the applicable procedures to obtain representative parameters or indices. It is necessary to increase the studies of non-domestic sources to confront their management with greater security.

These studies can be carried out by applying the same procedure described for domestic solid waste, but as long as the sample size can be reliably determined. The turns or activities to be sampled in the locality must also be defined. For example, the first step to analyze a generation study in commercial sources consists of investigating, in the various agencies in charge of its coordination, the total number of formal and informal commercial establishments and union members established or on public roads. In turn, the establishments are classified according to the type of waste they generate and the diversity of businesses in terms of their size. Subsequently, establishing the universe of work, a preliminary sampling is carried out,which will yield statistical values ​​that allow determining the sample size and defining the parameters that are required to be known.

For example, in SOP, which was a “Quick Diagnosis” of the Solid Waste situation of the Municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, it was possible to determine that in the 8 (eight) neighborhoods interviewed, the composition of solid waste was as follows:

  1. 11% paper; 06% cardboard; 18% plastics; 35% food waste; and 30% all of the above.

Total 100

But in reality a diagnosis must consider all the elements to establish a GIRSM system: general data of the locality, generation and composition, integral management, administration, finances and planning. Time that the bidding process does not allow to ensure quality information for the development of an "Environmental Management Plan" that dictates all the necessary characteristics to guarantee the social, economic and environmental viability that the SDN demands and requires. The Environmental Management Plan, therefore, will establish generic standards, based on the requirements of the bidding base, but at the time of awarding the bidding base,There will be a commitment on the part of CADISA to prepare a proposal for “Procedures Manuals” that ensure the social and environmental viability of the solid waste collection and final disposal system.

5. 5 Basic proposal for the design of the Collection and Final Disposal System, within the framework of the Environmental Management Plan

CADISA's "Environmental Management Plan" proposal considers in each of the guidelines of the Comprehensive Municipal Solid Waste Management, an adequate processing of the systems and subsystems necessary for the collection and intermediate and final disposal of household solid waste., commercial and municipal.

5.5.1 Collection of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

The purpose of the collection is to withdraw the MSW from the generating source (home, shops, offices, markets, traces, and those stipulated in the bidding and contract basis, etc.), in order to deposit them at the Duquesa Landfill and elsewhere. product of optimization of resources and time concentrating them in a point "the transfer landfill", otherwise taking them directly to the final disposal site. When carrying out a collection system it is important to consider whether to establish a separate collection system and define the classification of by-products. Design of the collection system

One of the first decisions that must be taken into account when designing the collection system based on environmental standards, is the method used to collect the waste. This is an important decision because it affects the other variables including the type of storage container, size of the crew, and the selection of collection vehicles. Among the most common methods for collecting MSW are:

  • Fixed stop: it consists of collecting waste at street corners, users come to deliver their waste. Sidewalk: it consists in that simultaneously as the truck travels along its route, the "laborers" of the crew collect the waste, previously placed by residents in front of their houses Containers: consists of installing tanks for users to dump their waste that will later be collected. Care should be taken in supervising the deposit and collection of waste, since sometimes these containers become garbage cans because the bags are left outside the container and they are easily dispersed.

Another important factor to consider is the collection frequency, which, like the method, affects the overall costs of the system. Increasing the productivity of collection personnel can significantly reduce overall costs, because the cost of collection constitutes between 70% and 85% of the total cost of solid waste management and, in turn, the cost of labor represents 60% to 75% of the cost of the collection. The need to prepare a "Municipal Cleaning Manual" in the first 90 days is evaluated, as it is owned by the "National District City Council" (ADN). The SDN municipal cleaning manual must establish a special collection scheme for waste that is rejected by ordinary collection services.The collection route establishes the specific routes that transports must take in order to collect efficiently. A bad design of the collection routes causes serious damage to the designed system, among which the following can be mentioned:

  • Poor operation and functioning of the equipment Staff inefficiency Reduction of cleaning service coverage Proliferation of clandestine dumps

At an environmental level, an inadequate system would create “chaos” with the critical points identified in each one of the “districts”, due to the oversaturation of the disposition of homes and businesses, undermining the image of the municipality and polluting visually, edaphically and atmospherically. That is why an appropriate and coherent design with the reality of the municipality will not only facilitate the collection process, but will also contribute to human health and the environment, specifying the need to adhere to the "Collection System" to the legislation and regulations. established by the "Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources".

For the social and environmental design of the CADISA collection routes, it will use:

  • The routes must consider sections that are within the same area of ​​the city or locality under study (they must not be fragmented or overlap).The beginning of a route must be near the place of confinement of the collection vehicles and the end near the site of final disposal of solid waste. In places with steep slopes or high slopes, try to travel from the top to the bottom. Collect both sides of the street simultaneously (not recommended in very wide avenues or with a lot of traffic). Respect the direction of movement and prohibit certain turns Mark on the floor of the areas for collection, notifying the population of this Avoid left turns and U-turns, because they waste time, are dangerous and they impede traffic.Streets with a lot of traffic should be traveled during the hours of less vehicular flow. When there are vehicles parked on the streets or avenues, efforts should be made to collect at times when the street is clearer, coordinating with the authorities in charge of traffic and public roads. In the very short or dead-end streets, it is preferable that the collecting transports do not enter them, but that they are located on the corner and that the staff go to look for the containers, or where appropriate the population deposit their waste in the corner more close to the road. When picking is done first on one side of the road and then on the other, it is generally better to have routes with many right turns around the blocks.It is necessary to recognize very well the characteristics of the locality so that the collection trucks do not cause many problems and carry out the service in an efficient way.

To design the routes within the framework of the collection system, it is advisable to divide it into operational sectors, a point that will be used to establish the “Monitoring and Evaluation Plan”, determine the number of vehicles needed and assign an area of ​​the sector to each collection vehicle. For this, it will be necessary to carry out a project with the theoretical calculation of the needs or areas assigned to each vehicle and later make the necessary adjustments in the work area, to balance and level the loads between the different crews during the week. (See proposed Work Plan and Routes, Document No. 3)

It is recommended that each of these operational sectors have the required collection vehicles, offices and equipment storage depot, seeking to be an autonomous administrative section with preventive maintenance and cleaning services.

The Route Plan to be designed jointly with the Santo Domingo Norte City Council (SDN), will contain at least:

  • Plans containing the urbanization, paved areas and topography Width and type of streets Collection equipment Collection method to be used Collection frequency Types of disposal and / or treatments Single-family dwelling areas, socioeconomic level, number of houses, supermarkets, shopping centers, cinemas, hospitals and restaurants, among others. Unit generation of the above elements. Collection vehicles

Waste collection equipment is variable, ranging from compactor trucks, trucks with divisions for separate collection, to manual carts. When replacing the vehicle fleet, it is important to consider that vehicle spare parts are available in the area, in the North direction , it is better to use or adapt a vehicle that already exists in the locality, before introducing a new type of vehicle.

Given the pattern previously considered, CADISA has decided to choose the “Compactor Truck” of 18 and 05 metric tons, because they are adapted to the characteristics of the territory of Santo Domingo Norte, both for the collection of solid waste in avenues and neighborhoods. with narrow streets and logically the so-called “critical points”.

Regarding the collection and primary transport equipment, it is suggested, whenever feasible (due to the physical and population characteristics of the locality), vehicles with large capacity bodies are used, equipped with compactors to reduce collection costs.

However, it must be well established that the use of specialized vehicles for the collection of solid waste is not always adequate, since not in all cases the urban layout provides the access facilities, penetration, maneuverability and slope required for the use and maximum use of such vehicles. In many cases, the use of units considered "unconventional" can give better results in terms of cost, performance and efficiency than those obtained with the use of specialized collecting units. Such units can range from a cart moved by human effort or animal traction, to a dump-type vehicle.

When evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each of the means used for the collection of solid waste, CADISA has also considered the "ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT" that each of them can cause, in order to establish mitigation measures that reduce the emission of gases, the filtration of liquids product of the garbage, increase of infestations of insects and rodents and the bad visual contrast, for it using the model of the "Pan American Health Organization" (PAHO), table 4 was used, with In order to explore the advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of collection vehicle, in order to technically, socially and environmentally protect the proposed use for the collection of garbage from compactor trucks to be used by CADISA, this table is presents below:

Table 1: Selection matrix used by Capitales Diversos SA for the selection of the means of transport and collection of municipal solid waste

Landfills for pack animals
  • Allow access to areas with difficult topography

    Adequate collection speed Ease of equipment control

  • Cost of feeding the animals is load Limited range of action (<2 km on average)
Powered solely by human effort
  • Adequate collection speed Access to narrow streets
  • Difficult to control Occupational accidents due to overexertion Limited range of action (<2 km on average)
Dump type vehicle
  • Low cost in relation to technical vehicles Faster unloading than when you have fixed boxes
  • Very high load height RSM arrangement in body is manual More crew required Increasing body volume up may raise center of gravity above specification.
Vehicle without side or rear loading compaction mechanisms
  • Low investment cost in relation to specialized vehicles reduced economic labor requirements for maintenance
  • Decrease in the tonnage of garbage that can be transported (the volumetric weight reached inside the body hardly exceeds 350 kg / m 2).- It is not advisable to adapt them for loading and unloading of containers.
Vehicle without side or rear loading compaction mechanisms
  • Low investment cost in relation to specialized vehicles reduced economic labor requirements for maintenance
  • Decrease in the tonnage of garbage that can be transported (the volumetric weight reached inside the body hardly exceeds 350 kg / m 2).- It is not advisable to adapt them for loading and unloading of containers.
Rear loader compactors
  • Loading height is low Operators do not have access to trash to "pick up" once the load compactor mechanism comes into operation Can service small containers on its collection route
  • High investment cost compared to vehicles without compactors Higher maintenance cost.
Side loader compactor vehicles
  • Simple compaction mechanism A mechanism can be adapted for loading and unloading of containers
  • The loading height forces an employee to travel inside the box to receive the rubbish High investment cost compared to vehicles without compactors Higher mechanism cost
Vehicle for the collection of highly specialized containers
  • High collection efficiency Handles containers two to five times larger than other vehicles Can serve hard-to-reach areas and / or areas with high waste generation
  • Can exclusively handle the use of containers Very high investment cost Very high maintenance cost

Source: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) / ​​2005. Proposal of environmental mitigation measures at critical points

It is known that both the current municipal administration and the previous one have made operational and dissemination efforts, in order to mitigate or eliminate the critical points identified and described above, within the approach of "Environmental Management" that this Environmental Management Plan proposes, a large part of the mitigation efforts will focus on the adequate recovery of what today we call critical points. For this, the main lines of action identified by the Strategic Situation Analysis (AES), proposals to be implemented are:

  1. Within the framework of the "Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation Plan", carry out systemic evaluations (monthly and / or monthly) on the evolution of the critical points, considering the variables evaluated within the framework of the Strategic Situation Analysis (AES): ab type of arrangement; c. type of packaging; d. solid waste classification; and e. origin of solid waste; Establish a plan for placing containers at critical points (see model in figure 9), coupled with a process of dissemination and awareness of households and businesses that use the disposal point for the use of the same, as well as the use of plastic covers to facilitate the process of emptying them; Carry out together with the SDN a process of visual recovery of the physical spaces used for the disposal of “solid waste”, under a “psychosocial approach " Of " aesthetic management for attitude change "Since a place that looks like a garbage dump will be used as a garbage dump, while a place that presents a suitable aesthetic, the municipalities will think twice about depositing their waste; In coordination with the SDN, make "warning signs" on disposal standards solid waste at critical points or outside the containers placed for this purpose; yMake periodic inspections in order to determine the existence of insect and / or rodent infestations in order to establish an eradication program.

Figure 6: Model of containers to be used at critical points

characteristics 660 Liters

Ref: ALPO660

800 Liters

Ref.: ALPO800

1,000 Liters

Ref.: ALPO1000

1,100 Lists

Ref.: ALPO1100

Height 1,180mm 1,345mm 1,307mm 1,460mm
Width 1,250mm 1,250mm 1,208mm 1,370mm
Background 750mm 750mm 1,080mm 1,075mm
Weight 46 Kg 50 Kg 57 Kg 68 Kg



Dark gray


Ultramarine Blue

Siena Brown

Garnet red

English Green


Dark gray


Ultramarine Blue

Siena Brown

Garnet red

English Green


Dark gray


Ultramarine Blue

Siena Brown

Garnet red

English Green


Dark gray


Ultramarine Blue

Siena Brown

Garnet red

English Green

materials *

Injected Polyethylene


Electro / zinc plated steel


Rubber wheels


Injected Polyethylene


Electro / zinc plated steel


Rubber wheels


Injected Polyethylene


Electro / zinc plated steel


Rubber wheels


Injected Polyethylene


Electro / zinc plated steel


Rubber wheels

6. Environmental considerations and standards

For the establishment of environmental considerations and norms, it is necessary to consider the “legal framework” of the Dominican Republic, because they are the ones that establish or dictate the mitigation, recovery and environmental correction measures for the “collection and final disposal system. ”Of solid waste produced at household, commercial and municipal level. The environmental parameters to be considered at the legal level are listed in the following points:

Compendió of Legislation on Solid Waste in the Dominican Republic

  • Police Law (Law 4984 of 1911). Aimed at safeguarding the safety of citizens, in articles 29, 43 and 33, it establishes regulations to prohibit the placement of construction materials on the streets that obstruct public roads; burn garbage within towns; shaking objects that contain dust in the streets; remove from hospitals and similar establishments, clothing, food or objects that may cause contagion or infect the air; dumping garbage, corrupted water, must or impudity within the towns; and not keeping the front of their houses clean; Law on Urbanization, Public Ornament and constructions (Law 675 of 1944 and modifications). In Chapter III on Public Security Measures,Articles 32 and 35 establish prohibitions for the placement of construction materials and rubble on public roads outside of working hours; and fix, cross or hold signs, posts, cables, wires or other electrical or mechanical devices, as well as proceed to prune trees that may obstruct public roads without permission from the authorization of the corresponding authorities; Law on the Legal Regime of Vehicle Traffic (Law 241 of 1968). Article 130 prohibits placing, depositing, dumping or ordering to be placed in public roads or annexed areas, garbage cans, bottles, papers, ashes, remains of dead animals, branches or trunks or any similar matter that may be offensive to health or public safety.It also prohibits the placement of construction materials unless it is for short periods and with the authorization of the municipal authorities, as well as removing broken glass or portions of grease or oil that remain in the cube roads when removing a vehicle that is damaged. The article establishes fines from RD $ 00 to RD $ 25.00 for violators of the Northern article; Mining Law of the Dominican Republic (146 of 1971). Title VIII, on the Protection of the Environment and the Use of Water (Art. 133-138), establishes the provisions for the dumping of waste from the exploitation, either to bodies of water, air or soil. The waste must be devoid of any substance that could harm animal or plant life; Law 218 of 1984 "that prohibits the introduction into the country by any route of human or animal excrement,household or municipal waste and its derivatives, sewage sludge or sludge treated or not, as well as toxic waste from industrial processes that can infect, contaminate and / or degrade the environment and endanger the life and health of the inhabitants (…) ”; Law 83 of 1989 that prohibits the placement of construction waste, debris and waste on streets, sidewalks, avenues, roads and green areas, vacant lots, squares and public gardens within the urban and suburban areas of the Republic; Penal Code of 1867 (with its modifications to 1997). It establishes in Chapter II on Contraventions and Penalties, Art. 471, fines of RD $ 00 to “those who neglect the cleaning of streets or places of transit, in the municipalities where this care is left to the responsibility of the inhabitants; those who block the public thoroughfare,depositing or leaving in it, without necessity, materials or any other things that impede the freedom of transit, or diminish its security; those that violate the safety rules regarding the deposit of materials in streets or squares, and the opening of wells and excavations; those who throw stones, filth, or other thrown objects, on other people's houses, buildings or fences; those who violate police rules by making foul and unhealthy objects, or throwing them into the streets; those who throw rubble in public places, contravening police regulations, and pile it up in destroyed houses ”;those that violate the safety rules regarding the deposit of materials in streets or squares, and the opening of wells and excavations; those who throw stones, filth, or other thrown objects, on other people's houses, buildings or fences; those who violate police rules by making foul and unhealthy objects, or throwing them into the streets; those who throw rubble in public places, contravening police regulations, and pile it up in destroyed houses ”;those that violate the safety rules regarding the deposit of materials in streets or squares, and the opening of wells and excavations; those who throw stones, filth, or other thrown objects, on other people's houses, buildings or fences; those who violate police rules by making foul and unhealthy objects, or throwing them into the streets; those who throw rubble in public places, contravening police regulations, and pile it up in destroyed houses ”;those who throw rubble in public places, contravening police regulations, and pile it up in destroyed houses ”;those who throw rubble in public places, contravening police regulations, and pile it up in destroyed houses ”;

Other regulations have arisen from the enactment of laws, such as the regulation of Law311 on pesticides and toxic substances and standard 436 (NORDOM 436) that creates standards for industrial discharges to bodies of water.

  • At the end of 1999, Law 120-99 was promulgated, which establishes penalties for those who dump garbage in inappropriate places. It establishes the legal procedure to apply fines through municipal courts. Said Law does not become relevant due to the enactment of environmental legislation in 2000; As of the year 2000, two laws and a regulation were enacted that deal directly, in several of its articles or in their entirety, aspects related to the solid waste management, these are:
    • Law 64-00 General Law of Environment and Natural Resources; Law 42-01 General Health Law.

Extract of Articles on Solid Waste of the General Law of Environment and Natural Resources (64-00)

Laws Views

Law No. 218 of May 28, 1984, which prohibits the introduction into the country, by any means of human or animal excreta, household or municipal garbage and its derivatives, sewage sludge, treated or not, as well as toxic waste from the industrial process.

Law No. 83-89, of October 12, 1989, which prohibits the placement of construction waste, rubble and waste, in streets, sidewalks, avenues, highways, and green areas, vacant lots, beaches and public gardens within the urban and suburban areas of the country;

Law No. 247 of 1998, through which the International Convention for the Prevention of Disposal of Waste by Ships (MARPOL 73/78) is ratified;

Articles and Numerals

15) Stimulate industrial reconversion processes, linked to the implementation of clean technologies and the performance of decontamination, recycling and waste reuse activities;

9) Mining projects, including those for oil and peat; exploration or prospecting, removal of the topsoil and the earth's crust, exploitations, construction and operation of wells, tail dams, processing plants, refineries and waste disposal;

Art. 69. The State will promote investments for the recycling of domestic and commercial waste, for its industrialization, for its reuse, in accordance with the technical and sanitary procedures approved by the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources.

Of the Protection and Quality of the Environment

General Norms

3) It will issue standards and parameters for the discharge of liquid and solid waste, emissions into the atmosphere, noise and visual pollution;

Art. 80. All processes, machinery and equipment, supplies, products and wastes, whose manufacture, import, export, use or handling may deteriorate will be subject to regulations and controls by the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources. the environment, natural resources or affect human health;

Art. 82. The dumping of polluting substances or wastes in soils, rivers, lakes, lagoons, streams, reservoirs, the sea and any other body or water course is prohibited;

Paragraph. The Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources, in consultation with the Secretary of State for Public Health and Social Assistance and any other official agency involved, will issue and apply guidelines for the disposal, storage or final deposit of toxic and dangerous wastes. To do this, it will issue a list of them, which will be updated in accordance with scientific knowledge, available information and international agreements on the matter ratified by the Dominican State.

From soil contamination

Paragraph. Any person who handles hazardous waste must be instructed in the knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological properties of these substances and the risks they imply.

Environmental management and solid waste disposal plan for the municipality of santo domingo norte